Here we go again. Looking for signs of a 33% resistance and realignment movement in America and the World.
A Few Items On The Radar
People are becoming active in opposition to health mandates that violate our rights to personal health choices. I would say that over 1/3 of the world is aware of the COVID plandemic scam, the vaccine harm, and future acts of health tyranny planned by the WHO. Here are some other issues showing up on the radar.
Awareness of Reiner Fuellmich Growing
I read this through a couple of times and am confused. I cannot decipher the new change in the legal framework, suddenly instituted by the court, involving "fiduciary custody" and the nullification of the original loan agreement. The court has suddenly decided to stop hearing any more evidence and wants to rule on the case. But the lawyer for Reiner who wrote this piece, did not explain this so I could understand it. Is the court saying fiduciary custody should have been established as part of the original agreement and because it wasn't, the original agreement is nullified? Or is the court saying it is instituting nullification of the loan agreement, stop hearing the evidence, and rule on who has fiduciary responsibility, based on the evidence presented so far? Or none of the above?
If you think you know what the court is saying leave a comment.
Dr. Rima is also taking notice of the crimes by a global investment conglomerate funding an out-of-control state apparatus, governing in Germany, and acting openly against Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.
The Judge in the case has stated, according to reports, that despite the evidence, he is going to convict Reiner no matter what.
Is that the sort of world you want to live in? State Show Trials where the outcome is already determined and those who provide inconvenient truths are dispatched to gulags? Anyone waylaid and kidnapped to fulfill the suppressive, repressive whims of the dictator du jour?
No, it is not the sort of world I want to live in, either.
That is why it is so very important to share what is being done to Reiner and to make sure it does not continue for Reiner or happen for anyone else by shining the light of public opinion and outrage on it. That is why I am asking you to share this post.
Geoengineering Lawsuit Getting Notice
Reinette Senum’s Save Our Skies class action lawsuit is beginning to pick up some steam and get noticed. Activist Post just published a short article on it and The Abstract did an interview with Reinette who gave us an update on the lawsuit’s progress.
SAVE OUR SKIES: The Legal Update with Reinette Senum
Albert Pike, Scottish Rite Freemason
Documents from 1871 that Christians should read!
This is a little insight into the origins of the economic and political programming we are experiencing, and seeking to address with heightened awareness in action.
Albert Pike a Grand Master and creator of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Masonic Scottish Rite Order. I read this letter he wrote when I was in my early 20s and was exploring cosmology from every perspective I could find. It is an example of advanced wisdom, gone bad.
Gold Standard Truth
Truth and great wisdom are like gold. You can do a lot of things with gold. The more gold you have, the more harm, or harmony you can create. When you understand the fact that we discuss in most of our articles, that this is an electromagnetic energy universe. Our universe can be programmed. The nature of the energy universe is the foundation that has formed the understanding of what is termed alchemy, metaphysics, and the so-called occult, as well as sorcery, to be sure, since ancient times.
Today our scientists and researchers are using electromagnetic energy principles to manipulate everything. They anticipate the electromagnetic effects on the environment when developing geoengineering projects. and operations. mRNA technology creates conditions in the body creating cellular reception, and the ability to send signals to the patient that will determine cellular growth and formation. The last newsletter has a video on a lot of the current tech on energy manipulation, and calculations to create a predictable result..
Well, the point is, that Albert Pike used the same knowledge of an energy environment, applied to a different science, we call ancient science. Ancient science is what we attempt to rediscover in our time in this newsletter, because it is really a timeless science and principle based on consciousness in action in an energy environment.
In the video, Doug focuses on the Doctrine of Lucifer which the 3 world wars are meant to establish on Earth.
Doctrine Of Good And Evil
The Doctrine of Lucifer, I have not thoroughly researched enough to comment on in full. Basically, it says we are a mistake in the universe because the free will we believe we have is a vanity and an abomination in Creation. The doctrine of good and evil is meant to expose the fact that we are unable to exercise genuine free will because we are too fragile in Creation. The Doctrine of Good and evil is designed to expose our inherent flaws throughout the universe The good and evil doctrine works by confusing mankind to the extent that they are willing to stray from the path of harmlessness, to harm, to anyone and anything, in the pursuit of a subjective battle, of greater good, over greater evil. This battle of good and evil Pike surmised, could be manipulated, calculated, and used to establish Luciferian rule, by engineering 3 world wars. Wars, designed to exploit the historical ignorance of distant cultures, allowing various factions to be painted as evil and others as good. And that these factions could be formed into various competing well-funded and organized entities, to be developed with the participation of political and economic interests to construct a conflict narrative, on a broad timeline.
What is the Gold Standard?
Harmlessness seems to say it as well as anything. It is much easier to understand, and practice harmlessness when you stop seeing things in Creation as good and evil. What we experience is energy in an energy environment. The active ingredient, the catalyst for creating in this energy environment, is consciousness. Everything is an expression of the full consciousness of greater Being. Greater Being created this energy environment and may have created many others, we are not aware of.
I base this assumption of harmlessness, and harmony, in action in Creation for optimum species efficiency, based on a lot of factors, including the nature of the biology our consciousness is active in presently. We have explored this in previous newsletters and will continue to do so in future ones as well.
What/Who is Lucifer?
Lucifer is a conscious choice.
Is he, it, evil?
Lucifer is a quality control mechanism in the universe. Anything that lacks intrinsic integrity with greater Being in Creation in the universe is subject to the recycling of energy and the destruction of itself in its present form, to mutate into something else in Creation. In our case, Lucifer represents the destruction of our species and our form of consciousness in Creation.
What is Our Form Of Consciousness?
We as individual identities, express the infinite possibilities, contained in the fullness of greater Being, active in creating reality, in this environment of Creation. Each one of us is an individual expression of creative possibility in the universe. This is what is meant in the Bible that we are here to glorify Creation.
I could go on, but this is not a spiritual or metaphysical post. I wanted to include this information because the fact that a guy in 1871, working with powerful vested interests, designed the current reality, that we are experiencing today is important. Understanding the basics of the ancient science of energy and consciousness he worked from, which became with the help of modern science, the Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. Introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905 is important in the understanding of the successful reality we are experiencing that he designed and understood in 1871.
This is important. Pike needed to keep the ancient science he knew, known also by Moses and Aaron, secret from the general population and keep everyone ignorant, in order for his Luciferian design to work. He wanted to see our species transformed from the original design and vainly believed his understanding of the science of energy, in the old-school way, in the face of our collective ignorance, gave him the right and the natural power to make that Luciferian decision for humanity, and thus departed from the teachings of Moses and Aaron. For more on the ancient science in our time, from a non-Luciferian perspective here is a useful video.
Manly P. Hall: Learning to Know the Dweller in the Flesh
Banned From The Gateway Pundit Comments
TGP likes to manipulate Constitution-minded patriots. TGP are Trump all the way. When you point out significant facts they omit from their reporting, they get pissed. I am banned. Oh well.
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 27
by Disclosure News | Planet Earth
6 moderate solar flares erupted from the sun and are aimed at Earth. Expect minor to moderate electrical and satellite disruptions, and auroras down to mid-latitudes over the weekend
Suspicious0bservers uploaded: SIX SOLAR STORMS ON THEIR WAY TO EARTH | S0 News May.10.2024
Oppenheimer Ranch Project premiering now: A Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Watch Has Geen Issued For The Firt Time In Nearly Two Decades!
Last Laugh
Go Comics
Ali's House by Marguerite Dabaie and Tom Hart for March 25, 2022
Good Fortune