CBDC, The Next 9 Months, and Stew Peters, with Dr. Alexander Dugin, talk about Putin
Reality Programming Brief 11-27-2023
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Biosphere, Tune-up, Alignment
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Putin Peters Dr. Dugin and Geopolitics
Stew is one of the best in the biz. He is admittedly slanted to an ideology. But his ideological vision is one of arriving at the truth of a matter, no matter where it leads. Whether he believes a geopolitical solution, or band-aid is possible or merely useful in finding a higher truth, applicable to hard evidence, is hard to conclude. But he agrees to some degree with Dr. Dugin.
We also agree with him as well on many points he raises, as you will see and hear in the video. However not about Putin and his prospects for geopolitical human justice.
The Most Dangerous Philosopher in the World: EXCLUSIVE with Russia’s Chief Ideological Mastermind
A Geopolitical Solution Comment
You will want to watch part of the video or skim through to catch some of what I mean, in a comment I made on the Rumble-hosted video you can read with some alterations here if you click the video. Politics is being programmed and all caught up in it are participating in pre-programmed events, and not affecting reality. It is however a vital forum to interject conscious awareness and redirect human energy away from the inducements of the system. This removing energy dependence on a system solution with increased awareness, if done enough, increases awareness and changes political programming calibrations, which can alter events.
Important interview. Thank You. I had lost track of Mr. Dugin over the last 15 years. It is good to see he can speak more freely in Russia now.
He is brilliant but mistaken in his search for a geopolitical solution for humanity and his hope that Putin is becoming enlightened. Though Putin may not be a globalist as he defines it he is an authoritarian. He is a trained YGL, Young Global Leader, with WEF. He along with the BRICS nations, are developing CBDCs. Whether it is a Christian CBDC, or Muslim, or whatever, it is still a crime to force people to trade in a currency controlled at the top and owned by the producer of the currency. This is slavery.
In my opinion, Putin is a liability and a distraction. He co-ops awakened rhetoric, in the manner of a man familiar with KGB psyche ops tactics. He successfully compromises our message, by easily equating our harmless attempts to awaken more people to our seditious government, easily characterizing our facts, as disinformation sponsored by hostile US actors. This delays and distracts from our efforts to unite people of goodwill on all sides to our authority as citizens and legal residents, to enforce our rights under the Constitution.
Mr. Dugin is a Mother Russia-loving nationalist and his heart influences his analysis. I believe his Ukraine analysis is well-founded. However, he equates globalism culturally as an extension of Protestantism. This is likely because Russia rejected Protestant belief. However, his analysis ignores the fact that white Protestant influence, WASPs, white Anglo-Saxon protestant was the primary cultural enemy of early communists and liberal globalists, in the 1950s and 60s. In the end, Dr. Alexander Dugin can be counted on to go beyond the bounds of any geopolitical construct in search of truth. He proved this as a Russian dissident.
Mr. Putin will however not allow basic human rights to stand in the way of a Russian CBDC, economic slave system, as currently outlined by China, Iran, and the BRIC nations.
CBDCs And The Next 9 Months
IRUUR1 wants us all to be more PIA, Pia, means love in Latin. Full of love able to be more Predictive, Influential, and Adaptive in resolving our place in the universe. Today and perhaps for a lot longer we will be attempting to be predictively publishing, or perhaps anticipatory, of what is bound to happen in the next 9, very important months ahead.
First I will stress that all these predictions are meant to be altered through the increase in our awareness of the conscious actions available to us that will influence events. However, if we have no ability to increase the awareness and perspective of options, available to the 99%, these anticipations of events are solid.
The Mathematics of Energy
All predictions are influenced by our Core Official Informal Contributors. They are based on the mathematics of energy, which is a constant predictor, influencer, and anticipation foundation for engineering reality in this energy environment. We must all come to grips with this if we haven’t already, in the interests of sanity for ourselves and our loved ones going forward.
Clif High, who publishes Aether Pirates, uses the same energy principles of mathematical laws that are found in the, Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905.
He scrapes and collects relevant human activity to arrive at their energy sources historically and their interconnected matrices of energy, fueling historic, present-day, and future events. I strongly urge you to click and take, at least a brief look at the manual and Clif’s newsletter, to understand how the laws of energy mathematics, work to increase your understanding and also to program your reality.
IRUUR1 advances the home computer you carry around with you every day, as an organic alternative to advanced present-day tech computing. Becoming a computer operational life stream, that is not connected to the internet. Your heart, head, and hand are your computer power tied to the biosphere.
At age 9 I learned your brain records everything. My understanding of accessing this awesome data collection power was advanced by Prof. Alan Watts and Dr. Timothy Leary in the 60s.
In the 50s, Dr. Leary did research on a project for Harvard, on the basic biological human-computer system, later applied by DARPA in mind control experiments. His research is available as a DIY manual for self-programming, and optimizing your biosphere connection to gain a full perspective of your capacity in a book titled, Exo Psychology. Reading Exo Psychology is fundamental in understanding how energy can be used to enhance or disrupt your evolution through childhood, to old age. Biologically we are programmed to unfold in life through stages of understanding and potential the longer we live, with full natural, optimized, functionality.
My confidence in my own personal computer system and yours as well is further advanced by the latest research that establishes no limits on the upscaleability of our own biocomputers.
The 60s counterculture was based on increasing understanding to better create your own reality. And that we in fact did on many levels, create realities that sometimes rewarded, and sometimes penalized us for no apparent reason. The subculture saw people as energy and giving qualifying and receiving energy. We looked for patterns of energy in events and personal situations.
Our Analysis
Clif analyzes and predicts the next 9 months in his recent newsletters on his computer, our core contributors by their methods, and me on my biocomputer. I, and I believe Clif as well, look for energy patterns with similarities connected to and from obvious and disconnected sources to see their unmistakable, common repeated influences on events. Then we calculate the rate of oscillation in repetitive patterns we observe, to anticipate the next wave of that energy to gauge its potential intensity and influence. I look for the body language of events. We both come to the same basic understandings and conclusions. His methods have verified to me that my biocomputer approach is relevant and useful.
But he is a master of his computer system. I am just beginning to grasp the concept that my energy and reality are programmable, mathematically and can be weaponized by following an operations manual. So Clif really fills in a lot of blanks with his methods with names and histories that give me a much greater and detailed on some important issues, perspective. But his data collection using his computer is limited relative to mine. He knows 100% of his system. Me perhaps 1% operational knowledge of my system.
I’m going on about this because I know everyone who wants to, can see patterns, predict energy flow, and better influence energy, according to all kinds of natural and human-enhanced computing methods. And better to do it consciously with focused intent, than allow the mind unfettered and uniformed to subconsciously and unconsciously control our reality below our actual functional capacity.
Anticipate This
In the long term the CBDC and everything tied to electricity on the public grid as the source of its power will end in less than 25 years, as an historic, cyclic certainty, going back for thousands of years. This is most likely starting in 11 years, but is likely now at any time, under the right solar conditions. We are a bit overdue for the next one.
It is called the Carrington Event which is a large solar flare. The criminal elite are essentially shielded, but the public grid is not. Until resources are utilized to harden the public grid, all human activity connected to the public grid will be offline in reality in the near future. Your future in the next 12 to 20 years, cannot depend on electricity to sustain it unless the grid is hardened and all new satellites are flare-hardened before launch. All criminal elite efforts including Agenda 2030 and so on, are based on getting the global population dependent on electricity for everything and be positioned after the flaring event, to force the remaining living to dispose of the dead.
The bond market activity over next 9 months will see increasingly noticeable monthly and weekly rises in the costs of goods and services. By June it will be impossible for the normies to ignore the facts connected to genuine awareness, once called conspiracies. But by then the hardships will be such that most will seek and demand refuge in government and the system. This is the most likely predicate to offer digital accounts to cover the hyper-inflated cost of necessities, goods and services, to all who will comply. The digital currency makes us dependent on electricity for trade and not the hard assets we possess. Biometric security, where your optical, and DNA information is used to identify you could earn the complicit, some VIP treatment for essential goods and services.
All efforts to begin smart cities, herd us into self-driving cars, modern medicine in all its forms, and even the green agenda are based on scraping human resources for the few remaining resources that will be useful after the solar flare. Those off-grid are best able to withstand any economic changes.
There will be many who will not comply. This article deals with emergencies that will arise as the economy becomes hyperinflated, and the facilities now being developed over the next 9 months to deal with civil and we assume natural emergencies as well.
Beginning now, and in the last year, mRNA is going into everything, without regard to the side effects.
More than 200 medical journals worldwide published a coordinated editorial on October 25, 2023, calling for the World Health Organization to declare a new global health emergency. That 200 medical journals could publish the same editorial on the same day, calling for a new global health emergency, is living proof, indeed, the only proof we should ever need that we are at the mercy of highly organized conspiracies.
This emergency is based on climate control and the criminal need to control the climate and human behavior. It is all dependent on the grid and is an experiment and a continual increase in criminal influence over human behavior.
Conscious Awareness Factor
Happily New Zealand most recently and a number of other countries have populations who can force their awareness on public policy, to the extent that they have opted out as nations of the WHO amendment in the new agreement to be signed next year. This amendment deals with compliance during WHO-announced and designated pandemics.
Last Laugh on Holiday Planning
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Oppenheimer Ranch Project
@Diamondthedave On X
Tim would have liked this one. Good Fortune.