Population Biowarfare Weaponry - Winning With EDTA, Vitamin C - The Emerging International Civil Defense Corp
Hello, total warriors. Here is an update on our affordable, civil defense options for combatting what only yesterday, were thought to be overwhelming weaponry being used on the civilian population to empower elite agendas. Vaccine toxins, shedding, geoengineering, and nanorobot technology that is found in the COVID-19 shots and many other medications today can be reversed..
Universe Structure And Humanities Conscious Alignment
I touched on this in a previous recent newsletter. EDTA, Vitamin C, and to a lesser extent of effectiveness, nicotine and walking barefoot will combat all of the current biowarfare weaponry introduced into our bodies, directed at the civilian population in the US and around the world. They will work temporarily as we secure our health, and regroup to regain the evolutionary prerogative, which is our birthright, in favor of the 99% over the Elite 1%. The public statements from Yuval Noah Harari assert their desire to totally control humanity and to transform our species and our planet.
Battlefield Energy, Calibration, and Integrity
Control over our bodies, thoughts, and emotional experiences is the current battlefield. IRUUR1 has undoubtedly lost a number of readers by saying that the universe within which this battlefield resides, is a magnetic, and electrically activated substance, governed by the laws of energy and animated by the resonance of consciousness. That our consciousness forms our reality, and the apparent realities we experience and observe in the universe. And that what we call a soul is, and all life formations are, iterations of various aspects of universal consciousness or God. Creator.
In advancing this concept, it has been the IRUUR1 editorial stand that if we all direct our energy, motivated by aligning with the truth, we will find portals to energy fields all around us in the universe, beyond the range of our 5 senses, that we can use to resolve without harm, events we experience, in that narrow 5 senses range of our life experience. That reality is, when so motivated, as simple as master teacher Jesus, the risen Christ said. Seek and you will find. Ask and it will be given to you. IRUUR1 does not advance Christianity as it is popularly practiced today. But there is more evidence that the figure known as Jesus, did ascend, than evidence to disprove it. And since he is the most highly accomplished and well-known master teacher still, by the majority in the Western, English-speaking world, he is a great reference.
Now I will come back down to Earth and talk about EDTA, Vitamin C, and the simple solution that many were seeking and now is found, That was asked for through prayer, meditation, faith, and highly motivated explorations and has been given, and is affordable, and easy to obtain. This is an example of our energy field calibration and resonance with primal energy in the universe, in action, and focused through the highly motivated team of health practitioners and facilities around the world, and broadcast into our 5 senses world of biological reality.
This EDTA, vitamin C, and other civilian defense treatments will be effective if we use them in conjunction with the ability to strengthen and increase our energy field integrity. How do we do this? By generating the capacity to address the saturation of the planet with these biotoxins used in geoengineering, from our lakes, oceans, rainwater, soil, and environment. If we can’t give them an equivalent EDTA, vitamin C bath of sorts, we face a problem. When we run out of clean in the environment, there is nowhere to flush these toxins out of us, without becoming immediately re-toxified. There will be an environmental saturation point reached beyond any species on the planet’s ability to keep up with it. This will harm and alter us and the entire environment unless we can generate the intrinsic, and integral capacity to vocally and actively address geoengineering, and point fingers of those who conduct these operations, with little to no supervision or public discourse. We must oppose the authorities and currently obscured authorizations involved in geoengineering operations unless proof can be given in writing along with evidence, by those in authority, that no harm will occur to the public. And that legal damages for harm will be exacted from those responsible for criminal authorizations whenever, and wherever, proof of known public, harm is established in evidence.
I believe this list of biowarfare civilian countermeasures will buy us substantial time to raise awareness and the morale of ourselves and our human family, to further take command of our situation. Although EDTA in particular has been shown to dismantle and eliminate nano-toxins, it is made of toxins as well. So proven quality, patient results, and dosage are important.
EDTA POISON: The 3 Ingredients Used to Make Our Beloved Heavy Metal & Nanobot "Detox"
The Cures And How They Work
This new video interview with Dr. Ana Mihalcea on SGT Report offers some clear guidance on doses. With proper doses even in extreme cases where EDTA was used intravenously to over 1,000 patients, none of those patients experienced any harmful side effects. So it is an immediate short term safeguard for civilians from the toxic effects of geoengineering and to counteract the dangers of coming into contact with people, who have been treated with medications that shed their nanoparticles between individuals they come into contact with. The newly FDA m-pox shot is known to shed.
RED ALERT: IT'S IN OUR BLOOD! -- Dr. Ana Mihalcea
Dr. Mihalcea is part of the emerging civilian defense corps, and health and medical division. As part of her work, she has received thousands of samples of vaccinated and unvaccinated blood. All were infested with nanorobots.
The results of the treatment, under a microscope.
Greater Portals
Now that we know we have a workable temporary fix for keeping ourselves healthy, how do we expand our access to more energy resource portals in the universe, to more fully address this planetary disruption and toxification problem?
Portals of energy don’t mean imaginary or strictly conceptual or philosophical outside of our 5 senses. They can be a natural part of our environment. As we begin to limit toxic geoengineering practices, the Earth. the sun have a process for dealing with particles. Earth and the planets are constantly receiving and sending energy, through the solar and interplanetary magnetic fields. The primary energy entrance and exit portals are at the poles. It is like our respiratory system, taking in air and prana then exhaling. The magnetic energy goes into the heart center of the Earth and back up, circulating in currents of energy all around the planet. Much like our blood, respiratory, and nervous systems circulate in us.
On Earth, these fluctuations of solar and interplanetary energies, bring particles in and out of the Earth which is part of the renewing and mutation, transformation system of the Earth. Like us, the Earth’s circulatory system has a way of dealing with toxins by breaking them down and re-combining them into useful energy in the Earth’s interplanetary and galactic magnetic field energy system.
We are a part of that process too. It is for us to be a conscious part of that dynamic system and to participate in that process. If we can extend the breakdown and elimination of toxins from us in concert with the Earth, there are ways that we can discover that will allow us to be a more complete part of that purification process.
Good Fortune
BTW, to stop the overt attack on our health and environmental rights, and do it on our, and the Earth’s terms, pulling out of the UN would be a great start.