Daily People’s, Energy Intelligence Brief, 10-28-23
Updates on Conscious activity affecting the energy fields of; - politics, finance, culture, environment, lifestyle
I would love to have the time to produce a daily update newsletter. Every day I see the updates of others and say, I wonder if anyone else has seen this yet.
Your Daily Conscious Energy Brief
We are reporting on the effects of consciousness, on the Planetary/Human Energy Field
So the first thing of course is to get grounded. If you waterboarded the truth out of me I would admit that I believe every daily news publication of note, should feature a Schumann Resonance frequency, live monitor, somewhere on their front page. IRUUR1 would begin the daily intelligence brief with a title like this for the section.
Your Daily Schuman
That’s a working title. The first publicly available daily resonance monitor we found on Brave Search, is still offered on U.S. internet platforms, and translated into English for us, free of charge, by the current enemy of the U.S. government, namely the Russian government.
Space observing system
We searched Schumann Resonance on the NASA site, but they have no reference listed.
Then if there was any news on the Schumann Resonance, there would be a section for news.
Schumann Resonance News
And boy, this is some news that may be headlines in a more energy-conscious world. Here is a potential headline. Live Schumann Resonance channels are hard to find on the net. Is that why the first easy site for a live update I found is from Russia? Curious.
The Earth resonates within the solar interplanetary field and galactic energy fields. It affects our conscious interaction with the environment and is influenced by our conscious activity. As early as two years ago, local Schumann monitoring stations were going on and offline. This video offers a little historic starting point and gives an interesting Schuman update to use as a reference for today.
Schumann Resonance Monitors Taken Offline Again, Live
There is some big Resonance News that is being reported.
Really Strange Schumann Resonance Spikes October 25th 2023!
Not all of the daily briefs would have this much news and commentary. Many would just be a daily update link. But this subject requires full attention and gets little significant coverage elsewhere, so today I am giving it some space.
The Resonance Of Consciousness
The effects on our mood, thinking, and even planetary biological formation by the variations in the Earth’s resonance are continually documented and updated in research. However, the effects of human conscious activity on the Earth’s resonance, are news. The evidence of attempts through geoengineering, to influence and alter the resonance frequency of the Earth is one example. It proves that consciousness at any level, not confined to current technology is acting on and within, the Earth’s intergalactic and primary formational resonance frequency.
Environmental Report
After the Schuman Update, the Daily People’s Energy Intelligence Brief would move on to the weather
IRUUR1 believes that the galactic energy wave, bringing dust and causing magnetic and other changes on the sun, planets, and earth, is second, only to grounding in importance to energy-conscious readers. We think two Earth/space weather channels together give readers a complete environmental and weather overview, superior to other dailies.
Coronal Hole, Mars Ice, Solar-Ozone Interaction | S0 News Oct.28.2023
Mt St. Helens Seismic Uptick - Iceland Seismic Crisis Continues - Solar Cycle 25 Update - Eclipse
After the weather, if I hadn’t gone on about the Schumann resonance, I would perhaps feature an article and give it some conscious energy. Then we would move on to our Core, and Official Informal Contributors, (OIC) or Oh, I See, contributors.
Usually, we would start with finance and Greg Manarrino.
Earth Asset Energy Brief
Anything that’s interesting in the economy in this section, with Gregory in the lead, or somewhere in the mix.
The definition of the economy as an energy field, capable of being used to modify human behavior, is found in this official U.S. government document. Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905 An important background reference guide for new and seasoned readers alike.
The Alaska Prepper gets very personal with your assets.
After Assets
After the Earth asset, human interaction update, or economics, we would check the roster of contributors.
Political Energy Intelligence Reports
A major indicator of political energy in action can be found in the military/civilian transport system. None is more vital to military-civilian operations than air transport. The geoengineering launched from the air is being used in conjunction with electrical generating devices, conducted through various consumer devices that provide electrical transmitting capacity. It is a geo-altering of the bioelectric environment. It is targeted. Flight information on the aircraft capable of carrying out this mission is only one of the insights, available from real-time, currently publicly accessible, military/civilian flight analysis and air flightlog tracking.
US Hits Iran in Syria - Then Issues Statement We Don't Want War. SITREP 10 27 23
Conscious Political Leadership Under Continuous Attack
They are attempting to do to Reiner Fuellmich what they have done to Julian Assange. He is now in prison and people are pushing back.
What About Julian? this is from a week ago.
Julian Assange update
This week;
House members urged in bipartisan letter to join demands for Biden to drop Julian Assange’s case | Fox News
Julian Assange to be made honorary citizen of Rome | Reuters
Jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will become an honorary citizen of Rome by early next year following a vote this week by its local assembly, the city's former mayor Virginia Raggi said on Thursday
Increased public awareness of the inflated charges and enflamed public perception pursued by world governments against Assange, is sending up public relations trial balloons. People are getting concerned and the government is looking for a public relations deal. Increased public awareness of any injustice being directed against Reiner should garner similar results.
Planetary And Human Energy Conflicts - Update
We find conclusive evidence of two conflicting mathematical architectures in nature, active in natural formation. These two primary governing geometries are reflected in our astrophysical calculations, as well as biological, and chemical formation and data. The two fundamental creational architectures are explored according to their basic geometric mathematical components in two videos. This is the 2nd video in the series from this channel, concentrating on the lesser-known Krystal spiral. Part one is on the Fibonacci and Metatronic spirals.
Krystal Spiral Revisited and Revised: A Knew View
Apparently, these two creational phenomena are calculated to be evolving along two separate arcs that have been synchronous but are destined to divide into two separate creational structures.
Biohacking The Human Resource Energy Grid
The potential conflict evident in the contrary motion of two archetypal patterns in nature is reflected in the potential evolution of our conscious connection to our biological environment as well. The ability to hack into the nervous system and cognitive functioning of people is technologically feasible, patented, documented, researched, and proposed everywhere there is publicly available information. But it is not widely discussed.
Reinette Senum takes a look at both the natural/creational and human resource environment conflicts in a recent Substack for Foghorn Express.
That’s today’s sample brief.
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Good Fortune All