The People have created an economic crisis because they have become addicted to debt. The debt-based global economy will implode very soon. Within days, weeks, or months. This will be a mass human extinction event. The earth enters a wave of extreme magnetic pressure in the galaxy, emanating from the center of our galaxy, triggering a natural, overall species mass extinction event, approx. every 12,000 years on earth. It has been over 12,000 years since the last climate shift cycle. The evidence of environmental changes preceding these overwhelming 12,000-year cycle climate events is evident in the current environmental changes we are experiencing now.
Choosing Survival Or Extinction In the System and In Nature
Happily, it is becoming easier every day, for ordinary people to find out exactly what is happening, who or what is causing it, and begin to prepare and stand as they are led. Sadly, as people fail to form a collective vision to allow interconnections for better solutions and preparation, unnecessary human mass extinction events become more certain as well.
First Event - Economic Human Extinction/Survival
This is of course already underway as an entire class of people is being eliminated before our eyes, in the form of the middle class. I could liter this with links, but it wouldn’t help you think more clearly about the cause of the problem, the debt economic system. The debt system is the product of the world’s majority of asset holders. A small club. Richest 1-2%. They created central banks such as the Federal Reserve and Bank Of England, The London Central Bank, to fund puppet governments through various debt currencies, produced by, owned by, distributed by, and owed back with interest to central banks. The USD for instance is an instrument of debt held by the borrower to be exchanged as the only legal tender and official currency under law. Here is one link, with tons of useful background info. if you are unfamiliar with this subject, check it out.
Creating Our Economic Future
You can call these predictions, or better call them observations on the collective future we are creating now. Economic crises and reset are a certainty and are almost ready to trigger. The people have 2 choices in this situation. Allow central banks to crash and reset the economy, or stop the Federal Reserve, from printing one more inflationary debt dollar immediately.
Central Banks, Economic Mass Extinction - Slavery/Incorporation
If the banks are allowed to crash and reset the economy on their timetable, it triggers an inevitable mass extinction event on a Biblical scale. The economy will lock up and no one will be able to get money out of the bank for days or weeks. Services including medical will stop. Many will be desperate and starving, causing looting and mayhem for a time. It ends with the remaining populace owning nothing, becoming a proprietary resource commodity, or slaves, incorporated into an increasingly, genetically modified world. Those who spread ideas or want to act in any way that is outside of the system will be hunted down. The masses who will incorporate into the new system, as human resource capital, will believe that those who are outside of the system are dangerous to them, are becoming their natural enemy, and represent an evolutionary throwback.
It is important to remember the banks have the power under their controlled economic meltdown and reset to limit the chaos. Their goal is to have as many people as possible, look to the system to save them from the ongoing economic collapse. However, the system will not save everyone. It will target many others, both the incorporated humans and the outsiders. Remember also that there are over 7 billion people in the world. The elite’s published human resource population goal, to sustain the environment of the planet, is 500 million to one billion people.
The People and Economic Mass Survival - Freedom/Responsibility
If the People stop the Federal Reserve from printing one more dollar, the global central banks and their reset will freeze up and we will have a mass survival event. The irresponsible cycle of global economic debt will be replaced with other forms of often desperate and spontaneous accountability, as people fend for themselves, and organize. In a bank stoppage by the populace, many helpless people will die as in the bank reset. But many will survive through their ability and resourcefulness and many will not be targeted as easily by those in the former system. Without the global debt-based system in place, The People will need to begin to protect their assets, and begin to live responsibly once again, to build wealth by any means possible for their survival and sustenance, and local regional trade.
People need each other more and more these days to remain and feel fully functional. In an economic mass survival event, the more people who can make and keep agreements the more people who will be able to survive in good order. People of reason, and/or assets will be the primary asset. Those unable to function in an agreement arrangement will rely on the quality and capacity of the Peoples mercy, and that of the Unknown. If they survive without resources, they will also become potential predators, liars, and thieves. As they survive this way, in one form or another, they will influence mass survival and social order.
Wise people will not let the instruments of natural law and constitutional order dissolve. They will look to scoop up assets for rebuilding as the market crashes and former corporate giants liquidate. They will band together locally and with people in many areas of leadership to harness and protect their own assets while expanding community resources. They will also work in front of a mass survival new-order effort to bring former debt system, criminals, to justice, as well as those criminals, who in survival mode, continue to prey on the weak.
Second Event Climate Survival, Species Extinction
If People, choose to survive in nature to build economic wealth, they will be better able to survive and continue individually and in communities, during a natural climate, and species extinction event. If People choose to incorporate themselves as a result of the bank’s economic extinction and reset, those remaining in the reset system will not be able to survive in nature, outside of the system.
Real Climate Models
Unless the momentum of climate change data is halted, or the direction of our current researched conclusions ate altered significantly, a two-fold climate change event is a certainty, between now, and the next, (most likely) 40+ years, to the less likely 100 years. What is most important to remember is that The People, always survive these events according to the order left behind and available to survivors during the event.
Again I could litter this part with links, but this is how one thinks, when reviewing climate data as a whole over hundreds of thousands of years, and finding identifiable records of cyclic change.
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The First Event of Significance - Electricity Loss
This first show-stopper will be a result of the Carrington Event, a cyclical certainty in the form of a solar flare greater than X-40 directed at earth. It is guaranteed to knock out all unshielded power when it flares between now and the next 24 years or so. Could happen now, more likely closer to twenty-plus. If People choose economic survival in natural order, they will be more able to take their own existing electronics regional grid infrastructure and shield it.
In the bank’s economic extinction/reset system is in order, the banks have an interest in allowing the disaster to occur, without proper shielding in significant areas for many people. The system may shield some parts of the grid system, as a safeguard for specific, strategic elements of the system.
Those without electricity will be plunged into a cave-like existence. Those more able to hold electricity will be better able to hold social order in preparation for themselves, and the earth’s survivors to rebuild after the 2nd phase of this climate change event.
Micro Nova or Super Flaring Event?
This is the main event. This is most likely to occur after the Carrington Event. There are a number of hypotheses on the reasons for this climate trigger event. It was the unfinished work of Einstein. We on earth are leaving an interglacial period which usually lasts around 13,000 years and entering a glacial period. Glacial periods are 7+ times longer-lasting climate cycles than interglacial. There could scientists think, be something in the magnetic excursion which causes the poles to reverse every 12,000 years, which itself triggers glacial melt, volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods.
But because of evidence of an off-earth explosion also affecting the effects of this climate cycle, the most likely, still unrefuted evidence of the source of the explosion is our sun. A micro nova or series of large super flare events, in order to blow off debris in the magnetic wave entering our solar system in these cycles. This debris encircles the corona of the sun and is increasingly shown by evidence to be entering our solar system and the sun’s orbit now.
The best evidence points to a likely micro nova-sized event 40+ years from now. Stretching to least likely, in but certain, in 100+ years. That is, if the current body of evidence, found in our current climate momentum shift, remains consistent with the evidence in previous cycles. If the momentum of climate change data continues to hold, this is a viable timeline. If new data is found to refute existing evidence this will change. There are many researching this problem.
It is also possible that the Carrington event and micro nova, or solar super flare storm, may be concurrent in this current cycle.
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