Global Reset Moves Forward 600bil Ticks, IN ONE MONTH
COUNTDOWN TO RESET ACCELERATING - 3tril in global assets backing over 300tril of global debt
The economy as a matter of basic math is currently insolvent and being kept alive through the increasing printing of debt.
Your Real-Time Reset Map Based On Real Math
Unfortunately, I have to begin this newsletter with a qualifier. The real total outstanding debt is unknown in any public way. These estimates from Davos 2022, are based on the public books of private institutions such as all national central banks, the IMF, and other privately held international lending bodies. All of these are known to have private books that are illegal for the public, not even the President of the USA or other nations’ leaders, to see. The private books are the accurate ones.
However, this fact only highlights the fundamental problem. At what point does the cost of using central bank units of debt to pay for resources to produce goods and services, become too expensive to produce the goods and services people need to live?
The Cost Of Money, - When Running A Business Becomes A Public Service
The global resources of the world, valued at approx. 3 trillion US dollars on the Federal Reserve’s public books, represents the resources to create any economy. Oil, gas, metals, water, agricultural, industrial, residential land, etc. These assets upon which all debt is based, naturally become more expensive with each unit of debt that you print. Each unit of debt that is printed devalues the worth of all debt units of currency, relative to the resources that are intrinsic to their value.
The worth or value of a unit of debt is based on the percentage of all units in existence, relative to the value of the real assets upon which all the units as a total are based. If all units of debt equal 1,000 and 1 unit equals the value of one lump of coal, one lump of coal will cost you 1 unit of debt. The US dollar and all global currencies are units of debt. So if you now have 2,000 units of debt, that you have just printed, it will take twice as many, 2 debt units to buy the same lump of coal.
At some point then the cost of the lump of coal is too expensive to produce anything from it, that anyone also using debt units, can afford to buy. Food production, manufacturing, and everything begin to become more and more difficult to afford, and the means of production are owned by those in a position to still make a profit. Increasingly then, those whose value is based on units of debt are losing real assets and debt asset value making it impossible to afford to live a substantial life. And soon, they will not be able to repay the debt, to the real global asset holders.
What does ‘global debt’ mean and how high is it now?
This article is part of: World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
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Global debt passed $300 trillion in 2021, the Institute of International Finance says.
This covers borrowing by governments, businesses and households, and the International Monetary Fund warns that it is at dangerously high levels.
COVID-19 led to unprecedented borrowing and now the war in Ukraine is pushing global debt even higher.
Low-income countries and households suffer the most from high debt levels, experts warn.
Middle Class Continues To Lose Value As Debt Unit Printing Soars
With the US and global middle class, indoctrinated and programmed to value themselves and their families, based on units of debt, their demand for more loans and debt, to ease the cost of rising goods and services, is transferring wealth to the private global asset holders, at an existential rate.
ALERT! Hundreds Of BILLIONS Being Pumped Into A DEAD System. This Entire Thing Is FAKE. Mannarino
The goal of central bank owners and global majority asset holders is to own, control, and manage all remaining assets now held primarily by the remainder of the middle class before the debt economy naturally freezes up, and becomes too expensive to functionally operate.
At that point, all assets needed to survive will be in the hands of the asset owners, and they will dictate the value of each person’s net worth, based on the number of people, relative to the earth’s resources under their systematic control, and each ones personal value to the asset holders, in managing their assets.
Population, Efficiency
According to Agenda 2030, there are more people than there are uses for them, or assets to sustain them in a well-managed earth resource system. Programs are already underway to reduce stress on the system by allowing and encouraging population numbers systematically decrease, according to their lack of, value in, and potential debilitating stress on the new reset system.
Now everyone should understand clearly WHY GLOBAL DEPOPLATION and TRANSHUMANIST AGENDAS are in place and action and why the elite who want to remain all powerful and in total wealth and control want to LITERALLY MONITOR and capitalize and profit from all our bodily functions and all the we consume and use, TO KEEP THEIR DEBT BASED GAME GOING. Only the much larger population ELIMINATING THEM will stop this , everyone seems afraid to say this . Show me any other viable solution.