The First Covid Criminal Prosections Emerge - Thailand Tribunals, Swiss President Indicted
Pfizer under Investigation for known harm, death - Will This Lead To Justice?
According to the three interviews found in this Twitter video posted yesterday, the criminal trials that must be held for human rights, have moved beyond the current citizen tribunals.
Thailand War Crime Tribunals Against Pfizer | Swiss Justice System Places Acting Officials Under Investigation
The video as you will see is a serious official legal attempt to push forward with needed investigations. These two emerging court trials look into known harm and death from all aspects of the abusive human rights crimes associated with covid, lockdowns, and specifically the vaccine tyranny.

What Are The Chances Of Success, Given Our Situation
Let’s define success as those in the know indicted according to what they knew and when they knew it. Damages based on provable harm and death to those directly and indirectly affected by the decisions of those who knew, or had an obligation to know, when they knew, and realized potential harm, but failed to act under the mandates of their oath of office. Also, damages should be meant to punish individuals responsible, who knew, and include imprisonment and capital punishment if warranted. Trillions in damages are further needed to be investigated and prosecuted that are tied to central banks, governments, NGOs, and pharma/tech industries.
Central Banks, The Spoiler Elephant In the Room
The central banks around the world pushed the covid narrative. They funded and framed the policies of governments and financed the market winners and losers, in what may be the greatest 2-year wealth transfer and subjugation of the civilian population in nonwartime.
Pascal Najadi, who is building the case in Switzerland against Swiss officials, would appear to be one of their own as an international Swiss Banker. But his artistic pursuits seem to be more of a factor in his lawsuit, successfully working its way up the Swiss court hierarchy of jurisdiction. But he knows his business very well, in terms of laying the foundations of strong evidence in support of criminality, involved with his case against the President. He is also conscious of his limited role in influencing its legal success.
Dr. Bhakdi in Thailand also knows his business. He is a microbiologist after all. He is aware of private discussions and disclosures that prove Pfizer inflicted known harm for profit. The Royal Family was harmed by the jab. the daughter of the King. But will the royal family oppose their central bank’s policies even as they are one of the few countries where inflation is beginning to decline?
Thai monetary tightening to be gradual but faces challenges -central bank minutes
Thai central bank says monetary policy normalization to be gradual, measured
Reuters and, notably both follow the same reporting script. Go figure? Just wanted to give you two supposedly separate worldview perspectives transcribed from the same global narrative press memo. Will the financial stability of fragile Thailand, be forced to follow the framework contained in a powerful policy memo to government officials as well? We have already seen global bank authority prevail in Canada during the trucker’s strike and recently in Brazil.
What are the chances of success for both these cases and other covid cases hopefully to follow?
The Swiss Affair - Leveraging Their Banking Interest
In as much as the Swiss banks are notorious for insider trades dedicated to the advancement of the central banks and global insider investment interests, this will be a tough climb for the able but likely overwhelmed Pascal Najadi court case. Overwhelmed of course by vested Swiss banking interests, ensconced, in the careers and livelihoods surrounding those central to advancing the case in court, relative to the power of the accused to punish them if they overstep their bounds.
The Sovereignty Factor | Why Switzerland?
However, Switzerland is unique, in its economics, similar to Thailand as they are both bucking global trends. In the case of Thailand, inflation is shrinking a little. Unlike the rest of the world. In Switzerland, instead of them owing the banks money, the banks usually pay the government a dividend. every year. This indicates a certain level of sovereignty, connected to nationhood, within the global financial system, distinct from other nations.
So as a country to file a lawsuit, that might have some protection in the financial system, we have to consider the Swiss as operating outside of Federal Reserve and European Central bank, established norms for the other Western nations. Can the Swiss leverage justice in their favor and prosecute all crimes? One thing for sure is, a country with a tradition and culture based on banking as a product, how loyal will not remain loyal to a banking system that loses money unless they have also ceased to be a sovereign nation
Making a profit from banking is one of Switzerland’s most important and well-known industries. But this year, the banks did not pay out as usual. They lost money. This report is from The Star.
Bank’s loss proves costly for Swiss govt
If the global central banking system loses money for the government next year, loyalty to banking memos on covid, and other cases, may take a turn, unless the Swiss public perception and investor interests are satisfied. The financial interests of Swiss banking are tied to many players on the world stage including China, the Ukraine and Russian federalists. Much global politics and stability are staked in Swiss banks. Mr. Najadi likely knows a lot more about this than I can surmise and research in a day. He is likely to try to leverage the position of his case accordingly.
Thai Family Honor and Justification For Rule
A royal family member was harmed and is now in a coma. If the Thai Royal Family cannot protect itself, it will lose the right to rule. How can it protect the nation if it cannot protect one of its own? Their adherence to spiritual beliefs, underpinning their rule would be questioned. So for the government, this is existential. Many people in Thailand were harmed by the vaccine.
But the government must remain solvent to survive as well. and though the Thai Central Bank has not openly suppressed Thai inflation recovery, they still follow similar patterns of the Fed and Euro banks. The bank according to the articles above for instance. raised its basis point lending rate, by the same margin as the Fed in the same timeframe. They are also on board with digital currency, CBDCs.
A Royal Dilemma
If the government holds an empty hand looking for a handout then the country will face financed opposition from banking interests against their rule if they go too far. against the wrong interests. How strongly the financial system will go to defend Pfizer is another question. But the Royal Family must achieve a royal flush of some kind in this game of covid lawsuit poker, to get justice for the country in the public’s perception.
U.S. attorney Todd Callender hopes to bring both of these court cases to the U.S. for a case against Pfizer, U U.S. Corporation.
Reset Economics and Political Covid Science
The conditions for justice are outlined at the top of the article, beginning with;
those in the know indicted according to what they knew and when they knew it. Damages based on provable harm and death to those directly and indirectly affected by the decisions of those who knew, or had an obligation to know, when they knew it, and realized their obligation, but failed to act under the mandates of their oath of office.
Unless the central banks are stopped from printing, they will outspend in any and all court cases, to keep real justice as we have come to expect it, to occur. They will persist in protecting their vital interests.
There is a groundswell of public awareness arising around likely covid criminality, concerning Pfizer, Moderna, and other drug manufacturers. This is being increasingly allowed and suppression now of the distribution of current content would raise public concerns. So some cases seem to be either unstoppable and therefore must be controlled, or there is a financial power struggle going on, here in covid,, possibly overlapping into Ukrainian war crises politics as well.
The people at the top of the food chain do not always play nice with each other. When things get rough it’s the little people that get hurt in wars and famines, etc. If covid and the “vaccines” were meant as a population reduction weapon to satisfy Agenda 2030-type environmental goals, as Karen Kingston reports in this Stew Peters interview, the damage to humanity may have already been accomplished. Certain players may be expendable.
NATIONAL SECURITY RISK! Clot Shot Victims To Overwhelm Hospitals As Morgues Overflow
It is increasingly clear that the more public pressure is brought to bear to make punishment of these crimes a central issue, along with elections and other criminality, the more the players at the global table of power must adjust their tactics, to meet their reset timetable.
Reset Timetable
Time is on the side of the central banks. All they want to do is print money and any excuse to do so is in their favor. The economy will collapse soon. All the banks need to do is print money to finance court cases, till it does. If the people allow the financing of the banks reset vision to continue as they continue to print the money to fund it, all legal cases and national laws, international treaties etc., will be subject to a new digital monopoly, and global economic constitutional order after the current economy collapses into the digital reset.
All laws will then be subject to whatever environmental or other justification can be used politically to establish the systematic control required, for efficient, centralized, planetary, and human resource management.
To keep up with the day-to-day tactics of central banks check in with Greg Mannarino through his daily reports.
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