LGBTQ Publisher Exposes Trans/Health Indoctrination Harm in Schools
Molecular Code Stew Peters, Reinette Senum The Human Family
The war for control of our children has been at the forefront of the alternative press this past week.
Reinette Senum reports on Foghorn Express. She is a tireless community builder with a history of activism for ecologically profitable, decentralized communities. She offers solutions for building family-first communities, scalable from the local to regional to national and international needs levels. Her reporting is based on her community leadership as a former California Mayor and as a strong voice among the Northern Sierra Nevada California area communities.
The Molecular Code, Protecting Our Children in Our Human Family
Reinette Senum is a person who the world refers to as LGBTQ. She and her partner of 14 years however are among the strongest advocates for healthy families, actively working towards that goal. Reinette has seen the outstanding results that come from family-centered communities and reviewed the data that comes from child abuse and neglect. The fact that she and others from the Gay community actually believe healthy families and children is perhaps the most important responsibility we all hold in common, is only surprising if you believe what you read in MSM and even other, sometimes well-meaning agenda-driven publications.
Successful Biology In Nature.
The molecular code is created in the center of our Milky Way galaxy. It is the math or code that underpins all molecular formation throughout the galaxy, including biological life. It is the basis of Natural Law, which is ancient and is the basis of our constitution. Natural Law has many biological parallels. One of them is life, enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. The most successful species in nature, develop sometimes elaborate strategies, to enhance their ability to produce and protect healthy progeny.
As a survivalist and long-time leader in the ecological movement, (not the Green Agenda) Reinette naturally approaches her subjects from a Constitution-first health rights perspective. No species’ health is more important in the ecology than ours, and good ecology for us in our environment begins with protecting our children and the fundamental integrity of our species, along with those species we depend on for healthy food and shelter.
The Facts Of Organic Harm From Early Childhood Sexualization And Abuse For Profit
Is there actually organic harm caused by sexualizing children before the age when the appropriate mental centers and emotions open up in the brain? Apparently yes and Reinette discusses the details with two mental health experts presenting a fundamental understanding of what the harm is and what can be done.
The Business Of Genetic Breakdown “These Little Ones”
These Little Ones. It is a well-known quote of Jesus from the Bible. I’m paraphrasing but the gist is, that Jesus was surrounded by a bunch of kids and he said, whoever allows harm to one of these little ones, gets the shit kicked out of them by God.
But what can one person do, if there are billions in profit from child abuse that stretches from the federal government level, into the schools, and out onto the international child sex and cult trafficking market? What if abortion is a part of that business
And what if the evidence was so thick that it involved Child Protective Services and major leaders around the world? Stew Peters did the only thing he could do. He decided to make a documentary, uncovering the many facts and paper trails around this issue.
A Word About The Ancient God Moloch
Moloch was a well-known Canaanite deity whose name rose to fame in their time. However, since then, no one has paid much attention to old Moloch, until now. This year I have seen his name popping up all over alt media including this Stew Peters documentary. If he is a real deity of some kind he must be very pleased with himself.
As a famous entertainment publicity hound and deconstructionist culture enthusiast once remarked in a quote I first heard traded by a drag queen, applied to themselves. It’s not what they say, it’s whether they are talking about you that matters. This line was paraphrased, from an earlier Hollywood era quote; It isn't what they say about you, it's what they whisper. Errol Flynn. Errol’s quote is eerily applicable to this Moloch figure and the media buzz around his current makeover.