Global Population Warfare | Constitutional Rights
KEEPING IT LEGAL - We have many Tactics. Only coherent Strategy.
The good news is the criminal system of centralized control has so many weaknesses to exploit, and we have so many people becoming aware of them every day. The bad news is, we keep funding the means of our oppression.
IRUUR1 Examines - One Goal and One Strategy, Many Battlefields
First of all, I am law abiding, defending the law of nature and the U.S. Constitution, and recognizing that I am under attack because I choose to obey the law.
The Law, The Law Abiding, And The Criminals
The law is the laws of natural inherent rights of birth, based on the observable model of the universe, physically/scientifically, and metaphysically/spiritually. The Constitution reflects the law of nature as a way to govern our affairs, as independent organizers of various sectors of the universe on earth, according to our perception. The Constitution defines crime as allowing intentional harm to any part of society, in the USA.
The Constitution imagines all things active in nature are subject to the same laws and have the same, what can be called, inherent, or inalienable rights. Rights implied by virtue of being in existence in the first place Our rights function practically in the universe, according to our capacity to understand and implement the laws of nature and our ability to serve as a value to the greater purpose in the universe. In other words, if you don’t exercise, what we call rights. We become increasingly dysfunctional and useless in life. We are designed to function at a certain capacity. Rights define our ability to function at our fullest capacity according to our beliefs.
That purpose for oneself and humanity, in general, is debatable. Therefore the universal purpose of life is the intellectual property of the Unknown or God, and a matter of individual belief, in the Unknown. Therefore we have freedom of belief. It is the first right sand tied to free speech.
This is the basic law and it is the established authority in the USA and other national constitutions.
The Goal
To live according to the law. To have the means to observe and enforce the law, in our lives, and under the Constitution, as currently written. With the power to change or dissolve any form of assumed governance, democratic or otherwise, in criminal violation of the law. These are not only foundational rights of Being, they are fundamental obligations of functionality, in nature. The right to reform and dissolve the present government is in the Constitution. The Constitution is not the government. It is the law and framework allowed in governance.
Establishing our place in nature, to live our lives as led, according to our perception, without causing intentional harm, is our goal.
The Active and “Officially” Undeclared War
There are many groups of people in and out of the U.S. government that has openly declared war on the Constitution and Natural Rights. Their work is published, reported on, and well-known as ideas in and of themselves. But not usually framed officially as criminal acts of aggression against the law and the People’s rights. Rather than oppose and question acts of aggression against the law, the government poses as a debating society and R&D shop, to implement ideas, and enforce selected policies that violate the natural constitutional law, as long as the citizenry will tolerate such criminal acts. But because everyone in government signs an oath to uphold the constitution, no official war can be declared.
Assumed Authority | Natural Law Of Land And Sea
Instead of debating policies under the authority of the Constitution, authority for criminal and questionable acts of aggression against fundamental rights in government policies is framed as the Democratic Process. Anyone then who goes against the government is opposed to the process of democracy, even if they are simply identifying criminal acts against them and exercising their rights only, and within constitutional law.
Furthermore, government courts, no longer give standing in court to persons arguing for their Constitutional rights, outside of the framework of rights established through precedent, in statute law. In other words, if a law exists, it is assumed that it does not violate Constitutional rights, otherwise it would have been overturned. The court considers it a waste of time. So it becomes a long legal process to get to a higher and higher and higher court, willing to consider it on the basis of a constitutional right. It is cost-prohibitive to argue your rights for the average citizen and resident.
Attempting to superimpose laws naturally suited to the sea, and also significantly of the air, over laws of the land, naturally causes harm as well. It is allowed because the roots upon which all law is based are not well known. Let’s say as a rough estimate, 10% in the USA, in one form or another. It is called Natural Law. Law is an abbreviation of the rules governing, Land, Air, and Water, L.A.W. Laws of the Spirit or fire are laws connected to beliefs of and in the Unknown. Philosophies, outside of the power of organized economic, and political authority. We will write more on natural law in further newsletters.
Centralized Control System, Natural Vulnerabilities
For the full lexicon of the fundamental vulnerabilities involved in unnatural, unconstitutional centralized control, this is your article.
Technocratic Dystopia Is Impossible - Activist Post
How will the elites get stuff for their personal use when it is not available to the masses?
The People and The System Share The Same Vulnerability.
Both the law-abiding and the violators of the law have the same basic vulnerability. Ignorance of the law. I write about it occasionally but need to learn much more myself, about Natural Law.
The criminal’s main weakness in this shared vulnerability of ignorance is that they refuse to even care to follow the rules. Those who understand the rules and why they exist, gain power in the system by withholding the information on criminality from those most important to them in many cases.
The law-abiding, want to be more functional in nature and care about the rules. This potentially increases our intrinsic strength, as we apply natural strategies and tactics to uphold the law and exploit weaknesses in the criminal system.
Exploiting our advantages means increasing our awareness of primary truths for ourselves. How must we live our lives? What must I do to function in nature? Asking these questions will lead to many tactics. Tactical victory hinges on a decisive strategy. Criminal ignorance of the law creates advantages for the law-abiding as criminals naturally become more dysfunctional in nature. This dysfunctionality is already increasingly evident in all sectors of society, under global governance in the undeclared war on nature and natural rights.
STRATEGY | Eliminate Control Through Debt. Establish a Wealth Based Economy
All criminal acts evident in the system, are currently funded by debt owed back to and printed by central banks. This money is used for the enactment and enforcement of global policies, by debt, banking system-financed, governments, corporations, and institutions. The existing authority for central bank activities must be removed from the L.A.W. by all means possible.
To establish the law in our immediate and greater society, all issues and tactics must lead to exposing this fact and becoming independent of any dependence on the criminal debt-based global banking system. Dependence is ill. Participation in a criminal enterprise is a natural no-no. The first step is to know you are dependent and decide what to do about it.
The potential tactics available on the legal and social front, which are outlined in this article I will post here for emphasis one more time, is staggering.
Technocratic Dystopia Is Impossible - Activist Post
How will the elites get stuff for their personal use when it is not available to the masses?
I want you to read it because I had to OK? That’s one reason. Even though I knew it all, I kept reading. Why? Because it gave me the ability to see and identify more clearly the individual parts, I was already familiar, with, in an eye-opening fashion. Understanding these parts, allows us to better identify their inherent impossibilities, and to exploit them. It helped me identify in clearer detail, our advantages on many battlefields
Legal Successful Strategy on the Frontlines and Battlefields
The frontlines and battlefields are outlined in the article above, which I promise not to post again, but again urge you to read, and tactics will only be successful if they are tied to eliminating authority for central banks, and their funding criminal acts, and human rights violations under the L.A.W. All parties whether in leadership or just following orders, must be identified as defendants, participating in human rights violations, wherever possible.
Whether openly introduced as evidence in court cases or understood by constitutional rights plaintiffs and their legal team, stopping the funding of criminal activities, and criminalizing abuse of public funds must be part of the goal on all fronts in all battles.
Eliminating the power to fund the defense of criminal acts in court is essential. Currently, the central bank’s power to print outweighs the ability of people to fund complaints and win in court.
FRONTS and Battles
a. Green agenda climate models, vs solar and cyclic climate models
b. 5G
c. Aerial spraying
d. Water and food shortages
e. Energy
Voting rights
a. State-by-state battles
b. Voting machines
c. International manipulation
Medical health/wellness
a. Covid
b. Vaccine passports
c. Health care choice
a. Passport tied to medical
Property ownership
a. Commerce. business, rights of transaction
The last 2 fronts, travel and ownership are increasingly tied to the Green agenda. there are many, court cases most of which are individual and business-related, battles. This is a list of a few legal court related battlefields.
Street Legal - 2nd Amendment
Protests are difficult because all known groups associated with constitutional rights are heavily infiltrated. Proud Boys is one example. the Jan. 6th protest is another. It is based on the need for the system to make everyone organize in some way, online. Outdoor rallies that this newsletter supports are also targeted for infiltration. But many of these are paid events. Paid events feed parts of the economic system and can be easily monitored. They are more difficult to infiltrate. Paid rallies are meant to be publicly observed in many facets, messaged, and engaged with on a mass scale as donations and sponsors allow.
What becomes accomplished in private, among people then, inspired by rallies and paid events, will become infiltrated at some point in their public effectiveness.
Limited communication access among thousands of people for open, safe, protected protest, is due primarily to control over the internet and media. This, increased isolation and encirclement, is meant to force everyone willing to continue living under natural rights to eventually take up arms. This will enable the state to eventually impose martial law.
The ATF, Anarcho-Tyranny, and Parallel Christian Society
JANUARY 19, 2023
On Friday, January 13, the ATF announced a new rule stating that stabilizing braces on what they had previously classified as “pistols” are now to be considered “short-barreled rifles.” Also, they must be registered as such by all manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and owners within 120 days or be charged with a felony. The apparent purpose of such a ruling is to punish the 40 million owners of such guns because they pose an electoral, political, and cultural threat to the ruling regime. And lest anyone be confused, the “ruling regime” does not mean the nominal head installed in the White House; it means the Permanent Government, of which the Administrative State is a major part, which includes the ATF.
As far as IRUUR1 is concerned, a parallel Sufi society and a Christian society, that knows natural law can build a wealth-economy. The whole Christian political movement is not something we talk about much as it is a global movement based on ideology. But they know and identify the mechanisms meant to take away your ability to protect your home. So the article is well worth looking at.
Compliance is futile. What if the personal firearms manufacturers, suppliers, and stores all said no to the ATF criminal policy violations, listed in the article?
Right To Bear
Among the People, the unorganized and locally organized bearing of arms is naturally engaged on a house-to-house, community-by-community basis, once communities have been isolated for targeting. As communities are increasingly isolated, many are driven into the streets at various times. Sometimes this leads to targeting individuals or installations. with guns, bombs, etc. Sometimes people are lured into the streets by those hoping to incite open incendiary confrontations in public protests and large gatherings.
When things get tight people may show up at meetings in indoor, public, or rented private facilities hoping to drive the public into the streets, targeting various factions. Going into the street with a gun is a fool’s errand as a first public remedy for oppression.
But if criminal factions come to your home or private meetings it is important to know the natural right to bear arms. Gandhi is famous for saying that if his brother’s home and family were attacked, he would not counsel him to be nonviolent if they were under direct violent threat. The first duty he said was to protect the family. There are natural rights and laws.
Personal contact and freedom from isolation are our street strategy. They exploit the need for centralized control to isolate people from one another. Organizing small groups taxes their monitoring resources. It also forces them to innovate quickly, which is not something they do well. Keep your groups small and personal. 12 to 20 is great. 30 is the limit. Groups should meet in public and or private to organize public neighborhood outreach.
Once a group reaches 21 people, they would begin a new group. If both are in the same neighborhood, they can meet and discuss/outreach with neighbors and passersby at different times at a neighborhood park for instance. If more groups form in one neighborhood, two separate groups can meet at around the same time in different places in the park.
Group subjects could include facts on any of the battlefields suitable to your small group. Focus on a subject and link the subject to ending dependence on debt, and harnessing community know-how to build wealth.
Independent group subjects can focus on any of the battlefields suggested, or one of many others that can exploit the impossibilities inherent in the centralized control system. Urban genocide is a good group subject for instance.
Common Ground | Multi-Cultural-Political-Economic
I live in a mixed-everything neighborhood in sunny California, from which I am working to escape. Not because of my neighbors, who I respect, and who in general treat me well. But because we are all increasingly trapped and imprisoned here. In my general conversations, we all agree we are increasingly trapped in a system beyond our control, in one form or another. A system most do not understand, outside of media spoon-fed politics.
But increasingly, many are willing to demonstrate in side conversations in public places, that they understand the mechanism of banking debt to some degree, which we know is active in society.
Focus on the Constitution and Human Rights
If your group is on the environmental front on a homesteading battlefield and wants to set up neighborhood farms, gardens, chicken raising, and develop the knowledge of permaculture to increase neighborhood food resources, keep the focus on constitutional/human rights as your protection and justification. The criminal politics and economics arrayed against you will surface, but the constitution and natural rights will pull most people together, and identify the real criminals. Smaller groups allow for subjects and tactics particular to their view of life, and neighborhood goals, and again, small groups are more difficult to control or infiltrate.
Group Tactics
Make info flyers with links and contacts of interest
Hang out and talk about stuff in groups of 2 or more together in public places and welcome public interjectors.
Set up a sign or banner if you want where you hang out
Go to public meetings, raise issues
Address neighborhood concerns Worried about the law? Worried about your kids? Worried about your food? All good table signs.
Form a co-op, or neighborhood enterprise
Two or three people invite other friends for a public potluck, sit around at a table and if people come by that want to talk, they can have some food and hang out.
a. Some potluck-type conversations can get out of hand. But if a few people are hanging out and talking once or twice a week, and sometimes there is a potluck people will get the idea centered around a subject and organize specific arrangements with each other on a common topic. Perhaps form new groups.
Group Public Protection
No arms whether indoor or outdoor. Pepper spray and stun taser protection only. A group wellness/medical go-to person is essential either on call or present at the gathering.
Larger inter-group gatherings whether in indoor or outdoor public places should have wellness in place, as well as exit, and personal shielding strategies.
Always carry the means to document anything important, including security emergencies. Video, still photos, a camera of some kind, and secure media uploading are important.
Many exciting things will happen as well and you will want your camera to document them for greater outreach
Large Gatherings
Because of the small size of individual groups contacts between groups to organize large events will be more trusted. It will be more difficult for authorities to know how many groups are involved, or their political, if any affiliations. It will be more difficult to organize politically correct disruptions of large gatherings if the scope of participant sympathies is obscured from infiltration. They will rely on neighborhood gossip, to attempt to gauge event participation numbers. Most local police surveillance is gang-related. It will be difficult for state and federal authorities to gauge the level of importance of the allocation of resources, required, if any, to disrupt events, which may be large, but not confirmed to be large, till events are completed.
The Right To Assemble In A Public Place
Compliance is futile. You don’t need a public permit to show up share food and talk. You will likely need a permit to set up a P. A. If you are not set up legally for a permitted event, each group in attendance in a larger intergroup event, simply shows up somewhere, places signs, flyers, stuff, etc., shares food and info, hanging out with participants and passersby. Megaphones are usually OK according to the area size and neighborhood.
Independence from the system is increasingly recognized as a requirement for human survival. Organize yourselves around it if you can.
Thanks for reading the article.
I liked the video. Hadn't run across that info before
It seems valid. Are there any other sources, or researchers looking into this you have links for? This looks like evidence in search of a peer-review study. Are any other people reporting on this?
Put a couple of links if you can in a comment, I'll check them. Maybe others here will pick up on them as well. We have been noticing the graphene oxide for some time now and wondering why. This looks like a clue.
Thank you for this important and well written post. I invite you to please take a look at and/or review the Solution Seeking Substack linked below and advise on how to best present this to Solution Seekers for their consideration. Thanks again.