Economic Liquidity and the Hidden Headlines You're Not Allowed To See
Fed website news, BARRON'S, Michael Yeadon, Activist Post
This is a classic example just reported on by Gregory Mannarino of the kind of headline the system must publish publicly to gain further authority over the public, in the form of our tacit, approval, by not protesting and merely complying.
This is mandatory under the system of natural law we have been discussing in the newsletter, to which all on earth apparently are bound, given the evidence of our actions.
The System Is So Insolvent, Money Must Be Printed To Keep Money Moving Through The System
Just to prove the point of this morning’s newsletter edition, Greg reported today that on March 19th, the Federal Reserve Published this news on its website.
Six Central Banks, Bank of Canada, Bank of England, Bank of Japan, European Central Bank, Federal Reserve, and Swiss National Bank, announced a coordinated action to enhance the supply of liquidity in the financial system.
That Means Accelerating the Collapse of the System
To better understand the mechanism of collapse in our present debt system, please read this morning’s edition.
Global Reset Moves Forward 600bil Ticks, IN ONE MONTH
COUNTDOWN TO RESET ACCELERATING - 3tril in global assets backing over 300tril of global debt
The economy as a matter of basic math is currently insolvent and being kept alive through the increasing printing of debt.
More central banks may now join in or form separate partnerships to keep the system liquid, till the reset hour freezes the economy. Now we know one of the primary mechanisms we are participating in through this six central bank coordinated action.
BARRON’S, Mar 20, 2023 at 3:57 am ET
Federal Reserve, Other Central Banks Move to Shore Up Dollar Liquidity
By Adam Clark
The Federal Reserve and five other central banks have taken measures to provide dollar liquidity in a bid to stem fallout from panic in the banking sector.
The central banks said Sunday that they would offer daily operations to access U.S. dollar funding via existing swap lines, from weekly previously. Swap lines allow central banks to obtain foreign currency from their peers and supply it to their domestic commercial banks.
Apart from the Fed, the action was launched by the…
Political Authority To Manage Central Bank Assets
As we have stated, the entire political and economic system is controlled by private investors through the central banks. All politicians of significance are pre-selected by the party and then allowed to run in an election. Global investors often rig the elections of significant politicians of either party to their advantage. Politicians are required to do this under the bylaws of the US Government Corporation, a privately held institution, overseeing capital investment, and regulating US citizens and government-verified residents’ inalienable rights, under the Constitution. The political system is no longer obligated or allowed to defend inalienable rights. They are now in the business of regulating them.
Michael Yeadon Knows This But Will Not Say It
In a recent video, Michael Yeadon came out strongly and in dismay over what he described as the overreach of political authority. But Michael comes from the business side and has first-hand knowledge of the true business of government.
'It's Offensive': Dr. Mike Yeadon Issues a Stark Warning Against Central Digital Currencies
The U.S. Government Corporation is similar to many other so-called national governments, with similarly regulated constitutions, and political systems, and government managers, selected to oversee bank investments. Look up the US Govt. Corp. Last foundational reform was around 1940. Rather write now, than research this, for this article.
Point is, Michael appears to believe, like many, if he milks the system, by sticking to a system, political system guideline, he will be able to turn loyalty away from the system in favor of the People in some way. that is of course the best hope for a motive here.
But his motive is based on real evidence in the form of first-hand testimony from Michael, in which he clearly identifies, crimes, and criminals, to set the justification stage, for our own reset. the practical mindset of natural authority and obligation, to form courts of justice, without loyalty to the criminal system of justice, owned by the unspeakable, central banks.
Dr. Mike Yeadon Shows No Mercy for Those Involved in the Greatest Offense Against Humanity
Loyalty, for or against a criminal system is in question. Agenda 2030 is a survival concern for many
Government managers latest prime directive in last minutes before economic reset - EMPOWER CHAOS WITH AUTHORITY
This latest article from Activist Post lays waste the mechanisms in place, brining chaos to your door, with each debt unit you transact.
A State of Never-Ending Crisis: The Government Is Fomenting Mass Hysteria
TOPICS: ConstitutionJohn WhiteheadNisha WhiteheadPropaganda
MARCH 29, 2023
By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead
“This country has been having a nationwide nervous breakdown since 9/11. A nation of people suddenly broke, the market economy goes to shit, and they’re threatened on every side by an unknown, sinister enemy. But I don’t think fear is a very effective way of dealing with things—of responding to reality. Fear is just another word for ignorance.”—Hunter S. Thompson, gonzo journalist
We have become guinea pigs in a ruthlessly calculated, carefully orchestrated, chillingly cold-blooded experiment in how to control a population and advance a political agenda without much opposition from the citizenry.
This is mind-control in its most sinister form.
With alarming regularity, the nation is being subjected to a spate of violence that terrorizes the public, destabilizes the country, and gives the government greater justifications…
The Entire World Economy Could COMPLETELY COLLAPSE At Any Moment. Here's Why. Mannarino
Keep your boots on the ground.
Why Is This A Crime Under Natural Law?
It can be viewed as both a personal crime and a crime against inalienable rights. Although the public disclosure absolves general criminality due to de-facto public consent, demonstrated through acts of compliance, often ritualistic, such as general mask-wearing, a practice tied to belief. Freedom of belief is essential in the Law. However, this does not absolve the system from fraud, due to the lack of full disclosure. The full disclosure penalties, and resulting human rights offenses, when or if determined, must be judged by the People, according to our authority, based on our perception and action in the law. Michael Yeadon advocates a vision of this process along with many others.
OATH OF OFFICE CRIMES - Personal Public Witness Under The Law
When you speak a thing, out loud, you anchor it in this range governing our biological spectrum. Interestingly, in the Christian Bible, the word is the beginning, and catalyst of Creation. The Law as it has come to us, pre-dates Christianity and all religious beliefs, likely by eons. However, the outlines of the Law are clearly referenced in all religions, beliefs, and ancient records, from around the world.
When you speak a thing you put your authority behind it. In the case of public authority, it becomes a public crime, when your acts conflict with your public pledge, granting, the transference of public authority to you. In the case of all politicians, and their oath of office, the people have a clear case and Constitutional reasoning in many nations, on which to base constitutionally legal public courts, to gather evidence and even apprehend uncooperative witnesses, and seize evidence to require the support of any judicial official, sworn to uphold the inalienable rights, of legal persons, governed under the constitution.