Hello Awareness in Action Fans
Just a Little Awareness Update
Hyper-novelty is a result of increased awareness, causing people to question everything. This current hyper-novelty event began with elite disinformation programs, attempting to make people question the old order. But it has resulted in increasingly exposing those behind the elite disinformation campaigns and causing the entire hierarchy of authority to be considered potential subjects of disrepute.
Looking For The Awareness Percentage
Just wanted to feature a few milestones of awareness and ask some basic questions.
In this first story, a head librarian is fired for calling out the censorship in libraries, coming from those now running the US libraries.
“Freedom to Read Week” ends with head librarian fired for promoting diversity of reading material
Apr 09, 2024 07:00 pm - By John C. A. Manley
GetWokeUp.com reported that the “head librarian of the Niagara-on-the-Lake Public Library (NOTL) has been fired after an op-ed she wrote was deemed hateful by her woke superiors.”
Here’s a sample of Cathy Simpson’s “hateful” words:
“Librarians are quick to defend books written by authors from ‘oppressed’ groups and books that promote critical social justice… This would be fine except books offering other points of view… are rarely defended or even purchased. As a result, library collections are increasingly biased and offer one viewpoint justified by the claim the other viewpoints are ‘harmful’.…”
The article doesn’t say if people in the Niagara area are outraged, making it hard to gauge an awareness level. If we see a lot of officials in other places willing to say similar things, we will know the public is encouraging officials to stop the treasonous, usurpation of Constitutional government 1st Amendment authority. If we see posts from Niagara of people demanding she be reinstated, we know the awareness is growing in Niagara.
Climate Alarmists Battle To Censor Film Exposing ‘Climate Crisis Scam’
TOPICS: Censorship Climate Change Katie Spence Science
This is a congratulation to us memo. We are making a difference. All of us who saw the brilliance of the video CLIMATE - THE COLD TRUTH / Scientists reveal how climate change is a scam and shared it with all our might. We are generating a few stats and altering some algorithms.
These and other charts from the video are banner headlines that should be everywhere.
Some of these charts should be on billboards, park, and sidewalk benches, T-shirts, social media posts, cocktail napkins, the works.
Furious Republicans accuse colleagues of 'crying wolf' as another critical bill fails
This furious Republicans article kills me. It gives us a glimpse at a ripple of awareness from a significant number of people fed up with government surveillance. Rippling with enough intensity to alter the behavior patterns of politicians, if only for a moment.
What I really find comical and tragic at the same time is the use of the word Hawk in this Fox News propaganda piece. Hawk, is used to define the predatory nature of those who don’t want to be monitored and controlled by powerful interests, aligned with the government. We who demand warrants before surveillance is authorized, are all privacy hawks. So the politicians who removed government surveillance from our lives, at least a little, are now all a bunch of predatory conservative, privacy hawk politicians. Serving interests outside of the state priorities and therefore, likely up to no good. They may have powerful secrets. Privacy hawks therefore should be forced by law to disclose anything the government wants to know, for the public good. The use of hawk when applied to any form of elite opposition, is an elegant example, of thematic propaganda, and a product of skilled disinformation craft.
The more people are aware of this, hawk, a psychological word device applied to vilify elite opposition on many subjects reported in the news, the more it will be laughed out of existence. Also the more people will find other similar word association devices used in media programming.
Banking On Awareness
Not paying income taxes, Drastically cutting deficit spending, and stopping the Federal Reserve are three separate issues. But they are all tied to the increasing awareness that the private global investment banking system, is funding the wrong things and using the governments they finance to enforce their investment strategies.
Economist sounds the alarm on growing debt crisis, warns US needs 'detox'
It is proving to be very toxic, in many policies, like enforcing speech codes in libraries, and locking down the public for mRNA and other genetic experimentation platforms during the COVID-engineered crisis. All of this toxicity was funded by extreme deficit spending.
Dem suggests Black people be exempt from paying taxes as form of reparations
So in a way any old reason, even phony Black reparations in this hyper-novel environment, used to question the entire unconstitutional IRS, Income Tax System of authority, could be useful just to get people into the conversation.
Blacks have understood two very important issues more clearly than many others in America, including whites.
Black reparations are legitimate. But the left’s approach isn’t fair to poor Blacks, unnecessary for rich blacks, and unworkable as a framework for national reconciliation.
They understand the COVID-engineered crisis was at least partially engineered. They remember the Tuskegee Experiment and saw instinctively the experimental aspects of the treatment and the military manner in which martial law was enforced and the “vaccine” was distributed. When programmed to protest, as a part of the wealth transfer strategy during the time of COVID, they chose and were allowed, as a divisive tactic mostly directed at religious, human rights, and patriots’ demonstrations, to remain unmasked. They remain above 40% unvaxed. A greater percentage than any other major US demographic
We must all develop our instinctual awareness along with critical thinking.
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 12
by Disclosure News | 11 April, 2024 | Planet Earth
MARKETS A LOOK AHEAD: We Are In a Debt, DE@TH, Spiral... CRITICAL UPDATES. Mannarino
Last Laugh
Good Fortune