The Now of 6 Months From Now, In The News
There is no past present or future. Only Now is real and active in all things.
Hi kids. What’s Up?
Been doing some inner work, to change, according to my awareness and capacity, observable outer conditions in my life. Trying to understand the electromagnetic environment and the science governing it on its terms. Success or failure of my awareness is determined by me, through my observable results and real, confirmable experiences, shared in common with others. This I view as proof of my achieving greater understanding, or understanding that I have a lot of improvement yet to do.
Visualizing In Cycles, Observing Cycles In The News
A major theme in IRUUR1 is that everything is cyclical, and governed under the laws of our electromagnetic environment, which is 94% larger than our biology, which is an energy field operating in a slim portion of the spectrum, near the center of the spectrum as we currently are able to observe and calculate it.
We know this and elites know this. We also know that the primary objective of those who are obsessed with controlling people is to get people to ignore 94% of reality, and focus on approx. 6% of the spectrum in the 5 senses range. Then through reward and punishment, those who believe them, are told what the parameters of the 5 senses mean, and how to interpret all reality, based on reward and punishment managed by the controlling party.
Trying to understand all of our electromagnetic reality, based on the terminology we have accumulated based on accepted societal understanding of reality, is worse than playing solitaire with a card or two missing. In this case, 94% of the cards are either not included or are there in many, nuanced forms of existing terms, and/or are mislabeled.
Solar, Political Cycles, and Half Cycles
In creating a now, right now, that will be the now 6 months from now, a half solar cycle is a good mental and natural cycle framework. The mind can easily think 6 months ahead, and half solar cycles are important governors of all activities in the 5 senses range of the spectrum. IRUUR1 and Safe Zone Communities newsletters have published studies and research on solar flaring and sunspot cycles and half cycles. From the approx. twelve to thirteen thousand years geomagnetic excursion cycle and half cycle, down to the 150 to 200 year Carrington event cycle and half cycles.
We have shared a number of reports and peer-review studies, among the thousands published on solar flaring and sunspot cycles’ and half cycles effects on;
Human behavior
Human health
Planetary and human biological development
Cellular growth and development
Species migration
The fluctuation in economic sectors
Influence over value fluctuations in the stock market
And if it is observable in these areas, including importantly, economics, economics is tied to politics. It can be observed in politics. The mind almost automatically or instinctively, easily thinks in 3-month intervals, and with a little training and discipline of habit, 6 and 12 months down the road.
Let’s get our political feet wet. Here is a guy thinking this way.
President Trump Addresses Vaccine Adverse Events for the First Time - Calls on Big Pharma to Disclose Safety Data Immediately (VIDEO)
This is thinking in 6 month-half cycles till the election. Trump is a business performer, still operating politically in the system. He knows his base is fed up with the mRNA, Covid-19 “vaccine” mess. If he is not selected to win, he wants to influence politics and even economics to the greatest degree possible.
As we covered in our last issue;
Trump is keeping his base placated and calculates that in 6 months the economy will change noticeably for the worse, and his base needs to focus on him as a political refuge from human rights abuse. The recent losses in court by powerful vested interests, concerning Pfizer’s “vaccine” trial test results, document disclosure, and remuneration of individuals suffering unlawful fines during lockdown and mandates, have powerful vested interests worried to a degree.
On the economy. The CBDC global dominance war, to determine the future world reserve currency, has many players in many areas including political theater operations, engaged in a competition. Because of increased public attention to these court cases and increasing public attention to health rights issues, political figures like RFK now running for president and President Trump, must remain relevant politically, in order to strengthen the political system’s legitimacy as the economy weakens.
Covid mandate mistakes were made at the top. Someone in the circle of powerful vested interests will take the fall for the results of our increased awareness. but the big fish will be scripted in the MSM, to escape the political/legal consequences. Trump is piggybacking his script on the Pfizer losses in court and doubling down, demanding injury and death disclosure be released as well. He is outflanking DeSantis.
In 6 months, people will believe that he is handling health rights issues. In 6 months as the economy visibly worsens, they will be on his side to focus on his economic plan as he develops his presidential platform in approx. 3-month cycles. for the next 12 months till the election. I could go on. But this is just a simple political example of doing now what will be the now in the next moment, in 6 moments from now, or 6 months from now, as your mind is led to observe. How the basic solar quarter cycles and half cycles are natural mental frameworks, to visualize how what you do in a moment can affect the future, And how people naturally plan events 3, 6, and 12 months down the road.
Getting On Board The Train Of Consciousness, with Drs. Wolf And Rima
OK, you say. If I had the ability to hang out with billionaires the way Trump does, I might be more certain that what I do today, in this very moment now, will affect the now, and any now that occurs from now on, in any cycle, solar or otherwise, while riding a bicycle. But I’m just a little person, against overwhelming forces, mounted by powerful vested interests.
All true to some extent. But we have to consider that we are 99% of the world’s population and in aggregate are a big force. Powerful vested interests are 1^. We have to also remember that the strategy of control is to keep us focused on 6 percent of reality. And most importantly, on the concept that we are small and unable to do anything meaningful, without being increasingly dependent on the system, the players, and system personalities for leadership.
Also, there is evidence that our awareness of the fraud involved with COVID-19 likely made it difficult for judges to sweep all high-profile court cases, and cases with wide community interest and backing, under the rug.
Drs. Naomi Wolf and Rima are at the forefront of heightened awareness of Covid-19 fraud. This last bit today is how they are dealing with the nuts and bolts of consciousness-raising, from the ashes of the systematic burning of people’s humanity from underneath them.
These excerpts are from Dr. Rima’s, Open source newsletter which you can subscribe to here.
and Get Dr. Rima's
Free eBook
This is from her newsletter. I will excerpt as much as possible from her article, , and Naomi Wolf’s article, hopefully without pissing anyone off.
First, for a host of reasons Dr. Rima is sad and fed up with the battle.
I have been sitting at my desk feeling sad. Not depressed, but sad. Sad that we are facing the possible success of sub-human monsters who want us all either dead or enslaved from the DNA outward, euthanized, trans-humanized, minimalized, mesmerized, despised.
Sad that we have foolishly given them so much authority and power that they have a chance of succeeding.
Sad that the noble sciences of healing and heralding, disseminating health and truth, have become the whores of monsters.
Basically, she is bemoaning the fact that despite her and others’ efforts at raising activism and awareness The People are still far short of the mark to turn the tide.
Sad that when Faucism rears its head again, some people will shamefully, stupidly, subserviently comply, putting rags and bags and diapers over their faces as if their faces were sources of danger and death.
She is not sure viruses exist. After my recent excursion into inner work and healing, I’m not sure about viruses either. The results so far on myself have occurred irrespective of medical theories on viruses connected to any of my symptoms or symptomatic medical viral treatments.
She continues
I have no idea if viruses exist. Right this moment, I do not care at all whether they do or not. I very much care that their supposed existence is being used to rationalize and validate lies and enslavement and the destruction of the human race - I care a whole lot about that.)
I am sad that human experience is being dehumanized and humans are not even noticing.
At the end of these thoughts, I am reproducing Naomi Klein's brilliant and profoundly sad essay. Read it, weep, and then put your big boy or girl pants on so we can get these scum out of our lives and their malignant magic and deceit out of our world.
If you go along with the masks, the social distancing, the closings, the separations, the economic, social, political, racial, medical, emotional lies and distortions, you are agreeing with the scum. They are not elite. They are rich and powerful scum. And they got to be rich and powerful by telling you - and selling you - on their elite-ness.
They are criminals and liars, monsters who will sacrifice you and yours for their crude, rude, crazy desire to dominate.
Any compliance with what is wrong is wrong. Any compliance with what isolates and minimizes you is wrong. Any compliance with their enslavement is wrong.
Here is Dr. Wolf's brilliant article: which I urge you to take to heart
4 September 2023
What is she talking about? Here are some excerpts from Naomi Wolf, continued from the sentence above.
And in the “mourning”: category I must note that some things about human beings, as an aggregate, have changed — since those fatal sixteen to 18 months, the months of mass injection, from late 2020 to mid-2022.
18 months are 3 half cycles.
I have written earlier about how people seem to be changing subtly, in this essay, “Lipid Nanoparticles:” Are the Subtly Changing Human Beings?”
Lipid Nanoparticles: Are They Subtly Changing Human Beings?
OCTOBER 5, 2022
Lipid Nanoparticles: Are They Subtly Changing Human Beings?
Some of my essays are grounded in politics, the economy, the material world. Others reference the medical and scientific insights of the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers, along with other principled medical and scientific experts.
Here are a few of her observations.
I have described how I feel that when I hug vaccinated loved ones, that they seem light and frail and ethereal — that I can barely “find” them, energetically
I have heard unvaccinated mothers bemoan the fact that they can’t sense the bodies of their vaccinated children — their children’s physicality or imprint or presence — in the same animal way as they had done their entire lives, before.
They actually also say that they can’t smell their vaccinated children any longer either, or that the children do not have the same scent as they had before vaccination
Body workers — massage therapists, Reiki therapists, acupuncturists, healers from various modalities — have told me that the energy fields of their own clients have changed dramatically since the clients’ mRNA vaccination. Unvaccinated customers of such services, for their parts, have described the fact that they don’t bother booking with vaccinated healers, since the “energy fields’’ in those practitioners’ hands, no longer make them feel better.
Young couples would walk with their arms around one another, or with the man’s arms around the woman. Same-sex couples embraced as well.
Young couples of all kinds would find private places in order to make out passionately.
Couples would have their arms around one another when…
Consciousness and Connecting to All Of Reality Now
The actions she describes above, signal a cutting off of people’s ability to connect, who received lipid nanoparticle injections. An inability to connect to energies, normally receptive to energy outside of the 5 senses’ ability to control mechanically or mentally. Touching, eye contact, etc., normally allow signals into the nervous system to create instinctual experiences generated from the other 94% of the universe. Energies that can be utilized and experienced in the 5 senses range, but are not confined to the 5 senses, can overwhelm the senses and cannot be defined completely within the parameters of the 5 senses.
She explains that touching, eye contact, and so forth are some of the natural interfaces to interact with 94% of the rest of the available electromagnetic spectrum. This can be called universal energy. It is described by many names, in most cultures outside and even inside the West/
Most other cultures, as I have written, take as given that humans (all living things for that matter) have signature “energies.” This is called “chi” or "qi” in Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as in acupuncture, which originates in that discipline. “Chi” is often translated into English as “vital life force”. (It’s kind of incredible that Western medicine does not have an accepted equivalent, since my recent near-death experience for sure proved to me that one can dramatically lose or painfully regain “vital life force.”) The same energy is called “prana” in Ayurvedic medical practice and in Yogic practices. The term was cited in the 3000 year old Upanishads. “Prana” is the energy of the whole universe, and translates also as “vital force”; however in the practice of Yoga, its influence affects physical processes such as blood flow and digestion, al the way to emotions and consciousness itself:…
Has there been a disruption in the energy fields of humans, so that touch of this kind is less fulfilling? Or perhaps there has been a change in humans so that the need for it has been dialed down?
Lipid Nanoparticle, Defense Dept. Development for Population Warfare - Implications
As I have said, the goal of the controlling-oriented elites is to control others’ perception of reality and limit it to a 5 senses perspective. While manipulating that reality as much as possible. Interfering with the childbirth process is one surefire way to manipulate the 5 senses range of reality fundamentally.
Nanoparticles have been known for a decade to cause inflammation that negatively affects human sexual functioning. Has the “mojo” of humanity been impaired in some way?
Wang et al, in 2018, in “Potential Adverse Effects of Nanoparticles on the Reproductive System,” found that nanoparticles “[cause] reproductive organ dysfunction” and that “NPs can disrupt the levels of secreted hormones, causing changes in sexual behavior”:
“NPs can pass through the blood–testis barrier, placental barrier, and epithelial barrier, which protect reproductive tissues, and then accumulate in reproductive organs. NP accumulation damages organs (testis, epididymis, ovary, and uterus) by destroying Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and germ cells, causing reproductive organ dysfunction that adversely affects sperm quality, quantity, morphology, and motility or reduces the number of mature oocytes and disrupts primary and secondary follicular development. In addition, NPs can disrupt the levels of secreted hormones, causing…
Because I have noticed peer review reports on defense department and pharmaceutical studies, using lipid nanoparticles in research related to civilian warfare, funded by NIH and other government agencies, beginning nearly 2 decades ago, these latest findings published by Naomi set the tone for the political theater, to come for the next 6 months, and on from there.
Self Conscious Summary
When most of my closest friends complied with the mRNA experiment, it was difficult to know what to say at any moment, that would determine the future. Especially at one point, when we all realized during one conversation, I was the only one in that group, unvaxxed. They feared for me and themselves. I was very concerned for them as well of course. Reliability and trust were at stake at fundamental levels. I told them to wait and see. I really calmed my fear, because I had worked hard to make the decision, and they could sense that, even over the internet. But it did seem to heighten their fear in some way. And I know each of us have sovereign rights over our bodies, so I never questioned their right or their perceived need for job and other compliance. And now many of course see the wisdom of my case.
Being Harmlessly Sovereign - Humility - The Capacity of The Small
When I researched the new vaccine and discovered it was, at the time of our conversation where I was unmasked as unvaxxed, to be in fact an experimental genetically intrusive treatment, I had to risk being wrong about a lot of stuff. Core beliefs needed to be challenged. And I was wrong about a lot. I found useful info from sources I would have ordinarily avoided, just to look at a real research document or medical study, they had knowledge of. Learn new boring terms. A lot of little often formerly boring details had to be examined. And I had to believe that I had not damaged myself to the point where I lacked the natural capacity to understand basic info, formerly beyond my experience terminologically or culturally. It was no more difficult than learning to read enough data to try to predict the Oscars or play fantasy football.
So it was little stuff consuming many moments where I thought about the questions they might ask, that I needed to research, that got a good result among my friends. They saw I was contentious, not harming them or myself and so we still talk and so forth. after some time passed by. The big thing. Our friendship and contact still function lovingly. It reinforces the concept that when you take care of the smallest things, the biggest things, fall into place more easily.
The 99% Advantage
Powerful vested interests, comprising 1% of the world’s population, wish to control the big things. To do this they must learn to control the mechanism of the small things in accordance with their imagined perfect outcome which they have the ability to design and control. The only thing that 99% who choose to live in harmless sovereignty need to do is pay attention to the small in every moment. and qualify its resonance through the spectrum, in every moment that follows,
One Small Thing Left
Your body, your choice. It is not a small thing, it is the first act of sovereignty in this world. It is only a relatively small among 7 billion people. The need to preserve health rights through public action is forced on us, by the increased environmental and medical toxification, in our soil, water, and bodies, mandated by powerful vested interests. We will close with Dr. Rima
Any compliance with what is wrong is wrong. Any compliance with what isolates and minimizes you is wrong. Any compliance with their enslavement is wrong.
Say no. Do not comply. Do not consent.
Tell your friends and neighbors what is real. Again and again and again. They may or may not hear you at first. It does not matter. They will hear you eventually.
Help get us all out of the death machines: UN and WHO and all of the other subsidiary bodies and obligations. Be part of the non-compliant solution.
Use this link:
Take the actions. Read the information.
Copy it, share it (with attribution, please, so people know where to find more), rehumanize us all by reaching out and loving someone. Rehumanize us all by helping to, quite literally, prevent genocide.
Rehumanize us all by loving outside your customary circle and giving people you don't normally talk to, what you know they need: truth and Acton Steps.