Brief 11-02-2023 |The Internet Of Bodies - Sabrina Wallace
Alignment and Environment Monitoring
From the Medetaranian.
Live data from NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily
Maintained by Rosario Catania - Alessandro Longo - S. Caffo
(To see on google map click this link (Lat. 37°37'52.45"N - Long. 15°1'20.26"E)
Here below the first LIVE spectrogram, updated every hour. It shows the last 8 hours ELF and ULF activity, as received by our coil (magnetic field).
Schumann resonances are marked in right side of the picture. Bottom part zooms on the 0,1 to 4 Hz range.
FFT resolution 10,5 mHz, scroll time 40 seconds
Planetary Environment
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Planetary History - New Research
Did a minor planet crash into the Earth creating the moon? Suspicious Observers find problems with a major part of the theory in today’s report Nov.2.2023.
IMPACT FACTOR! - Remains Of Planet (Theia) That Formed The Moon May Be Hiding Near Earth’s Core
Is part of another planet inside of the Earth? Magnetic Reversal and Suspicious Observers offer two different views
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The Internet Of Bodies Explained by Sabrina Wallace
Follow the pictures as you watch the video. Or after you watch it.
Video and Charts
Sabrina Wallace put a lot of effort into her hand-drawn info images. We used screenshots so they are a bit blurry. Our apologies. The basic idea comes through however and they are clear enough to use as a visual reference, to anchor her research data into your thinking.
Basic Subject
The energy of our environment is an energy field. Our bodies are an energy field and extension of the planetary energy field. Energy can be programmed to serve or harm humanity and the planet. Energy is programmable to function by applying the mathematical laws of energy to any energy field. The government knows this and is conducting theoretical and operational research. The effect is to disrupt the flow of energy from the grounding bio-energy resonance of Earth through our bodies, disrupting the flow of signals at points within the nervous system.
Demonstrated Good Leadership Skills and Dedication To Her Work
As it turns out, her passion for leaving no stone unturned is what eventually got her questioning the overall purpose of her assignments and their undisclosed applications in behavior control.
She began to realize that various aspects of her technological work were connected to one overall official government vision.
Her Personal Full Energy Field Discovery
Influencing the energy field is a conscious act. An act of consciousness on the energy environment. Conscious beings or personal individualizations of consciousness include us and others who are extensions of energy outside of the biological spectrum. This is her experience as she researched her way through life, beginning as a starting tech operations labor commodity. As she continued her work she began to analyze the effects of conscious activity on all energy fields and began communicating with intelligence not in biological form. Conscious energy is not the energy of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is separate and actively influences energy according to the laws of energy. Consciousness may influence energy from any point in time or space in the spectrum. Our planetary and biological energy field is creatively active in less than 5% of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Consciously Manipulating the Human Energy Environment
One way of manipulating the human energy environment is to interfere with the normal human nervous electric signal processes. Pan-energizing particles over a targeted area to disrupt human energy fields is one way. Geoengineering is also used to set up an atmospheric particle blanket of chemicals or metallic nanoparticles to enhance human energy field disruption.
However, targeted attacks on our energy field are possible using the cell phone. Her work in the technological arena led her to understand that the cell phone can both receive and transmit. The RF frequencies it uses are disruptive to our bioenergy field.
Targeting Natural Immunity
Sabrina noticed that the frequencies used and being developed were potentially harmful to the immune system. She now believes that given the volume of operations dedicated to augmenting these frequencies, it is targeted disruption and over time will affect parts of the body that govern healthy immunity. The disruption is from the RF frequency.
The effect of RF bombardment in too great an intensity is to screw with the cells of our bodies.
Knowing Your Biofield and How It Works
Do you Get The Picture?
This is only the first part of her analysis. As the image above indicates, she moves on to interfering with brain functions and human behavior, to the implications of that. She covers the technology interface with medicine in relation to patient health control and care management rights as well.
Grade This Post
To make this fun, I decided to risk everything and allow you to grade my performance in this brief.
My Assignment
My task was to lay this out for readers. I watched the video all the way through. Two days later I am writing this by screenshot capturing the charts without audio, and writing from memory, in basic terms. It is a test of my context memory and requires a teacher or subject reviewers to grade and or evaluate my performance.
This is also a test of my existential resonance grounding in the energy field of the subject. I didn’t see the charts clearly at all on my solo view. So I wanted to see them in detail now and be able to associate instinctually, the picture, with her story as I remember it today. Essentially I need to get programmed and re-imprint to get good at this subject. It is not strictly memory work. It includes knowing where you are on the information map, from any point in the overall picture. Pattern identification.
Since I am just beginning to comprehend the data, write about it, and share it in briefs I need a preliminary check from others who are learning with me or perhaps even better informed.
Improving The IRUUR1 Briefs
Your evaluation will help me to sharpen my skills as your humble editor. Just watch the video and see how I did in nailing the basic beginning Sabrina Wallace video charts, from memory.
I remain, performing without a net, on the net, for your gratification and informational entertainment.