2024 Awareness Movement Update + Trump As The CBDC Pied Piper, and More Challenges 2025
We Made Progress - Building On Our Gains - Facing Immense Challenges
Hello, and Happy New Year to all awareness absorbers and shedders. Consciousness is the new mRNA and requires no patented protection. We own the right to shed our conscious awareness, beyond the laws of any man, woman, or persons of many genders.
FOUNDATIONAL AWARENESS SUCCESS - Demand For Medical Rights Rises In Public Open Discussion Throughout 2024
At the beginning of this year, I said our primary goal was building greater awareness among the public, on the reality of the population warfare situation, into which we have been thrust, and also, to raise awareness of our individual health and wellness rights. I further asserted and continue to do so, that with a public awareness level of 33% on how powerful vested interests conduct population warfare, with coordinated attacks on our health and various aspects of our lives, we will be able to disarm the Great Reset Agenda and the central banks’ forced debt induction economic system, corrupting the governance of corporate/government America.
Significant Progress In Public Awareness
I couldn’t be more proud of the awareness movement in focusing a lot of energy on our health rights and the ongoing attacks on our bodies through the medical/government establishment. I don’t think this happened because the greater-awareness community reads my blog and follows my advice. It is simply because that’s the way consciousness works. We just all had the same strong motivation to do this and acted in concert, according to our capacity.
We don’t need no stinking AI-managed central blockchain command system to tell us what to do.
We’re plugged into the Universal Consciousness mainframe serving the infinite potentialities of Creation. Our upload, download, and data processing speeds, quite frankly, put our closest AI competition to shame. This is something we must remember as we move forward this year. Something we can rely on. People, motivated by the same earnest seeking of truth, will naturally act in concert to achieve results relative to their capacity and intensity, at speeds faster than the speed of light. When you feel all hope is lost, remember this to reinforce your primary motivation.
When we began this year, we were certain we were at about 15, to 20%, public awareness on health rights. I believe there is ample evidence to suggest we are well over 40% public awareness perhaps somewhere over 50%, on the need to resolve health rights and face the lie of the global investment interests who orchestrated the scamdemic. We are in a position to take measures into our own hands, forcing the legal and economic systems to address the dangers of any forced genetic jabs, and lockdowns. We can more openly discuss with accepted public confidence, further challenges to our corrupt pharmaceutical industry, and the overall healthcare system.
Some of this awareness bump is evident in the Trump agenda. RFK leads the administration’s health policy and Trump’s stated goal, of pulling the US out of the WHO was a goal out of reach by most at the beginning of the year. These are big items to be discussed publicly by an elected president. Earnestly hoped for, in the greater awareness movement, but with no clear pathway of success in our end goal of ultimately bringing genocidal criminals to trial in courts or public/military tribunals. Suddenly there is talk of pardoning Fauci, and others involved in the development of Covid-19 and the genetic function-altering jab treatment.
Health Rights awareness at this level is a foundational awareness achievement. But far from a decisive one at present. We need to solidify and clarify our goals, to build a strong foundation with the capacity to address the CBDC global investment agendas, health rights, and other issues we will need to resolve in the next crucial months beginning in 2025.
2025 - Breathtaking Challenges
We are laying the cornerstone of the core motivational force needed to set up our forcefield for human rights, health rights, quality of life, creative sovereignty, and human species preservation. But I would fail to serve you miserably in your efforts to probe the infinite potentialities of Universal consciousness if I neglected to tell you, we are in deep, effing doo doo! NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!
Political Legal Health Rights
The Trump administration’s bold, publicly stated intentions on the WHO is foundational. But if all or only a part of the stated Trump goals see the light of day it will be due to expanding the public’s awareness far beyond COVID. The Trump administration has yet to discuss the wider aspects of health and other existential issues;
Some Trump Essential Challenges And Awareness Obstacles
Increasing awareness of self-assembling nanorobots and mRNA, being introduced into all pharmaceutical products and engineered into the produce of our food supply
Development of the Covid virus and bioweapon jab by the Defense Dept. and intelligence community as a weapon for civilian population warfare, whose public distribution was a Department of Defense operation
Awareness of the Virus vs Terrain theories of modern medicine
The UN Agendas, as the framework of population warfare
The planned “Official” fraud to force potential new pandemic scares and cures on the public
Stopping the Central Banks From Printing To Finance Their Forced Debt-Based System, which is the funding mechanism for Population Warfare/Control
Creating A Framework To Establish Individual Legal and Customary Foundational Rights to develop an economy based and backed by gold, silver, and real assets, to establish a wealth-generating economic system
Trump has not addressed his administration’s alignment, foundationally, in key administration picks, with key people involved with global investment interests pioneering and investing in essential technology necessary to advance a national surveillance state. Their agenda of creating a genetic data-gathering, surveillance state, with AI-managed tech, on the blockchain, is the cornerstone of the tokenized, human resource system necessary for the CBDC to function. The CBDC is a product of global investment and global intelligence community objectives
Trump, Us, And Our Health
We aren’t even sure at this point whether RFK Jr. will be confirmed by a corporately controlled Senate. So who knows about the other challenges, listed above? Our job is to increase our momentum. To function outside of the programmed political system’s, designed limitations to our effectiveness, based on creating artificial divisions. This approach of ignoring artificial barriers in favor of common rights has brought us to serious public discussion on leaving the WHO. So who knows, perhaps leaving the UN isn’t that far behind? Our effective efforts to expand awareness of our sovereign rights as individuals to harmlessly advance our, health/lifestyle choices will be key.
A new predicate for a public emergency is being executed and so the terrain vs virus theory of disease must become a mainstream conversation. It is essential in countering the new “Official”, scamdemics, already in the works.
California Governor Declares Bird Flu “State of Emergency”
This is a direct effort to genetically treat the population and control the national and global food supply in every conceivable way.
Cats in the Crosshairs...and the animal vax opt out form
If you were worried about your cat shedding in the house before, you now have a new and greater shedding problem.
All pet vaccines have the same nanotechnology as human shots...
It becomes important to go to proven leaders like Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, Karen Kingston, and others like Dr. Ardis to further educate the public.
He isn’t selling a product it is a concept for which he gains no sponsorship money. There are ways to successfully remove parasites, nanorobots, and the effects of spike protein shedding, in order to correct the effects of body terrain disorders leading to many documented side effects. The Dr. Ardis segment of the video begins at approx. 42 minutes.
I used nicotine patches by cutting them up in pieces and applying the pieces to my skin over the course of days, to kill parasites in my body, and shedding, self-assembling nanobots potentially wearing me down. This has increased my health capacity and advanced my body’s ability to re-establish a healthy terrain. In my present urban environment, I am more susceptible to parasitic conditions and will likely continue to apply patch pieces over time until I escape. When you can grow your own food, and control your water supply, while trading with like-minded people doing the same, the less you need to worry about parasites and other body terrain degrading conditions.
A medical overview can be found here
Parasites, Viruses, and Global Control: Hidden Truths About Health and Power
But, in addition to expanding awareness of health and the dangers of modern medicine, the economy is the next foundational matrix point, needed to energize our forcefield to increase public awareness and establish our rights.
Breathtaking Economic Challenges Beyond and Including Trump
Speaking of terrain degrading, AI-managed conditions, how about Musk? Leader of the DOGE. The Doge currently supports the continued level of foreign work visas issued. They will likely cut government jobs and some worthless government agencies and replace them with AI-managed systems.
Musk tries to say the right things many many times a day.
But both his and Ramaswarry’s careers are dependent on advancing the technology necessary for a functional CBDC system. The CBDC system requires the 1% to own controlling interests in all the natural and human resources in the world to be successful.
Hundreds of people are sleeping in tents in Southern Appalachia as winter descends!
The lack of aid here is meant to force low-income property owners in Tennessee and N. Carolina to sell their precious mineral and resource-rich land cheaply, to avoid financial ruin and death. To usher in the CBDC tokenized system, all resources will need to be owned with controlling interest by the richest 1%.
Whitney Webb knows the tech already functionally in place to achieve this and the tech being tested on the public, as well as the political and corporate players who are currently, methodically, putting America and Americans on the Blockchain.
social credit digital ID Hell
Perhaps 10 to 20% of the public has a basic awareness or knowledge of all of this. Trump’s administration’s positioning on the CBDC must be discussed by over 33% before year-end or we are in for rough weather. Trump if he is to usher in the CBDC must usher it in through the backdoor, with little knowledge from his supporters. It will take a lot of money to develop this framework and therefore Trump wants to eliminate the Debt Ceiling, in order he says, to stop the |Democrats from limiting the funding to MAGA. Mainstream patriot media outlets are urging Trump supporters to get on board with more Fed debt printing. This is guaranteed to decrease the people’s purchasing power, devalue the currency, meaning more inflation, and further empower the Federal Reserve to continue to transfer wealth and exercise more control over our lives through the economy, All in the name of making America great again.
GOP lawmakers urged to eliminate Dems' 'last tool' to obstruct Trump's America First agenda: 'Get behind' this
Republican lawmakers are being urged to unite to put a nail in the coffin of Democrats' "last tool" to obstruct President-elect Donald Trump's agenda by raising or eliminating the debt ceiling.
"It's a fantastic idea, and President Trump is in full support of it, as he has expressed in recent days," incoming White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt told "Sunday Morning Futures" host Maria Bartiromo of the push to raise the limit this week.
Expanding public awareness of attacks on real science, our health, and economic rights as aspects of population warfare. is crucial to laying the foundation for combatting government censorship, child and human trafficking, immigration/invasion, sustainable development under the Green Agenda, and most of the other government plagues aimed at us. At this point, the Trump administration is our most visible ally, due to his wide public outreach. However, he is also our main obstacle to increasing awareness. Unless Trump can be forced to address squarely, the CBDC and his administration’s alignment with the tech required to institute it, he will increasingly become the Pied Piper leading us into the Great Reset, while playing the enchanting strains of MAGA on his flute. The cognitive dissonance we already encounter in criticizing Trump is designed into the political system and is currently extremely intense. Trump so far plays along with both sides. But both Democrats and Republican voters when polled, are against the CBDC, social credit system in any form. Each side of rank-and-file voters blames the other side for wanting population controls like the CBDC. Awareness however has no side The truth is our side and our primary primary motivational force.
We must continue to use this truth, to build the capacity for public discussion on all sides of our human rights, which naturally unifies us. and demands our greater conscious awareness
Good Fortune