The Corona Investigative Committee was created to investigate crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Committee is accusing Reiner Fuellmich of embezzlement, amounting to more than 1 million Euros. The only meaningful public outreach of significance from this committee, organized to expose COVID-19 global crimes, that has been accomplished in the last year and a half, is to have Reiner Fuellmich arrested and held without bail in Germany.
The Reiner Fuellmich Chaos Psy-Ops
This looks like an engineered confusion PSYOP, being operated to leverage players in the government interest, to neutralize the effectiveness of Reiner Fuellmich. It makes him unable to effectively discuss legal alternatives to government overreach, and organize his legal alternatives, and contribute internationally, against criminal use of authority, by leaders in business, government, and banking. How can this be? Let’s start by looking at the Corona Investigative Committee over the last year and a half to today.
Corona Committee
As we can see the front page of the site today, still features Reiner in a few pictures. This is one revolving strip of pictures where he is the far left person in the first pic, and also in the right-hand picture seated with his primary accuser Viviane Fischer.
Viviane believes Reiner cut off communication and went out on his own. Reiner says many important meetings he set up were missed and not responded to when invitations were extended. Viviane says Reiner’s excuses for limiting contact were confusing to her. She enjoyed their work together very much. Reiner believes the committee let down fellow members who were criminalized and forbidden to practice, for offering treatment outside of mandates.
Is he the sole controlling authority over these funds? Is 1.35 million worth holding him in jail and denying him the freedom to pursue his case? There has to be more to it. But NO. At least not on the surface.
Corona Committee Website
The Corona Committee stopped all meaningful public outreach on its official website other than in German more than a year ago. During that same year before his arrest, Reiner was giving and conducting many interviews and speaking to groups, pointing to legal offenses by officials, and possible cases that needed to be brought to trial. The last Corona Committee video report from their site in English is this one. Corona Investigative Committee Session 61: We'll catch you 'cause we can 16.07.2021
Their most recent report is in German. Session 167: Before I Sleep
The Corona Investigative Committee Odysee Channel
Here you will find up-to-date outreach in English. These are great videos. Topics range from vaccine harm, covid bioweapon research, the geopolitical history of elite control of the population, and even a dating and social club for the unvaccinated called, Unjected. Unjected was created by Shelby Hosana who hosts and guests in videos uploaded to the Corona Committee’s Odysee channel site.
Kees van der Pijl | In the stranglehold of power | Session 181: New Normal. After reviewing seven videos on viral and other subjects, this one is my favorite so far. He fills in the details and history of how the new global order was created on paper and who is organizing the strategies for global control. He echoes and gives greater clarity to what we have been referring to as population programming.
All of the work to date, done by the Corona Investigative Committee, viewable here is quality work, forming a solid foundation for many legal cases.
The Corona Split
The problem is one of usefulness. The detailed investigative committee evidence is contained in the various sessions on video, recorded by the committee. And there they are. Now what? According to Reiner, that was supposedly his end. Organizing the evidence into cases on specific areas, that could be offered to the public by the committee, to defend against current overreaches by governments and corporations. The overall goal was to encourage networking through the committee and compile the cases into one or more class action suits.
Others in the health rights movement have won small battles with similar data. Karen Kingston’s evidence, testimony, and guidance won significant victories in counties in Florida, influencing Florida government policy and court cases involving the mRNA “vaccine” today. Reiner led us to believe that even greater things were possible, given the breathtaking scope of evidence contained in just the sessions recorded, before his imprisonment.
As you will see, the split occurred a year before his imprisonment. Reiner up until then was becoming increasingly disillusioned by the committee’s reluctance to meet with him, and those offering to advance the evidence in court cases.
Reiner’s Reply
Reiner can’t understand why his California property already secured for over 1 million Euros, as collateral for committee funds, isn’t enough to guarantee his ability to pay and settle any differences. He believes the committee’s work is compromised by their unwillingness to advance their powerful evidence in court. An interest in his imprisonment by the government is easy to see. But the committees, play it safe motive in advocating for his continued imprisonment is obscured.
Reiner has delivered a public statement on the matter. He is not going anywhere to avoid a trial. So why is he in prison? Here is an excerpt from his latest press release published in full by

On November 17, 2023 the Göttingen public prosecutor's office brought charges against Dr. Reiner Füllmich on the basis of a criminal complaint filed by former shareholders without the defense having prior access to all volumes of the investigation file or the opportunity to comment. An interrogation of the accused pursuant to Section 163a of the German Code of Criminal Procedure (StPO) was also not conducted before the indictment was filed. Likewise, the witnesses named predominantly in the indictment were not questioned.
On the one hand, the sum of €700,000 is at issue, which is already the subject of the arrest warrant. However, the basis for the payment of the €700,000 were two loan agreements also signed by Viviane Fischer (one dated November 6, 2020 for €200,000 and one dated May 14, 2021 for €500,000).
The public prosecutor's office incorrectly assumed at the time of the indictment that both loan agreements involved inadmissible self-dealing. However, according to the complete founding minutes of July 9, 2020 all four shareholders were appointed as managing directors with sole power of representation, so that Viviane Fischer was able to effectively represent the Corona-Committee-Entrepreneurial-company-in-formation alone in both loan agreements. READ MORE
Because he can not run down all the donation documents, not included in the defense evidence used against him from his jail cell, he is asking for some help in gathering evidence.
all people who have donated money to the Corona Committee from 2020 to August 1, 2022.
Here is the information required:
How much and when they donated,
the purpose of the donation,
and whom it was meant for:
was it meant for a specific person - and if so, which person:
- Reiner Fuellmich,
- Viviane Fischer,
- Justus Hoffmann,
- Antonia Fischer,was it meant for the Corona Committee in general;
or was it meant for Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer together.
As Reiner Fuellmich is accused of having misused the donations, concrete statements from the donors as described would be very helpful. READ MORE
Elsa from truth Summit reports; Three people signed the charges against Reiner.
Perhaps the craziest aspect of the charges is that the money Reiner allegedly took is, so I have been told, in the bank account (or anyway, was in the bank account) of one of the 3 people.
Reiner Fuellmich states: The Corona Committee quickly met with completely unexpected success. Since we conducted the expert surveys in German and English via video-stream, our Friday broadcasts quickly became popular worldwide. Many people had been convinced that we would later use the findings from these interviews as evidence in international damages proceedings such as in class action. We were in the right place at the right time with our work. I was and still am convinced of that.
Internally, unfortunately, things looked different. I quickly noticed that VF and the others showed little interest in our work in contrast to myself, who concentrated almost completely on this work. In addition to the interviews in the committee, I gave five international interviews at that time, and thereby, endeavored to provide information about our work worldwide and not just in Germany.
The question of why the committee has demurred from gathering evidence to be used in international court cases and instead, mounted one against the guy who lives to establish legal rights is one big question.
Helma Kustermann who asked for a refund from VF and did not get it, knows a bit about who initiated the separation of Reiner from the committee. She Asks 6 questions in an article. These revealing questions offer a view of the inner workings of the committee, available to the Committee donors Here is one of her questions.
In autumn 2022, with your vote, Ms. Viviane Fischer, and the votes of your "friends" at the time, Dr. Justus Paul Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer, the co-partner Dr. Reiner Fuellmich was excluded from the company "Corona Committee Number 1" by a majority vote.
How do you, Ms. Viviane Fischer, justify the legality of this resolution "Exclusion of co-shareholder Dr. Reiner Fuellmich", which was passed by a majority non-publicly in autumn 2022, on the one hand, and now - as you bitterly lament on 21.12.2023 - publish considerable doubts about the non-public majority quorum of the shareholders Dr. Justus Paul Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer on the other?
Passed by a majority non-publicly. Does that mean Reiner was officially unaware he was ousted as well for some time after the vote? How long? Did he continue to raise money for the committee after the vote?
Not Confusing
If this is a put-up job by powerful vested interests to leverage the players involved, to confuse people who are creating legal solutions to address powerful criminal acts, it is proving to be a failure as a PSYOP. Clearly, the split occurred as Reiner advanced the use of criminal evidence and the committee isolated itself. Clearly, the split was instigated by the committee, for unclear reasons. If the reasons were monetary, Reiner is reportedly worth more than 3 times that amount in securable property and assets. The government may have encouraged or incentivized the committee to take this drastic action. They have denied him liberty, without evidence that he is a proven flight risk.
Neutralizing Legal Options
Reiner Fuellmich is outspoken on the subject of exercising legal options to avert more unlawful pandemic policies and even wartime, extra-legal crimes which can become law and civil mandates. Reiner’s desire was to develop class action suits that would cut the ground out from under criminal interests and lay the predicate for seizing criminal assets and protecting personal public legal options. To leverage assets and legal strategies before the next emergencies and inevitable economic collapse occur. The government is contributing to a public image of Reiner as the biggest criminal of them all, and his class action mission evidence, a conspiracy theory.
Reiner’s Strength and Government Weakness
Government actions appear to be waking people up to the extent powerful interests will go, to keep the public in the dark about their legal options. The Corona Investigative Committee sessions on their web and Odysee sites detail the open crimes, on the legal books, that are being committed against the population to control their behavior now. The extra-legal, criminal extent to which government interests are going to confine Reiner without a hearing, is unsubstantiated in identifying him as an apparent threat connected to alleged crimes against the alleged victims, or a threat to the people of Germany, or the citizens of the world.
The longer Reiner remains confined the more people will realize the system is becoming criminal. The more people will continue to demand his release. the louder the demand the greater the effort will be to free him and apply his evidence to mount class action suits, as leverage against the great reset.
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