It is the beginning of the week so let’s begin our reality programming at the core, and end with a new feature, the Last Laugh.
VLF Openlab Observatories Network - Overview
Planetary Conditions
Oppenheimer Ranch Project premiering now: Anchorage Snowiest November Ever - Grindavik Evacuated Indefinitely - Greek Pyramids - Space Stones
Suspicious0bservers uploaded: Weirdest Comet, CME Impact, Solar Storm Electrodynamics | S0 News Nov.20.2023
Alaska Prepper uploaded: What Happens To My Solar Generator During A Solar Storm Or EMP & How Can I Protect It?
Latest Media Reality Programs
Just a brief rundown of the reality programs that are being written and produced by criminal elites and what they tell us.
Occupation Indicators
How occupied and controlled by a puppet government are we? These are indicators. The fear program that the government can take away fundamental constitutional rights through the legal system, can only work in a nation whose government education system has programmed the generations to believe the rights in the Constitution are suspicious. Untrustworthy. Even dangerous debate points to a rational social order.
Homeowner who defended family in driveway shoot-out stripped of gun permit
Taking away guns is only one problem with a nation governed by global investors. In as much as their power allows them to produce or force the elimination of production of increasing numbers of products, they eliminate product availability in many ways.
More products added to list of items you shouldn't buy over risk of serious infection
Our Occupation Indicators reveal a criminal enterprise, administrating Constitutional rights to its benefit. Product safety is a public supply chain issue and the public supply chain is owned and controlled by global investment interests. Global interests are openly backing the sustainable goals of UN Agenda 2030. The green agenda is the end of individual rights as a basis of law. The yoke of slavery around the neck of citizens is their dependence on electricity, controlled by the masters of technology, in the service of global investment strategies. It is a death sentence for the bulk of humanity imprisoned in such a system. Gas heaters allow far too much independence. Having one may give you the power to save your life, so the green yoke must be strengthened.
Biden's crackdown on appliances intensifies, orders tax dollars to fund certain heaters
Informational Currents
What can be bought and sold and what can be said in public or private needs to be controlled in a criminal system.
Despite Internal Opposition, FCC Votes 3-2 in Favor of Taking Control of the Internet
By B.N. Frank
Years ago, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was identified as a “captured agency” because it has a tendency to NOT do its job: protecting Americans against the telecom industry (see 1, 2). Not protecting Americans is an issue that has also occasionally been identified even by FCC commissioners, including last week by Brendan Carr in re the agency’s interest in taking control of the internet. Of course, that didn’t stop other commissioners from voting in favor of it.
From The Highwire:
Now pulling brands from the store is one thing.
More brands are pulling ads off X amid antisemitism concerns
Musk threatens 'thermonuclear lawsuit' after X boycotts gain momentum
Tech billionaire Elon Musk is threatening to file a "thermonuclear" legal action against Media Matters for America, claiming the organization "completely misrepresented the real user experience on X" in an attempt to harm the social media platform.
The issue stems from multinational corporation IBM's decision to pull ads from the platform after Media Matters for America claimed ads from the tech giant and pro-Nazi X posts had shown up adjacent to each other. The non-profit said other company’s ads had…
X has a ton of free speech problems. This is another public awareness pushback opportunity, but you have to be careful to differentiate, Jewish elites as equal to all global elites, and the rest of the Jews, as just another bunch of people being prepped for the green yoke like Palestinians and US citizens.
The education and media enterprises have programmed us to believe we are all potentially our own natural-born enemies, thus even proximity with certain content, may put you on someone’s hit list.
College presidents highlight how students don't know how to disagree, see people as 'enemies'
ggLargest Christian university in US fights back against Biden admin's $37.7 million fine
Alternative Reality Programs
Bringing real criminals to the public’s attention in any way possible is helpful in reprogramming reality.
Federal Government Caught Censoring Americans Using Election Integrity Partnership Proxy
On November 6, 2023, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released a detailed report on the methods, individuals involved, organizations involved and legality of the censorship of American citizens by the federal government via a proxy of their own creation called the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP). The U.S. House report includes many examples of communications regarding the motivations behind the formation of the EIP. Under the guise of combatting “Misinformation/Disinformation”, the EIP was formed as a censorship tool to prevent balanced discourse on the conduct of elections in the U.S.. Per the report, “the EIP provided a way for the federal government to launder its censorship activities in hopes of bypassing both the First Amendment and public scrutiny.”
17,000 doctors and scientists signed a treaty that declared: COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end
John Bush
Busting Bitcoin Conspiracy Theories: A Rebuttal to Fitts and Mercola
John Bush | Here are just 12 of the most common health disorders today:
Toxin overload
Nutrient deficiencies
Type 2 Diabetes
Hormone imbalance
Oral disease
Chronic Lyme Disease
Chronic digestive disorders
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Depression and anxiety
COVID vaccine injury
Are you struggling with any of these?
If you are, then you should do everything possible to join the
FREE Exit and Build Health Summit:
The Health Summit features over 25 interviews with some of the most renowned natural health experts on the planet sharing their proven strategies, methods, protocols, and programs for completely healing ALL of the chronic disorders listed above.
Last Laugh
Featuring Go Comics