All things are distinctive streams, or animated iterations, of one universal consciousness, or intelligence, in action in our lives, according to our perspective. The PCR process is based on this principle and is a biological iteration of it. It reveals levels of intelligence forming patterns of behavior in nature within one unified element, evident in biological structure. What the world calls magic, is based on this intelligence, pattern, and behavioral principle.
IT’S MAGIC… Shhhhhhhh
Black Magic, is creating an intelligent thought form and entrapping another’s perspective in it. Grey Magic attempts to create thought forms to control situations for that person, without regard to entrapping others or causing harm, which can lead to inflicting harm, when it serves the thought form motivation. White Magic is surrendering to the Unknown, evident in universal consciousness, to discover the natural electromagnetic environmental spectrum, its overwhelming unknown power, and the patterns of intelligent activity, in action underpinning Creation. Then to better visualize your life’s essential patterns and initiate action within the patterns of Creation’s limitless possibilities as led.
Vision, Perspective, Action, Reset
The elites have a vision, They have succeeded in superimposing it on our perspective. What is your vision? What is a rock in your vision? Ancient and modern science says it has and it receives, qualifies, and transmits energy. Atoms are in motion in and around it. It is transforming the composition of the ground beneath it. It is in erosion and transformation. The rock could be called from that perspective, a slow-moving stream of universal intelligence, programmed in the molecular code to behave intelligently as a biological algorithm of mineral behavior within our planet’s coded algorithm of chromosomal intelligence, operating in our electromagnetic environment, and biosphere.
So in another sense, the rock is not fixed at all, it is in motion over time, and that motion and time can be altered by perception. But if you limit your perspective to only the 5+% available in the five senses range of the electromagnetic spectrum, all you see and experience is a rock fixed in time.
Your Rock, Your Vision, Your Perception In Action
With the knowledge of mineralogy, engineering, and chemistry, and through understanding these elements’ place in the electromagnetic spectrum of our natural environment, a rock can be many things for many people.
Creating Perception, and Safe Zone Programming
If an astrophysicist knows the rock is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and wants to aid the engineer in a new way to break it down to create something, they may try to do it sonically or with laser light of a specific quality. But they know their life and their connection to it is ruled by very powerful unknown factors. They do not want to blow up their lab on the first try, so they create perception and perspective, safe zones.
We do this in the laboratory of our lives. But to one degree or another, we are forced to conduct our experiments in a system that is a well-organized thoughtform, in action over time, in which we have been, to some degree programmed to live in from birth. The Great Reset is a thought form entrapment mechanism, which is reinforced in our perception by our fear of the Unknown, or God to the believer, through alternative and MSM programming, dedicated to detailing each and every aspect of someone else’s vision, and limiting our perspective.
All shortages exist according to our perception. All things are possible as well. If we surrender to discovery, as our primary entry point to universal intelligence, we can better overcome the fear of life’s prospects.
We are born to focus the energy of our being on the biology of the electromagnetic spectrum, active in the range of our five senses operative on the platform of this planet. But we must not limit our perspective, our ability to experience, act and perceive the full range of our entire electromagnetic environment, as well as our resources, to the range of the 5 senses. We are a full spectrum algorithm of intelligence, operative and functional in creative potential and experience throughout the spectrum, according to our perception.
The Molecular Code and Your Great Reset Vision
So without putting too fine a point on it, whether you, or I, grandma, and the kid next door like it or not, a thought form war has been declared on significant parts of ourselves as individuals, and our genome as a whole, by ruthless people who understand the information above and, are in the business of controlling information to reinforce someone(s) else’s Great Reset Thoughtform, or Vision.
The terrain is the entire electromagnetic spectrum active within and without our perspective and biology. On this terrain, all those surrendering to discovery as the activation motivation connection point, to tap the source of Being and Creation or creative potential, have a natural advantage. They will choose the terrain and unite with the forces of nature on all other terrains, so connected in the electromagnetic spectrum of Creation.
Elite Thought Form Strategy | A.I. Programming
The tactic is asymmetric warfare, throughout all terrain available to elites. It is designed to confuse and overwhelm our perspective, perception, and ability to act. To alter our behavior. The plan is to corner the perception of the People, through Pavlovian programming rituals, into acting within the limits of the 5 senses. Then rules for operating conceptually, and physically in a successful manner, that will reward your efforts to protect you from agony to the 5 senses ate instituted. This reinforces the fear of the Unknown. It limits the natural need for discovery, within a range of algorithms, useful for A.I. programmed computers to augment behavior on many levels.
The People’s Strategy - M.I. Programming
For a host of reasons, related to larger cycles I have not researched well enough for a tight article, related to our current 12,000-year magnetic excursion cycle, we are in a materialistic age. That means that the full truth of universal intelligence is meant somehow, not tight in my mind, to be acted upon in a very narrow range and acted upon correctly. It is an opportunity and an existential challenge.
So People need to know there is a firm physical, and the scientific basis upon which to rest any vision they may hold or cosmology they may desire to embrace in action. Our strategy then is to align our lifestyle, irrespective of any, Pavlovian, or other system-enforced, thought-form, that is incompatible with our nature, according to our perspective, based on our inherent values and purpose with which we were naturally born and are instinctual to us. To do this is to surrender to discovering the M.I, programming, already in progress within you and outside of your greater perspective, of you.
In the center of the Milky Way, the molecular code for life formation in the galaxy is created and our intelligence is compatible and operative and functions within this code. WARNING, this code is the figurative tower of Bable, in as much as building an A.I. tower to tap into the molecular code and controlling access to it is a fool’s errand. Our strategy would be to make any A.I. programming available to us, and/or elites, a natural extension and enhancement of M.I., as long as electricity lasts.
The hard materialistic science underpinning the molecular code and galactic formation is easily explained in this amazing video.
PLASMA COSMOLOGY [Full Infomentary]
Funding Your Vision, creating wealth
Our natural resources are available throughout the spectrum. The elite great reset vision and your vision is funded by your resources. Compliance within the elite vision is programmed by scaring people into bringing more wealth from the future, through debt created by elite central banks, instituted by puppet governments and their people who are addicted to debt, from the elite system in many ways and forms. Are you one of them? These addictions based on fear, crises spending, in our case, leading to addiction to debt, are the legendary, Talons Of the Dragon or Beast, systematic and symptomatic in our time.
According to Greg Mannarino, tapping into our spectrum of resources to build wealth means we love one another, care about each other and be charitable, as we all hold individual keys to greater intelligent resource application.
Factory Activity CRATERS As Economic FREEFALL
His daily strategies for building wealth and countering central bank efforts to control events are available on YouTube, of all places. Here is today’s morning update.
A Community Vision
Reinette Senum, linked in the water shortage solution segment above, has advanced experience in ecological community building, which can be highly skilled, profitable, and interconnectable locally and globally. The elite reset is an authoritarian, global community solution and vision. The need for our value and purpose to be active in natural social orders, or communities is primary and existential.
One IRUUR1, Community Vision
We have a ton of visions we think are M.I. compatible for community building in our environment. They will not go extinct if compatible in nature and Creation. They will mutate. What are your community goals? According to science, there are likely millions of visions, already programmed into M.I. we can adapt to our needs to form one greater overpowering social vision from which to act.
This is one idea for building Safe Zone and other independent and interconnected Homestead Communities, reliant on and building within the surrounding environment, discovering the full spectrum of resources available to the community creating the ability to act independently from and/or interconnected to any other community, social order, or system.