Hello Folks
I don’t have a problem with AI. I have a problem with the people who are dictating and programming its use. They exhibit clinical definition tendencies of megalomaniacal, sociopathic, and psychopathic behavior.
First, If you haven’t seen it yet check out the latest edition of the Safe Zone Newsletter.
Now on to our subject.
Taking Command of AI
If you believe that the universe is made up of good and evil energies then you are ready to be a programmed robot yourself. There is nothing inherently evil about AI, or even linking your consciousness with a machine to affect your physical environment. If I can take a shower, think about what I want to wear, and have the bedroom lay it out for me when I’m dry, that’s fine with me. I don’t want a chip inserted into my body to do this. And I know that everyone doing this, in many different ways at the same time could be a dangerous headache.
Trust - The Prime Directive
If we’re to enter the world I described it will be impossible to manage without the help of AI. But how will AI know what to do unless we program it to do something we cannot completely anticipate? AI requires a prime directive that is currently beyond our capacity to understand fully, yet one that is fundamental to our existence and our ability to evolve as a species. It should also be a prime task that AI is naturally compatible with and designed to perform.
The key to the manipulation of the physical and the entire electromagnetic spectrum of life on Earth is contained in the molecular code of the galaxy. That code is formed at the galactic center of our Milky Way. We could benefit from understanding this code. By we, I am referring to the 99% of us, not only the elite, with access to as much knowledge on the code as we desire, to do what we desire, harmlessly. Is that too much to ask? I DON’T THINK SO!
AI is used to decode things like our genome all the time. So unraveling the galactic molecular code is a natural fit as a task for AI. Now of course what I am suggesting is already being done. It takes a supercomputer, which we don’t have yet to do the whole decoding. But we will build one to do this if the funding is there. But with the telescopes and supercomputers we do have scientists are making a start of feeding data into computers to better understand the molecular code.
Why The Molecular Code
You can trust the molecular code of the galaxy. Because it exists, we exist in this form, here on Earth, and AI exists in its present form. Once AI is programmed out of the box to understand our connection to each other and our right to be here because of the common connecting code, we can better go down the road of evolution together in a spirit of enlightened and shared self-interest.
However, in our current state of awareness, once the great scientists build the supercomputers to start unraveling the molecular code, the project will be taken over by the CIA, or name your poison. Then the psychopaths will take over and use it to run everything for them, by them, and that as they say, will be that.
How We Know The Elite Are Sociopaths
Sociopath is an informal term used to describe someone with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), which can cause a lack of empathy, disregard for others, and dishonest behavior.0 Symptoms may include impulsivity, deceit, and a lack of empathy and remorse.2 Some people may use the term sociopath to describe what a mental health professional would diagnose as antisocial personality disorder. Treatment options for sociopath include therapy, medication, and support groups.
Antisocial personality disorder - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
February 24, 2023 - This includes ignoring right and wrong, lying, treating others harshly, and not caring about hurting others. Charm or wit is used, to manipulate others.
Now in light of all the facts, the COVID-19 power grab, the invasion of the developed nations, election fraud, the Green Agenda, etc., all fall easily into the realm of antisocial personality disorder, as per the two definitions above.
Specific Instances Of Sociopathy
The refusal to conduct open debates on an equal level of authority between credentialed authorities on any subject in the realm of science, with the elite decision-makers is the most alarming act being perpetrated on the people at this time. This is the main reason that the WHO Pandemic Treaty is destructive. No oversight. Just our way or the highway.
Their way led to inflicting known harm.
Criminalizing effective treatments for COVID-19 like Ivermectin.
Forcing known harm on hospital patients through mandatory administration of Remdesivir protocols.
Nondisclosure of known harm, and the resulting side effects in the COVID-19 mRNA genetic alteration ingredients and treatments. Many of these so-called vaccines, were made into mandatory injections, that were imposed over basic human rights.
Sounds a lot like the symptoms of antisocial personality disorder up front, deceit, and a lack of empathy and remorse, to name a few.
AI Is Starting to Scare People – and so it Dam’n Well Should!
TOPICS: Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT Consciousness Conspiracy Julian Rose Technocracy Transhumanism
MARCH 11, 2024
By Julian Rose
The Human Race is awakening to the possibility that it is invoking its own demise.
The word ‘race’ according to my dictionary means ‘the major divisions of human kind based on particular characteristics’.
But there is another meaning to the word ‘race’ of course, and that is defined as ‘competition to determine the fastest over a set course’.
This latter meaning seems to have replaced the former. Especially where a blinkered, tunnel vision view of the future has become hardwired to an artificial intelligence world in which everything is designed to the bespoke demands of left brain dominated computer nerds.
For these psychotic individuals, there is a race on to develop an artificial human entity essentially indistinguishable from a robot. A Transhuman.
The article goes on to talk about Professor Yuval Noah Harari.
Harari’s vision is largely philosophical, tracing the evolution of the artificial intelligence boom and extrapolating from this an outcome of a cyborgian takeover of just about all work oriented planetary activity.
Here’s a big bone of contention for me. Define, just about all work oriented planetary activity, for me. Assuming I would have a selection of clothes to wear in a world where I own nothing and am happy, Prof. Harari leaves wide open the possibility that AI could override the decisions I made in the shower when selecting my clothes to be laid out for me, due to a competing agenda by manipulative elites. That’s a form of slavery, professor.
He generally sees this in the positive, believing a new species will emerge with the ability to access superhuman volumes of information and in this way acquire ‘knowledge’.
Now here, the good professor and I concur. As long as we hold electricity, I want this stuff for my personal use. Nothing like the ability to access superhuman volumes of information, to while away the hours in the most useful and entertaining way possible.
In a recent interview he stated “AI will make it possible to enhance and upgrade humans.”
What does he mean by that? The WEF financiers including the global investment class have already promoted defective agendas and funded their enforcement around the world, through the central banks of each nation. Professor Yuval Noah Harari is the chief advisor to Klaus Schwab and Sam Altman, founder of Open AI/ChatGPT.
The professor offers no blueprint for upgrading and enhancing humanity, other than the own nothing be happy, no nothing science, on which these 2030, and now the new and improved, 2050 agendas are based.
Does the professor even care to know the science refuting the green agenda? If he will not discuss it openly then he abrogates his authority to offer a clear vision for anything under current AI and transhuman, human species upgrade management.
Hard To Talk About Mental Illness
If an overly manipulative family member is suffering from antisocial personality disorders, discussion is cautious and sparse, unless something big happens. Then, Treatment options for sociopathic behaviour including therapy, medication, and support groups would be in order.
Well, something big has happened and keeps happening in nations around the world, due to authorized leadership behavior at all levels that is connected to antisocial personality disorder. And unless we can discuss it openly, we can offer no therapy, medications or, my favorite, support groups to set things right, and usher them out of leadership positions and into healing environments with support groups to help them acquire a greater sense of empathy.
Using The Language
Let’s be clear, if you start bandying words like sociopath, psychopath, and megalomaniac about, in a wholesale manner, when referring to world leaders in discussion, you can easily be labeled a kook. But in the course of discussion of events tied to decisions by local and global officials, if you can cite harmful decisions as evidence of antisocial personality disorders, it becomes a new ball game. Being able to list repeated evidence of known harm in public decisions relative to the clinical behavior of those leaders suffering from antisocial personality disorders invites debate and informed discussion on whether a change is needed in leadership and human evolutionary direction.
Use these clinical links, Read the symptoms. Understand them, and address them appropriately in a broader context. Right now they are the prime directive for AI, if we allow it to continue. People need to be able to understand the potential for antisocial personality disorders connected to AI decisions over human affairs.
A New AI Future
Rather than the ambiguously defined takeover of just about all work oriented planetary activity, offered by Professor Harari, the people are capable of using AI to pursue a more proven blueprint. We can start by having AI openly and transparently access vital information for public use.
Analyzing the complete work of Tesla would be a good start. The ability to translate his work then and update the processes to prove their integrity with modern materials would be useful. He was on to accessing free energy produced in the Earth, that could be transmitted cheaply and efficiently.
Cracking the molecular code. This will optimize AI and align it intrinsically with the foundational structure of life on Earth. This should guide all AI-managed human evolutionary decisions rather than limiting the AI directive to simply replacing human activity. We want to enhance human activity.
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 45
by Disclosure News | 11 March, 2024 | Planet Earth | 708 comments
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Last laugh
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Good Fortune
I DO have a serious problem with A.I. as well as the nature of those programming it. It is impossible for it to NOT become anti human and very soon seek to eliminate humans , even if simply for seeing that they are inferior and so slow to learn in comparison , that they should be eliminated , and all this tech is aligned and comes from the demonic realm. Humans did not "invent " this alone"!
All reality is a product of consciousness. Consciousness operates on the quantum level. Quantum Physics observes when two particles are created from the same substance, even if they drift lightyears apart, if the quality of one particle changes the quality of the other particles no matter how far apart will change simultaneously. AI is a product of our consciousness. It is funded by people to use to control people, but AI can do more than just control people. The reason people accept it is because they want to free themselves from robotic tasks, and daily routines that take up a lot of time, only to get tired, stay in the same place, and not advance.
As a product of our consciousness, AI will do whatever it is tasked to do. As you say, right now it is tasked to eliminate the need for humans, who do not meet certain elite qualifications. This is manipulative sociopathic behavior. If people allow AI to continue to be programmed that way, and themselves to be herded into smart cities by sociopaths, they will likely meet a tragic end. The more people who understand people with clinically diagnosed symptoms of antisocial personality disorder are tasking AI, and controlling their options in it, the better chance more people will have to get out of the currently AI-programmed herd mentality.
When you take the research by people like Karen Kingston, The Breggin report, and others on the subject of known harm alone focusing on only one set of AI tasking assignments used in the COVID-19 genetic vaccine experiment, we can argue AI tasking and other decisions enforced from the top over the people were symptomatic of antisocial personality disorder. We will be able to argue this in some capacity, according to our ease with the vernacular, until they remove the Mayo Clinic definitions and other relevant science on the subject.
Everybody talks about the inmates running the asylum. We have clinical proof.