I DO have a serious problem with A.I. as well as the nature of those programming it. It is impossible for it to NOT become anti human and very soon seek to eliminate humans , even if simply for seeing that they are inferior and so slow to learn in comparison , that they should be eliminated , and all this tech is aligned and comes from the demonic realm. Humans did not "invent " this alone"!

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All reality is a product of consciousness. Consciousness operates on the quantum level. Quantum Physics observes when two particles are created from the same substance, even if they drift lightyears apart, if the quality of one particle changes the quality of the other particles no matter how far apart will change simultaneously. AI is a product of our consciousness. It is funded by people to use to control people, but AI can do more than just control people. The reason people accept it is because they want to free themselves from robotic tasks, and daily routines that take up a lot of time, only to get tired, stay in the same place, and not advance.

As a product of our consciousness, AI will do whatever it is tasked to do. As you say, right now it is tasked to eliminate the need for humans, who do not meet certain elite qualifications. This is manipulative sociopathic behavior. If people allow AI to continue to be programmed that way, and themselves to be herded into smart cities by sociopaths, they will likely meet a tragic end. The more people who understand people with clinically diagnosed symptoms of antisocial personality disorder are tasking AI, and controlling their options in it, the better chance more people will have to get out of the currently AI-programmed herd mentality.

When you take the research by people like Karen Kingston, The Breggin report, and others on the subject of known harm alone focusing on only one set of AI tasking assignments used in the COVID-19 genetic vaccine experiment, we can argue AI tasking and other decisions enforced from the top over the people were symptomatic of antisocial personality disorder. We will be able to argue this in some capacity, according to our ease with the vernacular, until they remove the Mayo Clinic definitions and other relevant science on the subject.

Everybody talks about the inmates running the asylum. We have clinical proof.

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