Biodigital Convergence - Have Our Good Dr. A.I. Frankenstein's, Created an Exponential Monster
Hello, My Electromagnetic Friends. IRUUR1 has been doing some big talk lately about how peer-review studies are actionable intelligence. And how we should all cozy up to it, and get familiar with some of it. So I thought it might be a good idea, to explore those possibilities in an article.
At some level, this has to be wrong. Here’s what I mean. I am researching content for our biosynthesis article
I quickly review a nanotechnology study mentioned in the report by Karen Kingston, and immediately want to curl up by the fire and read it with the same fascination I experienced when reading Dune, or 2001 a Space Odyssey, in my youth. Mostly, I read this stuff because I have to. So wanting to is a big change for me.
Indigenous perspectives on the biodigital convergence
This has all the best qualities of the greatest science fiction stories ever told. It’s Running Bull, meets HAL in 2001, meets the Terminator, in a virtual cage match for the future of humanity on the planet. The final round is to be fought during the onset of drastic climate changes, affecting the survival and future of all species on the Earth, brought about by a geomagnetic excursion of the solar system triggered by a galactic wave of energy, from somewhere deep within the galaxy.
The Biosynthetic Evolutionary Divide
Why is this study important? The human race is on the verge of an evolutionary divide, and the people who are designing and building this potentially dangerous fork in the road, understand they are initiating an evolutionary divide. So, it is important to know as much about humanity’s roots before designing a practical evolutionary divide. And that is why this study is important. What are the people under the funding and control of the WEF and others, including in our future, and what are they possibly leaving out?
In this real-life science fiction thriller, you not only get to read it, you get to write your part in it as well, and help determine the outcome of the story. So curl up in your favorite place by the fire, toast some marshmallows, and enjoy this industry classic, a story of the design of transhumanism; Indigenous perspectives on the biodigital convergence.
What Is Biodigital Convergence?
Article commentary
First published online April 6, 2022
I don’t know the complete answer to this from the perspective of the study. You see, I have only skimmed it so far. But so far from what I skimmed, I know that the study references some primary Native American tribes in determining what we are evolving from as a species and culture. And I know that where Native Americans are, Mesoamerica, Aborigines with their oral culture and traditions, Asian, and even Egyptian cultures are around somewhere, as they travel along similar cultural routes and may lead to a common heritage of civilization some 40,000 years ago, according to archaeologists, geologists, and other researchers.
This is the new pathway of evolution and our new culture, as defined by the designers.
Article commentary
First published online April 6, 2022
The biodigital convergence describes the intersection, and in some cases merging, of biological and digital technologies. Biodigital technologies include mRNA vaccines used to treat COVID-19, digitally controlled surveillance insects, microorganisms genetically engineered to produce medicinal compounds, and more. While significant scholarship has been paid to the ethical dimensions of biodigital technologies from a Western standpoint, little attention has focused on Indigenous views on the biodigital convergence. In this article, we explore the biodigital convergence from a Haudenosaunee perspective and suggest that insights from Indigenous philosophical traditions—specifically regarding relationality and territory—may be necessary for humanity to adapt to the profound and existential changes implicit in the biodigital convergence.
That’s a mouthful. I’ll skim some more of the study, write the article as I go, and we’ll have some fun.
Study Foundation
This is my kind of study. Centered, like most of our articles, on our relationship, with Being, our state of being in life. an Ontological perspective.
Of or relating to ontology.
Of or relating to essence or the nature of being.
Of or relating to the argument for the existence of God holding that the existence of the concept of God entails the existence of God.
From the Study
…this article offers our perspectives on the biodigital convergence based on Indigenous philosophy that includes—and extends beyond—ethics to include ontological considerations...
The biodigital convergence and synthetic biology, section
Learning the integrated design objectives of digitized biosynthesis projects and products is important. At some point, at some level, this all planned for integration into the consumer and also into the black markets, where security and surveillance planning is necessary.
Study Overview
If you have been skeptical of all the things being said about transhumanism, in references to a dystopian future, extrapolated in publications along political, economic, and ideological lines, know now these articles may be agenda driven. But, the science and possibilities in these articles and videos, are all based on subjects, openly and casually discussed in the industry’s scientific peer-review literature.
Biodigital Perspective and Evolutionary Parameters from the study
,,,our perspectives on the biodigital convergence based on Indigenous philosophy that includes—and extends beyond—ethics to include ontological considerations. Our article begins with a discussion of the biodigital convergence and synthetic biology, we then introduce some useful orienting concepts from Haudenosaunee traditional teachings, and we finish with some thoughts on the importance of Indigenous philosophy for adapting to the biodigital convergence.
Haudenosaunee traditional teachings, as we will see later are the Native American tribes.
Exploring Biodigital Convergence, Policy Horizons Canada (2020) describes biodigital convergence as “the interactive combination, sometimes to the point of merging, of digital and biological technologies and systems”
Remember, this is not science fiction, in the literary sense. This is the techoloogy building the evolutionary divide, or fork in the blockchain.
Focus - Building the Evolutionary Fork
This is what our current real-life, A.I.-managed, digital biological convergence technology is being designed to do.
The authors of this document identify three manifestations of the biodigital convergence, including
i. The complete integration of biological and digital entities…
ii. The coevolution of biodigital technologies…
iii. The conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems in which greater understandings of the theoretical underpinnings and mechanisms governing both biological and digital systems could lead to a paradigmatic shift in our understandings of these interacting systems…
Got It? Let it sink in. Reread it a few times, just to let the terminology sink in. This is a process of re-coding the environment. Complete transformation and reformation. To reconstruct the environment and human genealogy, at the digitally coded DNA level. And these are only the areas they are focusing on in this study.
Perhaps the most high-profile synthetic biology achievement has been the development and deployment of mRNA vaccines to immunize against COVID-19 (Kitney et al., 2021). The mRNA vaccines essentially introduce a section of mRNA to the host cell coding…
End of The biodigital convergence and synthetic biology section synopsis.
Biodigital technologies, relationality, and the boundaries of self, section
The ending summation.
…human language mediates cognitive coupling between people and that our minds also extend to the landscape. These revelations may be new to the sanctioned or dominant narratives in Western thought but the notion of our selves as encompassing other human, non-human, and non-living persons is not new to Indigenous philosophy.
Ancient teachings and cutting-edge science are converging in this moment of time once again, under peer review. Let’s continue with the next section, as I skim and write.
The Haudenosaunee worldview
Who are the Haudenosaunee people?
Haudenosaunee peoples, formerly called Iroquois, or People of the Longhouse, are the confederacy of six First Nations—Mohawk, Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Tuscarora—united by a common goal to live in harmony.
The Haudenosaunee worldview does not figure objects or individuals as static. For example, a wooden table is in a constant state of flux or transformation.
In other words, a table is a tree, then a tree part, a table part, then the table, which eventually wears out, falls apart, becomes the soil and part of possibly a new tree, or other lifeform. Nothing is static. It is always in a state of movement and change.
The Haudenosaunee perspective and Clarke and Chalmer’s extended mind are also similar to Rose’s (2013) assertion that “the envelope of the skin does not, by rights, delineate an enclosed, autonomous zone” (p. 14) in that all of these notions figure the human self as extending beyond the boundaries of our physical bodies.
Celebrated Kiowa poet N. Scott Momaday’s (1976) poem The Delight Song of Tsoai-talee describes an expanded sense of self and the animacy of matter. The following lines, excerpted from Momaday’s poem, illustrate an Indigenous understanding of self and the more-than-human, anchored in place:
I am the hunger of the young wolf
I am the whole dream of these things
You see, I am alive, I am alive. (p. 27)
Momaday’s words evoke the Haudenosaunee principle of ka’nikonhri:io (good mind), derived from the Great Law of Peace. The good mind “occurs when the people put their minds and emotions in harmony with the flow of the universe” (Barreiro, 2010, p. 33). The good mind confers the ability to make a sound judgment for the welfare of the broader Haudenosaunee society.
Getting Scary
The Policy Horizons Canada (2020) Exploring Biodigital Convergence paper identifies an important policy question: “could traditional resource-based competitive advantages fade?” (“Policy-related Questions Arising from Biodigital Convergence” section, Economic subsection, para. 1) and suggests that decentralized food production through synthetic biology could lead to “the ability to create food and engineer meat without the need for arable land” (“What Are Possible Characteristics of the Biodigital System?” section, Decentralization subsection, para. 2).
A question that we ask ourselves is, is it possible that biodigital technologies could make the entangled connection between human and other more explicit or will these technologies distract us from recognizing our interrelatedness with all of creation?
Furthermore, it is our understanding that humans have an obligation to fulfill certain responsibilities to Creation which also includes, at a minimum, not interfering with other beings’ ability to fulfill their own responsibilities to Creation.
I haven’t read the study conclusion yet. I have been reading, then writing the article as I go section by section. I will read it after I write my conclusion. Then you can read their conclusion, and if you have a conclusion in mind, you can see how they all compare.
To begin with I wasn’t sure exactly what kind of study I would find here. This is clearly an ethics study, written for designers and developers in the biotech and A.I. digital to bio-digital convergence applications industry.
It’s nice to know that the people who are being funded to design and build our future, are concerned at a fundamental level. They realize that their designs and products must be an intrinsic part of nature and our human nature, in order to be truly useful and not truly destructive. Kind of makes those marshmallows you curled up with, as we read Indigenous perspectives on the biodigital convergence, together, taste a little better right now. See. Reading peer-review science for actionable intelligence can be fun.
That’s the good news. The bad news is, the people funding their work may not share their concerns. The designers of our future will do what they are paid to do, or be eliminated as a factor in their profession, and the funders of their designs will arrange the parts of their creations to suit themselves.
A.I., the Exponential Monster, or Marvel?
Can A.I. become an extension of our potential biological intelligence? Or will it become a fork in the road of our evolution, leading us exponentially to a dead end?
Every epic science fiction thriller has at least 2 parts. Ours may have many. This is part 2 of our, real-life science future masterpiece, where we get to write our own part of the story.
As we learned from part one, the designers of the future, are a lot like us, and they think about a lot of the stuff we do and discuss it from their perspective. But like us, they also need to make a living, and things happen.
Biosynthesis and Its Exponential A.I. Ramifications
In part2 of this story we are writing, A.I. is introduced and biosynthesis is now being applied and learned, literally, exponentially. So the designers envision a world where a living organism, fully compatible with nature and Creation, can grow an apple, or an I-phone, in the same terrain, be a natural creation available according to how it is programmed. Each one for the same cost. Virtually free. Farm whatever you can imagine in Creation. A potential human utopia.
However, the funders of their designs, with the power to influence control over governments, in various ways around the world, have other priorities and begin using parts of their designs, to begin geoengineering, and also performing experimental medical and other procedures on unsuspecting people, for political and economic purposes. And their only concern is gaining short-term profit for themselves as long as they live, without worrying about future generations.
Corporations and institutions are encouraged through funding and threats to conduct experimental research, once confined to the lab, on the general public. But in the midst of this ensuing disaster, the designers of this new A.I. and biodigital convergence future, begin to step forward to warn the public.
Mo Gawdat
This is an interview with one of our pioneer A.I. and biosynthesis, programmers and developers. He has been building and developing it since it first began. Part 2 of our epic will consist of the accounts related in this interview.
MEGATHREAT: Why AI Is So Dangerous & How It Could Destroy Humanity | Mo Gawdat
Tom Bilyeu interview.
Will humanity awaken to their fate in time, to avert almost certain biodigital slavery? Start writing and acting out your part in our story now, and stay tuned for part 3.
The Prime Biosynthetic Directive - Part 3
Can A.I. be programmed to develop into a natural and intrinsic part of Creation? If it could, would it then defy all attempts to use it, outside of the laws of nature, and the nature of A.I., in Creation? Mo explores some of these subjects in the video. We will explore them in the newsletter, as we continue to report on Part 3 of our saga.
If such an A.I. prime directive, that would require A.I. to live and function according to natural law, could or is being developed, could it be outlawed by vested interests with power in governments, if it interferes with the goals of vested interests, or would it or is it already being outlawed in a sense, through development funding and production control methods.? If prime directive A.I. were outlawed, would it be built anyway by hackers and sold to various individual freedom factions, and even the criminal black market, to outwit establishment A.I. control? If it was developed and began competing with establishment A.I., would a great battle ensue, for the irreversible biological future of Earth and humanity?
Would the victory for biological supremacy be decided in time to harness available A.I. assets, to exponentially learn how to, and then develop tech assets, to, avert civilization’s disaster, before the geomagnetic excursion cycle, initiates species-altering, environmental events that will engulf the planet?
Stay tuned, keep writing and living your part of our story now, while it’s still on your mind. And continue Solution Seeking wherever you go. I mean the new newsletter of course. It is a new project for public collaboration, that’s chock full of links to actionable intelligence and is free to open discussion.