MAJOR- VITAL Mass Class Action, Covid/Vaxx Lawsuit - Free Public Seminar Today | Take Action 12pmPDT 3pm EDT
I don’t have time to go through the material and write a decent article. I will be trying to post on this Class Action Lawsuit public orientation on the web today Tune into this link,
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LAWSUIT DESIGNED FOR MASSIVE LEGAL PARTICIPATION - All The Evidence and Exhibits, Official Customizable Court Filing Format
According to Todd Calendar, this is the foundation for individual and mass filings that is guaranteed, with some effort, to get standing in courts of law. Todd and his legal team at 5 SMALL STONES Legal Network have been getting victories in court and are ready for the big one.
Todd states that the Lawsuit orientation live stream hookup, available for today’s seminar will accommodate 2 million people. He has been hard at work over the past several days promoting this monumental effort. Thousands of action oriented people will be tuning in and if you have time, you should too.
Everything you need to know
Is in this video interview from a couple of days ago.
If the headline appears sensationalistic, it is not. It is the predicate and essential point of protection required in a legal body of law, devoid of meaningful statute.
The mRNA experimental treatment, does alter human DNA outside of the design of nature. This means you are not protected under existing law. You can be defined as a unique patented genetic product created by the drug manufacturer. The only precedent in law is military law, which allows genetic alteration of enlisted soldiers, in conjunction with their status as government property. The video above explores the history of legal military precedents and legal civilian rulings on DNA defining it as a unit of currency, potentially regulated in the banking system. Corporate DNA patent rights, and a recent Supreme Court ruling that favors Corporate DNA modification patent rights is discussed. DNA Rights are based on producing something not found originally in nature. thus a new human species is being created from DNA formation, altered in vaccinated people.
Excerpts From Class Action Lawsuit
Here are a few
41. On or about October 2016, Defendant National Institutes of Health together with other interested parties filed for US Patent WO/2018/081318 to create an injectable compound to cause the recipient to produce prefusion coronavirus Spike proteins. This injectable is known as the “Moderna Covid 19 Vaccine” See Exhibit 7.
42. Said Moderna Covid 19 Vaccine contains SM-102 (also Luciferase), which is a known poison fatal to humans and animals as disclosed in Moderna’s Food and Drug Administration’s published ingredients list. See Exhibit 8 (list of ingredients and toxicity report for SM-102).
43. Said Moderna Covid 19 Vaccine, per Exhibit 7, is designed to cause the human recipients to mass produce Corona Virus Spike Proteins through messenger RNA stimulus; such Spike Proteins are known to cause acute cardiovascular disease. Indeed See Exhibit 9.
19. On or about March 1, 2013 persons including, but not limited to: Dr. Anthony Fauci, Eli Broad, Theodore Turner, Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey, George Soros, William Gates Jr., and other Defendants met in New York for the purpose of planning mass reduction of the World’s population, See Exhibit 1.
20. Between January 2014 and December 2020, Defendant Fauci, along with other named and unnamed Defendants through their instrumentalities, including but not limited to the National Institutes of Health, EcoHealth Alliance and the Department of Health and Human Services, provided samples of bio warfare agents and funding to the Wuhan level 4 biolab for the purpose of obtaining “gain of function” of said samples to weaponize the samples into a manufactured toxic virus to be released intentionally to cause a global epidemic or pandemic as described and defined in The Fifty-eighth World Health Assembly REVISION OF THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS (2005) page 11 attached and annexed as a part of this Criminal Complaint as Exhibit 2. See also &
21. In or about May 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network published Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, which outlines a scenario whereby World powers utilize a global pandemic, naturally occurring or man-made, that presents an opportunity to technocratically control humanity and reduce the size of the global population. See: LOCK STEP Scenario, Narratives, A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback (page 18). Said publication provided the framework and methodology for the planning and preparation for a planned bio warfare attack on the global population in furtherance of the planned Genocide occurring now and affecting every person in every country and location on the planet; thus proving motive or the mens rea element of the crimes alleged herein. Attached and annexed as Exhibit 3 (
22. On or about October 2019, Defendants Gates, Fauci, Brix, the NIH, CDC and WHO, together with associated conspirators planned, orchestrated and conducted Event 201 whereby they practiced their global and industry-wide response to their criminal enterprise. See Event 201 attached and annexed as Exhibit 4. 23. On or about September 2015, Defendants Richard A. Rothschild & the Pirbright Institute developed and patented the “Covid 19” Polymerase Chain Reaction (“PCR”) test kit, four and a half years before the discovery of the Novel Corona Virus SARS 2, later renamed “Covid 19” in March of 2020. See Exhibit 5 & &
36. On or about August 22, 2005, Defendant Fauci and Defendant NIH declared Hydroxychloroquine a ‘wonder drug’ for the treatment of SARS-COV-1 and MERS, stating in The Virology Journal (Defendant NIH’s publication) that “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS Coronavirus spread.” Yet, on or about July 30, 2020, Defendant Fauci testified to Congress that Hydroxychloroquine has “no therapeutic effect” on Covid 19. See:
37. On or about January 20 2021, Defendants Fauci and NIH publicly dismissed and subverted the use of Ivermectin, a known and generic antiviral medication that clinically demonstrated a significant reduction in Covid 19 viruses within a 48 hour period. Congressional testimony by Dr. Pierre Kory in December 2020 reported a substantial success rate using Ivermectin as both a prophylactic and cure after conducting a review of dozens of peer reviewed trials, studies and publications. See & controversy-flares-over-ivermectin-for-covid-19/ &
38. On or about January 31, 2020, Defendants Fauci, Collins, Farrar and Daszak conspired to and did conduct a fraudulent clinical trial, in response to positive reports about the benefits of HCQ, wherein they overdosed patients with Hydroxychloroquine for the purpose of creating a published report discounting the drug’s efficacy and labeling it dangerous and deadly; said conspiratorial conduct, including the publishing of the fraudulent results in several scientific journals, including The Lancet and Nature, is now published in their own notes, emails and documents pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request by and published by Buzzfeed. See: &