What's Your Human Rights Bottom Line? - 10 Central Bank Do's and Don'ts
What is your human rights bottom line, your line in the sand? Is it forced vaccinated, eating GMO food, 3D printed meat substitutes, using nanotech cosmetics, outlawing homeschooling, charter schools, submitting to biometric ID verification, or applying for a CBDC wallet, perhaps? All of these items and others as well are on the list of things, people polled, U.S. and globally, in the majority, see as choices and do not want to be mandatory. Yet we are told they are inevitable for everyone going forward.
Manipulating Energy - Economic Induction And The Power To Induce
The reason it is inevitable is because powerful vested interests, with majority control over resources, technology funding, and intellectual assets, have designed the scientific and operational means to make it so, outside of general public knowledge. The official U.S. government term for the project is Silent Weapons System. An official, accidentally discovered, 1979 edition of the silent weapons systems operation manual, has been published over the years and is currently is publicly available.
This manual has obviously been updated, parts of it reclassified, and perhaps even the whole project has been renamed. However, the evidence of its continued operation exists in different iterations officially today through reports, studies, and events that are proceeding according to the manual outline. The manual pinpoints the basic principles, features, operation, and testing of the system. The principle of operation, is based on electrical energy, and recognizes the economy as a form of electrical energy and the biosphere, including human resources and genetics, as a form of electrical and electromagnetic energy. The biosphere, under the laws of energy, can be exponentially machine-learned, computer-coded, engineered, and programmed to operate in a technologically managed system.
We also can see that the mechanism described in the manual, which is powering the system, is still in place as well. The mechanism is an energy inductor.
Energy Capacity Is Produced By Generation Or Induction
Energy capacity is produced through energy generation and energy induction. If you want to generate energy, you build a generator with an external energy source. If you want to induce energy you create an inductor. A magnetic field that draws energy into it. The current operations system controlling our economy and influencing the world we are all living in is powered by an inductor. Electrical induction applied to the mechanics of the economy, is termed debt. Debt=Economic Induction. The inductor, or mechanism powering this system we are experiencing is the global central banking system.
The Bottom Line - Central Banks, Do’s and Don’ts.
This seems to lead us back to where we started in this piece. What is your human rights bottom line, your line in the sand? Is it getting vaccinated, eating GMO food, 3D printed meat substitutes, using nanotech cosmetics, or banning homeschooling, how about charter schools submitting to biometric ID verification, or applying for a CBDC wallet, perhaps?
All of these challenges to our ideas of human rights are connected to pressures, exerted through the economic'/political system, which is engineered and operated as a system for controlling economic energy, powered by human and natural energy resources. It requires human energy to power the inductor used to power the system as a weapons system. The inductor powers the various parts of the weaponized economy to control and induce behavior. Human behavior is induced, to further increase human energy inducement into the system, through increased efficient manipulation of human energy. Manipulation is achieved primarily through reward and punishment by manipulating monetary supply and control, inducing and influencing government, corporate and personal, intellectual and economic behavior
It is a system in prime working order as we see by the list of bottom-line questions above, forced on us by the economic/political system.
Once you go through the simple schematics, basic equations, and explanatory text in the 1979 edition of the technical manual, you will understand the functioning of the economic components or sectors, and their electrical functioning correlates completely, as currently used in our behavior induction system. You will see that unless the inductor is powered down, by a redirection of human energy by directing behavior to increasing individual generation capacity, all the things people say they do not want, are bound to happen anyway.
.Here is an excerpt from the manual.
Apparent Capital as "Paper" Inductor
In this structure, credit, presented as a pure element called "currency," has the appearance of capital, but is in effect negative capital. Hence, it has the appearance of service, but is in fact, indebtedness or debt. It is therefore an economic inductance instead of an economic capacitance, and if balanced in no other way, will be balanced by the negation of population (war, genocide). The total goods and services represent real capital called the gross national product, and currency may be printed up to this level and still represent economic capacitance; but currency printed beyond this level is subtractive, represents the introduction of economic inductance, and constitutes notes of indebtedness. War is therefore the balancing of the system by killing the true creditors (the public which we have taught to exchange true value for inflated currency) and falling back on whatever is left of the resources of nature and regeneration of those resources.
Central Bank Do’s And Don’ts
You will have an easier go at negotiating your human rights bottom line, the more you are able to divert power from the magnetic induction field generated by central banks and; Become Your Own Central Bank, Greg Mannarino. In other words, acquiring and growing your own real assets, to generate economic energy capacity to leverage your human behavior rights. Generated capacity can offset and potentially increase energy diverted from the inductive, economic system. The system attempts to establish a magnetic field of influence by manipulating the economic reward and punishment to increase dependency on the system for lifestyle stability, and survival. Increasing dependency increases power to the inductive, central bank system, and their government dependents who are allowed to exist through central bank debt, to authorize and enforce economic behavior policies.
Out oppression, perceived or real is funded by increasing debt. The taxes alone collected by the treasury are not sufficient to oppress us at this level.
CB Do’s and Don’ts
Do acquire human and natural resource assets
Don’t depend on central bank currency, which are notes of debt generated by the system, for your necessities
Do network with other individuals and enterprises with their own resource assets and establish a wealth-generating, transactional economic exchange or enterprise.
Don’t increase your dependence on credit, or the banks and businesses, who are dependent on central bank credit currency, for your lifestyle and survival stability.
Do invest in commodities
Don’t invest in stocks or treasuries short term. Get out now.
Do establish and increase food and water, resource security
Don’t rely on the global food chain, tied to your local food and consumer markets, for continued, variety, quality, production capacity, and reliable distribution of any consumer products, or your essential needs
Do secure land, or establish land security for yourself, in an energy-generating environment composed of like-minded people.
Don’t get locked into 15-minute smart cities, with people you don’t know, who have different and/or conflicting agendas.
Power Down, Power Up
These actions and many other similar ones, will lessen the magnetic pull of dependency drawing human economic and social behavior energy into the system. The system relies on a certain level of energy to maintain integrity and remain in even calibration. Reducing energy flow to the system and loss of system calibration lessens the effects of self-destructive oscillations directed along a timeline. Destructive oscillations are created by sending timed, calculated economic shocks, to sectors of the economy. Disruption of the food chain and reduction of the middle class as an economic force are what we call engineered events.
Engineering A Wave Of Crises
Engineered events are the result of shocks sent through the economy, causing self-destructive oscillations in economic behavior to result in those economic sectors. Shocks, producing Oscillations need to be timed, calculated for intensity, and calibrated according to previous testing. Disruption of energy stability results in taxing unintended system resources and disrupting calibration. A critical threshold is reached when human energy develops a line of force, strong enough to send an energy feedback loop, back into the system, creating self-destructive oscillations in the system and disrupting critical systems’ energy control, and management points.
Loss of systematic energy control leads to a loss of smooth economic control of the economic collapse timeline for the economic system managers. And a loss of energy lessens their ability to control the reset. Loss of calibration of oscillation factors will be commensurate with the human power generated, repurposed, and transmitted outside of the system, into a wealth-generating capacitor system.
Destructive Oscillations - How Does This Really Work?
Here is an example of oscillations triggered through a series of increasingly powerful shocks to an atomic, molecular energy field in the form of a bag of water. One blow won’t burst the bag. But a series of destructive oscillations of steadily increased intensity will.
Show Me Some Science! Energy and Oscillation
The Food Chain
Let’s say the energy field is not a bag of water. It is the food chain, forming a circular or oval energy system. The solar system can be viewed as an oval or circular-shaped energy field. Let’s say you don’t want to explode and destroy the food chain energy field. You want to set up calibrated shocks to produce oscillations that will create a seam, opening at a calibrated amount, beginning at a point, occurring over a timeline, to create a leak where you want as severe as you want. This is a food chain crisis.
Self Destructive Food Chain Oscillations
Rather than generate human energy to repair the leak, human economic energy is induced to take out loans for planners to redesign the food chain and further disrupt normal human behavior. This is a self-destructive oscillation. It begins slowly weakening the integrity of the human resource energy field. It is calculated to increase the loss of individual control and influence in the management of, or access to the food chain. This increasing loss of individual economic food control occurs along a calculated timeline of crises and repair at different points in the food chain.
An example of a shock to the food chain is requiring truckers to go on the green agenda, forcing many out of business. This will increase transportation demand and costs due to less transportation available from fewer companies. Food costs will rise and stores may run out of things more quickly.
Generating Oscillations In The Food Chain
If, as the food chain breaks down, in our theoretical example, individuals who depend on the food chain begin generating the capacity to fix the leak where it affects their food chain terrain, the energy expected to maintain system food chain control will be reduced. This will affect the overall necessary calibration of the system, along that timeline, altering the conditions of a controlled shock and influencing disruption in the food chain.
In the food chain, transportation example, generating energy to neutralize the shock intensity could be, growing more of your own food. Making personal, or community purchasing and transportation agreements with local ranchers and farmers regionally to give them financial security and possibly the ability to increase regional food production, as well as lessen dependence on the system.
The inductive solution will be to eliminate the small independent trucker and consolidate all trucking into a few companies with policies following the green agenda. This would allow for policymakers to more easily dictate what foods will be distributed. It would allow food distribution targeting to be policy or mismanagement directed, against a community, or even an entire sector of the food industry. Meat eaters perhaps.
Programming The Bio-Electric, Planetary, and Human Resource Environment
The planet and our biology are a bio-electric energy field, grounded to the Schuman Resonance frequency of the planet. This frequency resonates and is intrinsically calibrated with the interplanetary magnetic field and the galactic magnetic field.
Powerful vested interests have determined that the laws of energy, our biological, and electrical resource environment, along with the human genome, can be machine-learned, A.I., reprogrammed, and computer-managed. This can be done they believe, incrementally, along a series of monitored self-adjusting, and human interactive, calibrated timelines. This is the project they are setting in motion now, calculated and calibrated for economic collapse and the so-called great reset, and rebuild, to achieve that well-published goal.
Central Bank Do’s and Don’ts Recalibrate The Economic System
The do’s, are our basic human resource-generating tools. The don’ts are our resource energy induction, reduction tools, used for freeing energy resources to be repurposed economically.
The degree to which they will be effective is based on the amount of human energy invested, relative to the calculated economic collapse timeline, currently managed by system planners, based on anticipated energy results. It is calibrated, anticipating increased system capacity, based on prior results. Disruptions in calibration result in loss of system timeline quality and predictive results relative to an engineered crisis, or shock application.