I do not think these people are that smart. The tippy top is perhaps very smart. But in the process of dumbing down their workforce and management teams, they're stuck with what they've got.
The inspiration from Solution Seeking has carried over into conversations in our newsletter articles. I was chatting with one of our commentators and he led me to sum up in my mind, what we can actually observe from the behavior of the very top of the global elite.
I am quite sure "they" who have built these enormous facilities underground DO have the Looking Glass and Chrono-vision tech. and teams of remote viewers and psychics to attempt to SEE and or manipulate time line potentials. So why would they put all their eggs in these baskets only to fail? Larry and I have also been discussing thoughts on "so how did our ancient ancestors survive these events and other disaters}? That there were other advanced civilizations here before , Im absolutely certain with lots of experience and research as well but as the song says "Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind"
Observing The Elite
The underground facilities were begun long before the science we are discussing was known. We now know how all this works in the last ten years, with solid confirmations in the last 5 to the present. Darpa and Haarpa, need to catch uppa. This is not a rowboat of an underground operation, it is the largest liner in the fleet, and hard to turn quickly. I will go out on a limb and say, they didn't know how solar intensity worked at various levels via the global electric circuit, even earthquakes, conclusively, since the last 5 or so years. Earthquakes and volcanoes have about 9 years of solid evidence.
Many of their people are exempt from the dumb-down experimentation, but how many functional people are needed to reorganize the experimental units, at their various stages of readiness, into turning things around in 20 to 30 years? Complicating this is the likelihood of our 1,000+ X-class friend, taking out the grid in 12 years or less. The tippy-top people we do not see clearly, are certainly protecting themselves. The way a person prepares is a clue to their functionality in this excursion process.
Functionality is at a premium now. the battle for a functional lifestyle is on.
Rampant Speculation v Evidence
Because the tippy top is obscured, they make great science fiction subjects. What if the humans at the top feel betrayed by the aliens? Why didn't they tell them not to build underground? Maybe the aliens or angels couldn't tell them, because it was going to be known by humanity anyway, and letting the cat out of the bag, would implicate and disrupt them somehow in the magnetic excursion process. What if for some reason, there are no alien gods? What if because this is a materialistic cycle, we're on our own and the gods either don't exist or they get to sit this one out, and pick up the pieces later? If it's worth the trouble. So the people at the tippy top are on their own. They are sick. They were hoping to develop a nonorganic process of DNA reconstruction to save themselves. Now they realize it may be too late. They are sore losers and will take everyone with them if they don't succeed.
Who knows?
Scientific Evidence
We do know their green model climate assumptions are 10 to 25 years old. They want to say climate change now, not global warming. But turning around the climate machinery to encompass magnetic excursion is difficult. Especially because of their insistence on carbon regulation, based on Co2. There have been hundreds of studies carefully questioning current Co2 models., They routinely confirm Co2 is far too heavily weighted in climate models, relative to current observations on its effects.
Historic Human Behavior
I can not say these people are smarter than most people. They operate like historic crooks. People of violence who when they stole something like knowledge paid someone to tell them what it meant, and kept the important stuff to use over people. Dozens of families and criminal operations from different regions of the world involved with this over time. Their power comes from what we don't know that they do, and they are intent on keeping us from knowing it. They can then use what we call ancient science to their advantage. They know if we know just the basic stuff, they burned the ancient libraries to conceal, that they will be eating our dust. They are inferior people pretending to be like Gods. They are the wizard, behind the curtain.
Their Observable Power | Our Ignorance
They have no power other than what we give them. And we are forced to give them power in many ways to survive, on their stolen goods. And we transact with each other, with their goods, as commodities till our mid-50s, listed by our bank name, in the futures market. We do all of this under their rules of commerce. They rule a global Oz, populated by beings of energic intelligence, who have been compartmentalized and instructed that we are sheep, in a hostile environment, requiring superior technology they will lead and authorize, to overcome nature's unpredictable and impetuous whims.
Magnetic Excursion | Exploding The Myth Of Tech Supremacy
The fact of cycles that are predictable could have been known by people at the tippy top before underground bases were begun. We know the CIA buried 12,000-year climate cycle info in the 60s. However, only in the last 8-10 years and significantly over the last 3, has there been enough evidence from all the different sciences that have to align their data, to advance a serious argument that we are in a magnetic excursion cycle now, and may be due for a big event in 30 or fewer years.
In all respects, they appear as human as I am. They acted according to their perception of their power on a timeline, I can observe, identify a learning-to-action curve from, and place them with me today, acting the way they do, within.
The Alien/Demon/Gods Factors
I cannot observe aliens or gods in my living room. I can observe their actions and things that happened, on a timeline, of power and privilege, however, and they appear very human. Possibly terminally ill, from their perspective. A lot of their top people end up in hospitals. Perhaps the acorn doesn't fall far from the oak in this case. Workplace hazards of extreme power. However ancient records with knowledge of cycles, which our science is now confirming, also indicate the potential for gods and aliens. So, when I see it, I'll know what they mean.
Current Tactics
They at the top, are accelerating their debt printing to disastrous proportions, as we are expanding our awareness, in their battle for loyalty and dependence over us, in the final moment of inevitable economic collapse. Potential war, or global emergency event and reset. And as the reset approaches, 1 million people will begin to fall through the cracks, with the significant potential to influence our future, one way or the other.
They are also beginning to realize that no one trusts the global medical establishment. Their efforts at forced “vaccination” has fallen far short. As people are beginning to wake up to their victim status as a human experiment, many who have lost everything, will seek vengance
Prosecuting Medical/Political Criminals For Murder, and Harm
As bad as the American Frontline Doctors’ legal efforts are developing, Dr. Christine Northrup’s organization Stand Firm Now, is on a very successful track.
She further outlines the inherent weaknesses of the globalists and their increasing inability to cope with the rising level of awareness among the public, leading to legal and other strategies. Establishing crimes against the population and lifestyle choices for the defense of rights, along with firm legal strategies to force loyalty to the law among doctors, and government officials, who under the law, are trustees of the public property and authority.
Christiane Northrup Joins Reinette Senum
Medical affidavits recording Covid vaccine harms, & how electroculture & citizen engagement are changing The Game.
It is not possible to legislate murder and grant yourselves immunity.
This is the legal message from the lead attorney in the case, Shawn Rice, Admiralty/Maritime Contract Law. This was the message to state legislatures in Maine, being asked to consider exemptions to CDC guidelines approving mandatory “vaccinations” against covid for infants as young as 6 months old.
Shawn’s strategy is based on affidavits.
Why Affidavits Are So Powerful
Affidavits That Cannot Be Dismissed In Court
The Affidavit is evidence that cannot be dismissed because it is in the form of a NOTARIZED AFFIDAVIT.
Notarized documents are a key component. A notary is a public officer of the court who notarizes and authenticates legal documents. In order for an affidavit to be admitted as evidence in court, it must be notarized.
A NOTARIZED AFFIDAVIT with a video testimony reading the statements cannot be thrown out by the judge.
This level of evidence is non-negotiable and not dismissible by the courts.
There are over 120 supporting documents, listed as evidence in any court with dozens of supporting documents within them as well.
Evidence of Crime On A Massive Scale
Just want to give you a flavor of what I mean. From their site, just two or three from some categories.
Supporting Evidence
Early COVID Treatment Works
A Comparative Study on Ivermectin-Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin Therapy on COVID-19 Patients, Abu Taiub Mohammed Mohiuddin Chowdhury, Mohammad Shahbaz, Md Rezaul Karim, Jahirul Islam, Guo Dan, Shuixiang He
Early initiation of prophylactic anticoagulation for prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 mortality in patients admitted to hospital in the United States: cohort study, Matthew S Freiberg, et al
Vaccinating Children Means Unnecessary Risks
Deaths by Age U.S. : 0-18, Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Why is COVID-19 less severe in children? A review of the proposed mechanisms underlying the age-related difference in severity of SARS-CoV-2 infections, Petra Zimmermann, Nigel Curtis
SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination-Associated Myocarditis in Children Ages 12-17: A Stratified National Database Analysis, Tracy Beth Høeg, Allison Krug, Josh Stevenson, John Mandrola
COVID-Recovered Immunity is Durable
One-year sustained cellular and humoral immunities of COVID-19 convalescents, Jie Zhang, Hao Lin, Beiwei Ye, Min Zhao, Jianbo Zhan, et al.
Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections, Sivan Gazit, Roei Shlezinger, Galit Perez, Roni Lotan, Asaf Peretz, Amir Ben-Tov, Dani Cohen, Khitam Muhsen, Gabriel Chodick, Tal Patalon.
There are hundreds of exhibits. These are documents supporting Exhibit 1 COVID 19
PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless (pdf)Download
Exhibit 2 Affidavits Information Resources & Relevant Laws (pdf)Download
Exhibit 3 Leading Virologist-Pandemic is Hoax (pdf)Download
Exhibit 4 WHO Statistics Johns Hopkins Covid Resources Center (pdf)Download
Exhibit 5 Testimony of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Esq (pdf)Download
There are thousands of documents underlying hundreds of exhibits, establishing the mRNA experimental treatments as a bioweapon.
1 Million Hit With The Bioweapon
The use of covid to launch a series of strategies to reduce the population’s size, health, and power is easily established based on the affidavit strategy. There would not be shortages, there would be free travel without unnecessary restrictions. This is why 1 million people are falling through the cracks beginning now.
In the Reinette Senum, Foghorn Express interview, Christine lays out a broad strategy based on bringing evidence into court based on affidavits.
Reinette Senum's Foghorn Express
Christiane Northrup Joins Reinette Senum
Medical affidavits recording Covid vaccine harms, & how electroculture & citizen engagement are changing The Game.
APR 11, 2023
I could write a book to answer here, so Ill start , your 1st paragraph, UNDERGROUND facilities and Secret space programs are not all past. They are current to this minute , where do you think all the money and resources are going?
Are you so sure they dont know about Solar intensity underground, remember throughout my responses, I say they are way AHEAD of what they let us know about.
The tippy top may be somewhat obscured , but what is just underneath them is not, they are mostly known , at least by some of us who have put the time in on this discovery. I say the tippy top as you call it is NOT HUMAN, or human as we are , maybe humanoid , but not same as us . Despite what most Christians seem to believe , I say there is a difference between the demonic world/and beings and extraterrestrial humanoids or species . There may certainly be interface here though and lots of evidence to suggest this .
I have no doubt the top humans feel betrayed,have been, or will be, the useful idiot idea did not originate here Im sure hahahah.
Yes green climate model is flawed and mostly made up , same with Co2 thing , but massive ecosystem destruction, pollution, and extinction levels are REAL , and THEY did it by their greed and ignorance and separation from nature, and lust for power, and WE allowed it rather than rising up and changing the direction.
Yes on one hand its cliche to say "they" have no power but what WE give them . Yes true on one hand , but the power to DO that to EVERYONE is POWER, and I disagree with you that they are not very smart , cunning, devious and diabolical , at least enough to pull it off . Yes I know they kill and eliminate the rebels wherever possible . I know I am one and lived my entire life attempting to reveal this whole madness. lIKELY many lifetimes .
Appearing human is easy for them because most only look with their eyes and NOT THEIR BRAINS. Do you know for SURE what you say you see in your living room [TV] I suppose [I have never owned one]., are REALLY HUMAN ? Go watch the mask videos and or BEST holographs or Russian cyborgs or all those eyes going vertical slit pupils on TV people , they are not ALL fake. Go watch the best special effects in a movie like AVATAR series and tell me if you were shown such on NETWORK TV , if you would know for sure if its REAL or NOT. [PROJECT BLUE BEAM is coming be ready.]
Now to Reinette Senum and Dr Northrup interview , I just watched it the other day. I LOVE THEM BOTH DEARLY , but I wanted to scream [ YOUR BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE, SEARCHING FOR A REMEDY, FROM THE ENEMY] I think I ll put that in a song. They both admit some of the things they are kind of new in learning about but are truly trying as warriors . SOME of us have pursued ALL those attempts withing the enemies JUSTUS SYSTEM for decades , none of it is new to us. I have lived outside the system , with no B certificate , SS numbers or adhesion contracts All my life . The system they want to work through WILL NOT POLICE , OR PROSECUTE ITSELF. They will not accept all these countermeasures , sovereign razzle dazzle, or affidavits or any of this TO BRING THEM DOWN. Your still using THEIR SYSTEM, PROCEDURES , OR PROCESS, THEREBY STILL GIVING THEM JURISDICTION, VENUE AND AUTHORITY. We dont have ANY COMMON LAW COURTS so attempting to use COMMON LAW wont work , regardless of the fact that the CONSTITUTION [which they no longer use is supposed to be compatible] ASK this question, who is my or our compelling FORCE when push comes to shove, who will arrest the judges and prosecutors and elected officials who violate MY or OUR RIGHTS. We dont have any yet , or an army to defend the country or world we are trying to build.
When that asshole judge threatens and then charges YOU with contempt of court for your frivolous , documents , actions and process, THE SHERIFF DEPUTY wearing a GUN next to him, protecting HIM will come and handcuff YOU and put you in prison with no time limitations. Its THEIR SYSTEM, they are drunk on the power it has given them. Doing ALL THESE THINGS NOW only identifies YOU as a domestic terrorist, enemy combatant, with a KNOWN ADDRESS, get it. If millions would have done this decades ago when most of us were alone doing it , it might have been successful. NOT NOW .Also many agents are out there looking for the gullible new rebels to hook them on this direction and waste their time and money and IDENTIFY them further . Thats all for now . I hope this gets to those lovely women, I do love their efforts REDIRECT IT TO PREPAREDNESS and solutions seeking with great minds with more experience. SK
Excellent article. Thanks. It ties together many points. But skips over what is perhaps the most important point? Simply... HOW do we STOP them from harming humanity and the planet? Can we anticipate what their next moves will be and leverage off that? Instead of just sitting back and watching their divide and conquer efforts succeed in getting the 99% to kill and destroy each other, can we get the 99% to realize that the enemy is really their root cause enemy, and then win this war? I am astounded at how the simple discussion I request here is avoided. And I wonder why it is avoided, either not responded to, or given responses that do not address it. Perhaps you can tell me? Thanks again.