Hello Dear Readers. Welcome to another Brief for our growing Awareness Community. Just a little fellow here. I am not an expert, and I don’t play that part in this newsletter. Just a simple guy with a completely different set of experiences from anything anyone else I have met, has experienced, or have seen written about. This allows me to see and know many things most people miss, and miss out on many things others know or take for granted. It’s a big trade-off. I write this to keep myself in check, with some help from readers. And so I appreciate your comments very much.
Enabling Harmlessness, Instituting Protection Of Innocence
The awareness community has its work cut out for it. First, because we are aware that we are all here created equal, with equal natural authority, according to our awareness, and perception of the right actions, we do not control, others beyond what is agreed to, by those others. All of us are born intrinsically innocent or harmless until we act otherwise. Sometimes our actions to enable our harmless pursuits are misunderstood by others. Sometimes they affect agreements. This is the basis of natural law in human activity.
Wisdom of Harmlessness As The Law, Is Our First Awareness Weapon
We are fighting a battle for greater awareness among ourselves, to establish our need, right, and authority, individually and collectively, to pursue life harmlessly, getting what we need, when we want it, from each other, according to our capacity, through agreements we keep, by any means possible. This requires a wise civilization.
Because it is exhausting for each individual to be required to hold a standing army to defend their rights in an agreement, and because agreements are necessary to enhance our quality of life, the capacity for civilization to gain wisdom over time, requires publicly agreed-upon protections of innocent parties in agreements. This is the foundational principle of both natural law, and our ability to survive harmlessly and innocently, according to our chromosomal genetic pattern, which is the inhabited terrain of our consciousness. This terrain is often referred to as our inheritance in this life of Creation. The point is, that we are helpless at birth for a reason. To force us to rely on the wisdom of others to survive. It is hardwired into our chromosomal, genetic species system.
Law One Weapon One
Enabling Wisdom, or the full ability to express and achieve our full potential in our life, is the basis of Natural Law, and this is based on harmlessness. Harmlessness equates with innocence. It is the first law. It is a law firmly supported in the first law of our biological terrain and that of all similar species. No species known to exist, remains in existence, that harms itself. Harm to a species is naturally introduced from an outside force. It is naturally then, the first proof of individual and collective wisdom, in human affairs. It is the first and foundational law.
The powerful vested interests, in charge of the banking system ruling the world presently, have successfully executed a strategy to disarm the public of their number one weapon, both legally and culturally. Making it legally impossible to act harmlessly to survive through transactions in the banking system. The blueprint for disarmament is published in the, Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905. It outlines the process for disarming the public of the wisdom to enhance their own lives, outside of control. It is a manual on how to institute fraud in the legal system. and culturally, through the economic system, by manipulating human transactional energy, using the principles of electrical energy, as concluded in a Harvard Study.
Enter Reiner Fuellmich
My instincts say Reiner is innocent. Sadly, like many others, my details on the particulars surrounding, German criminal and civil court cases, are a bit fuzzy. But they are to Reiner and the lawyers, arguing for the plaintiffs, are only now beginning to understand they may be on shaky legal ground.
Reiner Fuellmich Audio Statement 7 Feb 24 from Goettingen prison English
It is hard to explain Reiner’s imprisonment. He is charged under an arguably unconstitutional criminal law, with the relevant elements in the case, found only in a civil dispute. It is a fact that Reiner was taking money to keep the lights on, in his fight to take the Corona Committee evidence and mount human health rights court cases. It is true that as he was coordinating with others to bring cases to trial, he was in his words, kidnapped, and held under dubious legal authority under the law. He is documented in triplicate, to be more than good for the money, he supposedly owes.
The constitutional debate over the criminal statute under which he is charged is due to the fact it was a law passed by the Third Reich, to allow the government to influence the business and civil rights legal environment in that day, before and during the war, by siding with supporters, against government critics in criminal court, in what were formerly civil cases. The law is very vague and would have allowed a Reich-supporting business to sue a government-critical competitor, with an incentive for the Reich to step in as a character witness or even a potentially injured third party.
Excerpts from Jiota In Italics
The environment around the trial seems tense, The main entrance is not intended to gain access to the first day of the trial in the case of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. Security is high and access is a narrow, separate side entrance that everyone has to go through, including the lawyer. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has been waiting there for about two hours for the start of the trial.
That was an observation from day one. On day 2 things lightened up a bit.
They are really friendly people and that makes me think. After all, aren't we sometimes too quick to condemn people who work as public authorities and label them as "systemlings", as "lemmings" who simply follow the authorities and their employers? I decide to be more mindful of such creeping and evaluative thoughts in the future. After all, we all want to create a better new world...
I know that the systematized government robots that work in those places like the court in Germany, where Reiner is on trial, are slaves in that regard, as we are all subjected to some form of slavery, or abject authority, when we are wage earners, as well as when interacting in the legal or any financial systems, of society. Awareness in public is the development of the ability to discuss this condition of slavery to which we assent by fraud. As we become aware of our own misconceptions to confront our internal issues, of honesty, we begin to resist fraud from throughout the spectrum of life more naturally. This natural resistance to fraud allows us to incrementally escape our slavery, from the fraudulence of the system, according to our capacity and perception. This allows us to develop harmless tactics to discuss slavery, in a way that is liberating to others and does not directly threaten their way of life. The awareness community is defined as those who find and share more options, to free themselves and others, from the things in the system that naturally threaten everyone.
Sadly, many enjoy the option of slavery, despite their perception of the limits, imposed in the system, on options they see in life more naturally suited to them. They may be liberated in a moment of laughter, at a stupidity in the system, or from a kind word, spoken in defense of someone defrauded in the system. These are the small things. The immeasurable particles that operate outside of spacetime, which when compiled incrementally, reach a proportion large enough to measure, in spacetime.
That’s all the excerpts I want to share. Reiner does an excellent job of laying out the case in the video statement above.
The above article and all of Elsa’s Truth Summit reporting on the Reiner Fuellmich case have all the legal and other details.
Here is the address to write to Reiner:
JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Grossen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf
postcards and cards allowed,
no glitter on the envelops,
no stamps or money in the envelops,
no books or other objects - not permitted,
nothing to be mentioned about the case,
put your name on each page of the letter - letters are taken out of the envelopes.
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