There Are 1 Million Desperate People In The U.S. - Do you see them? Solution Seeking
The elephant in the room
IRUUR1 advances the concept, that the solution we seek is internal first, and is reflected in outer actions, economically and politically. Solutions are based on overcoming the systematic manipulation of our basic species anomaly aligning immediate survival with evolution.
The 1 Million Pound Elephant In The Room
Are more than one million people slated to fall through the cracks as the economy continues to shrink in value and bloat in expense, our people, or are they the system’s problem? Right now, in the sense that there is no past, present, or future, there is only what we do now, that determines the reality of the past and future; Right now, we need to deal with at least 1 million or more desperate people in the US., who will have significant influence in a few to several months. Some are appearing now. They may overwhelm us with fear for our own circumstances. The number may be a similar percentage in countries around the world.
They will be at our doorstep soon, appearing as statistics and in articles in our news. Their desperate circumstances are foretold. They will overwhelm our streets in some places, our food banks, and many will be former middle-class. They may overwhelm the system in many places. Do they have legal authority under the Constitution, and will they be part of an increasing sense of global mass legal action, or are they an opportunity to establish justice for all, under our constitutions?
The faster money is printed in greater amounts, the more inflation rises, and the shorter the timeline for reset
Greg Mannarino directs his reporting to keep people from falling through the cracks. The faster inflation rises, the faster more people are unable to make their payments. More people are forced to depend on the government, and not all will qualify.
It is important to keep up with how much the banks are printing in order to decide how much longer before there is too much money and goods become scarce, and harder and harder to afford. When the economy crashes, supposedly, the CBDC social credit economy takes its place.
The economic/political ignorance factor is huge. However, it may also be in our favor. I believe in the US, perhaps globally that 8 to 10% of the people understand the battlefield and that this is actually a lifestyle war and the fundamentals of the banking system related to political theater and system tactics. In the US, even if it was 6 or 7%, of the population, it represents over 20 million adults.
Solution Seeking, and Finding 1 Million People
I haven’t written a lot in the form of newsletters. In talking to people in comments on Solution Seeking, I have been doing most of my writing. So this is a lot of dialogue with people there, and who comment here as well, which led me to find one million people who really represent the beginning of our future, one way or another.
I was trying to come up with agreed anecdotal evidence of demographics, for and against the reset into CBDCs.
1 Million People Riding On A 50-50 Split
Likely 50% of the public understands the system is more or less in control of everything. Half of the people who know what is going on are loyal to the system the other half to one degree or another is not. Perhaps 10% of the workforce of approx. 200 million in the workforce, meaning 20 million people, are leaving the system. Half of them are likely loyal to the system and manage it to one degree or another. The other half opposes the system
That leaves my 10 million people in the U.S. again, getting out of the system in various ways. That is a lot of smart people, but most are quiet, for all the fear and message control reasons we have discussed. 2 or 3 million are likely chatting freely as we are now and posting on Twitter.
Here And Now
Understanding demographics on these levels is important to the social element present now. Right now, in the sense of there is no past, present, or future, there is only what we do now that determines the reality of the past and future; Right now, we need to deal with at least 1 million or more desperate people in the US. who will have significant influence in a few to several months. Some are appearing now. They are meant to overwhelm us with fear. The number may be similar in Aus. They may just as well overwhelm the system, as part of a global mass legal action, under our constitutions.
They are those who will lose their homes, or have already lost them, and are being driven from the middle class. Some face government dependence and/or significant loss of money and lifestyle. Some will not be able to qualify for enough to live on without hardship, through no fault of their own. We know they're there, the system knows they're there, they are a factor, and the system has plans for them. Do you see them? Are they a significant factor or perhaps an opportunity? Are they unimportant or of negligible significance? Do you have a plan to deal with it? I outlined mine in general.
I may be off but this is an attempt to be predictive, influential, and adaptive in nature.
In The Art Of War, 5% of the population as a fully ready force for battle with another 5% aware that they have to stand, and preparing to act outside of the consensus as reserves is pretty big. It can be effective, even when poorly armed. The object is to lure the enemy onto the terrain where a significant percentage of your force can best achieve victory in a major or decisive battle. IRUUR1 advances the evidence that confirms, the Law and our constitutional frameworks are the only law officially recognized by governments and the People, at present. They still must publicly hold, that what they do, is constitutional in some way.
I believe a mass public lawsuit is a battle we can win if we throw their system into disarray, rather than allowing one million people to force us into further chaos. 1 million people are enough to get a major class action lawsuit started, gain public attention, and throw them into disarray, with reset right around the corner, ready to crash beyond the bend. I believe we have the right to unload the goods after the crash, and they can be legally constituted to clean up the mess. We will pitch in to help, sort out the goods and establish rightful ownership, arrest criminals, and sell their remaining assets at auction to the public.
The Turbulent Drama Of The Grid
The drama of and in the grid for us begins at home. Chicago could be made technologically interdependent irrespective of the water, and power grid, with or without electricity as we use it today, technologically speaking, all politics aside. But we are unable to do it, all politics included.
Thomas Guitarman was kind enough to draw my attention to a logic flaw in my previous article in the article comments.
Excellent , now we are dealing with great minds on the following paragraph YOU WROTE I will comment
Survival Rate
Because our species always survive these events, we can choose survival over extinction, by getting small as they did and ignoring the rest, if all our interconnecting efforts have failed. Permaculture may offer a remedy, for systems of natural re-purpose of toxins in the soil, and ways of filtering water., without the need for electricity, as we use it now. We may have the kind of tech in organic lifestyles offering solutions or developing them. Anything anyone knows about good links to this kind of information will be welcomed in comments,(no ads please) and revolutionary. No one on earth may even need to worry about toxins in 30 years if the environmental changes of this 12,000-year cycle are in line with Suspicious Observer's timeline.
I have lived off grid, outside the system, self employed , highly skilled ,self sufficient , perma-culture , and highly warrior /scholar trained LIFESTYLE my entire life. I did not see it as a self induced type of "abuse" to detach from the system, BUT as the FOUNDATIONAL way to be most free of it , as healthy as possible , AND the solution to creating the new and better world on the other side of it. I did this BECAUSE I ALREADY saw these negative future timelines as the most likely probability IN MY LIFETIME, , even as a young child. Looking in hindsight I see my entire life has been TRAINING for these times as well as the solution. So it is a great time to be ALIVE and a" good day to die " THOUGH I dont intend to, today or anytime soon in the future , that is the BALANCE we must live NOW. PLEASE send and or use everywhere .
High Diddle dee, dee! That’s The Life For Me
Chocolate is becoming harder to get, without artificial flavors. I like those 80 to 90+% cocoa chocolate bars. But I likely won't see a lot of those where I'm going, at least short term. All chocolate distribution is dependent on the system. I'll miss em. But licorice does similar psychoactive and wellness things and grows where I am going. I will survive and re-invent.
Pain and pleasure. We are meant to and it is very beneficial to allow ourselves to acknowledge and experience pain and pleasure triggered by infliction or loss, harmlessly, and attach identity, and meaning to them and empathy with them relative to our perception. They are the left and right hands of the same thing, used to guide our immediate survival on an evolutionary path.
The Grid
The comment by Guitarman contains a most important point perhaps shared by many.
I ALREADY saw these negative future timelines as the most likely probability IN MY LIFETIME, even as a young child. Looking in hindsight I see my entire life has been TRAINING for these times as well as the solution. So it is a great time to be ALIVE and a" good day to die " THOUGH I don't intend to, today or anytime soon in the future, that is the BALANCE we must live NOW. PLEASE send and or use it everywhere.
I say; THAT'S WORTH REPEATING So I just did with the modern miracle of copy and paste.
I will also say, it is well within reason to assume, that an incalculable, and very significant number of people alive have experienced this similarly. They have either buried it or are attempting to act in increasing awareness of it. But still many are trapped in the doctrinal lines of force forming an informational matrix from our energies in the vortex.
Belief, Reality, Resolution Capacity
I have spent my life believing and saying the events you describe as inevitable were ultimately under our control if we changed our lifestyle. Part of my lifestyle has been devoted to living off the water, and power grid, to understand and be comfortable, with my primary connections to nature. I have now left the medical grid as well. When I put my life and fortune on the line, I discovered how I was horribly, terribly wrong I was, and how I was also right. We can only resolve our belief in prevailing conditions, according to our perception of reality. I had these timeline premonitions, and I have seen their connection to my present reality and understand them as the conditions of my life, according to my perception. I have all of the resources I need at all times to resolve them according to my perception.
You, solution seekers, and the rest of my readers and teachers have been among the resources increasing my perception capacity.
Larry Druhall’a Strategy
I Wrote
No, you nailed it. Your strategy is to;
I started thinking about 1 million people
I identify our power to reform government, under the constitution to detain for questioning, possible criminals involved in county, state, or national crimes in cases authorized by any official under oath, to prosecute unlawful acts. As a practical matter, right now today, what if one million middle-class people decided the government is harming us and targeting us criminally, and simply do not comply, and fill the jails? No one wants this. No one considers this. What would Alex Berenson, Karen Kingston, and others do, Dell Bigtee? It would potentially harm the system extensively in terms of the trust. It would be impossible to jail one million people, without letting other criminals out. They would need to open camps.
Who will support camps in the US to any degree?
If solutions to keep us from being harmed by the system in time seem impossible, perhaps we need to create an impossible situation, with the law on our side, and punctuate the URGENCY: as your state it. MY BELIEF IS THAT THIS IS CRITICAL AND URGENT. MY BELIEF IS THAT THE ARGUMENT CAN AND SHOULD BE MADE THAT ANYBODY WHO THINKS CRITICALLY WILL REALIZE THAT, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR SITUATION, THERE IS NO HIGHER PRIORITY.
IRUUR1 advances the evidence, along with Solution Seeking, leading to an estimate of easily 10 million US citizens and verified residents who understand our situation and the urgency as you present it.
I am not suggesting 1 million people go to jail or would even have to. I am hoping to identify a means to overwhelm the CBDC legal system, in our favor. I am suggesting it exists and it relies on trusted constitutional authority to sort out the real crimes, while loyalty to constitutional authority is still expected among all officials in government and businesses here, by the People.
Who do you trust?
It used to be the name of the biggest game show on TV. Now is the biggest game in the world. We are the contestants.
You say; The enemy is busy working on how to fool the 99% into the forms of 99-split it wants.
My quest here is to discover ways to change 99-split to 99-1. The 99% do not need to like each other or work together. Perhaps all they need to do is be reminded that THEIR NUMBER ONE ROOT CAUSE ENEMY THAT IS TRYING TO KILL AND ENSLAVE THEM IS THE 1%? If we get the militaries and security agency 99% to realize this and take appropriate actions, we win?
If people simply prepare by the hundreds of thousands to uphold their rights and when cited for offenses simply show up for incarceration by the 10s and 100s of thousands, lining up overnight if need be to do so, it becomes a massive protest hard to attack other than by Antifa types, who will be isolated and do not have the numbers to do much, other than in large urban and targeted rural areas. An impossible legal situation for them but solvable under the Constitution. It forces legal standing in massive numbers of cases for constitutional rights v CBDC rights.
Would people demand to give those with nowhere to go, be protected from government-holding camps? And instead offer food, blankets, take their place in line, legal resources, and assets for their families. Would local businesses, and distributors abandon criminal statutes and stand in line for transaction rights as well?
Who Do You Trust? I know I would find a way to pitch in.
Be cure to check out the latest post from solution seeking
If 1,000,000 People Refuse To Go Down Light But Stand In A Class Action
I just keep seeing one million people having such a hard time soon, and it is not necessary. I developed y thoughts further from this comment.
Goddess Purpurea
I know so many people who don’t understand the problem with CBDC because it’s been so long since they used cash. They pay for everything with a debit or credit card. They use online banking. All they see are numbers - debit or credit.
We know this is about central control, visibility of all purchases, fees /taxes on all purchases, and ultimately social credit scoring. No more bank runs conveniently for banks because nobody needs to withdraw $.
The people I know who are ICT professionals honestly don’t see what’s wrong with that.
The people I know who are ordinary folks have mixed reactions depending on whether they see loss of cash as an erosion of privacy and rights.
Some see that they won’t be able to buy second hand goods easily, and they won’t be able to donate cash to beggars.
The young people are the worst because they are the frogs simmering in digitised cash currency and rarely use physical money.
In Australia 4 years ago the govt tried to ban cash transactions greater than $10k and to bring in a Bank bail in law. They were unsuccessful on the cash front due to a well organised push back campaign. They pushed through the bailin laws during secret sessions- in anticipation of bank collapses- favouring shareholders over depositors similar to what happened in Greece during the 2008 fin crises
IRUUR1 Anecdotal breakdown
Good analysis. I want to get a little statistical with you if I may. Really with the whole thing of a solution.
My question. Who really has a stake in choosing the Constitution over the GMO-based CBDC? Trying to break down the middle-class workforce by percentages.
You know ICT professionals. And regular folks. I know the entertainment and service industry people, a few lawyers, and regular people. not necessarily all middle-class workforce active. The middle class needs legal assistance. Their wealth is being stolen through fraud,
I'm wondering what percentage of the middle-class workforce is looking for options other than the CBDC, or ways to oppose it wherever it looks intrusive.
A majority of the ICT professionals that you know are ambivalent about CBDC. That profession would also stand to profit directly or indirectly more than other areas of the workforce. It is hard to get what would be answers to easy questions from goggle/brave searches in 10 min. But I think I get the overall middle-class workforce number to be around 200 million. ICT perhaps 10 to 15%. My database is puny. You may know better.
My anecdotal friends and ear to the ground indicate a 50-50 split between moderately to very CBDC concerned with 50% of those being very concerned. Perhaps 10 percent are actively looking for more independence The other half of my friends and my general sense is 50% of the workforce is likely concerned to ambivalent.
At an estimated workforce of 200 million, an anecdotal 50-50 split. Looking at the concern with CBDC vs system ambivalence, about 10% lean to get out of the system side, about 10 million then if my anecdotal chart is correct are leaving the system by all means possible. About 25% of CBDC-concerned people, include or actively consume alt media. About half of the concerned about CBDC side have no faith in the political system. Probably the same on the other side as well. A majority of the workforce likely believes the system is rigged and their power is limited to nonexistent.
One more thing. First-time unemployment claims have averaged out to over 200 thousand a month for over 3 years. the middle-class increasingly is shrinking.
These if they are even close, are our numbers to work with before the reset happening in 3 mo. to a year.
I see a lot of things that can be done. I look to constitutional legal remedies that have power over CBDCs. I see 1 million+ people who are in and out of the active workforce, who if they comply with policies currently in place or soon to be enforced, know they face losing their middle-class position, possibly everything, and the same if they disobey.
These numbers will increase over the coming months.
These are the middle-class and others with the vaccine, legal and other complaints, as well as home payments, and grocery bills, who need legal help. they are victims of fraud and engineered shortages, a toxic environment Those 1 million plus who have nothing to lose, need to do one thing. Organize a mass arrest to overwhelm the system.
People in states all over the union, in the tens and hundreds of thousands, waiting to be processed. People refusing to pay fines. Not admitting any crimes, but waiting to be processed. The system would want to schedule everyone, but at first, they would be overwhelmed and their scheduling will be inconvenient anyway. People offer those waiting outside, blankets, legal help, taking their place in a long line, helping their families, running their businesses and facing arrest, and bringing food, etc. No one is shutting down anything overtly. It is a mass compliance event that exposes the inability of the system to deal with even a small amount of lifestyle/business/family noncompliance.
HOW LIKELY IS THIS? Ha HAaA HAHAHA HA, AH and ha.. It is laughable
How likely is it that 1 million people now in or recently gone from the middle class will face a desperate situation before the reset? Highly likely. How likely is it that 1 million people will do something desperate, become homeless commit acts of harm and add to the chaos factor the system is counting on, before the reset? Highly likely again. How likely is it that the system has a plan to deal with mass arrest for refusing to admit guilt and demanding a trial for alleged infractions, overwhelming the jails and legal system? Not likely.
The system however is counting on 1 or 2+ million desperate people falling through the cracks, as an incentive for the rest of the population to qualify for CBDC status and survival perks before and during the reset.
My mass arrest tactic probably won't happen. But I see the legal minds, raising money, claiming to be capable of organizing legal rights for 1 million desperate people as a part of a giant, or series of major class-action suits against global criminal and government interests, already being prepared and currently being argued before the courts.
Who Are The Criminals and How Do They Get Away With It? Reinette Senum Interviews Elana Freeland
Elana has been watching an even bigger elephant in the room grow, for 30 years. 1 million people falling through the cracks is something we should not have to see. The bigger elephant breaking all the laws of humanity is something we could never imagine we would need to see.
That bigger elephant has been running the world for thousands of years according to Elana. She describes the current gadgetry in place now conducting a systematic lifestyle war on natural humanity.
Reinette Senum's Foghorn Express
Elana Freeland, Investigative Researcher & Author, Lays Out the Road Map for (an attempted) Global Dominance
Weaponized environment, synthetic biology, transhumanism, militarized fires, the current assault on human blood…. and the real agenda behind Starlink & Space Fence.
Investigative researcher, teacher, lecturer, ghostwriter, and prolific author Elana Freeland uncovers the world of the CIA, the US military, and hidden agendas few can decipher and clearly illustrate for the masses.
Freeland is best known for her seminal work uncovering geoengineering, HAARP, 5G, and the attempt to control and dominate the entire planet, which has been chronicled in her trilogy: Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, Under An Ionized Sky, From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown; and now, Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology.
SUPERB keep it going , I know all these people. There is not enough prison space or force to do anything with 1 million OR MORE , Determined , prepared , relentless freedom LIVING and respecting people even in this country, let alone the WILDFIRE it would ignite globally, which is already in motion many places. We must now fan the flames with these SOLUTIONS among the like minded, from a foundation of preparedness. " THEY" the pushers of all this madness , have great fear of this , this is why they have waited till they developed and can use WEATHER WARFARE, DEW S, and Total surveillance technologies . They can all be monkey wrenched from the inside when even they realize they are trying to kill us all .