Nice little invasion we got ourselves into. The border deal as an element to was just a carrot to throw to the citizens to justify more foreign wars. But the real objective is the genocide agenda. I guess when you have people with a passion for eugenics, molding, shaping, funding, and leading your political, economic, and scientific international goals for the last 100 years, you can expect a little genocide to happen from time to time.
Why Genocide
Why is it the main factor that keeps the 1% in power?
Elderly Genocide
Elderly genocide in 2021.
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2021 Recorded the Greatest Loss of Elderly Adults in the History of America
Per US Census Data, during the height of COVID the elderly population grew to 6.7 million in 2020, but was devastated by the loss of more than 1 million lives in 2021, after the mRNA vaccine rollout.
February 8, 2024: It turns out that the claim that the elderly, aged 85 and older, were at extremely high-risk for death (i.e. 50% case fatality rate) from COVID-19 was a giant lie. According to the 2020 US Census Data, the population of 85 and older grew to a record high of nearly 6.7 million by the end of 2020. This means that “during the height of the pandemic” the elderly population not only was NOT negatively impacted by COVID-19, but they grew to their highest numbers ever in the history of America. Prior to the mRNA vaccine rollout, Americans over the age of 85 were thriving.
I discuss the 2020 vs 2021 US Consensus data in this 3 minute clip with Greg Hunter and how the US government deleted the 2020 population data. You can watch the full interview at USA Watchdog or on Rumble.
The COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Rollout Devastated the Elderly in 2021
Immediately after the December 11, 2020, FDA authorization of Pfizer’s mRNA nanoparticle injections, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were deployed to nursing homes and seniors communities across the country.
Public perception is growing, concerning government participation in genocide. Democrat rank-and-file constituents see war as only killing the people, it does not reward them.
The Vladimir Putin Interview
This is on the subject of genocide as a banking institution fundamental. I know the Tucker Carlson interview has gotten a lot of play lately. I wasn’t interested. I haven’t reviewed the interview content till today when it was shared in full by;
That got my interest.
So I don’t know what anyone else is saying about this interview., I was simply compelled to write about it because I found Putin to be an intelligent leader who knows how to carry on a meaningful conversation. He catches everything in Tucker’s questions. He doesn’t obviously grandstand, recite slogans or talking points, and other things we see many US presidents and other world leaders do during questioning. He delivers a Ukrainian history lesson starting in the year 800. The history lesson is meant to define the evolution of the historic meaning and term, ukraine, meaning outlander, into the culture and geography of the country and nation of present-day Ukraine.
As part of the history lesson, we hear that Ukraine had a coup in 2014. Like the US, Ukraine, under its constitution holds two elections to determine a national leader. In the US, the first election allows the states to choose the candidates, currently done in the primaries. Then the general election is the second phase, and a president is chosen. Ukraine also has two elections specified in its constitution. However, The Ukrainian opposition, with US and EU support, funding, and CIA involvement, demanded a third election cycle be added. Unresolvable questions were cited, that needed to be decided by the electorate, because of national internal disputes, around the final election that had just occurred. Without proof of election fraud, a constitutional amendment, or a full hearing in courts of law to determine legitimacy, according to Putin, a coup, overthrowing constitutional authority occurred in Ukraine in the form of a contrived third election. The election was further justified to resolve growing street protests and civil unrest. Putin asserts the opposition was led by neo-Nazis. This coup held potentially damaging results for Russia.
The new government of Ukraine, as part of establishing a national identity, officially honored in tribute, through speeches and decrees, former Nazi SS, operatives who persecuted Russians, Jews, and others during WWII. Putin appears to be calculating in his use of Jews, historically, referencing Russia’s shared experience of persecution. It becomes clear that likely most to all of what we see in the alternative press about Nazi influence and current war atrocities against civilians in Ukraine is valid to some degree. Putin offers references to documented evidence, to verify his claims of significant influence by Nazi proponents in the government. It also means that if we follow the money, most or all of the reports we see on the subject, are Russian interest-funded, information operations, produced and distributed as source material to reporters, to influence our thinking, and may contain hyperbole, or propaganda at times.
The Influence Is Real
But the neo-Nazi influence in the current Ukrainian government is established in the interview and prevailing evidence anyone can find, and is significant in this war. De-Nazification to Putin in Ukraine is like keeping Nazi ideology out of the US government politics, or French German, or any civilized nation’s policies. But in Ukraine, it is not only allowed to exist, it is allowed to persecute Russian-speaking Ukrainians, primarily settled in the southeast region of the country. De-Nazification is the reason Russia is fighting. If Putin has a slogan or a message, it is framed in Nazism influencing or being allowed to be used as an instrument of war by NATO, the EU, the US, and the West against Russia, and Russian interests. His stated goal is the de-Nazification of international politics. The Russian war effort is meant to expose the historic Nazi alliance in Ukrainian politics, now being used by the West to threaten Russia at Russia’s border. A state supported by NATO, as in the case of Ukraine, must not be allowed by civilized nations, to officially promote Nazism or war. It was the neo-Nazis in the 2014 US-backed, Ukrainian coup, that instigated a war against Russian interests. Russia’s military is there now, to end the war.
A Matter Of Trust
Putin asks, who can he trust in the US government. He has reached agreements with presidents and heads of state, only to have them undercut in the end, leading to broken promises and disregarded signed agreements, made by the decisions of others. these final decisions somehow were overriding decisions indicated to him from the US elected officials in the government he relied on. He believes the Ukraine conflict is meant to take money from taxpayers to enrich the military, industrial, complex. This is the powerful interest directing elected officials. The image of Russia as a world tyrant or expansionist power is promoted by them and meant for public support to continue more weapons manufacturing and operations, for profit.
Not A Conquest
Putin does not believe he has conquered any territory in Ukraine. Rather he wants to establish a negotiating position for an agreement to end neo-Nazi aggression and sponsorship of civilian warfare in the Donbas, affecting Russian interests and world affairs.
The Western powers have failed to defeat Russia on the conventional battlefield. Ukraine is a client state of the US. The president of that client state has been instructed to declare it illegal for Ukraine to negotiate with Russia. Putin indicated he would welcome negotiations and an agreement that allows the West to declare victory without winning on the battlefield. Then call new elections, and eliminate neo-Nazi ties in the Ukrainian government with neo-Nazi para-military and political groups in that election.
Russian Interests - Territorial Cultural Orthodoxy
We can say what Putin affirms as the basis for Russian interests, and lack of territorial interests outside of Russian interests is rooted in The Russian and Eastern Orthodox Churches. These churches affirm the validity of all the great religions according to Putin. They dialogue with them and accept them as being connected culturally, in an historically shared geographical region of the world. In as much as there is little to no significant influence in Poland of religious Russian or Eastern orthodoxy, Russia has no interest and would be bogged down in a territorial war against Poland or NATO in Poland. In as much as there is a shared Russian language and orthodox, culture in Ukraine on the border, being attacked by neo-Nazi policies in the Ukraine government, it threatens Russian interests. It is also threatening a wider war involving NATO. Russia wants to end the aggression, establish elections in those Russian cultural regions, and establish a secure border with NATO. Once normal human rights are observed Russia can withdraw, because most people in Ukraine as in the US, do not want a war with Russia on a global scale.
Two Cultures
As an orthodoxy, Putin asserts the culture that defines his national interests is spiritual, led by the faith of the people in the Eastern, and Russian Orthodox world. They are as a people, looking for universal principles and solutions. The culture of the West he believes is a pragmatic culture, that seeks immediate solutions, without regard for overriding precepts, if those solutions offer a resolution, favorable to them at the time, they are implemented. He says both are valid perspectives and useful. This cultural difference in outlook more than anything else he states, defines the difference between Russian interests and Western ones.
Left Unsaid
Putin is smart enough to command the assets necessary, to write large parts of Russia’s script on the world stage. Putin is a careful and pragmatic leader himself. He is careful not to write a script that says too much. As a player with the global elite, he is allowed to write a script that subtly divides the Western population into various ideological factions. neo-Nazis, Jewish atrocities, a history of government betrayal of agreements, hidden agendas, spiritual vs material ideologies, etc. are employed.
Putin’s Script For Russia As A Global Player
He states that for the West, the war is about spending taxpayer money to produce corporate and investment war profit. He will not say the US is bankrupt, and the funding for war comes from the international elite owners of the National Federal Reserve, a privately held, central bank. And that the central banks around the world have a historic genocide agenda, with Russia, Hamas, Israel, China, and Iran, serving now as the current foils. That would expose the game.
He cannot explain and was not asked about the reports of unfair election practices in his election, and official policies meant to neutralize the opposition in Russia and its elections. Russian human rights activists, who speak out against Russian policies, and meet with mysterious circumstances, will not be discussed by Putin in detail. The censorship of the Russian press from time to time, during specific events or on different subjects is not a favorite topic. Why? Because Russia is a player on the global stage
The Players
Russia openly collaborates with those funding the Ukraine war to create a compatible Russian CBDC currency, Putin doesn’t say much anywhere, about the further population control implications of CBDCs against human rights, potentially in Russia and the world as a part of a global government-controlled economic system. The truth is, BRICS, Russia, and all the current genocide, and war foil countries slated for conflict, including China, owe money to the same private investors, who are funding the wars against them in the Western nations. It’s one big club of competitor collaborators, who can make powerful vested interests meaningful, and population control happen routinely through many means, including genocidal, germicidal, genetic, and other wars now possible to be waged by members of the elite global club.
Russia’s Role
Because the goal of Central bank owners/investors is to completely devalue their respective national currencies, Russia, China, Iran, and the rest of BRICS, are useful in increasing inflation and inducing populations to eventually abandon traditional currency to clamor for and adopt CBDC wallets. Wallets that reward behavior useful to the system. Various assets in those wallets will be able to be traded with other national CBDCs, in an exchange system. In as much as Russia remains able to be wedded as a willing participating player in a global economic and political system of this nature, by staying on script, it will be able to establish an asset base, from which to influence the future globally.
Putin and Russia know that the conventional Ukraine battlefield is only a pretext for the Western powers- to print more money and increase the global debt till the inability to repay outstanding debt, collapses the economies of central bank nations. The Western interests, funded by the banks, wanted to win on the conventional battlefield to secure more influence at the global asset and power management table. But Russia’s assets and asset base proved formidable. This war is about establishing Russia’s asset value and potential at the table of power. Russia represents a political value as a member of the global club.
Paying The Price
The owners of the assets managed at the table of power, who own the assets held in national central banks, to which the BRIC nations are currently in debt, have a historic ability to offer rewards to many countries, willing to cripple any nation that betrays their interests or the current agreed-upon and working, world control plan, in operation at the table of power. Therefore, no Russian enterprise or person of significance can be guaranteed protection, outside of Russia, if Russia goes off script. Many countries would find themselves rewarded by crippling Russian interests, in that event, wherever able and instructed to do so, including militarily. Banks could give leverage over assets now controlled by Russia, to willing participating national interests around the world who will act to keep order. Putin knows the conventional battlefield is only one of many, available to a global investment, asset elite, that could reduce Russia to a minor world power and player, making it difficult or even impossible to fund a formidable standing army.
On Genocide
Russia increased the genocide factor in Ukraine due to military strikes by Russia, and the need for the Ukraine government forces to inject civilians into combat with Russia. But civilian harm and death, the attacks on orthodox, civilian areas by various militias, mostly neo-Nazi, began in Ukraine and increased before Russia invaded.
Russia for its part is using its military in limited ways. It is widely reported that Russia uses a lot of resources simply surrounding towns and other targets or strongholds of hostile anti-Russian forces. then targeting military installations and assets slowly, to induce surrender. This does limit but not eliminate civilian casualties. These installations are often around civilian areas. Also, civilians are called up, as militia members by the government, and ordered to occupy and defend military targets.
Military/Political Objective Of Putin
The attempt by Russia to limit civilian casualties in Russian/Eastern Orthodox areas is real and tactical, even if limited, and is meant to reaffirm a common cultural heritage with the people there and a common stake in the outcome of the dispute. The only terms of surrender Russia demands, are that the town or target will no longer help in the war against Russia. Supposedly, all other political activity is possible, and Russian troops move on as an occupying force. Russia would then limit its activity to creating a framework for maintaining a secure diplomatic presence in the pacified area, till all hostile areas are pacified.
Partnering With Global Investment Elites Is Participation In Genocide
It’s all spelled out in the once top secret, but still effectively buried and mostly unknown, Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905.
If you haven’t read it yet, you will find out exactly how and why the banking system works in the way it does, how it is weaponized, and the mechanism of genocide as an asset confiscation, and wealth reallocation tool. You will see how the debt system can be crippled, and even eliminated, through increased public understanding of elite planning objectives and use of the financial system.
Eliminating Engineered, Mass Genocide Events, and Wars
Unless Putin and other world leaders can come clean on their association with a genocidal banking system, they lack the capacity to lead in advancing genuine natural law, and human rights orthodoxy for 99% of humanity, in any meaningful way, through any political/economic system, they would empower.
The central bank’s only power is the power to print money. Eliminating that power or need for their debt, will effectively stop the genocidal global system. Here is a bold gradual approach that involves people getting into the act of nonparticipation in the bank and government power system. Denying it the power to tax you through the IRS. No income tax in other words.
A legally proven system, used successfully by at least one man, who felt secure enough to make a video, telling people how he hasn’t paid income taxes, for 30 years.
So far no one has reported on his arrest or heard the sirens, of well-armed IRS enforcement personnel vehicles around his house or businesses. So take a look for yourself.
$lave Nation
From the Stew Peters Network, the producer of the World-Changing Documentary Died Suddenly, comes what will be yet another EXPLOSIVE documentary that will change the way you think about Taxes and the American government!
Good Fortune
THIS WAS AN excellent OVERVIEW of situation and would agree on situation in Russia . They are NOT FREE of the global financial cartels /owners, never have been even during Soviet era. They have allowed the placement of many WEF young leaders, they too pressured the death shots on their population fearful and foolish enough to take them . Their death shots are not different or more safe than anyone else's. They are pushing the roll out of same digital prison social credit system like China , and even invited Chinese officials in to help them. Blackrock/Vanguard snatching up Ukrainian land , will not allow dead Ukraine soldiers t be buried on it , and will control or get the contracts to rebuild the new smart, digital prison Ukraine. What doesnt make complete sense is Russian agreement to depopulate their country when they are the only major power without an over population issue, enormous land and resources. They are also building places to bring in 10 million Chinese , this will backfire in my opinion. Russia openly stating [if true] they will support and or back Texas in civil war and against FED US will also be a colossal mistake . They will exploit the situation and seize Texas.