Millions Now Beseeching Billions, Don't Sleep Walk Into Destruction
Hi to Clif High & Larry Druhall - 2 Perspectives, 2 Raw Data Updates, and Analysis
Welcome current event seekers.
Geomagnetic Excursion, Planetary Conditions
Beginning with our bodies hardwired grounding to Earth resonance and moving on to our environmental updates.
Grounding Resonance
Thought you might like to see how one of these radio receivers are constructed. Here is one of them with today’s updated resonance graph. The headline seems to be
VIRGO - E.G.O. ELF Monitoring station
Live data from CASCINA (PI), Italy, South Europe
Maintained by: Federico Paoletti - INFN Pisa (IZ5EBO), Irene Fiori - E.G.O., Giulio Ballardin - E.G.O. and Kamiel Janssens - University of Antwerp - Belgium. FFT processing by Renato Romero.
The Virgodetector for gravitational waves consists mainly in a Michelson laser interferometer made of two orthogonal arms being each 3 kilometers long. Multiple reflections between mirrors located at the extremities of each arm extend the effective optical length of each arm up to 900 kilometers. Virgo is located within the site ofEGO, European Gravitational Observatory.
Untreated correlated magnetic noise from Schumann resonances across two or more detectors provides a fundamental limit on the sensitivity of stochastic searches. One method of reduction is the use of magnetometers to subtract the correlated noise, where a Wiener filter scheme may be implemented. Effective subtraction requires precise measurement of global electromagnetic fields in areas with low local electromagnetic contamination.
It is performed with MetronixMFS-06magnetometers, from which the spectrograms of this page are also extracted and processed: the signal of the two magnetometers at VIRGO is transformed into a low sampling rate RAW stream (1000 sample/sec), and sent to Cumiana monitoring station (300 km away). There, a PC receives and processes it with SpectrumLab, in 4 different sessions and representations.
Signal coming from two Metronix MFS-06e induction coils: NS reception on top, EW reception on bottom.
Scroll time 40 seconds, FFT resolution 15.6 mHz.
Climate, Weather Biosphere, Magnetic Excursion Daily Brief
Follow the cold front as it moves across the U.S. this week
Reports On Solar and Geomagnetic activity affecting current, Volcanic, seismic, and climate conditions around the world.
Oppenheimer Ranch Project premiering now: G3 Geomagnetic Storm - Iceland Eruption Watch - Taurid & Leonid Meteor Showers Peaking In November
Suspicious0bservers uploaded: Level 3 Solar Storm, Auroral Activity, Health Impacts | S0 News Nov.6.2023
Planetary Assets
The war of redistribution being waged by powerful criminal elements of the 1%, appears to be opening a door of opportunity.
Resolving The Genocide Agenda | 2 Views
IRUUR1 is sharing data from outside of the official machine verification system two bring those new resources into the greater battlefield of current human economic activity. The genocide agenda, being authorized by criminal elements of powerful vested interests, requires access to resources both in known official availability, and outside of the limited selection of resources, socially, and legally exchanged in the machine-verified, 5% range.
Data Not Published and Distributed By The System
They will have to deal with our awareness of available resources and methods to eliminate our perception of, and access to, available resources.
Clif High presents a litany of verifiable documents and historic reference material, to back up the resources he presents outside of the official information culture. His mathematical perspective, as well as the examination and re-interpretation of translations found in ancient records, lend authority to his conclusions.
IRUUR1 and Clif share his fundamental description of the structure of the electromagnetic environment. We share the understanding that his greater energy environment has been concealed from the view of greater mankind, by criminal elites. The results of the great reset may be far different than the programmed outcome, we are being conditioned to believe.
My Comment on Geomagnetic Excursion Conditions
Clif High’s eye-opening update on the effect of conscious activity in our electromagnetic world, outside of our 5 senses range is a hopeful message. However, he did not address the elephant in the room of human activity, namely the present geomagnetic excursion. The accelerating loss of Earth’s magnetic field strength is only one environmental factor that occurs is this now repeating, approx. 12,000-year, species altering cycle.
Cliff examines and reexamines cycles of all kinds in ways that offer a greater perspective. Yet we have not found a reference to this repeating geomagnetic excursion cycle in his work and wonder if we missed it or if he finds it irrelevant in some way he has yet to directly address. If we missed it or he intends to address it, we hope he will alert us, for our consideration.
Meanwhile the Aether Pirates of the Matterium! post above, prompted this comment from me for him and his readers.
Cliff, thanks for your great personal experience and data research publishing. The universe keeps giving us what we need. When we insist on getting what we don't need, we find trouble.
We, our identity, who we are in essence, is a point, aspect, or manifestation of the consciousness, active in this world of our energy environment. We are aspects of consciousness, actively interfacing with the terrain of our energy environment. We can assume that the laws of energy in the universe, which have been set in motion, that are observable and calculable, are set in motion by the greater consciousness we are a part of, and active with and in. We consciously influence the energy environment according to our perception and consciously manage it We do this, based on elements of our environment, presently beyond our conscious ability to perceive, influence, and manage directly. We cannot form a mountain range of resources like the Rockies from the primary energy of the Earth yet for instance.
The greater consciousness that formed this galaxy created a torus jet energy field governing galactic formation. This torus, sends waves of oscillating magnetic energy from the center of the galaxy outward, to the end of the galactic energy field. One of these waves hits Earth approx. every 12 to thirteen thousand years. This cyclic wave is entering our solar system now, changing the magnetic fields of the sun and planets. Our magnetic field on Earth has dropped 20 percent in 100 years, and overall 30% since the peak 1,000 years ago. It is now dropping over 5% of magnetic strength every decade and this is accelerating. The Earth's magnetic field historically reaches a point of near zero. As this occurs, catastrophic earthquakes and volcano events occur, the earth cools and the seas rise into the existing continents for a time.
At the present rate of magnetic field loss, due to the laws of energy in motion affecting our solar system, we will be unable with our present technology, to hold electric generating and transmission capacity, in 20 years' time.
If we are entering an era of invention, I submit this historic Geomagnetic Excursion event, creating a species-altering pattern of destructive weather we are entering now, is a subject requiring many inventive solutions. I also submit as Clif's research indicates, that we are only beginning to understand our full capacity for conscious activity in this world.
Resolving System Resource Disruption
Examining the war over resources which is becoming existential for many in the world. Two reports from Larry Druhall who publishes Solution Seeking on Substack.
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905 | Latest operatic updates.
The weapons, based on the foundational scientific principles, outlined in the weapons systems manual above, have been updated many times since this manual was used in the 1970s and into the 90s. Larry shares a number of updates related to the potential weaponization of energy, currently available to, in operation, and favored by powerful, human rights criminal elements.
Good Fortune To All