Strategic Civil Defense - Don't Take The Bait - Take A Breath, Assess - Seize The Initiative
FALSE FLAG CHAOS - Globalists Want U.S., fighting each other in the streets, begging for them to restore order
Hello Friends
Time to get ready for your prime-time performance of this lifetime. What we know can and will happen if we are not prepared, will prepare us to neutralize the globalist chaos factors planned during and after this U.S. election.
Lines Of Civil Strategic Defense
This post is to establish the civil defense perspective, needed to neutralize the globalists planned chaos factors. IRUUR1 wants to empower The People, to maintain their civil rights under U.S. Constitutional order, community by community. Our perspective is that the globalist forces control most of the government, constituting a soft coup. But this can change at any time, according to our awareness and preparedness level.
Using their resources, they will fund attacks including possibly violent, outrageous, or humanly depraved operations, in an attempt to produce more outrage and lure our primary assets, prematurely into battle.
Peanut the Squirrel touches off social media firestorm after New York officials euthanize beloved rodent
The furry internet star and a raccoon were seized and later killed by authorities
Here is an example of conditioning the public in an attempt to build public outrage and raise gut-level reactions to unjust actions.
People can unknowingly be induced by false flag groups and movements. Here is how drawing our primary forces prematurely into danger would leave most communities vulnerable to the chaos, enabled by the funding of political front groups. These are global NGO’s and groups, operating in coordination with locals, and mercenaries, loyal to global investment forces, and willing to be utilized through payment or glory, against various targeted constitutional loyalists on the left and right. Individuals and community organizations, loyal to the U.S. Constitution will be the targets of global loyalists, acting in various capacities, and holding positions of authority in the U.S. economy, as well as within the U.S. government.
Local Veterans, Resources, Farmers, Ranchers, and Churches, Constitute Our Core Civilian Assets
I, and IRUUR1, have been going on for some time now about the importance of local community food security, including a 1-month preparedness plan, and buying from local ranchers and farmers, in many of our posts. In this video, Laura Logan outlines the strategic importance of churches and veterans, exercising their First Amendment and resource-mobilizing prerogatives, in times of emergency situations.
Alex Jones Interview With Laura Logan
In our last civilian defense post, published just before our last post on energy fields, we pointed to the mobilization of resources by civilians in N. Carolina. They came with the necessary resources to assist local communities. Also, we featured one church’s, on-the-ground report on the local resource capacity, and government-imposed limitations on private citizens’ capacity to offer timely effective assistance.
Veterans And Churches
Laura observes that the veterans, as a whole, are in every community, and have the discipline for constitutional order, and the resources needed to withstand emergencies. They effectively demonstrated their effective decision-making skills in N. Carolina and Tennessee. Mobilizing private resources for effective, targeted assistance was coordinated through veteran organizations and local churches. They are therefore targets for attack and neutralization by Globalist elements.
A Unifying Factor
Veteran and church groups and organizations demonstrated their willingness and ability, to help anyone in the hurricane disaster zone, without regard to their political or religious beliefs. They therefore constitute a demonstrable unifying force in times of crisis.
Globalist, Election Chaos Strategy
The strategy is to foment violence, outrage, and chaos between Trump Voters and everyone else. Will everyone else fall for it? Will communities be divided against themselves, their interests, and each other, along political and ideological lines? Or hold together to demand election transparency and election violation enforcement, to ensure a fair election?
Don’t Take The Bait
Here are some current divisive lures.
Biden makes off-color remark about ‘smacking’ Trump and other Republicans
Governor says anyone who votes Republican is ‘anti-woman’ and ‘anti-American’
Georgia judge issues mail-in ballot ruling 3 days before election in blow to GOP
The plan is to exhaust our resources. To lure veterans and church groups into battle prematurely through the divisive chaos operations of local front groups, and individuals. This will make them targets of legal action against them. Global forces hope to lure human rights advocates into compromised environments, by the outrageous actions of local and other front groups, acting with corporate/government impunity, that serve global investment interests. We all remember the Wall Street-funded, BLM operations of street violence, during the summer of COVID-19. This election and post-election chaos will attempt to build significantly on that structure.
Our Civilian Rights, Defense Strategy
Civilian forces in the U.S., have not needed to mobilize for emergency engagement against a globalist governing force in a time of civilian warfare, since the American Revolution, beginning with the signing of The Declaration of Independence, in 1776. No just government has the natural authority to hold and exercise power, without the consent of the governed.
We can better interact now with the public, our family, friends, and neighbors, to evaluate the value of our church and veterans groups, with a new understanding, based on the information, outlined in our video. As we do so, we may make it impossible for globalist interests to pull the plug on any planned false flag, or other enabled chaos events. The more we are prepared for what they can do, the less likely they will be, to try to force their hand.
Colin Kaepernick suggests Trump 'targeted' and 'minimized him' for kneeling
Veteran police officer sounds the alarm after spree of violent attacks in tourist hotspot
URGENT BREAKING: Four Georgia Counties Decide at the Last Minute to Accept Ballots Over the Weekend in Violation of the Law, Refuse to Allow Republican Poll Watchers To Observe Process by Cristina Laila
The First Onslaught
As we are prepared for them to initiate chaotic events targeting groups, individuals, and public gatherings on the left and right, we can better prepare others to anticipate potential events. Globalist tactics are intended to get veteran and church groups involved in street actions, in coordination with groups either funded or infiltrated by globalist front groups. These events can be orchestrated or enabled for violence with the government sanctioning the rights of one group over another, arresting and not arresting according to an agenda. Veterans and church groups must not be involved in questionable public assemblies, where they are not in full alignment with their public assembly rights, under the constitution, and in control of their public message.
Breaking: FOURTH PA COUNTY LAUNCHES INVESTIGATION! Lehigh County Pennsylvania Opens Probe Into 1,500 Suspect Registrations After at Least 600 Found to be Complete “Garbage”
Where Our Forces Are Needed, If There Is Scattered, And/Or, Widespread Election Violence
Again there will be nothing but trial balloon mayhem, the greater we are prepared. But they may see us as not prepared. Then people or community groups may be targeted for attack in various outrageous ways, based on ideology. Some people may be attacked or sent to jail for publicly questioning authority, attempting to state or act on a controversial opinion, or even attempting to verify the vote transparently, under the law, in numerous places.
An outrage factor, generated with the power to engender gut reactions, strong enough to trigger scattered or widespread participation, in infiltrated or controlled divisive street protests and mayhem, is a possibility.
Community education and rescue operations in the aftermath of community disruption. This is where the public capacity, readiness, and talent to conduct resource mobilization, contained in churches, veterans, and other local interests, will be most effective.
Community Education, Rescue, Renovation, And Protection
Education now, and in the aftermath of potentially destructive civil unrest, will be the most important use of civilian defense resources going forward. The first question people will have after violence targets elements of their communities is, who is responsible, why was it done, and what is going on here? Then they will want to know, if or what resources are available to temporarily get by and to rebuild damaged community assets. Veterans and their groups, churches, local resource community food banks, farmers markets-oriented alliances, and private community assistance organizations, are best leveraged to network, and assist in community emergency needs, to protect and establish food/resource security.
Consciousness Protects The Public Interest
But, establishing reliable community food and resource security, requires educated local leaders and volunteers who are prepared to educate themselves and the public to anticipate the tactics, that can be used to hinder community efforts, at unified efforts for self-reliance. Even if the internet goes dark, veterans and church groups will have the necessary discipline, decision-making skills, organizational know-how, and resource mobilization capacity, to educate their communities, through sidewalk tables, neighborhood gatherings, in homes, churches, and storefront meetings. The easily understandable facts are on the side of those standing for basic civil, human rights, constitutionally enforced.
The global investment, transhumanist, trans economic agenda can be clearly understood, where it opposes individual and community rights of speech, and the authority to generate and protect, food and water. The People want local control under law, based on community/regional resources, assets, skills, and resource rights, not based solely on global investment power and privileges, designed to enforce unjust and fraudulent, investment goals.
Last Laugh
Today’s civil defense post deserves a last laugh. This video still cracks me up every time I see It.
Censored Trump Impersonation Video Going Viral
A sales and marketing triumph by a local business. Selling home equipment rental services.
It is an ad for D.T. McCall and Sons, delivered by a brilliant comedic Trump impersonator. He uses the same phrases and talking points in the ad, that Trump is currently using to sell his presidency. But here they are parodied brilliantly, and uproariously, to sell home equipment rental services for D.T. McCall and Sons. The results are hilarious.
Even though the ad takes no political side in the election, and is nothing but good fun produced to sell products on TV, its commercial broadcast rights were banned, in a farcical government display of sheer dictatorial pandemonium. The video has been banned from the public airwaves, and censored, leaving it to now be shared voraciously on social media. Have fun today Share this funny nonpartisan video with someone on the other side of the fence.
Good Fortune To All