FED/Central Bank, Debt, and Destruction, News Roundup
National/global Indentured News, Views, and Abuse
As central banks and the Federal Reserve system continue to print money for the economic/political enslavement of the nation and mankind, Americans continue to be stunned by the results.
The Constitutional Criminal, And DNA Patents
Criminalizing and administering enforcement of Constitutional rights, under various theories, seems to be the in-your-face strategy, being enforced through the system. Interestingly, Natural Law, on which the Constitution is based, seems to be gaining strength as a difficult-to-engineer, but strong legal strategy.
So what are the bright lights of deep state opposition doing to counter the loss of liberty? They’re meeting at Mar-a-Lago, and reportedly clinging to President Trump’s every word.
HINT. DeSantis wasn’t there. Could he possibly be more of a Deep State insider than Trump? Trump’s big Deep State Destruction, Solution, besides running for President again, is term limits. This is of course crazy, under the 2-term limit solution. Two terms would only solidify deep state power. From a House Rep’s point of view, if you are really trying to enforce the Constitution, you need two terms just to overcome the criminality that will be heaped against you, from the moment you begin. Then if you can still win two terms, you will need two more, just to lay solid groundwork for another candidate. If you want term limits to be effective, maybe four or 5, and see how it goes.
Speaking of Republican insiders and the Constitution
Seems the midterm election is going well for the deep state, with all the voting irregularities and so on nationwide. Once again, the in-your-face Dems and the quiet Republican enablers, are giving the deep state players the results, only money can buy.
PATRIOTS IN ARIZONA: Document Your Affidavit Of Corrupted Voting Experience HERE
Those affidavits will take about 2 years to come to nothing through the political/legal Arizona machinery. Now if Arizona really wants to help the constitution and the nation, they will insist on stopping the Fed from printing one more phony dollar. Once that happens, funding for legal court cases against the constitutional opposition would be eliminated, and the votes would be counted correctly.
Global Crises Theater
Allowing central banks to print money for their corporate/political puppets to engineer crises, is a strategy designed to scare us all.
Breaking Reports: Russian Missiles Hit Poland Border Town With Ukraine; Two Killed
So, did those nasty Russians screw up? Or was it as many are now speculating, Ukrainian defense missiles, that blew up in Poland? Stay tuned.
Who could have seen this coming? Go figure.
We may now look forward to an Iranian, Afghan, alliance strategy crisis. That ought to drive up the price of oil and keep the old industrial, and military complexes solvent for a while longer.
The Central Banks Global Funding Drive Nears Completion
For more than a century, the population has been breeding itself, for its own systematic transformation under plans published many times since before the turn of the 20th century, and updated under many names since then. Some names familiar to many are U.N. Agendas, 2021 and 2030, and transhumanism.
We were bred for our ideas, labor, and ability to finance the total ecological control of the planet, including human DNA, under patent rights law. Now that machinery is near completion and increasing numbers of citizens are expendable. Expendable because the system only wants 500 million to a billion humans on the planet, at any one time. Obviously, a complete lack of imagination on the part of our self-appointed masters. But that’s who we’re funding.
Someone who monitors the progress of earth’s corporate DNA patenting efforts is Vandana Shiva
Director of the Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology - Board Member International Forum on Globalization
Shiva fights for changes in the practice and paradigms of agriculture and food: “I don’t want to live in a world where five giant companies control our health and our food.”
For more info specific to the methods of geoengineering check out;
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 5, 2022, # 378 ( Dane Wigington )
The geoengineering crowd is not well versed in the contributions to environmental distortions being caused by the earth’s weakening magnetic field. Loss of field strength is causing a lot of medical problems already and is accelerating the destruction of ozone. Current estimates are that the earth has lost over 25% of field strength since it peaked, and is losing 5% or more per decade. The rate of loss is currently accelerating. We are reaching out to geoengineers.
As suspicious Observers reports, the latest peer-review study on the magnetic field confirms it peaked in strength about 4.000 years ago.
Large Coronal Hole, Electric Sun, Magnetic History | S0 News Nov.16.2022
I leave you with an update on the latest central bank field strategy in the economic and political markets from Greg Mannarino.