Blackrock, WEF, Big Pharma Connected To Construction Of Colorado Gain Of Function Ebola Biolab
Denver Health Administers Ebola Vaccine To Health Workers In anticipation of Future Outbreak
Blackrock with 10 trillion in working assets owns all the major media. This is one reason an illegal bio lab, being built in plain site in Colorado, doing to Ebola and other viruses, what was done in Wuhan is beginning operations unnoticed.
Blackrock also owns the major pharmaceutical companies developing Ebola vaccines and mRNA, genetic treatments. Blackrock is also an official partner with the WEF supporting their agendas. They have successfully lobbied the government to continue what has been identified as illegal research done offshore in China and Ukraine, In Colorado Springs, just down the road from the Denver Health Center, on the doorstep of the American Rockies.
It Says Shedding On the Label
When it says shedding on the vaccine insert, stating that there is a 31% chance of a vaccinated person shedding the Ebola virus to a loved one or stranger, it is very significant development. In fact, shedding has never been admitted to as a factor in previous vaccines, until now.
Dr. Bartlett believes a possible leak from the new biolab, is the reason Denver Health is preparing its staff for an Ebola outbreak, in a region where Ebola has never existed before.
BREAKING: Denver Colorado Hospitals Injecting Staff With Live Ebola Vaccine That Sheds
This information is from an Infowars video with Alex Jones hosting, shared yesterday by Oppenheimer Ranch Project
The Human Rights War, Ground, and Air Battles
This is a war for basic human rights. To establish a common understanding of their vital importance. To arrive at a common understanding of what those rights are, and the capacity for essential qualities in life they make possible.
We can see human rights battles beginning all around us as engagements in the air and on the ground. Om our last newsletter we looked at the WEFUS funding and support as a battlefield where we have a strategic air advantage in the form of public opinion and now see an opportunity to also advance on the ground.
On this issue, however, dealing with the Ebola bio lab in Colorado Jon Fleetwood tells us, that the authorities and the public simply don’t care.
Jon spent a lot of his journalistic efforts on this issue, calling, emailing, contacting, and reaching out to public officials and private businesses. No one cared about the lab or dangerous vaccine or was prepared to deal with all the details necessary, to understand the likelihood of an engineered Ebola outbreak, due to the vaccine shedding live Ebola virus, and a possible leak from the Ft. Collins bio lab. The elites appear to have established a level of cognitive dissonance, relative to the public’s confidence in itself, to properly comprehend the interconnected science and players of the issue.
Psyche Wars
It is easier for the public to connect the dots, which leads to, the WEF wanting to take away your hamburgers, control the food supply, and feed you bugs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, forcing you to own nothing, while surviving on a CBDC allotment. People trust their comprehension skills to connect the dots from the WEF to their partners, their partners’ profit motives, and see those goals clearly stated in official WEF publications. Nobody wants to eat bugs, not even vegetarians.
However, the biowarfare research lab battlefield limits human rights forces’ ability, to achieve their objectives in the air to target public opinion. On the ground, the lab experiments and the official preparation for a formerly impossible Ebola outbreak, or a disease X, hypothetical, continue in Colorado, directly in the public’s face. Not even equating the Wuhan lab with the Ft. Collins lab, has improved the effectiveness of human rights targeting of public opinion from the air to have any effect on the biowarfare research being conducted on the ground.
Layers of Natural Resistance to Information Targeting
People are not up to speed on the criminality particulars now under investigation, technicalities of the research science, and the names of those connected to the project now under investigation occurring at Chapel Hill N. Carolina, that are fundamental to both the Wuhan and Ft. Collins labs. They are not familiar with how this is the same pattern of activity, already associated with COVID bioengineering, pandemic declarations, and forced mRNA genetic experimentations called vaccinations. The public is not familiar with the policies of the FDA, NIH, CDC, and other agencies and the names of officials profiting with little-known private organizations, to advance the Wuhan research and now advance Ft. Collins.
Attacking Elites Ability On The Ground, To Profit From Pandemics
Stopping the WHO pandemic treaty set to be approved this year in mere months, is an essential human rights battlefield, deciding the future of health rights and control of individual wellness. It cedes all bodily sovereignty to the WHO, overriding national constitutional human rights laws of signed nations. In the case of the declared COVID pandemic, military and government officials with private pharmaceutical industries gained power and profit at the public’s expense, based on WHO guidelines. The agreement to be signed this year will make it illegal for the population of any signatory nation to disobey pandemic guidelines and policies, decided by the private unelected officials of the WHO.
Being Bold
If the WHO pandemic treaty goes into effect it guarantees an expanding marketplace for researchers and pharmaceutical manufacturers. There will be more Biolabs built and more profit to be realized through biological and genetic manipulation of the human and natural environment as new pandemics will increasingly be engineered. According to the facts, the current experimental mRNA vaccine distribution program to combat a bioengineered COVID-19, virus is a criminal act, inflicting known harm
The facts go in, before the name Karen Kingstone goes on, the report.
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by Disclosure News | 24 January, 2024 | Planet Earth
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Thursday, January 25, 2024
OK so how clear does it need to be that these psychopath d-elites intend to kill us all , so we are now going to do WHAT? What is anyone waiting for ?