Defining Elite Knowledge and Criminality
Are all elites criminals? Will there always be a powerful elite?
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IRUUR1 an Elite Rag
I wanted to spend some cyberspace moments in this newsletter to outline the elite perspective of the newsletter.
IRUUR1 | Writers and Readers, Exploring The Way Things Work
All individual core readers of IRUUR1 are one of the elites. You may be a criminal elite. But more likely, you have chosen not to engage in harm to others. You may be well off or struggling materially as the world defines it. But you know that you always have what you need in the universe, and are able to avoid the suffering and associated punitive expenses, experienced by many.
All elites are striving for foundational wealth through the development of health and habit. You are dedicated to increasing your perception of how things work to establish your personal sovereign authority in life, through service to greater truth and authority governing life in this world.
Elites Are Researching The Way Things Work
All elites are devoted to understanding the way things work. Criminal elites will kill, and destroy all within their power, to discover secrets about the way things work. Criminals knowingly inflict harm and use that knowledge to increase their ability to keep vital information, secreted from outsiders. All other, noncriminal elites attempt to share their knowledge in a manner designed to develop greater knowledge with others.
IRUUR1 Focuses On One Foundational Understanding Of Effective Elites
Through my research in writing for IRUUR1, I have concluded beyond a shadow of a doubt that all effective elites, active today understand reality in terms of our functioning in, and being physically, biologically, a product of, an energy environment. Elites understand that this energy environment is governed by laws, which are mathematical in nature, calculable, and can be influenced by us down from the Earth’s resonance up to global human behavior.
Because we can influence this mathematically governed energy environment, elites understand that we can consciously mathematically program our individual and collective reality into existence according to our conscious perception of our ability to govern our energy environment at many levels. Elites understand that our consciousness, to computer, energy environment interface, linking our full potential within our energy environment, is based on our individual perception of the way things work. Greater knowledge of our conscious potential to make things work allows us to be more predictive, influential, and adaptably active, in this environment, and familiar with the laws governing it
Historic References To Elite Devotion To Knowledge Of The Energy Environment
Throughout history, physical references to the laws of the greater energy environment, outside of our 5 senses, governed by foundational laws have come into existence. The Giza Pyramids, the meridian lines of acupuncture, and terms such as prana and the holy Spirit, attempt to bring an understanding of the greater laws and forms of consciousness and energy governing experienced existence. To understand these references we need to understand that our human language lineage, has been subject to many civilizations who experienced numerous iterations of the geomagnetic excursion cycle. This has severely hampered the transfer of knowledge for well over 100,000 years, according to Sanskrit and other ancient records.
Therefore the historic terms we know of today like Prana, are fragments of knowledge of an energy environment science, ruled by foundational laws, transcribed and often ignorantly translated from cultures now forgotten. Ancient scientific understanding and mathematical applications of the math of creation, described notably in the Book of Enoch, are often misunderstood and weakly translated, resulting in distortions of our perception of ancient science outside our current historical understanding.
Modern Elite Science Researches Electromagnetic Energy
Elite science in our time is now researching the grater energy environment, beyond the 5 senses. Science has now observed, defined, and is acquiring the knowledge to influence this cyclic, wheels-within-wheels universe, which is the mathematical creational environment, described in Enoch. It is defined and researched in our time, as electromagnetically governed energy, producing mathematically calculable, electric inputs, qualifiers, and outputs, governing physical formation and creation.
All significant scientific, technological, and machine learning enterprises and applications by elites, are dedicated to understanding the laws of energy, with the object of programming their personal reality and programming the planetary/human environment. All elites who desire to be effective actively and consciously gain knowledge to influence the human and greater natural environment. It is instinctual and exists in everyone at some level.
Reporting on the substance, politics, economics and conscious activity in our energy environment
News for a new world order.
Basic Editorial Observations, Foundational To Our Publishing.
We observe and I report, that;
All experienced events including politics and economics are the result of human perception of the laws of energy in motion and mutation.
Conscious human activity is subject to our perception of the greater forces of active consciousness, evident in natural formation.
The effects of greater conscious forces governing energy, active in the universe are learnable, calculable, and can be predicted, influenced, and adapted to by us, according to our perception.
Natural Law as it is understood today is an ancient lineage of law, based on the laws of energy, our natural sovereignty, and the right to serve greater energy potential, according to our harmless desire.
That we, individually, and collectively, are programming and updating our reality. Our human and natural environment, consciously and unconsciously at many levels.
Criminal elites have the means and are actively machine-learning the mathematics of energy manipulation, attempting to computer program the planetary and human biosphere at many levels.
The current conscious activity of criminal elites is threatening to force an unproven and unsubstantiated, evolutionary nexus point on humanity and the biosphere.
Conclusive evidence of working knowledge of the laws of energy by criminal elites, weaponized for the manipulation of human behavior, through governments, military intelligence operations, and corporations, is evident in the official U.S. government document; Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905 The manual applies the inductive and conductive laws of electrical energy, to the manipulation of the economy. Operation goals are. Limiting human perception of their conscious potential. Their knowledge of the laws governing the natural environment. This allows greater weaponization of human energy by the criminal elite operatives, who received copies of the manual to implement against an ignorant public.
Current computer-enhanced updates to energy weaponization, outlined in the manual, are evident in the weaponization of medicine, geoengineering, and the trans movement toward unbridled genetic and other human augmentation, to name a few.
Elite Criminal Activity if unchecked, will create an unproven, evolutionary crisis point of no return for humanity.
Once criminals obtain operational authority, and public compliance, to computer program the environment for profit, the nexus point will be reached. This technological ability, if unchecked, will overwhelm the planetary biosphere and genome of humanity, altering evolution, and forcing a departure from our present natural chromosomal, human and planetary, cellular, and formational design.
Newsletter Articles - Human Events
Since reviewing the Silent Weapons manual, it is very easy to see how the political, cultural, and economic events published in the press, are being manipulated to fulfill the manual’s objectives. Want to know why the Republicans and Democrats end up as a uni-party, it’s in the manual. Why is education failing systematically? It’s in the manual. Want to know the fundamentals of modern economics beginning with the Rothschild family, again you know where to find it. Also, you can use it to predict long-term economic trends and identify programming, being run systematically in various sectors of society.
Criminal Use of Energy Manipulation Science
Government and private geoengineering operations, human genetic augmentation through mRNA, and other medicines. Nano-implants and other body augmentation, etc., are all examples of researched updates, based on the manual’s design outlining the manipulation of economics through the principles of energy induction. The laws of energy from there are upgraded and applied to the augmentation of all human energy, including cellular formation.
There are many industry and government documents published with the stated goal of authorizing the ability to reinvent and patent biological formation, and the energy and weather patterns, generated in the biosphere by technological means.
All of these are criminal acts when full transparency and debate are nonexistent in the final decision.
All violate basic human rights when forced upon people without their full knowledge and a clear presentation of evidence from all sides.
We report on the laws of energy active in human affairs and the environment, within, and potentially just outside of our immediate perception. We attempt to analyze the ramifications of natural law, actively observable in political, economic, and cultural events.
IRUUR1 Cosmology Articles Science and Philosophy
This is where we explore with readers, the potential greater natural resources available in the universe.
Searching for the difference between consciousness and energy. Learning how the conscious ability to program our personal and social reality, within our known electromagnetic environment is being experienced by others, according to their perception.
Our conscious perception is influenced by 5 fundamental factors.
5 Patterns Of Perception
IRUUR1 has identified 5 common patterns of perception, governing our perception of our identity and all things we can perceive as individual aspects of our experience. All things, whether in dreams or awake, objects, emotions, we perceive, are instinctively recognized according to these fundamental patterns.
Even a spec of lint is sovereign relative to its value and purpose in service to the greater environment, It is sovereign as a piece of lint for a moment in time. It has likely transacted itself as part of many natural social orders and now elements of other forms have broken apart and the laws of magnetism have formed an enterprise of lint. It has unique value and purpose or it would not exist. And its further use is unknown. It reflects a pattern of instinctual perception of everything in the environment we identify. These are 5 components of perception that form an interface matrix through which we instinctively form and optimize consciousness.
There are many identifiable patterns of perception and creational formation.
You can identify patterns of perception. These are just 5 that actually work as a matrix of activity. There are many other patterns that can be identified that improve our perception. Confucius, Plato, Jesus, the Vedas, and others have developed whole systems, identifying patterns, active and useful in conscious perception.
It’s our turn now to develop our perception, in preparation for a new Earth energy Cycle
Good Fortune