More from Solution Seeking
We are looking for a better reset solution. Ways to avoid systematic control as a means to avoid unnecessary death and destruction before, during, and after the proposed Agenda 2030 style CBDC reset. The enemy who constantly wants to control us is hidden but deeply influences our lives now. And we are all on a timetable of extreme transition in our natural environment, unfolding now.
Mar 23·edited Mar 23Author
Solar Storm Watch, Plasma Pressure Increasing, More Quakes | S0 News Mar.23.2023 - YouTube
The trend is astounding. For quite some time now, the worst CMEs are on the non earth facing side of the sun, and the activity decreases as sun rotates and the associated sunspots face earth. A massive Carrington Event level blast was recorded recently on the non earth facing side, but, as usual, when the associated sunspots turn to face earth, they have decreased in intensity.
Dr. Judy Wood, an expert in structural engineering, shows in this video that the official 911 explanations are wrong, and dustification of the towers occurred. She also shows a magnetometer thousands of miles away having massive variations in lock step with the timing of the events of 911.
Things do not add up. I do not purport to know what the truth is, but it more certainly is not what our enemy's media tell us. Can the enemy trigger the sun? If so, can the enemy mitigate or change the effects of the mini nova? I think that both things are possible. However, I doubt the enemy can do much about the magnetic pole shift. My guess is that the enemy has plans for that too, plans we are not allowed to know about. There are many possibilities. But, an enemy that possibly can control earthquakes, volcanoes, do what happened during 911, and trigger/control CMEs on the sun probably has a better chance of survival when the sun's fireworks start than almost anybody else.
I feel that there are possibly clues to the enemy's vulnerabilities in what I write here but, so far, I have not come up with anything meaningful that might translate into strategic analysis and planning.
This led me to ask; What is the power behind those we can see, influencing events, and are they outside of our control?
Finding the Enemy, Seizing The Power
I am now convinced there is no enemy, only us and our personal, interpersonal conflicts over the simple choices we make to be self-reliant interact and transact naturally, without intentional harm in our energy environment. Can we influence the sun in our environment due to our authority over the energy of our planet, according to our perception, consciously and/or subconsciously? Highly likely. Does anyone have the awareness of how to do it now? Fat chance I say. At least not the WEF. But the WEF clan does significantly influence our lives and manipulate events.
Our enemy is that part of us and the parts of our genome, (which is our creation, and inheritance), that is in great conflict, sees great conflicts, and begins great conflicts in order to force an outer solution, to their inner conflicts according to their capacity for inner and outer conflict creation.
The Nature Of Our Enemy
Klaus has many inner conflicts he believes are a result of outer conditions, which he must control by all means possible. This is the basis of his fear. He is afraid of being deprived of control. Possibly a core weakness. But his solutions are always somewhat out of his control, and with the real environmental changes already upon us, he appears desperate for an outer solution, in which he at his capacity has influence. This is agenda 2030. and the rest.
Human Nature
The People even now, that fight against his control, are far less conflicted inwardly than Klaus. They realize they can only control themselves first, and others as they agree to their plans or idea.
The Nature of Conflict For Control
The personal relationships of others, get in the way of Klaus Schwab and his capacity to create his vision of control over all incompatible lifestyles. So he wants people to believe that all conflict resolution, begins with the collective power to control outer conditions, according to your capacity to create inner and outer conflict in his system. He seeds conflict against his system. He wants to project the power of his system till you can imagine nothing else more powerful. A system that represents your control, or his to accomplish what you want, This puts us under the influence of a system, he has authority in building, and managing. As long as he keeps us focused on and active in his conflict resolution vision, of controlling outer conditions as our first solution, the more influence he has over us. This is his power.
His degree of inner conflict relative to his search for resolution through outer solutions is his weakness, because the premise, like agenda 2030 controlling outer conditions is impossible without equal inner conflict resolution in nature, in any cohesive form. Conversely, if you want to get something done, you may not even know you have an inner conflict over anything, if you haven’t attempted to influence outer conditions as well. Influence is different however than control.
Inner Outer Conflict Doctrine of Good and Evil
Good and evil are the genomic engineering blueprint, based on a primary genetic anomaly we have that deals with conflict resolution. Good and evil are subjective so what is good for one may be bad for another. The doctrine of good and evil allow people who want to control others to create endless forms or doctrines of religion, politics, and beliefs filling the world full of inner and outer conflicts.
The more you look for outer control, to resolve inner conflicts, the greater the level of inner conflict you will create, and the outer harm you are able to justify, needed to control, in the name of the greater good. Good and evil, justifies harm, in order to control outer conditions, and is therefore in conflict with the natural integrity of form and our biology.
Systematically Induced Fear, The Doomsday Weapon
Our fear that our lack of interaction in some form with the global economic debt system, influencing us all over the place, will cause us harm, sustains the global power over our lives. We are afraid not to use Klaus Schwab’s system's various mandated national currencies for all transactions. Currencies in many nations, that are worth less each day, called inflation, and which currency we owe back to the system, with interest. And we know this is the debt that secures our slavery.
We seek the security of his authority because we know the results historically when all authority breaks down. And it isn’t pretty. We have failed to organize, and are afraid we are unable now to organize around greater authority. We have lost our primary species directive to self-reliantly interconnect and transact. We are dependent, not reliably interdependent. And we cannot organize naturally in our present social structure, or likely any form, without understanding inner and outer are both the same things working together like the front and back of a coin, throughout the different ranges of the spectrum in which we live and transact energy.
That is why many otherwise innocent people will kill each other over food, shelter, and sex when the good and evil programming is not enforced under a system of control by authorities, and all greater social structures for food, shelter, and sex for a time break down.
Victory In Conflict
I believe our collective efforts to live within our rights, at this present moment please the sun. We still have electricity. But tomorrow never knows. I also believe that our core problem is in resolving inner/outer conflicts harmlessly. So we seek not great power to control but rather the power to influence by defending and standing for our inalienable rights, without fear of death and the Unknown, or God as the result of noncompliance with unlawful control and our own enslavement.
If the system is a crutch, giving us time to actively organize around self-reliant, interdependent forms such as citizen justice under the Democracy, and natural law definition, after any economic/social collapse, it will be because we discuss this now, attempt to, plant the better system in ours, and other peoples minds now.
Self-Reliant Interdependent Tactics
And also by addressing system dependency issues. Legally organizing transaction networks like food buy-in programs in neighborhoods and geographic areas to work with farmers and ranchers. This is viable now. Trading with each other outside of debt notes for as many things as possible. There could be other forms of self-reliant networking that we can imagine and begin or contribute to.
Creating A Self Reliant Food Network
I can see neighborhoods and communities organizing food banks, food purchasing clubs for wholesale prices, pooling community assets and trading labor for food and skills, as well as a community or individual stake in new property development with the local/regional farmer and rancher for almost any community. There is a farmers market in my neighborhood, and I can begin this now, but I am moving, and wherever I go there will be some form of the farmers market I can engage in. And I will. And grow food as well as many other things on my own and with others as I can, teaching them and learning from them, how the law works for us, baby.
Core Network Formation Problem and Solution
Our obstacle in forming autonomous interconnected systems now is a product of system programming and indoctrination, leading to a cultural fear of each other's good and evil intentions, which we believe we need under our control, in order to protect ourselves. This is casting doubt over our ability to reason together to survive, in any system, we are in or able to create, realistically today. We can deprogram. We can realign our natural programming.
Natural Tactical Formation
To eliminate this obstacle, we must focus not on intentions, but on the degree to which what satisfies one, satisfies the other, without creating conflicts. Developing transactions of value and purpose, for optimal internal, and external functionality of each. If what they have, has no value you can see, why transact unless forced to by fear or doctrine? Fear and Doctrine when influencing, your natural perception of inner/outer reality, ate unnatural distortions. A clear distortion of the reality, now needed for our immediate survival? The laws of pure electromagnetic energy, are not subject to good or evil. They transact creatively forming lines of positive and negative polarities.
Implementing when practical, civil justice, in organizing self-reliant enterprises like farmers, ranchers, and neighborhood networks will allow us to better organize our future,
I believe that a majority of suburban neighborhoods could be made substantially self-reliant, even if the electricity goes down for years, in one growing season, without fearing a solar flare, if organized around local/regional control of food and water. Organized to plan for latrines if necessary. We have amazing survival skills, and homestead tech planning experts, waiting to be called into local regional action for a stake in production. But we must begin before we lose electricity at our present shielding level.
What good is avoiding intentional harm when someone is bashing you on the head?
I don’t mean to suggest this unfolding chaos, as represented through the system control vortex, is not a real attack on real people by fools out of alignment, or misrepresenting the nature of their alignment in Creation. I am saying it is a conflict and that all conflicts must be resolved without intentional harm and must be resolved both internally and externally to have a clear resolution. And that the main object cannot be to control outer conditions, but to resolve them.
Don’t Be A Harmless Target - DO NOT FEAR THE UNKNOWN - Enforce Lawful Sovereign Boundaries -Increase Your Awareness Of The Law As Your Primary Strategy For Harmless Service and Sovereignty
Once you are known to be a warrior dedicated to decisive action without causing intentional harm, you will be a target for many idiots. Many will consider you a fool, a coward, or weak. All of this is to your advantage in the Law. If you must kill another to defend your rights, against harmful attack, it is done because you know you were not born to be used by others or killed for another’s amusement or profit, You know failure to act in an existential moment, without defending your natural rights will render all your life’s service, and you in that deciding moment in your life, as worthless or meaningless. There is no honor in this. And no shame in the loss of your physical presence, when connected to a physical act to influence greater physical alignment with the Law active on earth.
Vengeance is intentional harm. But if someone has demonstrated they are determined by any means, to do you harm, unless you deprive them of the physical means to do so, you must do whatever you need to do, without vengeance, but with honor, to honor your gift of life and fulfill your value and purpose. You have a sovereign right and obligation to the food and family you earn, in service, through your work and life, in harmless pursuits, aligned with your primary motive in life. The aggressor seeking intentional harm and confrontation sets the rules for battle, but not the terms for resolute victory.
The aggressor has no power, other than the power you relinquish, through internal conflict, or confusion, to them, for them to act outside of the Law. This is tied to the nature of agreements. The level of harm you are willing to accept from another is tied to the level of abuse you are willing to inflict on yourself by choosing to compromise your true values in the little things because it is easier than obeying the Law.
Obeying the law and resolving internal conflicts can begin with transacting energy outside of the harmful debt system, in each little thing you can. What has more value and causes no harm, a relationship with a rancher, or a fast food cheeseburger?
Known Sources Of Lifestyle Aggression and Criminal Intentional Harm
Constitutional Criminals - In and out of all governments
Drug Companies
Statute Law
Purveyors of Genetic Modification - for profit/control only
The Central Banking System
Anyone who makes an agreement, without the intention of keeping it, but as a mechanism of control
Nature of Agreement
An agreement between two or more people is a statement of resolution of inner and outer conflicts, leading to an interconnected course of action, or service to life. It embodies the full blessing and authority of the Law in Creation between 2 or more sovereign individuals.
All intentional harm is found in fraudulent or criminal, agreements. It stems from a mental imbalance, resulting in ignorance of the laws of nature, the power of harmless intent, and the authority and power of the Law, active in all agreements to create reality on earth.
A fraudulent agreement is a criminal agreement with no authority over you or your service and sovereignty in nature.
The First Agreement is made within yourself
This is not you.
It is an extension of your being and connection to Being, in life, in this range of the spectrum, as mathematically and functionally constructed.
This Is You in Reality, as artistically imagined
Fully operational in the spectrum
Very Interesting and well written , but now you must follow up more on how to actually live all that. As one who has actually lived outside these harmful fraudulent agreements , and off grid , and a self sufficient as possible . I can tell you its harder that just writing about it . Now we must discuss how to do this in mass and real quick.