On Sep 23 wrote a great article. In the end, Lev poses 5 questions, which IRUUR1 offers responses to, and poses 2 questions of our own, in this article.
The hard Problem of Consciousness is Impossible
We agree.
According to our present level of perception, that we can communicate with each other, and rationalize fully within ourselves, we do not fully know consciousness.
However, the author makes a brilliant observation as to the nature of consciousness.
Being conscious is having a phenomenological experience of reality
Everything in reality we experience,, including consciousness, operates in the electromagnetic spectrum. Mineral, biological and chemical elements are all molecularly coded iterations of electromagnetic energy. Every thought and emotion can be measured as a frequency, in the electromagnetic spectrum. Our life then, if we were technologically advanced enough could be measured in all aspects, as it was being lived, in the electromagnetic spectrum. IRUUR1 advances the theory that; Consciousness is a product of our perception, and what we focus our perception on, through what we experience in our electromagnetic environment.
Lev writes; When you are thirsty, you will drink, because the inputs associated with thirst will lead to outputs associated with the action of drinking…
Your perception is you see water, and your thirst is your focus, so you drink.
His analysis is based on some brilliant and fundamental research into how the brain processes inputs and outputs from the environment in general, with an illuminating chart and video which improved my understanding. I hope you read his article to see what I mean.
But the input-output analysis falls short in its own criteria in another place in the article. In the thirst example, you don’t need to be conscious of being thirsty, if you have the perception of an animal. You simply act on your thirst according to your perception. Lev writes;
For none of this Input-Output), is consciousness needed, so that you could perfectly exist in the world without being conscious and nobody would ever notice.
This appears to be true. But does it apply here?
When somebody will tell you a joke, it will make you laugh, not because you find it particularly funny but because the inputs from your ears will be processed accordingly, making laughter the corresponding output reaction.
Patterns of input-output response do exhibit themselves harmonically, including in humor. Certain tonal combinations will make you smile, worry, and so forth. Tonal combinations even influence animal reactions.
But the reaction to a joke implies input, and output responses, far beyond basic thirst. These involve levels of perception.
Being conscious is having a phenomenological experience of reality
Our phenomenological experience of reality is based on our perception of and our place in it. In the joke example, we are talking about potential inputs and output triggers on many levels. If you don’t think it’s funny, do you know it’s funny in the first place and why? You may laugh or not laugh according to what you and the other person, or persons present, want or hope to gain in a situation. And you may laugh in any situation, just from the tone in the voice and the look in the eye, of the joke teller. It’s all about the context.
It’s all our perceptions of the surrounding environmental context. Though each one of these unfunny joke possibilities, maybe individually auto-triggered in some electromagnetically structured way, they are auto-triggers of conscious perception, well beyond the automatic, instinctual perception of thirst needs. If a guy slips on a bar of soap, you may be outraged or laugh, according to the context.
Addressing 5 Questions From the Author
At the end of the article, Lev raises 5 pertinent questions
Why is there Consciousness?
Where is its root?
How does the phenomenological experience work?
Is there a creator?
Why does the universe exist in the first place?
Why is there Consciousness?
Because we all observably function intrinsically, as being born with individual intelligence. Each one with distinctive values and purpose, mathematically, and electromagnetically coded into our unique biology, in the universe. We are conscious of what we are able to perceive, in this biology. Our unique iteration of coded intelligence is functionally compatible with this biology. We are conscious of our existence in this biology, according to our levels of perception of it, and our ability to access our greater environment in it.
Where is its root?
The Unknown is the source of energy, according to our perception. This energy generates consciousness in us, which we perceive as us, in our environment. We have called it God. But if you are looking for the source underpinning what is discoverable, it is initially perceived to us as unknown or as the Unknown. The Unknown rules all. This source or root energy is limited to us by our perception of it, but discoverable, and learnable. Whenever you plan something, there will always be adjustments because of the unknown factors that occur. It is the ruler.
How does the phenomenological experience work?
Through the electromagnetic spectrum. Every, mineral formation, biological species, every thought and emotion in your article, and my response is a product of what we perceive as the electromagnetic spectrum. All iterations of the spectrum are measurable and resonate within it, according to each thing’s intensity, mass, capacity, frequency, etc.
The spectrum is for all intent and purpose, the world of creation. This is an anomalously uniform universe. We have them, the galaxy has an anomaly. The sun, everything has anomalies. This creates the illusion of infinity in what appears to be a uniform infinity continuum. Everything is interacting with the anomalies of everything else creating new mutations, and possibilities, the results of which create endless, infinite possibilities to discover.
This infinite discovery is viewed scientifically as well. For instance; Astrophysically. with our current telescopes, from our current position in the universe, the cosmos appears to be expanding infinitely. It may be true to say the universe is infinite. This we do not know. It may also be true to say the universe is infinity, according to our perception.
Is there a creator?
The anomalous nature of infinity appears to function mechanically, mathematically, and uniformly, under the laws of electromagnetism, as in a continuum, The mechanical functioning of the electromagnetic laws of the universe, coupled with our perception of personality in humor wisdom, justice, and other aspects of our environment and life in the spectrum, we see aspects of a Creator. Personal aspects of something like greater intelligence, active in our electromagnetic mechanical device world, created possibly outside of our realm. Because we have been conditioned to experience the perception of infinity, or something greater, we can also imagine this greater creator being, as possibly a product of another Creator or greater Being.
Why does the universe exist in the first place?
If there is a Creator(s), then to satisfy them.
If not then we are back to the Unknown, but discoverable measurable, according to our perception, source, and ruler of all things.
Our Questions
We observably, function in life, even scientifically, as mathematically individually, electromagnetically coded iterations of intelligence, compatible with our individually coded biology. Our intelligence and powers of perception may be a product of, or lie beyond the laws of electromagnetics, underpinning the structure of our universe. In this biology we receive, energy throughout all levels of the spectrum, which we qualify, and transmit, according to our perception, capacity, resistance, mass, frequency rate, intensity, amplitude, and so forth.
1. Our biology is a product of the electromagnetic universe. Is our electromagnetic universe a product of something else?
2. Is our intelligence which is compatible in this biology and the spectrum, a product of the electromagnetic spectrum, or an aspect of a greater product, which is compatible in this mathematical, electromagnetically structured universe?