I could write a book to answer here, so Ill start , your 1st paragraph, UNDERGROUND facilities and Secret space programs are not all past. They are current to this minute , where do you think all the money and resources are going?
Are you so sure they dont know about Solar intensity underground, remember throughout my responses, I say they are way AHEAD of what they let us know about.
The tippy top may be somewhat obscured , but what is just underneath them is not, they are mostly known , at least by some of us who have put the time in on this discovery. I say the tippy top as you call it is NOT HUMAN, or human as we are , maybe humanoid , but not same as us . Despite what most Christians seem to believe , I say there is a difference between the demonic world/and beings and extraterrestrial humanoids or species . There may certainly be interface here though and lots of evidence to suggest this .
I have no doubt the top humans feel betrayed,have been, or will be, the useful idiot idea did not originate here Im sure hahahah.
Yes green climate model is flawed and mostly made up , same with Co2 thing , but massive ecosystem destruction, pollution, and extinction levels are REAL , and THEY did it by their greed and ignorance and separation from nature, and lust for power, and WE allowed it rather than rising up and changing the direction.
Yes on one hand its cliche to say "they" have no power but what WE give them . Yes true on one hand , but the power to DO that to EVERYONE is POWER, and I disagree with you that they are not very smart , cunning, devious and diabolical , at least enough to pull it off . Yes I know they kill and eliminate the rebels wherever possible . I know I am one and lived my entire life attempting to reveal this whole madness. lIKELY many lifetimes .
Appearing human is easy for them because most only look with their eyes and NOT THEIR BRAINS. Do you know for SURE what you say you see in your living room [TV] I suppose [I have never owned one]., are REALLY HUMAN ? Go watch the mask videos and or BEST holographs or Russian cyborgs or all those eyes going vertical slit pupils on TV people , they are not ALL fake. Go watch the best special effects in a movie like AVATAR series and tell me if you were shown such on NETWORK TV , if you would know for sure if its REAL or NOT. [PROJECT BLUE BEAM is coming be ready.]
Now to Reinette Senum and Dr Northrup interview , I just watched it the other day. I LOVE THEM BOTH DEARLY , but I wanted to scream [ YOUR BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE, SEARCHING FOR A REMEDY, FROM THE ENEMY] I think I ll put that in a song. They both admit some of the things they are kind of new in learning about but are truly trying as warriors . SOME of us have pursued ALL those attempts withing the enemies JUSTUS SYSTEM for decades , none of it is new to us. I have lived outside the system , with no B certificate , SS numbers or adhesion contracts All my life . The system they want to work through WILL NOT POLICE , OR PROSECUTE ITSELF. They will not accept all these countermeasures , sovereign razzle dazzle, or affidavits or any of this TO BRING THEM DOWN. Your still using THEIR SYSTEM, PROCEDURES , OR PROCESS, THEREBY STILL GIVING THEM JURISDICTION, VENUE AND AUTHORITY. We dont have ANY COMMON LAW COURTS so attempting to use COMMON LAW wont work , regardless of the fact that the CONSTITUTION [which they no longer use is supposed to be compatible] ASK this question, who is my or our compelling FORCE when push comes to shove, who will arrest the judges and prosecutors and elected officials who violate MY or OUR RIGHTS. We dont have any yet , or an army to defend the country or world we are trying to build.
When that asshole judge threatens and then charges YOU with contempt of court for your frivolous , documents , actions and process, THE SHERIFF DEPUTY wearing a GUN next to him, protecting HIM will come and handcuff YOU and put you in prison with no time limitations. Its THEIR SYSTEM, they are drunk on the power it has given them. Doing ALL THESE THINGS NOW only identifies YOU as a domestic terrorist, enemy combatant, with a KNOWN ADDRESS, get it. If millions would have done this decades ago when most of us were alone doing it , it might have been successful. NOT NOW .Also many agents are out there looking for the gullible new rebels to hook them on this direction and waste their time and money and IDENTIFY them further . Thats all for now . I hope this gets to those lovely women, I do love their efforts REDIRECT IT TO PREPAREDNESS and solutions seeking with great minds with more experience. SK
Excellent reply. I could spend all day investigating the various concepts. But, time is short. I hope I am not like a stuck record. But, I will say it again. For me, the most pressing quest is to concentrate on and quickly figure out HOW to STOP the enemy's ability to harm humanity and the planet. It is probably the most urgent, challenging, and complex goal in human history. Nothing Einstein ever did compares to it for urgency, complexity, and challenge. Either we do this or the human race goes extinct and our enemy will turn this planet Into a toxic microwave hell where it will have absolute God like monitoring and control over all the mutated life it allows to exist here.
Yes, I KNOW that what I write here does not have to be true, and there are many other possibilities. What are the other viable explanations of our current situation? HOW do we move forward and WHERE do we go from here?
My solution is simple. Overwhelm the system, with the authority we already have, that is already in place, but currently mothballed. We have all of these supposedly constitutional lawyers, wanting millions to join them in their fight. But they can't simply get together and establish the legal authority for a million, just to start with, to non-comply with criminal acts and establish authority over criminals. I would non-comply in a heartbeat if there was the kind of competent, free, public-supported, legal counsel I had available to me in the 60s and early 70s.
If we do not establish true legal authority now the People will choose any authority, over murderous chaos during the economic collapse, even criminal CBDC authority. The way to stop the enemy is to define the enemy as criminals, under an established standard of criminality already in the Constitution. A document they the criminals, presently are still sworn to uphold.
The House of reps may not go along, but county and local administrators when faced with massive legal resistance against specified crimes will be less inclined to comply with criminal acts.
It appears to me that under the Constitution, the People have 2 choices. 1. Surrender to global authority. 2. Oppose global economic control at the time of the collapse, seize all global assets implicated in crimes under investigation and properly adjudicate.
Where we are now this is impossible. Where we are if 1 million fall through the cracks individuals are organized to resist forced participation in crimes. Organized to non-comply and either mass surrender and overwhelm the jails, refuse to surrender and overwhelm the police, or both. When that happens, everyone will think twice about their authority to act in their own best interests.
We either establish our legal authority, or we have no legal authority. Any solution requires legal authority on some level in the public mind. Even if it is authority established through fear. There are only two kinds of authority. the power to make and keep agreements, and the power to make and break agreements. The constitution is the former. CBDC is the power to break agreements made to many by the few.
Right now the elite is consolidating authority, loyalty, and trust through punishment and reward.
If without authority we have no solution then our solution is to establish our authority.
Can your solution be grouped into one of the 6 categories of solutions discussed below or does it need to be given its own category to stand alone? If it needs to be given its own category, can you please suggest a short name for it that we might use in including it in the next article that will attempt to do a better job of the evaluation of all known solutions? I now invite you to participate in that evaluation using the techniques discussed below. If you cannot or will not do that, I will have to attempt it myself, I would prefer that you do this.
I would say there are 3 of the 6. The main one is F, Violence will occur in chaos. But our ninja efforts are more survival self-reliance, with the defense of home and property as needed. Ninja also means overwhelming the legal system as well. But B applies generally because we have to expand our information-sharing to form separate strategies that converge naturally or one concerted strategy.
But there is an element of E involved. I assume any solution requires public support for alternative legal enforceable authority to participate. Because any solution will require a degree of loyalty at many levels I believe it needs THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY AND MILITARY REALIGNMENT ALTERNATIVE, or element to carry the day.
So put me down as F with the comments around it applying.
My belief is that a framework like this is what is needed to move forward. Something that encompasses all possible known solutions in ways almost anybody can understand. Have as many others as possible do write-ups on what they think and why. Then invite discussions and explorations of hybrid solutions, new ideas, etc.
As facilitator, I must go with D. It had the highest ratings. I did not disclose the ratings because they were done far too fast, and what went into them was far too complex. I feel that all of these 6, and more, will erupt in some form, so D is not a cop out, it is required for analysis. This does not mean that D is the only one that should be analyzed, when we analyze them all, we are also analyzing D.
Timing is important.
And so is strategic analysis and planning. Specifically, for now, how to change the enemy's plans for when things get really bad for more people into things that work in our favor. The enemy will seek to divide and conquer as it victimizes more people and they become homeless, starving, desperate, etc. Or maybe a critical mass of victims will realize that the death rates are very high and they are at risk. The enemy will then try to set the victims at each other's throats. We MUST convince the 99% that the root cause enemy is where their frustration, hatred, and actions should be directed. Can you imagine how quickly our world might change if the Russian VS Ukraine (and all their supporters) militaries suddenly turned on their puppet commanders and started rooting out the enemy and destroying it instead of following the orders of their criminally insane puppet leaders? There would be far less death and collateral damage than if this idiotic war keeps going?
I like D a lot. It is a primal objective, for a basecamp on which to build a new city. My first writing on the reset was about; How WE, have to create and actualize in our lives, a vision of what real reset is for us. Do not assume that the global vision is the reset with any power over us. Instead, focus on what you want and live it into being as much as you can.
What the elites know is that thoughts are things. They know that if they can continue to keep us locked into their vision we will create the reset for them to control.
In occult so-called teachings, this elite can be called wizards, or magicians.
Voodoo is a simple model for how it works. The practitioner gets into the person's mind, conversation or otherwise, and gets them thinking and worrying along certain subjects, lines of thought leading to possible outcomes. The ritualistic aspects of the practitioner vary, but center on increasing an internal sense of control of the thoughts in the person's mind. Sometimes herbs are used in the process of medication for the subject. Voodoo preys on weak people. It can also help weak people.
Sometimes, when the thoughts of the wise practitioner are in alignment with the person's true motives, they can make a weak person strong.
On an island or rural region of a country, if a medical, or wellness, practitioner(s) works for the land owners, they want to build a workforce. The thought forms connected to treating conditions in a patient, are then directed in the landowner's interests. Sometimes good practitioners are killed or driven away.
The reset thought form is based on this principle of control over people in many ways. It is extremely elegant and elaborate, in construction, all the way down to the pharmacology. And it has engaged the greatest minds in the world to think only of it and nothing else. We can do better.
D. Is a brilliant instinctive counter to this hypnotic suggestion that the world so far is succumbing to, in aggregate. It is why I was instinctively drawn to Solution Seeking and have spent so much time there. I was even challenged and inspired to attempt a story contribution.
F. Is my attempt to become a practitioner among practitioners in thought form creation and actualization, for natural motivational alignment. Enough to overwhelm, personally or collectively the puny elite thoughtform, which is like a Faberge egg. Intricate, and fragile, beyond belief.
Guitarman seems to live it this way. His vision is intact and actualized to optimize his position in events. He is done with the reset egg. And in this way, I would categorize him, and yourself as advanced, informal to the world, but observable in the world, practitioners of natural lifestyle creation in society.
This is why the discussion part is key to my F solution. Once you identify an essential element like living harmlessly in the environment and visualize around it It gains the capacity for discussion. The elite thoughtform practitioners, collaborated and analyzed, according to their perceptions.
They created their reset egg.
If we were not in an environmental climate of near 0 magnetic conditions in possibly 30+ years, we would have time to simply visualize and experiment. However, conditions imply little time environmentally and less time economically for the visualization process to naturally take hold.
A practitioner as I describe it is someone who understands how to actualize their vision, according to their perception, and is aware to some degree that it is intrinsic to the process underpinning creation, personally and socially. It is the Law when understood harmlessly, as you led with, in your newsletter.
My F. Says people are already increasingly, simply doing what they need to based on ideas being discussed here and in other forums. So why not introduce a legal structure, that can overwhelm and break the fragile egg into our frying pan, and put visions up for discussion? We know these are criminal acts, and that we are participating in them less and less. And our right to actualize our vision legally as a lifestyle is based on the Law. in general, an is under attack by criminals under codified statute law.
Our disassociation with criminal acts is a social phenomenon, not clearly identified in public numbers, under that definition. So it is hard to see, but it is in the air. It is a tangible force that is already active and needs justification for overwhelming, the system, through lifestyle non-compliance in criminal acts, and while identifying criminals involved in those acts.
.F may be a vain attempt at collaboration. Lifestyle practitioners have not clearly identified themselves, or their understanding of life even to each other yet. We have crossed many superimposed, doctrinal junk-tures. We are finding our natural intersections. But anyone practicing lifestyle choice as a right is increasingly aware of the criminality inherent in the system and sees participation in it as hazardous. There are so many people from both the left and right, becoming aware that it is still splintered in many areas, and difficult to measure.
So D may be the most practical primal solution and let nature take over.
I believe however that it will lead to a likely ninja option outcome, for lifestyle practitioners, short and long-term. We may find ourselves praying for the excursion, to more quickly intercede on our behalf.
Because I clearly see a social line of force in lifestyle choice rights building, active and emerging, I believe we can still guide ourselves through this, and overwhelm the system in many ways before and after any collapse. My, overwhelm the legal system idea, is only one way I can visualize this. Other comments here offer other solutions all based on lifestyle choice rights and ability.
We may be still over 100 years from the excursion event. there are many theories, based on our evidence.
We need to build networks of self-reliance regionally in many ways now, while nature is in our favor. We are in a situation where everything in our environment has been weaponized, including people.
This human weaponization creates many junctures, or junk piles blocking natural vital intersections.
My legal strategy is my backup for my new adventure in regional personal activism, in the high country I am building towards now. My regional farmers' market-oriented, self-reliant food production and transaction economy. Starting in the suburbs in a safe area, I will find neighbors, buy into the organic ranch and farm produce in farmers' markets, and in my old age, go out to farms and ranches and pick up new ideas and work my butt off, and attempt to apply permaculture, electro culture, to the regional thinking, staring locally in my yard and then in my environment. I have lived on farms and known farmers all my early life. Lived off the land, so I know how to do this. I did community food organizing in the late 60s with a food coop. It never made it to the ranch and farm connection level, as the farmers' markets that we have now were only just beginning. We were hampered in sustainability by our efforts in cost-cutting, through the elimination of senseless overhead, which increasingly made our efforts increasingly criminal.
We had a free legal hotline, that required no overhead to maintain, other than rent and phones. It was part of a community barter system, this system could not be tracked so it became a target of legal classification. Defending our legal position would have required us to increase our overhead and pay legal friends, thus significantly lessening our ability to serve as a connection service, free with low overhead. Usually, our overhead was collected from our office entrance in a donation can, at the end of the day. Low overhead. A lot of outreach, which was based on what anyone could get, out of interconnecting through us.
Some gave to people and suffered hardships. Some who were helped were ungrateful. Many people were helped daily. Many helpers built careers and continued to offer free help in their professions.
Now I bored you enough. with my past credentials. I hope it will be a model I can draw from in my present capacity. We used to do sophisticated mulching in my farm days, when I moved into the art capitals, I didn't participate in the permaculture and electro-culture, developments. I was just sure we were on the right track and while I was doing other things, people would make it a technology for me to use when I was ready. If I was ready. We will see.
It is a further predicate for the basis in the public mind substantiating a class action for remuneration resulting from crimes by global interests. What if 1 million people got 1 million dollars apiece as the people in the article did? They would not fall through the cracks as easily. The legal history of covid lockdowns, business closures, and the paper trail being built from vaccine injury to CBDC injury controlled by the same vested interests named now, in real criminal prosecutions gives us a class action possibility, in overwhelming numbers. According to how the lawyers organize their thinking. CBDC is a crime.
This is just for our chickens in the house. Not going to make it all an article. Most people won't read this.
Want to write one however about Lifestyle Practitioners, the connection to shamanism, and the middle class's, power to visualize and create lifestyle, culture, economy, etc., and the voodoo reset model putting lifestyle choice currently under attack.
My writing lately has been inspired by the rigorous discussions, offered through your newsletter. I hope hundreds of thousands of people are doing this same thing and living it out. It will have a cumulative effect.
Thanks. I would love to see you write a post doing a similar thing in your own best ways. IE. Evaluate all known classes of solutions. Try to rank them. Either use something like what I used or something else.
Great ideas. I do not think in terms of only one solution anymore, but, rather, always look at many. In the end, though, each of us can only really do one thing at once.
Please consider the merits of writing up what you shared here in a post. If you do that, I would recommend that you provide something like an EXECUTIVE SUMMARY at the beginning of the article, summarize it as simply as possible, and then provide the details later. I, like you, often was challenged with people not wanting to read all the details of what I published in my engineering career. My colleagues showed me the power of putting a summary like this at the beginning of my more complex emails and publications, and it worked wonders.
Why am I not publishing something like this right now? Because I am not settled on one solution, and don't know how to get the Many Solutions idea across properly to the widest possible audience. I am also busy with my acreage search and attempted relocation.
My hope is to publish something soon. A better explanation of my attempted evaluation of 6 classes of solutions, classes that I tried to get to encompass every solution I have seen about HOW TO STOP THE ENEMY FROM HARMING HUMANITY AND THE PLANET. I want to do my best to publish a better summary of that analysis soon, and would love to include your solution there if possible, preferably referencing an article you write and publish on your own Substack. Please see the ADDENDUM - ANALYSIS OF 6 SOLUTIONS in the following URL: https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/9-or-more-crystal-balls-to-select. That is my purpose, to support all viable solutions, compare them, and try to combine them into the best possible discussions about time dependent strategic analysis and planning.
Thanks for reading this. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
No, actually my assumption is that we must establish authority to exercise all of our solutions and focus on our best ones. Acting on our solutions requires trust in the public mind to establish authority and real justice, to have any likelihood of success. The public must support it enough to risk their survival in staking to it. In great enough numbers to challenge CBDC authority. Historically that is 1/3 of a population. In the last revolutionary war, one-third supported the crown, 1/3 supported the colonies, and 1/3 went outwardly with prevailing authority. with private actions relative to that prevailing authorities ability to be fair with them and their community.
Do you agree that we need to legitimize legal authority over our economy and government to exercise a solution(s)?
I am not sure that we need to legitimize legal authority over our economy and government to exercise a solution. It appears to me that there are solutions that do not require this? The merits of those solutions are open to conjecture? Do we not need to disable our enemy's ability to harm us first, and then go on to the other things? What comes first, the chicken or the egg? I think we need to set up and seed meaningful participatory discussions about all these things and learn from each other. I would love to see several authors do their own best version of what I did when comparing the 6 classes of solutions I discuss in these responses. ADDENDUM - ANALYSIS OF 6 SOLUTIONS in the following URL: https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/9-or-more-crystal-balls-to-select
Do you care to share any ideas about why those discussions appear to be so challenging to attain? I am completely amazed at that.
I think this is complex and I would love to write up my summary of the classes of solutions we know about so far. Keep it to HOW TO STOP THE ENEMY FROM HARMING HUMANITY AND THE PLANET for now. And invite others to critique and analyze all of them. This cross pollination of diverse viewpoints and understanding is where the breakthroughs might occur. Even if we don't get a breakthrough, this might stay up on the internet, for others to reference.
Another way of putting it... I would love to see the comments explode on the discussion of all solutions we know of. This should not be about me. I have tried to make the breakthroughs and my best is already out there, and I am not satisfied with it. This is about incentivizing meaningful participation, seeking greater understanding through that participation, and maybe discovering things together that we have not so far discovered.
Well; excellent comment with lots of possibilities, BUT IT APPEARS TO ME your options 1 and 2 are BOTH happening and will CONTINUE to happen simultaneously until one dominates the other. Yes overwhelm the system , but that can happen in a number of ways . Please SHOW me all these "supposedly Constitutional Lawyers you say are just waiting to do " SOMETHING" . We have found 99% run away with tail between legs just like sheriffs. Secondly there is no such thing as a"" CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER" If they are members of the BAR and as such are agents of the court/CROWN , they CANNOT BE CONSTITUTIONAL anything. There are certainly some who have taken the time to STUDY IT , and support it and believe in it. But the system NO LONGER USES IT, and THEY did not stop this , all the way to SCOTUS , which is the most corrupt of all. All the attorneys I have know who REALLY figured ALL THIS OUT , were disbarred or quit and went rogue on the system, and were given a very hard life from then on. WE had some local real patriots who were under the tyranny of 'ADOLF INSLEE here in Wash. ST. which is not a state and has fraudulent constitution anyway, and they ADVERTISED SERIOUSLY a $10,000 reward for anyone who could prove they were or there were any CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYERS in this state . NO ONE EVEN ATTEMPTED TO CLAIM IT or debate it . WE FOUND the lawyers /attorneys did not even have or were required by the state to have licenses BY THE STATE , only BAR membership. I think its going to take ALL manners of non compliance , rebellion and even real kinetic fight to accomplish this, and can only be done from a foundation of PREPAREDNESS , all the other will be forced into the option 1 you mention.
Secret space programs are not all past. TRUE. They are current to this minute, where do you think all the money and resources are going?
All true, but they have had to adjust to new info.
Are you so sure they don't know about Solar intensity underground, remember throughout my responses, I say they are way AHEAD of what they let us know about.
They are ahead in tech development and application. But they rely on information, contained in the latest peer review science. They know about the Nova event now. But the best evidence that could be turned into policy about where we are now relative to the magnetic excursion, wasn't available when underground facilities began. It was easy to assume any magnetic excursion problems were more than 150 years in the future. In the last ten years, and really the last 5, we now have enough evidence to suggest the sun can nova in 30 years, That level of intensity was not planned for underground use. The idea that the sun or near Earth nova isotope level explosion was always evident during all the 12,000-year cycles, is also only recently confirmed.
So they have to play catch up.
I mostly agree with your demon connection. I also agree the paper trail of the big money and money names is thick. Not sure they are the top players though. Maybe only the tip of the iceberg. If you have proof that the paper trail we see is not a front, I'd like to see it.
The solution
We cannot accept criminal authority. CBDC reset is criminal authority. Central banks and puppet governments create crimes we are hit with every day. We need to establish greater authority. If we do not the People will choose any authority over chaos during the collapse.
We have the authority. The Constitution. We are functioning as cowards, due mostly to ignorance. No one believes they have the authority to defend their rights under the Constitution. The government to them IS the Constitution. They believe that once you set up a government that's it. That's the government you're stuck with. The constitution says otherwise and envisions this day. The solution is understanding and acting in concert with greater authority starting now. EASIER SAID THAN DONE, I KNOW.
If people were simply refusing to go along with 1/4th of what is now criminal law, this puny statute constitutional control system would already be overwhelmed. The statute system is for them. There are a relative few of them. It can never be justice for all, because it is a condensed version of constitutional rights.
Of course, anything being tried n the courts at the present limited range of strategy and at the current volume of court activity is at the mercy of the statute system. Christine and the gang are compiling evidence to establish criminality tied to murder and treason, at the government and global corporate business levels. This is a good thing but worthless unless tied to serving 1 million people in a concerted effort to establish constitutional authority in the public mind now. The Constitution has authority over CBDC criminals, due to their current and past crimes. This needs to be in play during the chaotic part of the economic collapse. Everyone involved with CBDC economic control is tied in whole or in part to a murderous paper trail, now firmly established as public evidence, but not in the public courts or the public mind. And one million people, with legitimate legal support to establish authority over criminals, is a viable solution to establish an alternative to global authority. before, during, and after reset.
Excellent article. Thanks. It ties together many points. But skips over what is perhaps the most important point? Simply... HOW do we STOP them from harming humanity and the planet? Can we anticipate what their next moves will be and leverage off that? Instead of just sitting back and watching their divide and conquer efforts succeed in getting the 99% to kill and destroy each other, can we get the 99% to realize that the enemy is really their root cause enemy, and then win this war? I am astounded at how the simple discussion I request here is avoided. And I wonder why it is avoided, either not responded to, or given responses that do not address it. Perhaps you can tell me? Thanks again.
I could write a book to answer here, so Ill start , your 1st paragraph, UNDERGROUND facilities and Secret space programs are not all past. They are current to this minute , where do you think all the money and resources are going?
Are you so sure they dont know about Solar intensity underground, remember throughout my responses, I say they are way AHEAD of what they let us know about.
The tippy top may be somewhat obscured , but what is just underneath them is not, they are mostly known , at least by some of us who have put the time in on this discovery. I say the tippy top as you call it is NOT HUMAN, or human as we are , maybe humanoid , but not same as us . Despite what most Christians seem to believe , I say there is a difference between the demonic world/and beings and extraterrestrial humanoids or species . There may certainly be interface here though and lots of evidence to suggest this .
I have no doubt the top humans feel betrayed,have been, or will be, the useful idiot idea did not originate here Im sure hahahah.
Yes green climate model is flawed and mostly made up , same with Co2 thing , but massive ecosystem destruction, pollution, and extinction levels are REAL , and THEY did it by their greed and ignorance and separation from nature, and lust for power, and WE allowed it rather than rising up and changing the direction.
Yes on one hand its cliche to say "they" have no power but what WE give them . Yes true on one hand , but the power to DO that to EVERYONE is POWER, and I disagree with you that they are not very smart , cunning, devious and diabolical , at least enough to pull it off . Yes I know they kill and eliminate the rebels wherever possible . I know I am one and lived my entire life attempting to reveal this whole madness. lIKELY many lifetimes .
Appearing human is easy for them because most only look with their eyes and NOT THEIR BRAINS. Do you know for SURE what you say you see in your living room [TV] I suppose [I have never owned one]., are REALLY HUMAN ? Go watch the mask videos and or BEST holographs or Russian cyborgs or all those eyes going vertical slit pupils on TV people , they are not ALL fake. Go watch the best special effects in a movie like AVATAR series and tell me if you were shown such on NETWORK TV , if you would know for sure if its REAL or NOT. [PROJECT BLUE BEAM is coming be ready.]
Now to Reinette Senum and Dr Northrup interview , I just watched it the other day. I LOVE THEM BOTH DEARLY , but I wanted to scream [ YOUR BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE, SEARCHING FOR A REMEDY, FROM THE ENEMY] I think I ll put that in a song. They both admit some of the things they are kind of new in learning about but are truly trying as warriors . SOME of us have pursued ALL those attempts withing the enemies JUSTUS SYSTEM for decades , none of it is new to us. I have lived outside the system , with no B certificate , SS numbers or adhesion contracts All my life . The system they want to work through WILL NOT POLICE , OR PROSECUTE ITSELF. They will not accept all these countermeasures , sovereign razzle dazzle, or affidavits or any of this TO BRING THEM DOWN. Your still using THEIR SYSTEM, PROCEDURES , OR PROCESS, THEREBY STILL GIVING THEM JURISDICTION, VENUE AND AUTHORITY. We dont have ANY COMMON LAW COURTS so attempting to use COMMON LAW wont work , regardless of the fact that the CONSTITUTION [which they no longer use is supposed to be compatible] ASK this question, who is my or our compelling FORCE when push comes to shove, who will arrest the judges and prosecutors and elected officials who violate MY or OUR RIGHTS. We dont have any yet , or an army to defend the country or world we are trying to build.
When that asshole judge threatens and then charges YOU with contempt of court for your frivolous , documents , actions and process, THE SHERIFF DEPUTY wearing a GUN next to him, protecting HIM will come and handcuff YOU and put you in prison with no time limitations. Its THEIR SYSTEM, they are drunk on the power it has given them. Doing ALL THESE THINGS NOW only identifies YOU as a domestic terrorist, enemy combatant, with a KNOWN ADDRESS, get it. If millions would have done this decades ago when most of us were alone doing it , it might have been successful. NOT NOW .Also many agents are out there looking for the gullible new rebels to hook them on this direction and waste their time and money and IDENTIFY them further . Thats all for now . I hope this gets to those lovely women, I do love their efforts REDIRECT IT TO PREPAREDNESS and solutions seeking with great minds with more experience. SK
Excellent reply. I could spend all day investigating the various concepts. But, time is short. I hope I am not like a stuck record. But, I will say it again. For me, the most pressing quest is to concentrate on and quickly figure out HOW to STOP the enemy's ability to harm humanity and the planet. It is probably the most urgent, challenging, and complex goal in human history. Nothing Einstein ever did compares to it for urgency, complexity, and challenge. Either we do this or the human race goes extinct and our enemy will turn this planet Into a toxic microwave hell where it will have absolute God like monitoring and control over all the mutated life it allows to exist here.
Yes, I KNOW that what I write here does not have to be true, and there are many other possibilities. What are the other viable explanations of our current situation? HOW do we move forward and WHERE do we go from here?
My solution is simple. Overwhelm the system, with the authority we already have, that is already in place, but currently mothballed. We have all of these supposedly constitutional lawyers, wanting millions to join them in their fight. But they can't simply get together and establish the legal authority for a million, just to start with, to non-comply with criminal acts and establish authority over criminals. I would non-comply in a heartbeat if there was the kind of competent, free, public-supported, legal counsel I had available to me in the 60s and early 70s.
If we do not establish true legal authority now the People will choose any authority, over murderous chaos during the economic collapse, even criminal CBDC authority. The way to stop the enemy is to define the enemy as criminals, under an established standard of criminality already in the Constitution. A document they the criminals, presently are still sworn to uphold.
The House of reps may not go along, but county and local administrators when faced with massive legal resistance against specified crimes will be less inclined to comply with criminal acts.
It appears to me that under the Constitution, the People have 2 choices. 1. Surrender to global authority. 2. Oppose global economic control at the time of the collapse, seize all global assets implicated in crimes under investigation and properly adjudicate.
Where we are now this is impossible. Where we are if 1 million fall through the cracks individuals are organized to resist forced participation in crimes. Organized to non-comply and either mass surrender and overwhelm the jails, refuse to surrender and overwhelm the police, or both. When that happens, everyone will think twice about their authority to act in their own best interests.
We either establish our legal authority, or we have no legal authority. Any solution requires legal authority on some level in the public mind. Even if it is authority established through fear. There are only two kinds of authority. the power to make and keep agreements, and the power to make and break agreements. The constitution is the former. CBDC is the power to break agreements made to many by the few.
Right now the elite is consolidating authority, loyalty, and trust through punishment and reward.
If without authority we have no solution then our solution is to establish our authority.
Thank you for your recent article:
Can your solution be grouped into one of the 6 categories of solutions discussed below or does it need to be given its own category to stand alone? If it needs to be given its own category, can you please suggest a short name for it that we might use in including it in the next article that will attempt to do a better job of the evaluation of all known solutions? I now invite you to participate in that evaluation using the techniques discussed below. If you cannot or will not do that, I will have to attempt it myself, I would prefer that you do this.
ADDENDUM - ANALYSIS OF 6 SOLUTIONS in the following URL: https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/9-or-more-crystal-balls-to-select.
Thanks again.
I would say there are 3 of the 6. The main one is F, Violence will occur in chaos. But our ninja efforts are more survival self-reliance, with the defense of home and property as needed. Ninja also means overwhelming the legal system as well. But B applies generally because we have to expand our information-sharing to form separate strategies that converge naturally or one concerted strategy.
But there is an element of E involved. I assume any solution requires public support for alternative legal enforceable authority to participate. Because any solution will require a degree of loyalty at many levels I believe it needs THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY AND MILITARY REALIGNMENT ALTERNATIVE, or element to carry the day.
So put me down as F with the comments around it applying.
My belief is that a framework like this is what is needed to move forward. Something that encompasses all possible known solutions in ways almost anybody can understand. Have as many others as possible do write-ups on what they think and why. Then invite discussions and explorations of hybrid solutions, new ideas, etc.
As facilitator, I must go with D. It had the highest ratings. I did not disclose the ratings because they were done far too fast, and what went into them was far too complex. I feel that all of these 6, and more, will erupt in some form, so D is not a cop out, it is required for analysis. This does not mean that D is the only one that should be analyzed, when we analyze them all, we are also analyzing D.
Timing is important.
And so is strategic analysis and planning. Specifically, for now, how to change the enemy's plans for when things get really bad for more people into things that work in our favor. The enemy will seek to divide and conquer as it victimizes more people and they become homeless, starving, desperate, etc. Or maybe a critical mass of victims will realize that the death rates are very high and they are at risk. The enemy will then try to set the victims at each other's throats. We MUST convince the 99% that the root cause enemy is where their frustration, hatred, and actions should be directed. Can you imagine how quickly our world might change if the Russian VS Ukraine (and all their supporters) militaries suddenly turned on their puppet commanders and started rooting out the enemy and destroying it instead of following the orders of their criminally insane puppet leaders? There would be far less death and collateral damage than if this idiotic war keeps going?
I like D a lot. It is a primal objective, for a basecamp on which to build a new city. My first writing on the reset was about; How WE, have to create and actualize in our lives, a vision of what real reset is for us. Do not assume that the global vision is the reset with any power over us. Instead, focus on what you want and live it into being as much as you can.
What the elites know is that thoughts are things. They know that if they can continue to keep us locked into their vision we will create the reset for them to control.
In occult so-called teachings, this elite can be called wizards, or magicians.
Voodoo is a simple model for how it works. The practitioner gets into the person's mind, conversation or otherwise, and gets them thinking and worrying along certain subjects, lines of thought leading to possible outcomes. The ritualistic aspects of the practitioner vary, but center on increasing an internal sense of control of the thoughts in the person's mind. Sometimes herbs are used in the process of medication for the subject. Voodoo preys on weak people. It can also help weak people.
Sometimes, when the thoughts of the wise practitioner are in alignment with the person's true motives, they can make a weak person strong.
On an island or rural region of a country, if a medical, or wellness, practitioner(s) works for the land owners, they want to build a workforce. The thought forms connected to treating conditions in a patient, are then directed in the landowner's interests. Sometimes good practitioners are killed or driven away.
The reset thought form is based on this principle of control over people in many ways. It is extremely elegant and elaborate, in construction, all the way down to the pharmacology. And it has engaged the greatest minds in the world to think only of it and nothing else. We can do better.
D. Is a brilliant instinctive counter to this hypnotic suggestion that the world so far is succumbing to, in aggregate. It is why I was instinctively drawn to Solution Seeking and have spent so much time there. I was even challenged and inspired to attempt a story contribution.
F. Is my attempt to become a practitioner among practitioners in thought form creation and actualization, for natural motivational alignment. Enough to overwhelm, personally or collectively the puny elite thoughtform, which is like a Faberge egg. Intricate, and fragile, beyond belief.
Guitarman seems to live it this way. His vision is intact and actualized to optimize his position in events. He is done with the reset egg. And in this way, I would categorize him, and yourself as advanced, informal to the world, but observable in the world, practitioners of natural lifestyle creation in society.
This is why the discussion part is key to my F solution. Once you identify an essential element like living harmlessly in the environment and visualize around it It gains the capacity for discussion. The elite thoughtform practitioners, collaborated and analyzed, according to their perceptions.
They created their reset egg.
If we were not in an environmental climate of near 0 magnetic conditions in possibly 30+ years, we would have time to simply visualize and experiment. However, conditions imply little time environmentally and less time economically for the visualization process to naturally take hold.
A practitioner as I describe it is someone who understands how to actualize their vision, according to their perception, and is aware to some degree that it is intrinsic to the process underpinning creation, personally and socially. It is the Law when understood harmlessly, as you led with, in your newsletter.
My F. Says people are already increasingly, simply doing what they need to based on ideas being discussed here and in other forums. So why not introduce a legal structure, that can overwhelm and break the fragile egg into our frying pan, and put visions up for discussion? We know these are criminal acts, and that we are participating in them less and less. And our right to actualize our vision legally as a lifestyle is based on the Law. in general, an is under attack by criminals under codified statute law.
Our disassociation with criminal acts is a social phenomenon, not clearly identified in public numbers, under that definition. So it is hard to see, but it is in the air. It is a tangible force that is already active and needs justification for overwhelming, the system, through lifestyle non-compliance in criminal acts, and while identifying criminals involved in those acts.
.F may be a vain attempt at collaboration. Lifestyle practitioners have not clearly identified themselves, or their understanding of life even to each other yet. We have crossed many superimposed, doctrinal junk-tures. We are finding our natural intersections. But anyone practicing lifestyle choice as a right is increasingly aware of the criminality inherent in the system and sees participation in it as hazardous. There are so many people from both the left and right, becoming aware that it is still splintered in many areas, and difficult to measure.
So D may be the most practical primal solution and let nature take over.
I believe however that it will lead to a likely ninja option outcome, for lifestyle practitioners, short and long-term. We may find ourselves praying for the excursion, to more quickly intercede on our behalf.
Because I clearly see a social line of force in lifestyle choice rights building, active and emerging, I believe we can still guide ourselves through this, and overwhelm the system in many ways before and after any collapse. My, overwhelm the legal system idea, is only one way I can visualize this. Other comments here offer other solutions all based on lifestyle choice rights and ability.
We may be still over 100 years from the excursion event. there are many theories, based on our evidence.
We need to build networks of self-reliance regionally in many ways now, while nature is in our favor. We are in a situation where everything in our environment has been weaponized, including people.
This human weaponization creates many junctures, or junk piles blocking natural vital intersections.
My legal strategy is my backup for my new adventure in regional personal activism, in the high country I am building towards now. My regional farmers' market-oriented, self-reliant food production and transaction economy. Starting in the suburbs in a safe area, I will find neighbors, buy into the organic ranch and farm produce in farmers' markets, and in my old age, go out to farms and ranches and pick up new ideas and work my butt off, and attempt to apply permaculture, electro culture, to the regional thinking, staring locally in my yard and then in my environment. I have lived on farms and known farmers all my early life. Lived off the land, so I know how to do this. I did community food organizing in the late 60s with a food coop. It never made it to the ranch and farm connection level, as the farmers' markets that we have now were only just beginning. We were hampered in sustainability by our efforts in cost-cutting, through the elimination of senseless overhead, which increasingly made our efforts increasingly criminal.
We had a free legal hotline, that required no overhead to maintain, other than rent and phones. It was part of a community barter system, this system could not be tracked so it became a target of legal classification. Defending our legal position would have required us to increase our overhead and pay legal friends, thus significantly lessening our ability to serve as a connection service, free with low overhead. Usually, our overhead was collected from our office entrance in a donation can, at the end of the day. Low overhead. A lot of outreach, which was based on what anyone could get, out of interconnecting through us.
Some gave to people and suffered hardships. Some who were helped were ungrateful. Many people were helped daily. Many helpers built careers and continued to offer free help in their professions.
Now I bored you enough. with my past credentials. I hope it will be a model I can draw from in my present capacity. We used to do sophisticated mulching in my farm days, when I moved into the art capitals, I didn't participate in the permaculture and electro-culture, developments. I was just sure we were on the right track and while I was doing other things, people would make it a technology for me to use when I was ready. If I was ready. We will see.
Just saw this
It is a further predicate for the basis in the public mind substantiating a class action for remuneration resulting from crimes by global interests. What if 1 million people got 1 million dollars apiece as the people in the article did? They would not fall through the cracks as easily. The legal history of covid lockdowns, business closures, and the paper trail being built from vaccine injury to CBDC injury controlled by the same vested interests named now, in real criminal prosecutions gives us a class action possibility, in overwhelming numbers. According to how the lawyers organize their thinking. CBDC is a crime.
This is just for our chickens in the house. Not going to make it all an article. Most people won't read this.
Want to write one however about Lifestyle Practitioners, the connection to shamanism, and the middle class's, power to visualize and create lifestyle, culture, economy, etc., and the voodoo reset model putting lifestyle choice currently under attack.
My writing lately has been inspired by the rigorous discussions, offered through your newsletter. I hope hundreds of thousands of people are doing this same thing and living it out. It will have a cumulative effect.
Cool. I will look
Thanks. I would love to see you write a post doing a similar thing in your own best ways. IE. Evaluate all known classes of solutions. Try to rank them. Either use something like what I used or something else.
Great ideas. I do not think in terms of only one solution anymore, but, rather, always look at many. In the end, though, each of us can only really do one thing at once.
Please consider the merits of writing up what you shared here in a post. If you do that, I would recommend that you provide something like an EXECUTIVE SUMMARY at the beginning of the article, summarize it as simply as possible, and then provide the details later. I, like you, often was challenged with people not wanting to read all the details of what I published in my engineering career. My colleagues showed me the power of putting a summary like this at the beginning of my more complex emails and publications, and it worked wonders.
Why am I not publishing something like this right now? Because I am not settled on one solution, and don't know how to get the Many Solutions idea across properly to the widest possible audience. I am also busy with my acreage search and attempted relocation.
My hope is to publish something soon. A better explanation of my attempted evaluation of 6 classes of solutions, classes that I tried to get to encompass every solution I have seen about HOW TO STOP THE ENEMY FROM HARMING HUMANITY AND THE PLANET. I want to do my best to publish a better summary of that analysis soon, and would love to include your solution there if possible, preferably referencing an article you write and publish on your own Substack. Please see the ADDENDUM - ANALYSIS OF 6 SOLUTIONS in the following URL: https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/9-or-more-crystal-balls-to-select. That is my purpose, to support all viable solutions, compare them, and try to combine them into the best possible discussions about time dependent strategic analysis and planning.
Thanks for reading this. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
No, actually my assumption is that we must establish authority to exercise all of our solutions and focus on our best ones. Acting on our solutions requires trust in the public mind to establish authority and real justice, to have any likelihood of success. The public must support it enough to risk their survival in staking to it. In great enough numbers to challenge CBDC authority. Historically that is 1/3 of a population. In the last revolutionary war, one-third supported the crown, 1/3 supported the colonies, and 1/3 went outwardly with prevailing authority. with private actions relative to that prevailing authorities ability to be fair with them and their community.
Do you agree that we need to legitimize legal authority over our economy and government to exercise a solution(s)?
I am not sure that we need to legitimize legal authority over our economy and government to exercise a solution. It appears to me that there are solutions that do not require this? The merits of those solutions are open to conjecture? Do we not need to disable our enemy's ability to harm us first, and then go on to the other things? What comes first, the chicken or the egg? I think we need to set up and seed meaningful participatory discussions about all these things and learn from each other. I would love to see several authors do their own best version of what I did when comparing the 6 classes of solutions I discuss in these responses. ADDENDUM - ANALYSIS OF 6 SOLUTIONS in the following URL: https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/9-or-more-crystal-balls-to-select
Do you care to share any ideas about why those discussions appear to be so challenging to attain? I am completely amazed at that.
I think this is complex and I would love to write up my summary of the classes of solutions we know about so far. Keep it to HOW TO STOP THE ENEMY FROM HARMING HUMANITY AND THE PLANET for now. And invite others to critique and analyze all of them. This cross pollination of diverse viewpoints and understanding is where the breakthroughs might occur. Even if we don't get a breakthrough, this might stay up on the internet, for others to reference.
Another way of putting it... I would love to see the comments explode on the discussion of all solutions we know of. This should not be about me. I have tried to make the breakthroughs and my best is already out there, and I am not satisfied with it. This is about incentivizing meaningful participation, seeking greater understanding through that participation, and maybe discovering things together that we have not so far discovered.
Well; excellent comment with lots of possibilities, BUT IT APPEARS TO ME your options 1 and 2 are BOTH happening and will CONTINUE to happen simultaneously until one dominates the other. Yes overwhelm the system , but that can happen in a number of ways . Please SHOW me all these "supposedly Constitutional Lawyers you say are just waiting to do " SOMETHING" . We have found 99% run away with tail between legs just like sheriffs. Secondly there is no such thing as a"" CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER" If they are members of the BAR and as such are agents of the court/CROWN , they CANNOT BE CONSTITUTIONAL anything. There are certainly some who have taken the time to STUDY IT , and support it and believe in it. But the system NO LONGER USES IT, and THEY did not stop this , all the way to SCOTUS , which is the most corrupt of all. All the attorneys I have know who REALLY figured ALL THIS OUT , were disbarred or quit and went rogue on the system, and were given a very hard life from then on. WE had some local real patriots who were under the tyranny of 'ADOLF INSLEE here in Wash. ST. which is not a state and has fraudulent constitution anyway, and they ADVERTISED SERIOUSLY a $10,000 reward for anyone who could prove they were or there were any CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYERS in this state . NO ONE EVEN ATTEMPTED TO CLAIM IT or debate it . WE FOUND the lawyers /attorneys did not even have or were required by the state to have licenses BY THE STATE , only BAR membership. I think its going to take ALL manners of non compliance , rebellion and even real kinetic fight to accomplish this, and can only be done from a foundation of PREPAREDNESS , all the other will be forced into the option 1 you mention.
Couldn't write yesterday, I was stuck in goo
Secret space programs are not all past. TRUE. They are current to this minute, where do you think all the money and resources are going?
All true, but they have had to adjust to new info.
Are you so sure they don't know about Solar intensity underground, remember throughout my responses, I say they are way AHEAD of what they let us know about.
They are ahead in tech development and application. But they rely on information, contained in the latest peer review science. They know about the Nova event now. But the best evidence that could be turned into policy about where we are now relative to the magnetic excursion, wasn't available when underground facilities began. It was easy to assume any magnetic excursion problems were more than 150 years in the future. In the last ten years, and really the last 5, we now have enough evidence to suggest the sun can nova in 30 years, That level of intensity was not planned for underground use. The idea that the sun or near Earth nova isotope level explosion was always evident during all the 12,000-year cycles, is also only recently confirmed.
So they have to play catch up.
I mostly agree with your demon connection. I also agree the paper trail of the big money and money names is thick. Not sure they are the top players though. Maybe only the tip of the iceberg. If you have proof that the paper trail we see is not a front, I'd like to see it.
The solution
We cannot accept criminal authority. CBDC reset is criminal authority. Central banks and puppet governments create crimes we are hit with every day. We need to establish greater authority. If we do not the People will choose any authority over chaos during the collapse.
We have the authority. The Constitution. We are functioning as cowards, due mostly to ignorance. No one believes they have the authority to defend their rights under the Constitution. The government to them IS the Constitution. They believe that once you set up a government that's it. That's the government you're stuck with. The constitution says otherwise and envisions this day. The solution is understanding and acting in concert with greater authority starting now. EASIER SAID THAN DONE, I KNOW.
If people were simply refusing to go along with 1/4th of what is now criminal law, this puny statute constitutional control system would already be overwhelmed. The statute system is for them. There are a relative few of them. It can never be justice for all, because it is a condensed version of constitutional rights.
Of course, anything being tried n the courts at the present limited range of strategy and at the current volume of court activity is at the mercy of the statute system. Christine and the gang are compiling evidence to establish criminality tied to murder and treason, at the government and global corporate business levels. This is a good thing but worthless unless tied to serving 1 million people in a concerted effort to establish constitutional authority in the public mind now. The Constitution has authority over CBDC criminals, due to their current and past crimes. This needs to be in play during the chaotic part of the economic collapse. Everyone involved with CBDC economic control is tied in whole or in part to a murderous paper trail, now firmly established as public evidence, but not in the public courts or the public mind. And one million people, with legitimate legal support to establish authority over criminals, is a viable solution to establish an alternative to global authority. before, during, and after reset.
Excellent article. Thanks. It ties together many points. But skips over what is perhaps the most important point? Simply... HOW do we STOP them from harming humanity and the planet? Can we anticipate what their next moves will be and leverage off that? Instead of just sitting back and watching their divide and conquer efforts succeed in getting the 99% to kill and destroy each other, can we get the 99% to realize that the enemy is really their root cause enemy, and then win this war? I am astounded at how the simple discussion I request here is avoided. And I wonder why it is avoided, either not responded to, or given responses that do not address it. Perhaps you can tell me? Thanks again.