Hello Dear Readers
The history of man and woman. The ability to understand, preserve and transmit the true story of our civilization is a primary key in our ability to use the intelligence resources available to us at this time to be OK, in the face of not OK-ness. The last 30 years of scientific research lay out the foundation for a cyclical view of history, that is busting through the 5,000-year linear history, currently developed in the present academic world.
Know Yourself, Your Enemies, and The Truth
If you do not see that there is a concerted effort to eliminate significant parts of the natural order and humanity’s orientation to it then you may not be in the right newsletter. This is a serious attempt to bring out aspects of the news and events that are not perhaps organized conceptually or culturally the same way in other publications.
We don’t see good and evil here for instance, only functional, dysfunctional, optimal, degraded, and so on. Now engineering food shortages to get people to comply with tyranny to get food to live on, may seem evil on the surface. But if it is done according to someone’s free will then it is a choice. If it is free will but coerced through fear and fraud, it is quality control. A person of quality will not willingly comply and make excuses. If defrauded they will make a stand, to seek redress in the courts and in the society.
Food Crises, Part Solar Weather, Part Elite Geo Distortion
You can observe the geo-distortions potential by people with means and vested interests, in the reports of food production facilities burning, being taken out of production by sudden, weakly evidenced government health plant takedowns, sudden cattle herd die-offs, chemical spills, and even geoengineering. Some foods are still being sold according to the last wholesale contract. Get them now before the new wholesale prices take hold.
Pay Attention! - These Foods Will Destroy Your Budget By The End Of 2023
So, what food, theoretically at least, won’t run out and let you down? Seeds. All your plants want to go there. To seed I mean. So if you can’t sell them, you can always sprout them in soil or water and eat them in 7 to 10 days.
The SUPER FOOD you can GROW ANYWHERE!! WoW Factor..
Now you should know 2 things. 1. These 2 homesteaders are selling you a product here. 2. I personally love me some Doug and Stacy and would love to see them remain in the style they would like to continue to be optimizable within. So I hope they are making a few debt dollars here, to turn into more hard assets. And Having been a sprouter since just after I was a sprout, I know it is a good product and you actually, in the end, don’t need the product, once you learn what it is and begin to permaculture your own soil and let things go to seed in your hothouse and garden. But it is a great intro product for optimizing your food potential.
Arial Intelligence
The most important use for this and the remaining intelligence reports in this news letter is the anti-gaslighting effect. When you have hard data and intelligence, you are not easily gaslit.
But hard data is hard and tedious. That is why I began this edition with the observation that the general population is under attack, by vested interests, to divide us from nature and depend instead on their product. You have to see this yourself to make it worth your while to go through this kind of data. It is like a workout in the open air or gym. You may not feel great while you do all of it, but you like the result.
If you have observed an attack strategy then you also have likely considered that these tactics involve not only WEF constabularies meeting in meetings and pronouncing pronouncements. They also involve hardware and personnel.
SITREP 6.14.23 - You Are Being Watched!
Unusual Historic Earthquake Weather
Sound like good news? GUESS AGAIN!
No no no. It is bad.
6/14/2023 -- Earthquake activity + Canada Fires , WEATHER MODIFICATION using Radio waves
Dutch has been reporting earthquakes for 30 years and knows of no prior recorded time period of this length, where there are no earthquakes reported above a 6.0. Either the data is being suppressed, which Dutch believes is more likely than the alternative possibility. That would be a pressure build-up to a major quake, in the near term.
Dry Science and Data
IRUUR1 posted a science report, outlining evidence of the continuing geomagnetic excursion, and incoming galactic wave. Suspicious Observers, offers one hypothesis, so far not refuted,, predicting a timeline. Their report fielded a response in our Gab post that was very troubling and deeply disturbing.
Science Denier
It was troubling and disturbing because the comment was correct, but knee-jerk. It took the examination of all data, to the level of irrelevance based on money, promoting selected data only.
@IRUUR1 When the words, Hypothesis and Guess are used in sentences explaining events, means they don't know.
So I answered that not all hypotheses and data should be discounted because of vested interests.
The point is not the word hypothesis. The point is underlying and verifiable data. Peer review studies. If science is not an ongoing, mutational process of step-by-step discovery, then it is not science, it is something else.
Dims response was short.
Peer Review" like science. $$ Search for this symbol,
It is disturbing because not all science is money science. You have to be able to review a bit of science like any data, as possible actionable intelligence, or disinformation.
So I replied
$, for sure. can be a part of anything. Truth is powerful, and controlling valued parts of data and information by defining science for instance, as consensus rather than both argument and study, is one way to make big $. You begin by framing your ruling hypothesis as agreed-on consensus science and then enforcing it.
Science is an ongoing process of mutating results based on constant discovery. Anything like a consensus is short-lived, if not confirmed by repeated observation..
What is the agreed method for public science?
First the hypothesis. For instance.
HYPOTHESIS: Solar forcing influences earth's weather in greater or equal amounts relative to human, and animal, carbon emissions.
INVESTIGATION: Then you look for places where this is not the case. And you look for evidence to support it. What you are left with is observed, recorded, and verified data, applied to various weather conditions. Then if you want to, you go for the study paper.
PEER REVIEW: You apply the evidence to a specific analysis, like solar v carbon effects on ocean temperature, or earthquakes. If your research is credible to other researchers in your field of analysis, it gets published as factual observations and data, in a peer-review study and considered as further evidence to support a greater range of studies.
Most people have a general sense of this method, who are interested at least in passing, concerning anything scientific. However, most people don’t know the extent that $ and power, influence anyone who would directly challenge political/economic ruling class public statements or assumptions/hypotheses and related edicts on official climate models.
What is Most Interesting
What I find most interesting though is the degree and volume of published studies going on, that do, directly and indirectly, refute "official" climate models in the observational subtext. They often only challenge climate models in reference to readings and observed data where their data is inconsistent with climate model results. They never say the official models are wrong. Instead, they suggest areas of data included in their study that might account for the different results. Often you have to know where to look to find where studies conflict with official myths.
These studies require a lot of funding and official access by researchers to many data sources from both off and on-earth tech platforms. The elites in the system do not fund anything they do not want. Insiders need to know the real story. Insiders are following the data and financing studies that refute their own public Green Agenda.
PEER-REVIEW Insider Information Exchange Safe Zone
This constitutes a peer-review insider-neutral area for both the elite insiders and insiders of the masses like us, to draw from. If you follow peer review studies on the climate, you know there are hundreds of studies refuting or observing a broader range of different data, as opposed to the limited database of the green agenda. So then, you are a climate insider of the masses perhaps. Peer review and other research, remain a safe well of information due to the dumb-down factor. It is easy to obscure and bury dry data, from public attention. So it is a limited audience. And the need to get new blood into the process of research for the elites also makes publishing the work of researchers vital, to maintaining and even increasing recruitment of good researchers. So new information needs to be openly published all the time.
OPERATIVE INTELLIGENCE; While it lasts, in a time of population warfare
Right now peer review constitutes publicly available intelligence to be analyzed by the hardy and published in different forms as digestible segments on public platforms, while it remains available. This needs to be expanded in the interests of public literacy and our capacity for validation, and enforcement of the greater social contract.
Many people do not know about solar cycles and how human depopulation plans are directly affected by officially not shielding our grid against EMP and solar disruptions. when we actually have the technology now to do this. Not utilizing our ability to shield the grid, WILL, if not publicly addressed, make all urban areas, mass depopulation zones in the near future. EMP attacks may never happen. Solar cycles always do.
The Sun Declares War on Earth
What’s with all this war talk? I don’t think the sun is really declaring war on Earth. It will just simply do its thing. And if our thing is in sync with the sun, it is a good thing.
Geoengineering An A.I. Planetary Resource Management Solution
One of the things we know about the enemy declaring war on our choices in life is that they distrust nature, or natural things that they, at their intellectual capacity, have not tinkered with in some manner or form. Their war cry is, IF IT IS NATURAL, IT MUST BE AUGMENTED.
They are not satisfied with augmenting the birds and bees, they are already augmenting, the you and mees.
Uncensored: Worldwide Geoengineering Lawsuits!!! Landmark Case
Nikki Florio and former Mayor Reinette Senum join Maria Zeee to announce a landmark case resulting in worldwide geoengineering lawsuits to stop the existential threat that manipulating our weather through geoengineering is causing, and how this is linked to the transhumanist agenda.
The video is not only about a lawsuit going forward with the evidence necessary to lock up Bill Gates and others. It is beyond poisoning the planet. It is about how the latest research lays out the science involved in controlling the electromagnetic environment of the planet, through geoengineering. A blanket of electrically active particles, allows for better A.I. seamless communication ability, everywhere on the earth, and the ability to auto-interconnect, human and planetary, nanorobotic communication systems, to better control planetary resources remotely.
Natural Human Tech Outpaces A.I.
The propaganda of our science history, pertaining to our civilization is a linear view from apes, till the last 6,000 years of modern achievement. However accomplished geologist turned interdisciplinary scientific researcher Greg Braden, began digging through the geologic strata, to find a cyclic, rather than linear civilizational timeline.
Gregg Braden: NEW EVIDENCE! The Shocking TRUTH About How They Built The Pyramids!!
This video is intelligence info based on the latest research into interdisciplinary science. It is the story of how new methods of research and better tech in measuring and sampling are acquired in one science, resulting in overturning the assumptions of another research-based science using older methods of research. In this case, geology and astrophysics, are in a tag team cage match against, human history and its partner, Transhumanism, which is ring managed by A.I.
Two Big Actionable Takeaways
First in A.I. v Nature. No matter how hard they try. The clone of anything they create does not outlive or outperform the natural species. The video explains the science behind it.
Second, all the claims made by Kurzweil and other transhumanists have also hit a scientific roadblock. Foremost among these claims is that A.I. will be able to process more information than we can and thus we need it to become more efficient. But the current evidence in both biology and geomagnetic science continues to indicate that we are potentially limitless in our natural scalability and ability to transmit neurons at ever higher rates of speed. Speeds beyond current estimates for computer information sampling and transmission rates.
Excellent post. Thank you. This is even easier. I use strong (at least 60 PPM) double Berkey filtered CDS water for this and the results are incredible. No dirt required, just a window, some mason jars, and some great organic sprouting salad mixes. It is ready for eating in about 5 days, tastes great, and keeps in the fridge for about 7 days. This short video shows how easy it is.