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Thank you so much for posting more about me. James Roguski also did a nice post here:


AND NOT ONE GIG EVER CAME OF IT! NOT ONE! I constantly am starving and desperate for gigs and no matter how hard I try, I can never get enough to make me feel happy that I am SPREADING THE YOGA LOVE adequately to audiences out there.

Hey world, I STRUGGLE so hard to get gigs. Ageism and sexism pose near insurmountable barriers! It's like smashing my head against brick walls to get anyone with the resources to rent venues and produce shows to WANT me. If I had those resources, I would have been making my own events years ago.

So I live with this crazy-making heartbreak every waking moment I am not performing and it never gets any better or easier and I refuse to give up - I live to perform and perform to live, and in my long 68 years of existence, performing my yoga dances is the ONLY thing that ever made me happy, believe me I tried all kinds of things and it's gigs or death and I am not ready to join my ancestors in the spirit world for a long time!

I wish Azealia Banks could hire me to perform my flexible freestyle yoga dancing to her live music at her gigs but celebrities like her are so far above my level of obscure insignificance in the entertainment world that such a thing could NEVER happen.

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