Learning The Consciousness To Energy Interface
How Software Consciousness Interfaces to Your Basic Body Hardware Components
Hello Everyone
This Christmas New Year, new birth season of newsletters has been focused on the immeasurable and the measurable. The immeasurable is discreet and personal incalculable. The measurable is fixed and impersonal, mathematical. Both are real and in motion together like matter and energy. The immeasurable and measurable comprise the substance of our reality. This is the basis of our newsletter mission to discuss with you, the possibility of how reality is programmed, and to develop tools and terms to better learn and teach it to others.
Measurable And Immeasurable Skills Of Reality
Programming reality requires two different skill sets, like hardware and software. or your left, and right hands. One hand gathers the other holds. A different capacity is needed for each.
Because the measurable is evident in our experience, as being impersonal, calculable, and predictable according to any set of mathematical variables, it requires a complex skill set to program successfully. It generally requires many people motivated to achieve a result, to coordinate all the variables in operation, in order to achieve full capacity. We infer, therefore, due to the evidence of our experience as individual persons, that the immeasurable skill set is a personal one. Incalculable. and requires simple motivated understanding applied to all things, and strong personal adherence to achieve full capacity.
The personal and impersonal are the right and left hands of reality. The immeasurable personal comprise the capacity for the influence of all variables active in the impersonal, mathematical “Real World”.
Personal Readership Skill Set
This next bit deals with my personal learning curve in the impersonal newsletter process. Published for your delight, discretion, and even your derogation. I will never know the full capacity of this newsletter-based thinking to influence reality. It is immeasurable.
Sharing Personal and Impersonal Skillsets
We need to develop terms and identify experiences in reality that are not available, or widely known to exist in common parlance. As we identify more resources farther outside of the 5 senses’ cultural references, how do we describe them? We need to name the animals the life we discover, and describe what we experience and what we see, to ourselves and others.
Sharing personal and interpersonal readership skillsets and discoveries could be done in the comments by advanced or bold readers, who are willing at times to correct my potential amateur, wisdom-seeking misperceptions. And also those who are experiencing reality in the way I describe it, due to their research applied to their experience. Or in a totally different way than I see it or than currently explained in the culture. My goal is to make this IRUUR1 newsletter part of our reality programming learning process, able to be more practical, and potentially useful in achieving results. Readers are invited to spot my dead ends and/or lack of detail, etc., as well as advance my understanding. All others will find this, challenging, amusing, perhaps interesting, and purely theoretical.
Reality 101 | Energy Field (Hardware) To Consciousness (Software) Interface
This may in many ways be my reality only. You tell me. But it is based on results in core areas, challenging to me and many others. Looking for results that can be demonstrated to me in recognizable patterns, first imagined internally as possibilities, to be proven in my life and others, through experienced trial and error. My method of analysis has been based on the academic method of proving the role of conscious activity in the material world, developed by Professor Alan Watts. His method is foolproof in the ability to differentiate what is purely a product of imagination, and what is imagination taking form in observable, provable, active reality. Alan Watts is your newsletter homework option today.
I am writing this newsletter in a terminology suitable to the standard, big concepts, and pop culture understanding of the issues discussed today. I want it understandable for further research by an 8th grader, naturally motivated to learn more. Many of the patterns of reality we can discover will require terms that these commonly understood words I am using, may only partially describe. What we currently term cosmology, spirit, philosophy, and religion I will refer to as possible perceptions of greater consciousness available for download to update our program of reality. What we term science is the measurement of the activity in the energy environment of our unique variables of consciousness.
We Are Consciousness, Energetically Programming Reality
The electromagnetic mathematical, energy environment we operate in, including our bodies, is like the hardware. We, our conscious presence are like the programmable and updateable software, activating and influencing this environment. We operate the hardware, according to our unique updateable program of consciousness, which we develop through our conscious activity in the environment. We instinctively update our programming of reality, in direct relation to our perception of, our value and purpose in greater consciousness, experienced in our lives.
Environmental Programming - Conscious Environmental Development
We are here to program reality in this world, according to our individual perceptions, of our potential value and purpose, in Creation. We are aspects of pure consciousness, in the act of discovering the infinite potential of unique and particular forms of greater consciousness in an energy environment. We have the mathematical ability to produce an infinite variety of creative, mutational potentials. IRUUR1 refers to pure consciousness, terminologically, as the Unknown or the universe to the questioner and God to the believer.
We are in this energy environment, consciously active, emanating from a focus, termed the planetary biological energy field. Our biosphere, experienced in the 5 senses is formed in a narrow range, occupying under 1%, of the spectrum and located at the center of the known total energy spectrum. We are a product of a conscious desire, essential in the universe to infinitely update this energy environment, from the center of the spectrum, according to our uniquely coded existence in this biological form, created to be uniquely functional in forming the universe. We are here, consciously active and present in this form, to discover, our infinite capacity to actualize a unique aspect of consciousness, intrinsic and integral to a significant purpose and potential in Creation.
Pure consciousness is, according to our perception, the generator of this energy environment and thus likely capable of generating other forms of energy or mansions of Creation, according to different principles, perhaps outside of the realm of this math. We don’t need to worry about those. We are free to have fun imagining them at will and adding them to our life’s R and D files. We aren’t within a known and verifiable range of relative influence with another realm at present. We are free to and responsible only for creating infinite variations of conscious reality, in our electromagnetic, mathematical environment.
The Consciousness Hardware Interface
This is the simple part. It is instinctive to the point of being obscured in our perception, due to the complexities we are taught to associate with the manipulation of matter. We must prove our instincts. When we are willing to see the material world of the 5 senses as an aspect of the total energy field, it becomes more important first to connect to the greater range of the spectrum. We can develop clearer terminology, of the various aspects of the greater energy spectrum over time to develop our full capacity for energy exchange/transaction, that applies outside of the current 5 senses focused terminology range.
Current Limitations To Conscious Environmental Awareness
We currently are aware scientifically of the energy outside of the 5 senses, based on the machinery we build using the 5 senses. This machine verification of reality, based on a narrow range of the spectrum is not our only means of verifying our experiences within the full spectrum of reality. We have to use our personal skill set to broaden our minds to the full range of our energy reality. Learn to identify everything we think, feel, and do as aspects of our awareness of the Unknown or God applied to the greater spectrum, operating outside of the 5 senses range of perception.
To analyze reality within 1 percent of the range of actual resources is to analyze only a small fragmentized aspect of reality, and ignore the intrinsic connection to a greater reality of existence.
Examples of Personal Skillset Development: Consciousness Influencing Energy/Matter
Now everything I am talking about, dealing with consciousness directly influencing matter can be considered theoretical outside of your own personal experience, of doing it or seeing it for yourself in direct physical proximity to the event. That is until you watch this video and realize these events could not happen any other way.
50 People With Superpowers Caught On Tape
In my opinion, this video only scratches the surface, but also reveals the depth of possibility in personal skillset development, to influence the energy environment. These are very 5 senses demonstrations, of consciousness influencing matter. The only way to explain how the examples in the video are really possible is by citing the effect of their personal consciousness, applied to the unexplainable physical effect caught on camera. But as we know, economics is an energy field, politics, families, and all enterprises create fields of energy. These energy environments can also be significantly altered, by developing a personal consciousness to energy influence skill set.
Observations, Foundational To Our Skill Set Cosmology
We are an aspect of greater or pure consciousness. The full meaning and potential of pure consciousness are Unknown. They are accessed according to our application of our core motivation.
The Unknown is God or Deity to the believer and, the universe, or even pure conjecture to the existentialist, atheist, or agnostic.
Even an atheist or agnostic must concede that holding to a position of further discovery of what is real, is a conscious act and a form of consciousness implying greater consciousness evident in people and nature. Nature reinvents and mutates by discovering ways to optimize and adapt and this process is reflected in human behavior. This observation of patterns of natural behavior shared in humans and greater biological formation, is evidence of a consciously active logic, governing the energy environment.
The energy environment is a product of greater or pure consciousness.
We are programming our reality now, commensurate with our perception of our individual, personal, self, which is not measurable but is experienced as a presence that always motivates us and forms our experience. We represent a creative potential, as a unique value and purpose, active individually as an aspect of consciousness in action in Creation.
Developing Our Personal, Instinctual, Perceptual Interface
We are active in this world biologically and fundamentally to program our energy environment, according to our perception. Our reality is instinctual. Instinct interfaces immediately and directly with perception. Simple, automatic, instinctual perception, is integral to our conscious ability to act on our potential value and purpose in Creation.
Instinctual Patterns Of Perception
We can begin to identify instinctual patterns of perception through clear observation of basic elements active in all aspects of life. Instinctual perception is identifiable in patterns of reality that comprise all things we consciously perceive.
5 Patterns Of Perception that apply to all things real and imagined
IRUUR1 has identified 5 instinctual patterns of observable formation governing our perception that are in all things we can perceive as individual aspects of anything in our experience. All things, whether in dreams or awake, whether objects or emotions or concepts. Anything we perceive is instinctively recognized according to these fundamental patterns. The interaction of these patterns forms a cosmology.
Even a spec of lint is sovereign relative to its value and purpose in service to the greater environment, It is sovereign as a piece of lint for a moment in time. It has likely transacted itself as part of many natural social orders. And now elements of other forms have broken apart and the laws of magnetism have formed an enterprise of lint. I will settle. pile up and become harder and more compact in a developing social order of perhaps soil creation. It has unique value and purpose or it would not exist. And its further use is unknown. It reflects an instinctual pattern, evident in our perception of everything in the environment. In conscious reality. 5 components of perception form an interface matrix through which we instinctively form and organize conscious reality.
There are many identifiable patterns of perception and creational formation.
You can identify patterns of perception. These are just 5 that work. Many other patterns can also be identified, that improve our perception. Confucius, Plato, Jesus, and the Vedas, have resulted in whole systems, identifying patterns that are active and useful, in conscious perception. Many of the subjects in the video above have developed their perception according to the methods developed by various master teachers of personal skill sets.
We The People Are The Variables We’ve Been Looking For
The personal skill set cannot be measured. It is a compilation of minute and repetitive trials and errors in discovering applications that utilize the full capacity of our instinctual motivation in this impersonal, and measurable world, energy environment. The personal skill set achieves full capacity through strong individual motivation. The impersonal skillset achieves full capacity through strong collective motivation. We represent the variables of mathematical possibility for measurable results in reality.
It’s our turn now to identify and become the instinctual patterns of reality to develop our perception, in preparation for a new Earth energy Cycle
Good Fortune