Sadly, I had this laid out in my mind to present in the previous article but neglected it. It is the essential ingredient, you mix together with the Safe Zone Goals and Guidelines. that is the People, forming Buyers Clubs, under a goals and guidelines structure, compatible with the statute legal system.
But I also neglected to lay out a firm mission statement Happily, I am able to do that here. So here goes.
Goals and Guidelines, Mission Statement
To develop the means to build an ecological, independent, interconnectable community and communities, from the land resources occupied. To produce ecological wealth and resource development tools, build, and trade resources for independent ecological living technologies, with the greater surrounding regions and communities, suitable to them in any climate, or economy, under any conditions, as long as resources and the means permit.
This is the plan laid out in the original article.
A First Community Concept
This is where working with the number 10,000 comes in handy. The land values vary widely in the Rockys, but this is typical of many areas.
One example of an initial ownership and development strategy
For the cost of a mid-sized or average large home, you can have 100 acres. 300,000 dollars. The first 20 people who decide to purchase 100 acres, would form the first Community. They would own outright their acreage. They would have all initial decisions, voting authority, and full property development resource rights under community guidelines. The entire 10,000 acres are theirs to manage. Due to their initial purchase, they would oversee a property development fund valued at over one million dollars. Of course, the first community may form with different numbers of people.
IRUUR1 First Community Model, based on our map.
A Buyers Club Breakdown
Visualization Structure Breakdown, for Bottom-Up Community
Our first example was 20 people on 10,000 acres own 2000 acres and obtain the rights to the full remaining 8000 acres, with over a million dollars for legal, permit materials, etc., for further development. Now let’s go the other way, and examine our structure as we go.
What we are suggesting can be done is the formation of homestead buyers’ clubs, under an accredited Safe Zone Guideline structure. In the example above we used the number of twenty people buying 10,000 acres, they have full ownership rights to their 2,000-acre parcels. Development rights for the remaining acreage, under Safe Zone Community guidelines.
The most number of people you can practically start with, (and the more numbers, the more difficult legally and administratively), as a start-up, would be 2,000 people. 2,000 buy 10,000 acres and own the rights to the acre they buy, development rights of the rest for resource development. HOWEVER, With 2,000 Safe zoner people moving in all at once, cult Cult CULT flashes in the minds of all who hear about it.
This may lead to more legal problems etc., eating into the initial start-up capital. However under a sound guideline structure, and a high-caliber, talented 2,000 organized people of good standing involved, it will be able to be mitigated within reason, but would take more time to examine each buyer.
IRUUR1 thinks 1,000 or 500 would make a dandy start-up township if you will. But the closer a buyers club can get to twenty or less, the easier it is to organize and begin. Plus they will have more start-up capital, to begin developing with.