New Science New Realities | Getting Small - Science observes properties in small particles operating beyond time and space
Many newsletters ago, IRRRU1 began advancing the understanding of getting small as a way to naturally align with the primary lines of force in nature to offset the unnatural effects of globalism on our persons and environment.
I have developed this theme in many newsletters, without repeatedly banging readers over the head with it in every newsletter the way I currently, and unapologetically do, with the Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905, because I’m currently obsessed with the desire to see every American have an understanding of the text.
Getting Small | New Science, New Understanding, New Strategies
Getting small has meant things like becoming a survivalist who can live off the land and build from the land. Taking care of the small things in life first to offset their effect in any larger event. In the face of national governments being transformed into globally funded occupation forces, enforcing a foreign investment agenda funded by the private holdings of national central banks, leveraging individual rights, has required many small personal changes, to lessen dependence on the increasingly criminal globally enforced system.
Debt Induction Central Bank System Analysis
This global investor-funded system is very big. It wants to control everything. A very large goal. It does so by eliminating the waste elements reconstituting them and consolidating them with the remaining assets to be broken down and reformed into useable parts, to produce power and profit for investors. Getting small means relinquishing your connection to that system so the system cannot exercise options on your life, incurred through debt, to the banking system. When food shortages, health emergencies, civil unrest, etc. increased in the system, you did small things. You turned debt currency notes into hard assets to grow food, dig a well, and build a homestead community, The more self, and inter-reliant you have become so far by doing the small basics, food, water, energy, an enterprise with likeminded people things as you could, the fewer options on your life that are exercised by the system. A small basic strategy of hardening, to essentials and interconnecting along essential, natural lines of force, to offset a massive force motivated to rearrange the energy of the natural order around you.
Enlarging the Understanding of Minute Particles, Through Faith, Space, and Time
This essential hardening and natural interconnection strategy is increasingly effective but faces proven long-term potential disruptions. Maui, Palestine Ohio, and others are indicators of potential toxic spills by train derailment, plant explosions, and engineered weather conditions, that can destroy the natural environment of any rural or alternative lifestyle community. Many see these events and the ability to potentially target people who won’t go along, as problems, presenting no obvious solution, in a long-range strategy. Therefore, almost all those engaged in the natural order, rely on faith or belief in something greater, to offer resources for solutions, that are not immediately perceived.
We instinctively understand that our resources naturally lie beyond our perception of our current available conscious options, and known resources, in, time and space.
If we believe that we are a unique product of greater consciousness active in time and space, can we identify ourselves in the universe as a place, or in a place, beyond time and space with the potential to interact with all energy in the spectrum of time and space? We look for a center of observable gravity in the universe, that naturally initiates conscious action in time and space, that is beyond our current perception of the laws of time and space. and high-energy science has provided a clue.
The EXTREME WEIGHT, of the tiny particle
Science has measured a size so small, that any similar particle of matter below that size, observably interacts beyond time and space math limits of light speed. Particles lightyears away from each other are even now as you read this, resonating together, and changing their electromagnetic properties simultaneously all around us, everywhere we turn, both inside and outside of our bodies. This discovery weighs heavily on the current understanding of physics. Obviously, this small particle interaction, simultaneously occurring throughout the universe has a profound effect on our perception of the formation of matter.
Matter And The Infinity Connection Point With Reality
The ability to confirm this small particle observation has only been developed in the last few years. It will take some time to apply and sift through to the other affected branches of research and academic science.
MIT Doctor PROVES: We're Living in SIMULATION! EVIDENCE Reveals CRACKS in REALITY | Donald Hoffman
The cracks in reality discovered at MIT are the particles of extremely small size, and their observed effects on matter and our perception of the causes of certain material phenomena, described in the video.
Operational Applications For Reality Programming
How can we apply any of this to our life? Like street scientists, we will need to help trained scientists find the tools that apply to the understanding, which according to Dr. Donald Hoffman, the old tools have proven to be useless in observing or uncovering greater details of the phenomenon.
Getting Small Like Dusty Plasma
In the sense that relative to the still incalculable size of the universe, we are like tiny particles of conscious activity, so we share a lot in common with dusty plasma. The picture above is a spectrograph readout of the energy field generated in a weather pattern over the U.S. by tiny particles of dusty plasma, generated by solar activity. Many of these particles are small enough to operate outside of time and space and are active in the biosphere and us.
The two dots for eyes, I added to the face for effect. You can also see two green and yellow fish swimming westward towards his mouth and a green cat above the first fish. Other little images as well. The moving video which this picture is one frame, contains triangles, pyramids, and many other patterns, common in natural formation, generated by the energy of the tiny particles of dusty plasma. The video of which this is one frame is a Rorschach fantasyland.
We know that we are active in and activated by particles in the energy field operating beyond time and space. If we apply this simply to connect with the essential parts of each other, that naturally exist in us, can we resonate like tuning forks set apart from each other, that, when one is activated, the others will vibrate in resonance when tuned to the same frequency, when transmitted with the proper amplitude? Somewhere physically in us, there are known elements active beyond time and space, in natural resonance.
If we apply it to our social interaction; Can like-minded people connect materially, beyond time and space as individual pinpricks of conscious value and purpose? As we find these natural connections, could we naturally resonate in unison, to the point that we develop the capacity to surprise not only ourselves and each other but also simultaneously suck energy needed to control us out of the system, to their surprise? It offers a known connection point in the energy spectrum with observable operational capacity for interaction, beyond time and space. Can we find the place or places where we are already naturally, unconsciously but currently actively connected, beyond time and space?
R&D - Finding Infinity Calibration Points in Time And Space
These points of energy in the energy field that influence energy beyond time and space are calibration points, centers of gravity, for that energy. In as much as these particles of energy are in us, they are passing through and in symbiosis in our brain’s functioning, and therefore also influential in the thought process. As the video above explains, the scientific tools we have can only show us where these points are, but they cannot be used to make it work mathematically for any purpose, once it is identified. To do this we must develop an entirely different set of tools which operate faster than the speed of light.
Defining an Operational Tool Kit and Skillset
The scientific tools we use are based on an impersonal, mathematical construct developed over time requiring many generations of people. Perhaps the tools to infinitely operate, are tiny, small personal tools, already in place, that we currently are not using to their fullest capacity. The advanced ancient science, upon which all of our scientific knowledge was built and is still currently challenged, also gave birth to the great religions. To the ancients, these points of greater capacity for resonance beyond time and space, now separated as myth and belief in our culture, were as important in the real world as the movement of the stars, the conduct of human affairs, and the construction of matter.
The Personal Operational Skill Set
So rather than a tool kit, we are dealing with a skill set using existing tools for calibrating in resonance with infinity in the material world. The tools then, a made up of personal choices made in a space that cannot be measured, which is the time and space of any moment. A skill set to calibrate an immediate, instinctual instantaneous connection with all particles that comprise and are operating in all moments. Some moments can be measured in some or many ways. Some are instantaneous, occurring so quickly that they blur beyond a clear perception of time and space. Forgotten in an instant, then slowly remembered long after.
The Trivial and The Small Is A Matter Of Perspective
This next video from Next Level Soul offers skillset development insights.
STOP MANIFESTING WRONG! - Do THIS Everyday To Manifest Anything YOU WANT IN LIFE! 🤯 | Eric Edmeades
Whether we as a species are calibrating consciously and unconsciously with actual particles of infinity or whether they are only points of greater possibility in infinity is uncertain at our present level of awareness. But both involves a skillset of personal attitude and perspective applied in a moment. In the video, Eric Edmeades describes how he adjusted his attitude and perspective on life from a calibration point, to develop his reality skillset capacity and resonance, after an encounter with homelessness at age 15.
Defining Your Personal Skillset
A personal skillset is based on your value and purpose, in this reality Creation environment. It is coded into us as at birth as are all things in the universe that can be measured and weighed. All codes have limitations to define a function, and ours also as we know it now, connect to particles of infinite possibilities of resonant influence that cannot be measured and weighed and are beyond those limitations. So in some ways, your skillset will outshine many while at the same time be trying to keep up with the skillsets of the rest.
Skillset Resonance
Your code resonates in a sense at a certain frequency. Developing a skillset based on your code naturally generates the energy capacity to intensify and amplify that resonance. The statement I made earlier; - resonates like tuning forks set apart from each other, that, when one is activated, the others will vibrate in resonance when tuned to the same frequency, comes from Eric in the Manifest Anything YOU WANT IN LIFE! video above. Calibrating reality means being in resonance with others and the greater environment influenced by what can and can\t be measured. Sometimes, according to our coded specs, some elements of the code will resonate like tuning forks that can be measured, while other code element create greater resonant capacity in reality, outside of the range of, yet still influencing the vibrational laws, active in time and space.
Transacting Skillset Development Resonance
The rules for transacting energy in the measurable world, do not appear to apply naturally when resonating beyond the measurable.
Personal Problems Attitudes and Perspectives Applied To Measurable Resolutions
Nothing is resolved in the measurable universe but is in a state of perpetual resolution. Measurable energy is directed at an amplitude and frequency, motivated and directed at a point or certain attitude alignment in time and space, to create resonance with other particles and objects, phenomena, etc., in time and space. Motivation, amplitude, and attitude of the directed output. This implies transacting energy and attaining resonant capacity and interchange between points of infinity within us and beyond.
Transactions In Society
I find it impossible to market my highly developed personal skillset measurably. If I attach any measurable material remuneration to any assistance, or usefulness it offers to others, it immediately cheapens the product of our resonance and diminishes our capacity for immeasurable possibilities.
So for me, setting up any kind of business model, website, classes, and so forth would be depressing. So I tend to the measurable things and learn to grow my capacity for food, energy lifestyle security, independence, and interdependence with like-minded people, while applying my skillset as best I can in any moment. Because it is immeasurable, I cannot tell you the immeasurable opportunities and discoveries I have made as a result of immeasurable increases of resonant skillset capacity with others, because it cannot be broken down in the usual way for pure logic, and a reasoned line of argument.
But when my limitations get the best of me, it is a calibration with matter problem, I know I have allowed energy to build to a breaking point, requiring an adjustment in attitude and direction which remain immeasurable. They cannot be measured, but are experienced by us, as gaining capacity for greater solutions by being in greater practical resonance with our essential value and purpose.