Hello Dear Readers
Time to take stock of where we started this year and where we are now, in the total warfare battle, relentlessly thrust upon us around the world.
Time To Assess
It will not be too long before things begin to get noticeably very harsh. First for increasingly notable segments of the population as various jobs are reduced or eliminated from the workforce. Then increasing to debilitate the majority within a year or so. We have made a lot of progress however this year. We have found reliable leaders and become familiar with the battlefield upon which we are forced to engage.
Our IRUUR1 posts at the beginning of the year were meant to aid readers in anticipating the events of the year to come. To sum it up, we expected people to begin to notice the out-of-control inflation by this time, the breakdown of constitutional authority, as well as meaningful public confidence in government/corporate authority to handle their duties and public situations responsibly. This has been the case. We weren’t the only ones saying this and we shared other reports with that viewpoint and analysis.
We also said that the powerful vested interests running the show would keep the chaos rising but under control till just before, or sometime after the Nov. election.
Our goal has been to work with many others seeking to increase our and the public’s awareness, of why this is happening, and what we can do about it. IRUUR1 believes to be successful in exposing these crimes against humanity in time to curtail the technocracy-oriented elites seeking total control, it is important at this time for the actively engaged awareness press and public readers, to be comprised of 10% of the population, talking to 30% of the population, influencing them to actively engage in some manner.
So where are we now in this goal, relative to total victory over our rightful personal sovereignty and freedom to create a wealth-producing lifestyle based on our tenacity, gifts, and desires in life?
The 10% Learning Curve
The Good news is the Awareness Press and the Public, have surpassed 10% of the population and have begun to seriously influence the establishment alternative press, which talks to 30% or more of the population. However, we have had to assimilate a lot of new information to have a clear understanding of all the facts and not say stupid stuff. At the beginning of the year, we were up to speed on the harm, connected to the modified RNA Covid-19 treatments. So much so, that our information has begun to influence governments. Japan has begun an official investigation into the undisclosed nano-robot assembly technology leading to harm, that has been found in the modified RNA treatments, authorized in Japan. And now this report.
Australian Lawmakers Wake Up and Call for Worldwide mRNA Ban - "We F****d Up!"
Australian lawmakers and officials are now coming forward in droves, admitting they were misled by Big Pharma and the global elite into enforcing some of the most coercive and draconian vaccine mandates in the world. With the rising toll of deaths and undeniable evidence of harm, legislators are calling for an urgent inquiry and demanding the immediate suspension of mRNA vaccines globally.
However, we have not been successful in tying the current RNA mutational, vaccine development to DARPA, and defense contracts, experiments, and reports on the development of RNA modification biowarfare weapons for use against civilian populations, that began as early as the late 1990’s.
What We Did Not Fully Understand
We did not know the extent of the battlefield weaponry used by elites to completely render the majority at their mercy. It has been a history-based, and technology-based learning curve, spanning paper trails of corroborating documents, testimony, and published literature, involving bioweapons and electromagnetic population warfare. To communicate awareness of the reality of these subjects, and the extent to which this weaponry has been developed and is in operational use, to ourselves, and the 30% has forced us to be familiar with the historic DARPA and Defense Department research conducted by labs and Universities in the US and around the world. Then, we have had to understand how this research applies to all drugs manufactured, GMO food, geoengineering, so-called vaccines, and the effects of different types of toxins being introduced into the environment and our bodies, and how they can be released in the body through 5G. frequencies and nanorobots being introduced into our blood at this time. WHEW!
This is a steep tech terminology and process, learning curve for 20% of any population. Most of us have to pay bills and maintain a lifestyle compatible with our needs, abilities, resources, and desires. We are busy getting along and keeping our heads above water. Most people can devote an hour or two a day to this learning curve needed to produce a conscious action cycle. IRUUR1 believes that this learning process is progressing slowly. If the operations of population warfare become more fully understood by the greater than 10%, it can be better communicated to the general public and alternative press. This will likely generate a wider public embrace of constitutional human rights, and hasten calls for things like getting out of the United Nations, or at least the WHO.
Increasing Our Learning To Action Curve, In Time To Secure Our Rights
IRUUR1 believes the learning curve can only be hastened to the extent of awareness necessary, through local contacts and community interaction.
Command of our terrain, beginning with our bodies is essential in this kind of war. Only perhaps 30% of our raising of awareness for ourselves and others, sufficient for effective action, can be accomplished by reading and sharing on the net. To generate the capacity to understand all the information for ourselves and communicate the entire battlefield to the 30% or more of the population, currently ignorant of the situation, requires us to touch it for ourselves. We must interact with it, where we are, without fear, and become intrinsically involved with the facts as they apply to our family our neighborhoods, and communities, water, soil, food, and air where we live.
Elite Outlook
IRUUR1 observes, that because of the difficult learning and comprehension process, the elites hold a meaningful advantage at this time, to engineer this certain outcome.
Elite Scenario
The majority will be herded by elites into Real ID, smart homes, communities, cities, processes, and procedures for travel, shopping, and economic standing, under a CBDC system. The social credit system bases your income on the achievement of the sustainable goals, outlined in the UN Agenda 2030 and various other publications released by global investment institutions. This means that because of the public’s ignorance of the full extent of the electromagnetic-based, bioweaponry threat against them, most will be debilitated by these weapons as designed and rendered incapable of sovereign actions on their behalf. The public is poised to allow the central banking establishment, which owns the currencies of almost all nations, to engineer an economic collapse on their timetable, with the power to dictate terms to their advantage.
With the central bank’s power to print currencies and use that money to purchase and sell assets of all kinds, the central banks coordinate their actions to influence the markets and businesses that operate in them. This gives them the power to leverage events and enable or encourage crises to happen, which can be targeted to affect both general and specific segments of the population. As the economy falters, inflation and government'/corporate circumstances and policies, will be leveraged to target areas of the economy and segments of the population. Many people will likely suffer hardship and mortality as the economy collapses and inflation overwhelms their ability to survive in the system.
The New System has been entirely unmasked. It’s called TOKINIZATION; (a cross-border, trans-world, easily convertible/transferrable mechanism), and EVERYTHING is going to become “tokenized.”
It is certainly no secret that those who control the world financial system have been for decades working towards a one world monetary system.
But what if I told you that this new one world system is going to involve much more than just currency?
As this economic breakdown slowly or quickly increases, the general population will be encouraged to qualify and seek refuge in the tokenized resource, CBDC-guaranteed income wallet, with income calculated according to a tokenized asset, social credit system, where your value in the system as a resource and resulting income, are calculated according to your contribution to the global resource pool and sustainable environmental goals. If the resources where you live are more valuable to the system than the lives of those living there, then, those on the land will be moved elsewhere or eliminated as a factor.
Leveraging the battlefield to achieve their goal of total earth resource control and management is their scenario. This is a total war, fought on all terrains. It is not only prosecuted in our bodies by nanorobots and geoengineering, it is fought in targeted attacks on the ground by global investment forces in authority over government/corporate power.
What's Really Happening in North Carolina | Hurricane Helene | Bear Brief 15OCT24
Was the hurricane engineered? The tech is patently there. Operations to attempt to influence hurricanes and the results are widely published but obscured in the mainstream and establishment alternative media. So possibly yes. But whether or not this is the case the government under the control of what we can best term Agenda 2030, global investment forces, in charge of government agencies, has noticeably sabotaged and undermined efforts by civilians to bring aid. This has contributed significantly to the high death toll and mayhem suffered in N. Carolina and Tennessee during Helene.
To be fair, the mainstream has another version of events. But consider the quality of reporting. Dozens of people still missing as monster storm leaves state in ruins. This report says dozens and not hundreds and establishes the death toll at under 100 not over 1,000. It also appears from the report that the reporter spent very little time exploring the area to get the facts, but instead relied primarily on officials for their narrative.
Our Scenario
The What's Really Happening in North Carolina video gives us two perspectives of our 99%, civilian majority situation in general, and an overview of the overall public awareness of the total population war being waged against us. The global corporate/government state apparatus is being used to target people in communities and regions, in the US and many nations.
Assets And Liabilities
First, we can see that our private sector’s capacity to mobilize equipment and resources as discussed in the video is effective. Our private sector assets are still large enough to aid and rebuild from disasters and emergencies. But this capacity is under attack. The over 10%, concerned about nanorobots, geoengineering 5G, and the like, are not calling it a war against the population, by government operatives exercising control over the government, with loyalty to an Agenda 2030, tokenized economic system, and not constitutional authority.
The second thing is the tactics used against civilian relief efforts. They follow a familiar pattern of government control over the disaster situation, pit marked with government contrived obstacles to civilians who try to offer relief, in the face of little to no relief from government agencies. The familiar pattern of government non-cooperation with civilian relief, as reported in the video, is found also in Lahaina, Palestine Ohio, and many others. And like these places, government agencies in concert with developers are encouraging people who have lost everything, to sell their land. There are valuable mineral and rare earth element deposits in them thar hills.
One Voice
Until all events involving government authority are challenged by the human rights press, within the context of an Agenda 2030-inspired battle for total resource control, where we as human resources become equal in value to animal, vegetable, and mineral resources to elite planners, elites will continue to easily obfuscate the facts and hold the advantage over the majority. The tactical pattern of government interference with civilian efforts is so familiar by now in the case of land disasters, that we should anticipate potential areas of disaster, such as hurricane and earthquake zones, and undermine the anti-constitutional efforts of government operatives, through pre-planning. Planning that pre-commits and authorizes resources and private sector assistance ahead of time. Pre-planning that allows civilians to organize with legal authority and takes nothing for granted. Pre-planning, that assumes that if the government has a hidden or overt political or investment interest in a disaster area it will take precedence over the lives of the people in those areas.
As our learning curve progresses, we must enter all interactions where the government is involved, in a spirit of holding their feet to the constitutional fire. We must force them to prove their loyalty to the constitution over the global sustainable development investment strategy. Any government official who advocates for Agenda 2030 type of policies, must be publicly addressed and questioned in the context of a potential foreign or domestic threat to constitutional authority and therefore a potential agent of treason against the people of the United States.
Good Fortune. And Remember To Send A Message
This is the equivalent of a warning shot, across their elite bow.