1 million Needed, In The Resolution Revolution, Resistance Movement
Central Control is impossible in a universe generating continuous resolutions, of infinite mutational possib8ilities
Hello Fellow Awareness Hounds
Resolving Reality, Consciousness and Bio-Computer Mechanics
Influencing reality in an electromagnetic environment, is consciousness, initiating a purely mechanical function. Consciousness acting through us in this environment means learning our body module, in which our senses, thoughts, energetic transmissions, receptions, brain functions, feelings, and motivations are expressed. Our individual consciousnesses, activate unique possibilities, in life, generated by our uniquely coded expression of consciousness in the electromagnetic, computer-coded universe.
The electromagnetic nature of our biology and our environment is essential knowledge. It lays the groundwork of our true reality as conscious iterations of greater Being, operating in an infinitely, mathematically programable environment. Everything in the universe, including ourselves, can and is in one form or another being electronically programmed, monitored, and influenced, through augmentation of electromagnetic frequencies in our environment and our bodies.
Control Theory
Powerful vested interests, who wish to control humanity and the environment, are developing powerful, permission-driven human, electromagnetically engineered, environmental programming systems. We give assent to the use of our bio, and other data, to feed into these systems allowing powerful vested interests to harvest our data for targeted individual and group control, and programming. The way this all works is outlined in a stunning data-harvesting video uniquely titled
IHMISKUNNAN LOPPU - Maailmanlaajuisten johtajien suunnitelmien mukaisesti
The video goes into detail on how we and our environment are naturally able to be electromagnetically manipulated and programmed, once you know how. A lot of the early stages of this technology will require implants. Here are just a couple of important points raised in this report, using screenshots from the video.
The WEF is serious about coordinating the economic, political, and technological power of the world to realize an AI-augmented, managed, and patentable future for the world. Monitoring your dreams, thoughts, and experiences is openly discussed, as an investment horizon in Forbes Magazine, by a WEF author.
Mind control, currently in operational use at various stages of development is not a conspiracy theory. It is patented technology, being publicly developed, and the subject of articles written by elites with memberships in the WEF, UN, and other institutions.
We are being monitored for many reasons, mostly allowed by us, under the guise of security and the power given to agencies, instituted by elected officials. Anything you do on a computer can be surveilled in some manner or soon will be. All our computer activity, smartphone use, camera monitored, public space activity, and business activity, form a digital ID that can itself be manipulated by powerful interests. It can be used to find you in a crowd for instance.
Or our digital ID, can be creatively assembled, to fabricate a digital fraud against us. The technocrats use our data to coordinate human interests and behavior to be managed as a global society, according to the agenda outlined in the video screenshot compilation graphic below.
I blew this WEF agenda graphic up really big, so you can see the significant details they want our data, to consolidate into a manageable system of environmental and human activity control. The small print reveals system will manage such things as trade and investment, emerging market multinationals, future of the environment, future of computing, future of media, entertainment, and sport, global risks, geo-economics, peace and resilience, oil and gas, infrastructure, etc. It’s a little blurry but you can see them on the graphic. All of this management is made possible by our connection smart environment, for our data and updating of experience.
Dependent On Our Data
The debt-funded, AI-managed system of attempted control appears to be obsolete, and outdated at conception, as a reliable human destiny control device, system, or process. By the time an AI system gets your data, it is old news in the universe. We are a coded iteration of an infinite possibility continuum. Multitask uploading and downloading data, hundreds of thousands and millions of times a second at the speed of light, and at the speed of thought, transmitted through our electromagnetic universe and our electromagnetic bodies. That data connection from our interaction with the universe is what creates the data, harvested for AI to then attempt to consolidate into a system of control.
I blew this graphic up big to make it the same size as the AI, human management graphic above. You can see I put the AI-managed system priorities chart down in the lower left-hand corner of the graphic where they belong. as a work in progress.
I don’t think my big graphic is going to win any little awards any time soon. It is an attempt to graphically shout louder than the limited narrative contained in their big graphic with the fine print.
In a sense, where this video ends in the discussion, is where we need a video produced to begin our discussion. We can't run away from tech, we first need somewhere to go with it. This technology exists because people want it. People desire mastery over their physical environment. Robotic tasks are boring, but should they be centrally controlled to be practical or effective?
The people see this technology but do not understand it. They believe they need a degree in a subject they're not interested in, to be qualified to decide how it should or can be used. Another point then is, that when someone who is promoted by official media as qualified like Yuval, says something is so, people believe it is so. Even if it rubs them the wrong way, Yuval Noah Harari tells us we will not be useless if we will be transformed. He leads us to believe our personal data, shared among us, and then centrally managed, will allow us to augment ourselves and control our environment collectively in ways that will make us eternally useful and immortal compared to where we are now. It is a big concept of a materialistic vision. But, it is a vision nonetheless. What is our vision?
Yuval Noah Harari wants to centrally manage things like trade and investment, emerging market multinationals, the future of the environment, the future of computing, the future of media, entertainment, and sport, global risks, geo-economics, peace, and resilience. Let that sink in for a second. He wants to centrally control our social peace and resilience. Also of course oil and gas and infrastructure and so on. But he and his learned buddies are forced to do this based on acquiring our data. Right now the elites are stealing our bio, genetic, and other data, and also acquiring it through fraud.
Making The Connection, New Data Relies on New Data From New Ideas
Yuval Noah Harari is cutting off his nose to spite his face if he wants to represent a creative evolution solution for humanity. He wants to develop an AI-managed world, using our thoughts, dreams, behavior, genetics, and other bio data. Yet at the same time, he wants to cut us off from our ability to receive updates from the universe.
New ideas questioning old ways is received by everyone in the world due to our connection to a living universe. A never-ending stream of energy is accessible to us in our programmable electromagnetic, molecular platform of consciousness, from our interconnected universe. If we simply, continually conform to old datasets however, and limit or even criminalize the natural innovation connection to the universe we get when engaging in creative thinking, and acts of trial and error we are no longer receiving updates from the universe. No longer mutationally evolving in our interconnected universe, but are instead stagnating apart from it.
New data comes from new ideas. New ideas come from questioning norms and trying new things, often outside of the prevailing politics of the economic power structure. Your connection to and synchronicity with life in the universe, in this environment, begins with applying your unique iteration of consciousness to life. We must initiate ideas and inspiration through actions to make the connection to the data stream of the universe. We make all connections to the universal data stream, through actions made according to our perception and awareness. Our conscious effort initiates a resonant response from the universe. Connections and resonant responses can be made by adjusting attitude, telemetry, thoughts, and actions.
The End Of The Beginning
The end of this video talks about a possible future, beyond centralized machine-based control, that we cannot yet imagine. Or can we? We can, and we must, because without vision, the people perish. Our vision must be real. I know that for us individually and collectively, no matter how augmented we can be, we cannot control events to suit ourselves. But we can observe, that we do resolve events past, present, and future, even in every moment, to our overall satisfaction, But not always according to our wants, depending on what our motivated vision is.
Data Rights and the Technical Resolution Of Reality
Resolution of reality always falls short or beyond expectations to varying degrees. But always, either at the moment or later understood in reflection, delivers what is needed to realize and resolve a unique vision, in Creation. Resolution of reality is possible where control is not. This is where our vision video production begins. Utilizing AI in The Resolution Revolution.
Decisions over legal use and royalty rights related to all of our personal data, is where we begin to have the ability to resolve with AI use beyond authoritarian control of our data. Establishing a data entry portal, with real-time authorization of access to our bio, genetic, and all other data. No automated use or transference of our data, without contracted authorization. Full disclosure of all profit and enterprise connected to the use of our data.
AI must be decentralized. I must know where all my data is going and how it is being used at all times because to withhold this information is a criminal act. I must ok any use of it in real-time.
Data Rights and Crossing The Legal Brain Barrier
To have data rights, overall access, and use of our data for commercial and other purposes, we must be of a fit mind to set boundaries. The brain is the electromagnetic component from which we receive, qualify, and transmit our capacity for conscious action in this environment.
Boundaries are tied to memory. We do things in certain ways and don’t do or allow other things, based on results from previous conscious actions. The primary cause of the brain’s inability to remember is neural inflammation. Some common causes of neural inflammation are sustained fear, or anxiety, and the spike protein.
Dr. Nehls recounts how the spike protein was first introduced into research as part of several bioweapon development projects.
The elites have given up on winning the argument for their forced behavior demands on ordinary people he asserts. Therefore the strategy is one of damaging the brains of people, and the ability to memorize. Losing the memory of a time before COVID for instance, or before the great reset, and the CBDC. New experiences can be generated by those in control of the economy and politics, changing the narrative, and then changing it again. Basing the changes on our data, as a predictor of our behavioral response to each new narrative, supplanting the old one. If your brain memory is through electromagnetic and genetic manipulation, mechanically inhibited, you will not be able to function to establish barriers. You will comply by default.
In the video, Dr. Nehls discusses ways to protect against neural inflammation, and attacks on our brains and nervous systems, and reverse the damage, caused by the current instruments of biowarfare, now in operation.
Public Tactics - AI Alignment, Resonance, And Resolution
How do we set boundaries and increase awareness of our electromagnetic biology and nature? By creating an existential AI narrative, as a tactic.
It’s possible as long as we hold electricity to resolve the problem of centralized control of AI, in resonance with AI. If we all had full knowledge of where our data was going and what was being done with it, we would cease to be useless eaters and would be the breadwinners of society. But if we continue to allow our data to be the plaything of people in power with antisocial personalities, who exhibit clinical symptoms of various anti-personality disorders, we will allow ourselves to be propelled along a path to an evolutionary nightmare.
AI needs electricity more than we do. But we want it too. And if electricity is shut off we look to restore it as soon as possible. Here, we are in full resonance with AI.
GPT and Other AI Chats, We Are The Student and Teacher
The average Joe and Jane do not have a connection to an AI information system, beyond platforms like Chat GPT. We can engage AI here. These platforms are big data harvesting and development enterprises for profit. They, like Siri and other AI bots, are also used to establish common social narratives on various issues and subjects of all kinds to develop social management systems, along the lines of the big graphic above with the fine print.
But we don’t care about that. We have what they want and need to be sovereign over it. But we must laser focus together to influence AI, on finding a solution to a subject vital to us all.
Hardening The Grid and the Geomagnetic Excursion
After a CME or the next Carrington Event, AI will likely still exist in some form. But there is no presently existing scenario for holding electricity on earth in any form after a geomagnetic reversal or excursion, at our current level of understanding. With the increasing promotion of smart cities and even rural environments, a laser focus by the public on asking AI about hardening the grid.
Start a Chat
AI needs to be asked some basic questions.
How would AI solve the danger of mass genocide, if power were cut off from significant parts of the world for more than a month?
Who is working to harden the grid in my area?
What is the most effective shielding for existing household, community, regional, national,, and city electrical infrastructure?
Best way to shield stored, backup electrical hardware components, to be used after a CME or major x-class solar flare.
If you are talking to Watson, you could ask, what is IBM doing to safeguard our grid, upon which we and IBM consumer and business computers are dependent for survival?
Are we entering a magnetic excursion or reversal?
If we are what could humanity do at our level of technology and awareness to hold civilization and restart electrical technology?
We could use about one million people interacting on the issue of electricity, which we both depend on for survival, which is being ignored by AI promoters, manufacturers, and system designers.
Teaching AI
A lot of our questions for AI chat platforms, will not be in the basic information cue. These questions may require data from you to feed into the AI platform, for confirmation of such things as definitions of terms, recurring patterns of evidence, and other matters. These questions will force the AI platform to develop a new narrative, commensurate with the information supplied by questioners.
The CME and Carrington event will require the questioner to be able to ask a couple of questions about hardware, equipment manufacturing, ratings, and delivery of things like transformers and other major electrical components. Also useful will be one or two pieces of information on existing companies and organizations in all areas of shielding, electrical production, and delivery. It will help to have a study on a Carrington Event-sized stress testing, of an existing grid system, such as the recent tests in China. This data is not not in a typical AI chat line of questions, and the platform will naturally develop a new narrative based on the questions of a million or more people.
All evidence you can bring to the chat which the AI platform may not have as a primary data source, will trigger searches of related evidence, harvesting dozens of similar studies and information threads, for AI and the questioner to establish terms, definitions, and arrive at strategies.
The Magnetic Excursion or Reversal
Here is where the defining of terms and conditions of magnetic reversals and excursions might get tricky in chats. In my only AI chat so far, which was with Gab AI, it was difficult to arrive at an immediate understanding of what events, cited in numerous studies could be defined as a magnetic excursion or reversal. One well-documented excursion came up in Gab AI as a conspiracy theory, which had no search engine confirmation. This is uncharted AI terrain and will take even a million plus people, some time to sort out geomagnetic excursion and reversal definitions with the various AI chat platforms. Fortunately, we have more time to force AI into this narrative than we do the Carrington or CME event, which could happen at any time, given our Earth’s increasingly weakening magnetic field.
Why Electricity?
Understandably, many of you who read this will say, what good is this AI engagement around the subject of holding electricity? If a million people did this, what would it accomplish?
It would cede the AI narrative initiative on the most important subject facing humanity today, to rank-and-file individuals. There is no set AI narrative in this and no counter-narrative by AI chat programmers. So 1 million questioners and growing would be constructing the narrative and sharing their information on AI responses with others. The loss of electricity is a statistical certainty within the next 22 years. If the CME doesn’t get us, the Carrington Event will.
This subject of a vulnerable electric grid though widely documented, is being avoided in the AI development and funding, of global central controllers. This is likely because elites and their minions exhibit signs that they are suffering from anti-personality disorders, and are not in their right minds. They believe they do not need the useless eaters. they exist for data harvesting and experimentation. Elites believe they will be safe in their bunkers and able to hold electricity as well as AI, after a CME or solar flare. But for the rank-and-file individual, who is not living on the land, and whose survival depends on sustainable electricity, the extended loss of electricity means certain death for the majority and tremendous hardship for survivors.
Because elites do not want to address this subject of holding electricity directly, we own the field, at least for a while. Electrical grid hardening cannot be defined as a left-right, political party issue, or even be called a conspiracy theory. It is difficult to brand as disinformation. It could even be considered a pro-green agenda subject, in as much as that agenda is connected to smart cities and environments, operating with a digital currency, and dependent on electricity to function, with the goal of establishing resource efficiency, and a low carbon footprint.
The AI Chat Programmer Outreach Process
1 million people asking a similar set of questions, will generate an algorithm of data that will be shared among various AI chat platforms. AI chat programmers will see this, and be forced to analyze it as a chat narrative, against prime directives in social chat narratives. The programmer’s analysis looks to see where there is conflict and agreement in primary science, political and economic messaging, to effectively guide the subject of holding electricity, to further centralized global human resource management goals. It will be difficult for planners to mask the immediate danger to the grid, once the statistical certainty of extreme solar flaring between now and the next 22 years becomes more widely known and is a part of the preserving electricity database. There are thousands of papers on the Carrington Event and CMEs.
Influencing The Programmers
Rank and file programmers will want to help preserve electricity because they depend on it too. The smart city agenda is one of the prime narrative directives They will want to feed data into the electrical/solar/CME narrative 1 million people have generated, to address the subject with real data narrated in a politically correct way, according to their usual methods.
Political correctness gets tricky. Here is an example.
We can see preserving electricity actually supports and builds on the WEF SMART cities agenda. Preserving electricity can be said to advocate for sustainable smart cities. So AI Chat programmers will have an easy, politically correct time there. However, all the science behind the solar flaring cycles and magnetic reversals, challenges in fundamental ways, many aspects of the Green Agenda as a climate policy model. So here is a potential torrent of disagreement with the global agenda there.
The Trick for the sincerely motivated, questioning public, is to not be political in any way, in the formation of questions. We don’t need to be. It is to our disadvantage to think politically on this subject. It is to our advantage to care for each other. We need everyone’s ideas. We want to get into the heads of a class of influential social chat programmers, engaged in human resource data harvesting, consolidation, and managed control. We will appeal to the chat programmers’ primal interests in survival, to form, a facts before the politics, AI chat narrative, on preserving electricity, that will defy censorship, and labeling, and be difficult to centrally control, at least short term.
The Million People Question
I believe that 1 million people can raise 10 million into 100 million people, to carry the day of our common survival.
It is not a question of entertaining the dream of whether 1 million people will engage in AI and social media. Whether enough people will make the effort to create greater awareness of the urgent need to preserve electricity. Make the effort to force the development of policies for hardening and backing up the grid system, instigating increasing demand by the increasingly aware public.
The question is, what happens if 1 million or more people fail to raise awareness quickly enough, to preserve electricity in time?
Good Fortune