Touching Base, on previous topics
Silent Weapons Manual FACT CHECK - Economic Debt and Public Awareness Mass Saturation
Hi to everyone today.
Just wanted to touch base, with a few updates on previous subjects. We will set the stage for the manual with news on the spike in the bond market, signaling the onset of maximum debt saturation leading to the lockup of the banking system.
This mechanism of debt economy collapse and reset is outlined in the manual.
Here We Go
The economy is entering the mass saturation point in currency printing.
This chart represents a spike upward from an already worrisome high point of mid-43, two weeks ago to today, approaching 46. The spike upward would be much higher now if the Fed were not printing currency at increasing rates, then bartering with their subsidiaries like Blackrock, to buy 10yrtreasuries at the rate needed to keep the markets stable.
Economic Saturation
It is not only Greg Mannarino saying we are at a point of maximum debt saturation and ready for a reboot. The central bank, comprised of all the major central banks, The Bank for International Settlements or BIS, has been signaling big trouble in the bond market recently. One of their latest missives outlines how the transition will occur.
When the economy crashes, everyone will become painfully aware of what we know is really happening now, that they don’t know now. The 99% need to establish this awareness now in order to not fall into the trap of war, genocide, and other engineered crises, both new and also used historically on the 99%, during economic crises resets.
The crisis mechanism is part of the silent weapons system, described in the manual presented in the last 2 newsletter issues.
Something In The Air | Coming Crises, CBDCs, and the Public Awareness Trigger
The document is new to the public recently, as it is attracting new interest, but it has a release history going back to 1979-80, when it was first discovered. I did not have content space to analyze the manual adequately in the last newsletters.
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905
This document screenshot explains the debt-based structural need, for economic collapse and reset. Debt is referred to at the beginning as Apparent Capital, and its use is applied to the laws of energy, operative in economics.
A word or two with you all about the TOP SECRET
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905
Is it real or a plant, meant to surface with limited distribution, for monitoring? Was it unintended by the 1% for public disclosure? If it was an accident, we can assume at this point it is a tool for monitoring.
It is totally valid in its observations and has a specific terminology, which appears to spring from a culture based on familiarity and first-hand application, developing the mechanisms needed for population control, as a way of serving what they term in the alleged manual, controlling elites.
Controlling elites sounds like something the 99% would say about the 1%. It is what is referred to in common MSM parlance, as a conspiracy theory. That’s why in some ways I feel like I could have written parts of this thing. If you were in the 1% circle, writing this document, wouldn’t you call the 1% the meritocracy, or something like that? Perhaps the authors merely assume that they merit elite status, by virtue of their apparent level of power, and current control over everything. Those who are in the 1% circle, appear to believe this power merits the authority, and responsibility, of the 1%, to break down the family unit, so that the 99%, can be systematically, computer-programmed, as human energy resources, for the 1%. Either willingly, or by default. This is how the manual ends.
This manual’s conclusion is validated in the current experience, of those in the 99%, who are paying attention. But does that validate the alleged manual’s history?
History | Brainstorming the Document Origins
This is some purely fact-checking stuff that people like me, who want to honestly be a little publisher among many, need to share with readers who also want to increase awareness among many more. We need to know what we are looking at by looking honestly at what we have in reality, what it really is, vs. the trouble it takes to find out, relative to its importance to others’ ability to become aware and better prepared. We need to be checking ourselves, before, and as we are sharing it. Why? One reason is that what we share makes us real journalists, and we need to be straight on our facts, assumptions, and likely and unlikely, reality outcomes. Real fact-check sites with really slanted, well-funded agendas will attempt to discredit what conflicts with their agenda. Origins and pedigree are important to this document.
What We Know
Here is an example of what everyone knows about the origins of this document that comes from every search I made.
Operations Research Technical Manual TM-SW7905.1
The following document, dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986, in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale.
We also know this document is elaborately constructed.
A Real Document or Forged - Planted or Accidental Discovery
So we know forgeries have been planted by intelligence services in innocuous places. We know real documents, meant to trigger monitorable responses or actions have also been placed. Sometimes accidents happen with documents as well.
Questions we ask are. Is there an operations research technical manual system, with a documented numbering code we can reference? Where, if there is such a system, does this manual fit into the lexicon? And what level of security clearance do I need to be authorized to have these questions considered or answered?
Origins and Validity, Likely to Unlikely
What we know for certain is that everything about this document is elaborately constructed, from concept to present-day, economic, cultural, technological, and political reality. This is the nature of the document and a fundamental part of its origins, which we can all observe. Understanding more about the nature of a thing engages and sharpens our natural instincts. We need to break it down as best we can from there.
Why would you forge an elaborately constructed document based on sophisticated computer weaponry, in such painstaking detail, dated 1979, to be discovered in 1986? It would be simpler and far less trouble not to reinvent the wheel. Instead, plant an already written existing document or excerpts compiled, in a place where discovery could be triggered at an appropriate time. If it is planted, then it follows, that it is more likely to be a real document either in full, excerpted, compiled, and/or edited. If it were excerpted and compiled, and if there is a TM-coded reference index available, this document would likely not conform to it, or conform oddly or creatively numbered and uniquely classified. With a genuine reference, it could then be checked to see.
We can conclude from these clues whether it is more likely, pages from a real document, which, is authentic, as is.
Plant or Accident?
For that, I look at the history of this document after its discovery and initial release. Where and when was it first released? Can we trace a publishing source and timeline from mostly paper distribution and early computer document distribution in 1979m to the net today? In this document trail, we look for clues, known patterns in psyche warfare, and various publishing sources to see if it was an accident or choreographed plant. Unfortunately, once content is initially released, even if by accident, it becomes an element of government and private intelligence interests. Fortunately, credible people with traceable backgrounds, are compelled by their better nature, to step forward, sometimes at great risk, to clarify events.
If Any Readers, Writers, and Sharers Think This Document Is Valuable…
I think it is worth fact-checking with a fatter database of info and links than mine. Or perhaps a knowledge of web search terms, I currently do not know, to find the info needed. Any help in the comments would be valuable.
No matter what its shortcomings, this document lays out a clear predicate, reasoning, and mathematical data to back up the political and technological realities we are unmistakably experiencing. This manual details civilian weaponry, based on the laws of energy management. It is used to enforce a systematic process of bio-economics, and the systematized management of the planet, and People as an energy resource. The laws of energy management, are targeted systematically, throughout the human resource environment. In manufacturing, services, distribution, social messaging, population development, education, etc. The manual is written in both technical and plain language, which makes it readable and understandable to most of the general public, according to their worldly understanding, grasp of computer technology, and math skills.
One important fact check we need, of course, is verification of the many scientific, and mathematical formulas such as the one above, referenced and diagramed in the Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905.
Thanks For Learning with me, Reading, And Sharing
Mass saturation of public awareness, ahead of mass debt saturation, and global, economic collapse/reset, is the goal. Mass saturation of the awareness of our current situation will be achieved in different ways by everyone, during the collapse/reset. If we do not achieve mass awareness before the event, what we do will now, will increase the quality of public awareness and actions during the event.
Good Fortune to All