When I review what is happening in reports, I think of things or implications in the facts that are not mentioned directly in the article, or other content I visit. I’m sure others are talking about these aspects but I don’t hear it, or hear it enough, and I want it discussed more.
I will attempt to land on a few topics that don’t in my opinion, get enough discussion, weakening our ability to command our sovereignty, lead others to sovereignty, and make sovereignty better understandable in the public square.
Patented Absurdity, and Enabled Accidents In The News
The news, like the legal profession is based on making accidents happen. The more accidents, the more business for both journalists and lawyers. We’ll look at reports from some of our usual ambulance chasers, that we share with you regularly.
The main theme not widely discussed is the patenting of the planet and AI management of natural and human resources. Technocracy is not well understood in simple terms. It is not discussed routinely as the patenting of the planet and AI planetary resource management. So the news doesn’t give us a scorecard on the progress, elite planners are making to achieve that end. The CBDC for instance is not a stand-alone subject, although it seems like an entire cosmology, all by itself as a subject. It is part of the patenting of humans in the end. Right now CBDCs are messaged to be an extension of our value as an element, in an efficiently managed, planet-friendly economy resource system. They haven’t gotten to the patenting of the human genome part of the public awareness script yet. But wait for it.
The CBDC is an extension of the Green Agenda. The Green Agenda science if turned into law, will give the government/corporate state the power to manipulate any conceivable biological function occurring in nature, in order to patent something that occurs outside of nature. There are hundreds of trillions of dollars of potential profit and power projected in this effort.
How’s The Weather
Has the weather been patented where you live? Would you know if any patented geoengineering process, was operative in or funded by your town? That’s really what all of this environmental hubbub is about. But it gets real serious, when the corporate power needed in government policies and laws, to develop patents, affects the ability of farmers to raise livestock or sell non-GMO produce.
Cattle farmer warns plunging beef supply has reached crisis point: 'Americans are going to pay the price'
Number of US cattle has plummeted to its lowest point in decades
Published February 10, 2024
So what’s the solution offered in the Fox article? Borrow more money of course.
"This is a bad situation for America's cattle farmers and America because we're producing 1 billion pounds less beef than we were in this country, just a year ago," John Boyd, Jr., president of the National Black Farmers Association, said Thursday on "Fox & Friends First."
"We're not investing in America's beef and cattle farmers, and Biden policies are hurting America's cattlemen, such as myself. They should be invested in America's cattle farmers and making sure that we have the tools needed to stay on the farm."
Just like in Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand, our bankrupt treasury is really now, supposed to borrow more money from the Federal Reserve, to supplement the farmer, crippled by the Green Agenda in government mandates to farmers and ranchers. We’re all saved. If they will only borrow more we can save our beef. It is madness not to address the corporate/government centralized resource management strategy obvious in the policies affecting beef, and threatening the entire US food chain.
The madness is bought and paid for by sponsorships, not only to large news outlets like Fox News but to alternative media as well. There is a lot of money in bioengineering, genetics, and other high-profile patents, that businesses of any kind may be involved in, that run ads on news outlets.
But under the surface of the science information distribution managers’ prevailing message, conflicts with the Green Agenda, are beginning to silently surface,
Large cluster of sunspots that can cause strong solar flares and affect power grids detected by NASA
To begin to understand how solar flares disrupt humanity, you are forced to examine everything about the Green Agenda. You have to report on solar cycles of disruption. This leads to a discussion of the sun’s overall cyclical effect on the Earth’s weather patterns for thousands of years.
So why is this climate angle, which is potentially dangerous to Fox News owners and some of their significant sponsors being introduced as sensationalism around a current sunspot group in a report? The results of their departing activity is reported in our environment section in this newsletter. Is it a sneaky reporter, trying to make an inroad into the official climate message? Or are we, involved in the awareness community, being effective in educating the public to the point where news outlets will be forced to discuss environmental factors, formerly censored in the official climate message?
I hope, if you are a regular reader, you are aware that the awareness community, is becoming increasingly effective. We must search for signs of our continued effectiveness under the radar until the information reaches critical mass in the public consciousness. Then it will take on a new life of influence in our current events.
SIGN OF THE TIMES: British Labor Party Scraps $35 Billion Yearly ‘Green Industries’ Spending Pledge in Major Policy Turnaround
Sign of the Times article is another indication that the Green Agenda is being questioned openly by the public. Enough perhaps, that constituents behind the scenes and off record for now, start to worry green sympathetic policymakers and politicians enough to make them hedge their political bets. But the control of free speech around the Green Agenda involving agenda proponents, and their science, is heating up.
Michael Mann v. Mark Steyn: The Criminalizing Of Free Speech In America
Mark will likely win this if it goes the the Canadian Supreme Court. The defense strategy for Green Agenda industrial/governmental planners is to deny the public any real data on the subject which is supposedly the basis of the agenda. And to deny the data by any means, and for as long as possible. This strategy has been demonstrated in the Ball vs Mann case that was decided recently by the British Columbia Supreme Court. Mann, either posing as, or actually being a real scientist with a lot of hang-ups, refused to submit the raw green data supporting his climate chart called the Hockey Stick Theory, from the shape of the graph. Mann sued Ball for questioning his theories but could produce nothing in court as evidence to support his claim over Ball’s. Dr. Tim Ball was willing and able to produce the data for his side and his chart won the case.
That’s right. This was already decided in the BC Supreme Court in 2019. Mann was also held in contempt of court for REFUSING TO SURRENDER HIS DATA proving his Hockey Stick theory. Why would he withhold data? Because it is fraudulent, as Dr. Tim Ball said along.
In 2017, Principia Scientific wrote about Mann:
Penn State climate scientist Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann commits contempt of court in the ‘climate science trial of the century.’ Prominent alarmist shockingly defies judge and refuses to surrender data for open court examination. Only possible outcome: Mann’s humiliation, defeat and likely criminal investigation in the U.S.
The need to stall real science of all kinds from public view is to allow ongoing projects in local areas to be imagined and made operational, for as long as possible, without the public being able to fit the pieces together. That way ongoing experiments, as on Maui Island, already crippled by government environmental efforts, can continue without an uproar.
No Environmental Impact Statement Required: Court Decides in Favor of Project to Release Est. 8 Billion Lab-Altered Mosquitoes
The ability to triumph in the justice system is based on the money you have to influence the system. No money, no justice, most of the time on any big issues.
Up to 775,992,000 bacteria-infected mosquitoes could be released in Maui every week for the next 20 years, according to Hawaii Unites, an environmental advocacy group that last month lost its bid to require the state to conduct an environmental impact statement before allowing the controversial project to proceed.
Hawaii Unites in May 2023 sued the state in the Circuit Court of the First Circuit in Hawaii. The group’s president and founder, Tina Lia, told The Defender:
“These biopesticide lab-altered mosquitoes are already being released in East Maui. Hawaii Unites has taken the state to court seeking a ruling to require an environmental impact statement for the project and comprehensive studies of the risks.”
According to Lia, Hawaii Unites has launched a campaign to raise $30,000 needed by the end of the month to file an appeal.
“If the Judge’s decision is not appealed, it will set a precedent for allowing inadequate environmental review of future proposed experimental projects that could have significant impacts to our fragile ecosystems,” Lia said.
There Is No Unbreaking Of The Egg
Our evolution as a species is built on a chromosomal maxim, which is inherent in the coded formulations, found in the structure of the universe. This maxim if interconnectedness with the galactic molecular code which is created in the center of the galaxy, has successfully guided all of our genetic iterations thus far. The new genetic patents such as the medical human gene alterations found in the mRNA genetic editing process, remove significant aspects of universal control over chromosomal development. Continuing to do this unchecked will break the egg, that is our embryo of Creation.
Now unless I missed something, this is precisely what Yuval Noah Harari, the thought leader of the technocracy movement is advocating. Breaking out of the embryonic shell, currently limiting our evolutionary choices in the universe, and using our human potential to reinvent ourselves, evolve into an intrinsic element of an AI-managed, planetary resource system, giving us the power to determine our very own evolutionary path. But when they can’t produce supporting data in a BC Supreme Court case, to justify the need for, or functional capacity of a successful planetary resource system, governed outside of the already proven universal model, there’s something rotten in Denmark. When the fundamental need for an impact study is ignored, in a concerted effort to biologically mosquito bomb Maui for its own good, you have to question the confidence these people have, that they are not threatening our immediate health and our healthy continued evolution as a species.
Sunny Side Up
If there is any kind of sunny side to the average technocrat, it is a form of optimistic arrogance. They must believe, to a person, that no matter how screwed up their operational use of dangerous patents become instruments of existential disaster, AI will find a way to put things back together again, in time for Humpty Dumpty to genetically avert falling off the evolutionary wall and cracking irreparably.
So who are these arrogant optimistic egg crackers? What is their history and methods of operation? This is important stuff because the more you know it, the more easily you can make any point raised in a discussion, understood in a wider context to any person willing to discuss. You will already know what they are going to say, why they will say it, and from where it came. Then you will see thing things about it they will also want to know, which they don’t know already.
A clear majority are currently being led to a future they believe is only one of many possibilities. They are being led without their awareness, through their ignorant complicity with highly funded global organizations, instituting programs to arrive at only one possibility. This video will give you the basic tools you need to expose, the objectives and leadership of institutional climate science fraud, and introduce real data on the environment for discussion.
Jacob Nordangård – A Planetary Emergency
Managing your persona, family and community health, and food resources from the ground up. They just answer peoples questions online from kitty litter, to raising lambs.
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Home Free by Tom Toro for February 12, 2024