The safe zone area in the Rockies is a big place. There are many locations from which to begin developing the safe zone regions. This is one of them.
This is not an actual, pre-planned development. It is a development model based on dozens of locations, suited for a first safe zone homestead development. This one is 10,100 acres. Our initial sale of 2,000 acres, would buy the property. The remaining 8000 acres would belong to the first Safe Community property owners, to develop for personal and community profit, with subsequent parcel owners, under community guidelines.
Safe Zone Community Goals
We see a run on safe zone land, beginning sometime before, and directly after, the Carrington Event knocks out global electricity and communications. This will become the most essential land for human development on the planet in the coming years, and we can begin this development work now, in the interest of our own survival. and those who may be needed to build a meaningful future with us.
Goal Objectives
To build ecological, economically resource-independent communities, with the ability to produce and trade goods and services, in any economy, in any weather. And that these communities we build be interconnectable, defendable, and, built on individual values and purposes by any means possible.
To expand the first safe zone community in this model, to include 1,000 plus, self-sufficient, 1 acre, and 1/2 acre, Safe Zone Property Owners, per 10,000 acres of development. Communities will be able to function independently of outside power and resources.
To be able to expand the accommodation of parcel owners and helpers in the community. To shelter, accommodate and train individuals and families on community acreage during human emergencies, up to 1 person or family unit per safe zone community development acre if able or necessary. To be able to defend the community and screen survivors, for treatment, food, accommodation, and or permanent membership/ownership residents status during and after emergencies.
To be able to train people in independent skills, and equip or teach the means to acquire and equip themselves for implementing those skills. This could be done for survivors entering for shelter during emergencies to all survivors, entering into our communities.
We decided to use the property below as a model because it is typical Rocky Mountain and is 10,000 acres on which you could start with 1,000 owners. This property with proper planning could likely accommodate and train 10,000 people before, during, and after emergencies.
Economic Collapse
Carrington Event
Super Flare Micro Nova Event
Local fire/Flood etc.
Guidelines are based on the community goals above.
Guideline Objectives
To build social administrative, and physical infrastructure, that serves to reinforce community goals.
Develop proper community owner resource use, protection, and storage objectives, to assure maximum community self-sufficiency, land integrity, and survival/rebuild potential for all inhabitants on community land.
Develop an owner-member voting system to implement guidelines and goals, specific to the property and community for all Safe Zone Property Owners.
Creating Guidelines
A board of homestead community builders, from many conceptual, science, survival, and farming backgrounds will compare data to set up initial guidelines before the first property is purchased. The guidelines may be modified by initial owners, upon purchase of the property if needed. Qualified initial owners, will be prime candidates to form initial board guidelines and/or, finalize guideline objectives.
A Safe Zone Community Model
This is not a real offer. If it was, you would be receiving information urging you to sign on the dotted line. This is only a model. it is roughly 10,000 acres, which makes it easy math for explaining. Also, it is a typical multi-use property for the Rocky Mountain area. Elevations on the property between 4 and 7 thousand plus ft.
We have lived, built, and traveled throughout the safe zone region so we have a good idea of what we are looking for in a first community. So assuming we had gone to phase 2 of our research by now and visited the property, got the geological and other information we wanted, then made our model, this is the kind of property that has many features we want as a first model safe zone community.
Property Features
It is secluded, with highway frontage, and within 2 hours of a public use airport, with private hangers and some services.
River frontage
Independent spring-fed, well, and water hookups
A smart-looking main house, perhaps 1,250 sq. ft. Other existing structures include pens, a barn, gates, and fencing, as well as two windmills.
Areas to collect water for community production/fire protection, on terrain suitable for water management during times of flood.
A First Community Concept
This is where working with the number 10,000 comes in handy. The land values vary widely in the Rocky's, but this is typical of many areas.
One example of an initial ownership and development strategy
For the cost of a mid-sized or average large home, you can have 100 acres. 300,000 dollars. The first 20 people who decide to purchase 100 acres, would form the first Community. They would own outright their acreage. They would have all initial decisions and voting authority and full property development resource rights, under community guidelines. The entire 10,000 acres are theirs to manage. Due to their initial purchase, they would oversee a property development fund valued at over one million dollars. Of course, the first community may form with different numbers of people.
IRUUR1 First Community Model, based on our map.
The first community should be about using our start-up capital in developing the tools and outreach for maximum survival/evolutionary potential. This model allows for outside access and self-sufficiency if managed properly. The first community and all Safe Zone communities should be as independent, interconnected, and self-sufficient as conditions allow.
The first community model will best achieve this by having a mix of science/tech, security, merchant, agriculture/husbandry, crafts, artisan, and development production areas. The object is to develop and teach tool-making from the ground up, as well as climate-protected storage of tools and all other possible information, needed for survivors to rebuild from any economic or environmental collapse of any nature. The initial, or subsequent safe zone owners, may want to own acreage in specific areas, outside of the Prime homesteading, farming small ranch area, to further their work and public outreach.
Special, Single, or More Acre Parcels
These specific parcels, that are not in the Prime first sale area, and the half-acre parcels would be sold by special arrangement, subsequent to the initial safe zone owners’ vote, or upon agreement with the buyer at the time of the initial Community land purchase. Some of these parcels will be traded at well under $ 3,000 dollars in exchange for development value.
The importance of 1/2 acre parcels and earning to own
The 1/2 acre parcels are the key to the intelligent expansion of survival and outreach for the community. Scrubs with some skills or many skills who do not have the assets for acreage ownership but who will build the community in a stake for full acreage ownership. Many of these people could teach safe zone workshops, work in the marketplace, help parcel owners, and general community development. They would own their 1/2 acre. they could both build their homestead and would be required to earn their 1st 1/2 acre and subsequent first full 1-acre stake, through a time and work agreement under the Safe Zone Community guidelines decided by community property owners.
Road Frontage
This backcountry outpost has some wonderful highway amenities. the road frontage includes a smart-looking main house for offices, meetings, celebrations, and gatherings. Other existing structures include pens, a barn, gates, and fencing, as well as two windmills. Under Safe Zone Community arrangement both acre owners and outsiders could set up workshops and markets, for community resource trade and training, both for the community, and people outside, under individual Safe Zone Community Goals and Guidelines and policies set up by the safe zone community parcel owners. They could work under a full-acre stake arrangement if needed. They could choose to begin or not, by living on a 1/2 acre parcel. The goal of the road frontage is to be a gathering point for the community and its resources and a focal point for community resource interconnection, celebrations, gatherings, and trade, with connection to other communities.
Frontage Offices
Offices are needed for community records, and outreach. One office function would be to set up an information office to contact residents and landowners to inform them of the science and other community resources. The community could offer skills to equip them for the next 2, to 20 years. Many current landowners and residents can live off the grid but not for long without a huge supply of propane. Propane and other things powered by it might get blown up or no longer function on a mass scale.
The community should build the capacity for area residents and landowners to learn to develop practical land use strategies off the grid. These community resources could be traded for currencies, a stake in this community, or to build future Safe Zone Goals and Guidelines Communities. The community will also benefit from initial knowledge supplies and resources from regional landowners and residents.
Creek with Highway Frontage, Buildings, Windmills,
The creek and mills could be used to augment electric power as long as the environment allows it. Those features and the buildings are a good foundation for a community food and other community goods and services marketplace, perhaps even a community restaurant or public recipe, food sharing/prep/service area, once farm production gets going.
Water areas
For water collection, to use for community, and community parcel owner production. Also flood control, recreation, and fire protection. No one will live here unless conditions force accommodation.
As in all other areas like merchants and production, security will be handled by the community parcel owners. Security people will be encouraged to own parcels and live on land with facilities for training and an office to serve the community. There is a property tour road for establishing community security contact points that arc from the main front area, through the 1/2 acre zone, curving upwards and to the left along the bottom of the different areas, ending at the far left prime area border.
The Safe Zone Mindset
The most important element in the Safe Zone Community is the mindset of those going into it, to build, practical, and possible futures for themselves and the leat among us who are willing to hold order. Perhaps the best example of the mindset needed is explained in this video by one of the foremost researchers into climate science, plasma physics, and the near-term solar event cycles, one of the most important which we are entering now. Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers tells how he is preparing his mindset for the Colorado community, and personal life, attitude needed for building against the near-term economic and ongoing climate collapse.
Advanced Catastrophism | Q and A Oct.13.2022
Let us know what you think about building safe zone communities, and how you are preparing your self, your personal, and greater family community, for coming events.