First a heartfelt ray of love for all Newsletter Readers. There are about 150 free subscribers now. Thank You. We hope many of you will become collaborators in the discovery of the intrinsic nature, and interconnectivity of things
I’m D.T., or Daniel if you prefer, Judged of God, a Hebrew name. I edit this thing called IRUUR1, I was given the name, IRUUR1, to use in publication, through a story I may be able to tell later, but all of it may be too boring and self-absorbed in appearance, to relate at this time. Sufficient to say, IRUUR1 represents a body of thought from and of many dedicated people, who began in the early 20th century, searching for ways to add alternative cultures and metaphysics, to enhance our growing body of Western Culture. The idea is that though Western Culture is distinct, it is also the result of exploration and includes languages, science, labor, and land influences from around the world in it. Western Culture seeks to represent the best knowledge, and applications of information, from the entire world.
Therefore our group reasoned in the late 60s, that a still deeper understanding of these cultures, would naturally, through our free enterprise system, enhance not only our culture but create the Global Culture, that our genome requires as the most likely next key, evolutionary step, for the successful optimization of our biology and intelligence.
Understanding the values that contributed to our agriculture, science, and so forth from other cultures already contributing to the body of Western knowledge might we reasoned, enhance the function of the free enterprise system as well, to include other values as parts of our currency exchange system, leading to greater innovation and evolutionary possibility. IRUUR1 believes in a sense that we anticipated crypto, though not in its digital form, and that crypto may be an evolutionary iteration of currency evolution along these lines.
We did not see a top-down globalist pyramid social order, but a linear platform curved around the world on which people from all cultures could grow roots to the sky to create, build, and integrate many forms, with the knowledge to better interconnect with each other at will. This, was our basic thought-form structure.
Personal Story
My work with the group began in my teens, working with an underground newspaper under an organization known as the Institute for Research and Understanding. This is the IRU beginning of this IRUUR1 publishing name, iteration. That is the part of the IRUUR1 name story that is not boring now.
Scrubs at Heart
Our IRUUR1 work was about the interconnectedness of things. We soon discovered there was a concerted effort by powerful people to eliminate certain things from the system necessary for regular people to connect and collaborate easily. We learned this through mounting projects, This is not a theoretical group. We mount our own real-life personal and collective field experiments to prove or disprove our research., while we collaborate. We identify underserved areas of human endeavor for our projects.
At the time the projects were a free information switchboard, an alternative newspaper, and drug crises intervention service. This was before the internet. The switchboard had big files in big drawers for everything from a clogged sink to suicide prevention help. We soon found we could help more people, more directly with less potential harm to them, by remaining outside of the stipulations of the nonprofit organizational legal system.
Some people in the system decided to become our enemies. This allowed us to discover many ways to identify people and places in the government/legal system, dedicated to controlling connectivity beyond the needs of efficiency and below the requirements for productive connection and potential outcome of immediate connectivity outside of the system control. We also found and still work to identify the seams in the system where resistance to natural connectivity is weak.
As a result of being outside of the system, we sometimes had to pay the electricity and other bills out of our own pockets, if donations from the community were down. This we did not mind too much. But when our avowed enemies became successful in their attempts to criminalize the continuation of our service if we did not become a part of the system, that was too much. We donated our general files to a group, eager to play the new game, and continue informally to this day researching and mounting projects for greater interconnectivity, through understanding and action.
The Basic Proof
Our first observation from our work based on evidence was that life had to be interconnected in some way to exist in it/s present applicable and theoretical form. But how do we become creative in this amalgamation of interconnections, some obvious, many hidden? For a personally accessible structure to be truly interconnecting, whether as a matter of connecting to, and/or in, a pre-existing structure, or our ability to build our own structures for connections, it would have to have the natural ability to connect to anything as was useful to it and/or that thing.
IRUUR1 is an ongoing iteration of this work. This newsletter is one project. to develop ideas of underserved interest to readers.
Our second project is to develop an interconnected network of independent, homestead communities, able to build from the land occupied. To develop independent living technology from those interconnected communities, to build communities that are self-sustaining, predictive, influential, and adaptative, in nature, in any economic or environmental climate, as long as resources and means allow.
That these independent, interconnected, ecological resource development homestead communities, be able to network locally and globally, to share and trade independent living technology in their regions, states, and nations around the world, as long as resources and means allow. And that these communities be founded on greater, solid, shared, ecological resource development guidelines from which to form a successful individual community plan suitable to the community, the land, and the region occupied.
We are beginning the guidelines collaboration process now with the homestead and community builders we contact, as well as all of our newsletter subscribers, to develop guidelines from which to develop individual homestead agreements.
Publication Philosophy Relative To Universal Connectivity
Our first publication conclusion is that nothing needs to connect to everything all at once in the universe, although it may be possible and useful. But we ourselves can’t do it now. Not as a conscious part of a universal system. We must build or be a part of connections, which in one way or another, connect together in the universe. A communication system intrinsically applicable to all things in the universe, therefore being able to be communicated on some level of connection to any part of the universe that is useful to any part of it, even beyond our present knowledge, of the purpose of our interconnected universe. IRUUR1 publishes as an organ to advance natural interconnections in a natural communication system and environment.
Core Interconnection Observations and Practical Applications
From my work in this initial group, I looked for key building blocks of interconnection and communication. IRUUR1 invites anyone to arrive at their own core observations on the nature of things. Ours involves 5 fundamental aspects we find irrefutably observable, and perceptibly active in all things. This breakdown is useful according to our perception and knowledge base.
All things are ruled by the Unknown Life’s source of connection and ultimate rules in any given moment are all or in part Unknown. Our species’ life source connection button is discovery. Fear is the disconnect button.
All things have value in the interconnective universe process.
All things have an intrinsic, or momentary purpose in the universe.
All things organize in various natural social orders, according to their value and purpose.
All things remain in the universe as individual things with individual values and purposes, by virtue of their individual contribution to unknown connectivity needs, in a creative, interconnected universe, according to their nature.
Let’s Get Practical
This observation of the nature of things applies to all things identifiable, and familiar to everyday people, awake or in dreams. Consider the above relative to the experienced plumber and his tools. Any one of them may have unknown applications. These hidden but discoverable applications may be discovered by overcoming the fear of not finishing a task before the light fades, or the plumber has to cancel evening plans, like dinner with relatives or worse. That’s number 1. Numbers 2-3 - The purpose and value of a tool, traded in number 4, the social order are obvious. The tool in a plumber’s kit may achieve a singular identity for the plumber by how well it works on projects still unknown. It also may be replaced by a better tool. It will retain a unique identity, number 5, in an interconnected universe in some form but may mutate out of the working plumber’s tool category into a museum piece, or mutate as raw material into another transformed identifiable thing, commensurate with its nature.
So how does it work?
This may be one of many observable patterns all things form. All things are in this process. You can’t really learn it, but you can observe it. We, like all things, are already functioning in this process instinctively. perhaps unconsciously. The plumber does not check the 5 things principle. Likely doesn’t even know about it, but operates in it naturally nonetheless, as follows. They find a tool for a job, and jobs that are unknown, with unknown potentials for the plumber the business, and the tool itself There is an immediate value and purpose for the tool to the plumber in society. The tool will achieve a singular identity according to its usefulness to the tasks of the plumber. The plumbing business will achieve identity according to its usefulness to the greater unknown needs of its customers, and through what the business will discover, working with its tools. There is nothing we can do to change this auto-process, but we can observe it in all things, and with it, better identify the intrinsic nature of things.
When you realize everything naturally holds this pattern and is common in this way, you begin to see the foundational pattern for the interconnection of everything as needed, according to its natural function. So everything is already interconnecting and transmitting through this process on some level, but until you observe it working that way you can miss the way everything is connecting or disrupted. My working solution so far, to find the nature of a thing, is to ask why a thing, which is useful to another thing, is not connecting naturally with it.
IRUUR1 and Current Events
Often times connecting naturally is as simple as connecting the right tool to the right task. But when things involve people and events, with people unaware of this pattern, the instinctual connections, and those that are aware of natural patterns in Creation and things, it becomes a predictive guide to better adapt to and influence events.
When you begin examining current events, you begin to identify the impediments, to natural connectivity. You look for evidence that indicates instinctive actions in people and things. These are connected to the inherent value and purpose they were born with. Is the identity they project, in conflict with their natural instincts? People often say one thing with the best of intentions. But because of a connection impediment to their true nature, they don’t see and anticipate an inevitable conflict with what they say vs what they will do, but others can see it clearly,
The Intrinsic Nature of Political Parties As A News Publishing Example
To guide us through one specific part of the Unknown, we have government. A political party’s inherent value and purpose are a tool for governance under the constitution, a separate thing to which they are connected. The power to govern comes from the People, (another thing). Power from the People is both stated under the Constitution and evidenced in Natural Law.
The more power a party has, the more effective it is as a tool in and of government. So a political party is a thing that identifies as having greater power and authority to govern. This helps to identify its intrinsic nature.
We can call this the intrinsic nature of a political party. It will, therefore, instinctually act to gain power in government, despite any other stated goals or objectives, with or without the best of intentions. Naturally, when people who have the power to govern themselves, give it to a party, they no longer retain it for themselves.
The natural instinct of a party is to grow the size and/or the power of government, and/or its authority in any government large or small. If allowed to run wild so to speak, a party will try to become the government instead of the People. Since both the Constitution and a political party need power from the People to govern, there is a natural conflict, energy disruption, and/or disconnect, between the two things,
Understanding this five-factor process allows us to understand the instinctual nature of things to help us unravel the Unknown, for solutions to our energy flow if you will breakpoints.
Unraveling The Nature of Events, Finding Solutions
We look for the nature of things to discover solutions. One possible party solution for a proper mix of party power in government would be to allow parties to endorse issues and candidates, but not to fund or raise money for them. Since all things in existence have value and purpose even a party, exists to give power to issues important to the People. You don’t usually need to eliminate a thing in order to eliminate blockage in the flow of value and purpose.
The common issue of value and purpose motivation in the energy flow of the People and parties is to govern effectively. The quality of governance is based on power sharing. This is where both things naturally connect. Therefore there must be a mix of energy to succeed. If the People give the parties power not only to raise issues important to them, but also to choose their candidates and judicial system judges for government, and further, to fund this government and their authority from sources beyond the capacity of the People\’s treasury, then the People no longer govern as a significant force in government..
Using this 5 aspects of things guide, IRUUR1 analyses our published stories. It allowed us to be able to see a firm evidenced-based potential for a covid lab connection in 2020 for instance. We published this on In this way, using the parties, the plumber, and a plumber’s tools as examples and a guide, you can better analyze the nature, natural tendencies, and natural connection of all things, their instincts, and the natural and artificial impediments to connections. It will allow you to be more predictive, influential, and adaptive in nature, and Creation Ruled by the Unknown.
Further Study
The political party analysis involves 3 primary things. The People, the Constitution, and the political party.
Questions: Discovering the Nature of a Thing
What is the intrinsic nature of the People?
The U.S. Constitution?
Their inherent value and purpose, natural instincts, and areas of natural conflict and agreement.
How must they trade in any social order?
And achieve significant singular creative identities, according to their nature?
Do this with all things.
The nature of a thing is evidenced by assessing its motivation and the source of its inception. The acorn does not fall far from the oak unless blown by the wind.
Just as in our entire electromagnetic energy environment, the actions of a thing are determined by its intrinsic nature, capacity, density, amplitude, frequency range, frequency rate, and intensity. A thing may have a great capacity and send out a dense energy burst over a wide range which will influence other energy in general without overpowering a field of energy.
In politics, that energy field could be right to life, consisting of many converging energies and comprising form and function around primary lines of force, or motivation. But if a thing of great capacity unleashes an intense and directed energy burst, a part or all of an energy field or current of energy can be disrupted and forced to re-organize itself back along the natural primary field energy lines, according to its nature.
The above oak and acorn example are easy to follow here. The acorn may blow all the way to the edge of the oak grove away from the original tree in an intense wind but according to its nature, will remain as a part of a line of force in the Oak energy field, or grove. If the wind, which is a thing with a large capacity, delivers an intense stream of energy, directed at the grove, and acorns blow away from the grove, they will likely form a new grove. Possibly forming an adjoining grove, creating a continuous line of force and expanded energy field.
Newsletter, Project Collaboration Philosophy
In a materialistic age, we need to be hardcore on our facts and science, in order to evolve correctly, individually and collectively in this cycle. This should underpin all our efforts.
All things are ruled by the Unknown and are guided by laws, reflected and applicable within, the electromagnetic, light, and sound environment, in which we, as a specific form of singular universal intelligence function. And that, as Kary Mullis proved in the PCR process, everything in biology, ergo in our electromagnetic environment, is connected to one primal Unknown element. And, that this primal element is available for our discoveries, our creations, and our natural value and purpose.
Further, we can surmise that this primal element, either is itself or is the offspring of, something we can call, a greater Being. Our project and collaboration goal is to advance our lives in greater Being.
Thank You For Reading
For more on the science of electromagnetism, please review;