De-Mystifying Reality Electromagnetically - Do What You Want = Glorify Creation
Doing what you want without intentional harm to life and Glorifying God and Creation. How are they the same?
God Is Always Active, Rarely Glorified. And; Do what you want, without doing intentional harm to others, and you'll do fine. How are these 2 ideas the same? And why do I write this stuff? I don’t live well by the world’s standards. But I am happier than most people I know, who understand less about the horrors we face with the economic and environmental changes we are in.
Because I want to live better, I am motivated to establish foundational wealth. Foundational wealth is a product of lifestyle. Foundational wealth builds the pathway of desire, which never ends. Life is a journey. What I have in life is mine. I have health and do not need any medications, and unless deprived of basic natural food, will always be healthy till check out time. I can take this anywhere there is decent food and water. I had to get pretty sick a few times while recovering from a serious childhood injury to figure it out.
I can’t market a cure for what I did, because I did so many things, in so many ways that in the end I ended up with a lifestyle that suits me, and if maintained will always deliver health. My lifestyle for health will be different than yours. My lifestyle must be slightly or very different than the one you desire for your health and happiness. That is because my value and purpose for being born in this world of ours, is going to be different, as our fingerprint and hand print will be different.
De-mystification, Key To Enlightenment
Defining the nature of absolute Being, or your own being-ness in greater Being. Sounds mystical just reading and writing it. But is it mysterious or mystical in nature, or mysterious relative to our degree of perception?
Now I’m no master teacher by any stretch. But I have mastered understanding to a degree, of some of the things master teachers teach, and that is my tool kit, you can say. Sounds mystical once again right? But the problem is, I found final confirmation of these teachings through exhaustion of my personal indulgences. More importantly, in the following of observed habits of everyday people. Often the less sophisticated by worldly standards the more clear the confirmation. People who wouldn’t necessarily have a concept of master teachers. But often people of faith in a belief, or in way of life.
I simply kept teachings like the Bible, Tao, Quran, Vedas, etc. in the back of my mind, while attempting to survive, get skills, and do whatever I wanted, without harming other parts of life intentionally. Sometimes, unless I could find no other alternative, to potential harm, I chose to maintain a relatively basic standard of living required to sustain my goals at my capacity and did what was required to keep a job, get a job, or sustain other matters to keep a standard I believed I needed to keep it all rolling. Not very mystical.
Any harmful result, I became aware of, I tried to correct or if unable, hoped I would be able to pay back, with interest in time. You can see the programmed logic of the debt-based economic system in my thinking here. One is tempted to feel guilt, but I don’t believe in guilt or shame as indulgences. They are but the sweeping away of bitterness, obscuring vision. I believe in obligation, remuneration, atonement, transcendence, re-creation, re-purpose, and forgiveness. That kind of stuff.
Motivation, Energy, Vibration, and Frequency
What do these, Motivation, Energy, Vibration, and Frequency have to do with God is not glorified but always active, and doing what you want harmlessly? I don’t know off hand. You tell me. That’s what we’re all here for right? Learning from each other. Please Leave a Comment.
I can tell you what I have observed, however, in life. And that is, that motivation is the key to activating, qualifying, and/or transmitting from a point in the electromagnetic spectrum. This word, motivation, is the closest thing I can see as a materialistic term to describe the potential for connection to the ultimate source of power in life, which we perceive as the Unknown or God.
Motivation, The Astrophysical Connection To The Unknown
You are a point of Creation. At least in this fundamental and functional way, applied to astrophysics. Let’s use a common, activated point of a creation model, taken from astrophysics, shall we? In this model, we see a universe interconnected galaxy to galaxy by dusty electric filaments, spanning incalculable lightyears. At a point in infinite space, an explosion occurs. It sometimes forms a galaxy or perhaps a sun in a galaxy.
An unseen energy accumulation has occurred at a point in space. These events are formed in what is called black holes but this is not necessarily the case. Many scientists point to evidence of measurements of energy accumulation shrouded by dust and debris shrouded again by a universe of dust in between our telescope and the eventual explosion.
The center of the explosion shoots out in a north-south torus jet formation. In the case of a galaxy, like the Milky Way, the center of the energy inside the center of the galaxy’s torus, forms the molecular mathematical code for the formation of all life within the galaxy. Deciphering this code is one of the most significant goals of science today.
Our sun forms a measurable electromagnetic field torus as well. Our planet forms one and the molecular formation of our biology are a product of the molecular code of the sun and our planet. We also have an electromagnetic torus energy field around us, like the sun, earth, and our galaxy.
The formation of a molecular code from an explosion, forming the center of the Milky Way that is governing all life in the galaxy, implies functional singular motivation on a greater level. Motivation on a fundamental level it appears, is a foundational aspect, of Creation in the universe. We are electromagnetic beings with a torus formation, exploded from a biological accumulation of energy. The galaxy of life, in our sphere of interconnecting human torus formational interconnecting influence, will be based on our motivation.
Motivation/Vision, Vibration, and Frequency
We then are an implied, motivational force of Creation born from an electromagnetic connection and accumulation of energy from which we form an electromagnetic torus of inherent coded purpose, value, or motivation. We can call this, a higher, or intrinsic motivational force of ourselves in our life, stamped in our biology and the entire spectrum of our being. An updatable, coded reason for being here in the first place. This implies we are born with inherently motivated coding operative in our life with the ability to influence on some level, and also to be predictive and adaptive. Perhaps even form our own molecular code in our bodies, influential in our environment and lineage.
Our own motivation for receiving life’s energy, qualifying, and transmitting is tied to our vision. How we see the world, guides our actions in it. The more you can be motivated to do what you really want, without harming your inherent life, within or around you, the more your vision will autopilot to map and order your prime motivation.
Seeing more clearly. Owning Motivation
The more also, that you can own what your motivation truly is, becomes important to vision. Not fooling yourself by pretending to be motivated by something like an ideal when you really want something else. The more you own your motivation the better able you are to be predictive, influential, and adaptive in each situation. The more clearly you will see the motivational forces around you, with which you are interacting.
The Mind, Vibration, and Frequency
The mind is the receiver, and transmitter you adjust according to the vibratory rate and frequency required for the desired motivational actions needed according to your vision. If you are motivated to do a certain thing instinctively you still have to visualize how to do all or part of it, in order to make it real. The mind can help. The only problem we have with the mind is when we let it motivate us, from what we really want to do. This stems from fear of the Unknown, instead of awe, or the desire to discover and glorify unknown potential in Creation.
The mind doesn’t really know anything. If allowed to rule over our vision and motive, it will rely on the primary directive inherent in brain biology which is to survive and look for anything that can potentially end life in biology. This allows it to be driven by fear and concern for everything at the 5 senses level.
But our torus vibrates on all frequencies, of which the 5 senses comprise less than 5%. Sustaining and optimizing the unique quality of our vibratory/frequency reception and transmission codability through our life is made functional in and through the mind, like sustaining the body to the constant beating of the heart. You don’t still the mind, you observe it and regulate it, and make it healthy like your heart, for the purpose of clarifying, confirming motivation analytically, and detailing your vision. You use it to design the functionality required in word and deed, receptive in every moment to adjust the quality, reception, and transmission of your energy into every situation. You use it to receive information, and analyze resources according to the vibratory and frequency range you are looking for.
Having What You Desire | Sovereignty and Service
The trick is to be sure you know what you want. I want to close by saying this kind of writing invites comments like; so what does this actually get me? Answer. Nothing much as it turns out, that you can’t already get for yourself. But the beauty is knowing you can get it, and it isn’t owed to anyone unless you make it so, or believe it to be true. I observe that a lot of people miss this and pursue a lifestyle based on what others want or believe is expected of them. This disconnect from essential motivational connection, cuts off needed resources and is the root of disease or dis-ease.
Someone else’s vision
This allows people’s health and wellbeing to be manipulated by a very powerful system, with unknown people at the top, who act in the place of the ultimate Unknown, or God. God in fact is a concept they market to their advantage in many ways. These people understand the do what you want part and have decided that anyone who is not aware of what we are discussing here, should be manipulated. They believe they are entitled to manipulate, as long as what they do, is signaled before they act. Complicity with, after a warning of, manipulative acts is seen as an act of permission for them to do what they want, by the other. They are absolved from harm by permission of the other.
This is starting to affect our ability to have basic decent food to do what we want with. We spend a lot of time talking about this in the newsletter here. It is not really mystical in the popular sense at all. It is a matter of reinforcing foundational logic to be predictive, influential, and adaptive in nature.
Manipulation of Creation
We all manipulate our environment and each other. Klaus has the capacity to manipulate in accordance with the energy he can manipulate. As you and Klaus arc symmetrically aligned, there is a natural shared capacity in creation. Disconnecting from your intrinsic motivation, vision, and desire, to better align with his creates a potential disconnect from your primal motivational source of being. A siphoning off of your energy.
Klaus Schwab is a problem when we give him the power to be a problem by acting, with him contrary to our deepest motivation. The real enemy is our lack of vision, of and from within the real environment we are creating our part of in this world. We can transform what we touch on all levels of the spectrum, according to our vision and motivation. In the end, we receive, that which we serve.
Service and Sovereignty in the Creation Continuum
Whether our singularly mathematically coded essence stamped into our bodies and our consciousness is an emanation from the Unknown source of this electromagnetic, continuum, environment, universe, or a product of this environment, sovereignty in it, is connected to service to it, in alignment with your code, and these two things, sovereignty, and service beget the creation of what we do, here and now.
Anomalous Infinite Creation
The electromagnetic continuum of the universe, or Creation, appears so far to operate as a mechanical infinity continuum A machine, based on a mathematically formulated anomalous, symmetric, and asymmetrical structure. The anomalies evident throughout the universe, in all things, allow for the appearance, through continued mutational processes, of an infinite variety and possibility of events, throughout incalculable but measurable time and space. We can measure what we see, and experience. But we cannot sum it up completely. It continues to unfold in our experience. This is why it is called the world of illusion in some teachings.
Down And Dusty
That’s the nature of the world we live in folks to the best of our analysis so far using our human toolkit of ancient and modern science, mixed with spiritual or philosophic belief. Serving for sovereignty, harmlessly as you are singularly motivated then, may mean serving God, or the Geometry Of Divinity, in the Pythagorean sense. While glorifying God and Creation, at the same time. It defines living in the now as many teachings advocate.
Presently, for many it means change. Serving in ways that are presently uncomfortable. You may have to choose one thing over another and become unattached as they say to the things you formerly thought were the only things of this world. Understanding the role of motivation, relative to a greater known and documented electromagnetic structure, naturally invites a larger material worldview.
The capstone, or optimizable potential of Sovereignty through service is dominion.
A simple rule to improve motivational vision
What we call the subconscious, and/or, what is in the back of our mind, is usually right in front of our faces, and slapping us.
A word on harm
Defending your body, family, the property you occupy, or the food you eat by right of sovereignty through service, is not intentional harm. Service and Sovereignty are rights based on the harmless pursuit of your belief, of your purpose and value in Creation.
In the Constitution, pursuing happiness in your belief without harm is implied as innocent until proven guilty. Belief, and the expression or creation of it, through your life, word, and deed, is the first amendment and the second amendment protects the first on all levels.
Questioning And Conflicts
Question everything. Try God and the scriptures as believers say. Remember, like in the movie Hoffa; “What doesn’t come back as no, eventually comes back as yes”. This is true for all things in my experience so far.
Do not fear foul language, actions, internal or external questions and conflicts. The molecular code, created in the center of our galaxy is formed in an environment of what is referred to as intense plasma turbulence. The effects of turbulence in our lives is natural. It follows then, that the turbulence we experience in life is logically governed by our perception of creation and our capacity to actualize our intrinsic motivational force in it.
Let’s Roll
Your belief is tied to what you really want/need to do. Whether or not we glorify Creation to our satisfaction in this life, we can still be awed and motivated by it and in it. Realizing that our intrinsic motivations in this world are an intrinsic, foundational part of the nature of this world. And our motivated reason for Being a fundamental part of it, is evidenced by virtue of our existence in it,