Freeing our world from the great reset or any form of control, is a step-by-step process, beginning on a personal level.
Addiction to Debt and Enslavement To The Pusher
Freeing ourselves.
Our Commitment To Debt Freedom
We are not in control of our lives now, in society. We have lost control because of our addiction to debt. The debt drug cartel now owns us and our future unless we free ourselves, from global central bank debt. We know that if we go cold turkey now and seek our survival outside of units of debt currency, we may die and be unable to survive the ordeal. We will take these first essential steps to secure our freedom and own our responsibilities to govern it.
Because we cannot find it within our perception, to free ourselves alone, we know a greater power of some kind is necessary.
We have made a decision to find that greater power, and wherever the source of our freedom lies, we will dedicate ourselves to it. For many of us, it is faith in God and the Divine Laws of Creation. For realists, it is the faith in the greater truths as we find them in the Unknown, which observably, in all things, rules Creation, and superimposes itself on us, in all events.
We know that we have first been subjected to our fear of the Unknown or God. We have tried to get off easy and avoid our responsibilities to one another, even if our actions were known to cause harm, as long as the debt system allowed it. We have tried to use our units of debt, to buy our way out, by increasing our units of debt, knowing that for each unit of debt created, and available to us in our favor, 10 additional units are created to further enslave us and those among us. And with each further unit of debt, we take for ourselves, we inflict further suffering on ourselves and others 10-fold.
We have now admitted this to ourselves. We have discussed our faults in this crime with others. I further do so in this document. We have admitted to life itself, that we have violated our place in it, and it’s Divine, and/or governing precepts.
We are actively searching to be led as we can in faith that we were created as an intrinsic part of something greater than ourselves, and we will proceed through any suffering incurred, in freeing ourselves from debt, by trusting in the capacity and potential of that same creative power, the Unknown source, or God, to lead us through.
We are humbled and humiliated by our actions toward ourselves and others. We seek greater assistance than we ourselves alone have yet found, for the strength to provide our freedom. We know that humbling ourselves in our habits and our countenance will be necessary for seeking solutions. Led in humility, we will truly be free
We have harmed ourselves, our families, friends, neighbors, cities, nations, and the world we share, by increasing our debt addiction. But we are all so overwhelmed by debt, it is hard to know who owes what to who. We humbly submit and offer our lives to the day-to-day freeing of ourselves from debt addiction, and remuneration outside of debt units, through acts of kindness and service to those closest to us or we believe were and continue to be, most harmed by our actions.
We have reached out to those most closely connected to the harm caused by our personal addiction. We have tried to be more true to each other and honest with one another.
Each time I receive or transact a unit of debt, I know it further enables my addiction and that of others. I acknowledge this with every unit I use as I free myself from my addiction.
We know by virtue of being a product of a greater Being or source of energy that only by being open and receptive to this source, through prayer, meditation, reflection, and increased understanding of it, will we find the solutions for our freedom.
Having awakened from our former blind addiction, which was the result of our fear of reliance on a greater power than material goods alone for our abundance, we now have 12 steps to daily correct our faults, and regain our independence from addiction to