Trouble In The Bond Market Bubble | Great Reset, or Reckoning? Peoples Choice
BANK OF AMERICA'S ONGOING DEVALUATION - Debt as an inductor, weaponized in a system, utilizing the laws of economic energy
Hello All
The economic crisis is built into the weapons system, developed to reduce the 99%, to the level of cattle, for use by the 1%. The difference between real people and real cattle is the natural ability to understand and influence our energy environment.
Brief Financial Update
The first thing of recent interest is Bank of America. It is one of the largest banks in America and its stock is now trading 50% lower than two years ago. It is in danger of serious revaluation, bailout by the FDIC, and could even go under and consolidate with other failing banks under a new bank name, and public investment mission.
Fed Strategy
As I write this now the 10-year bond is at 45.73
The Fed appears to be buying the debt at a rate that is allowing the 10-year yield to rise in a dangerous range. Fed and aligned, debt stability corporate and government elites, are hoping to create a timeline, long enough before the economic collapse occurs, to meet their requirements for controlling the situation during the collapse. It may now be beyond their control. They may be able to manage maximum saturation for a few more months as the 10-year yield rises. Our awareness of the situation is a factor for them. At the present rate of public awareness and growth, it is safe to say that the longer they wait to institute any crises, the less public credibility they retain, and the more potential resistance they face during a crisis.
Central banks exist as an economic inductor, using the laws of energy to target the economy. The market and economy is energy. It conforms therefore to the laws of energy, governing the universe. The 1% are monitoring the 99%, transactionally, on many levels, to gauge resistance in the system, for maximum population control at collapse. The people continue to give central banks the power to lock up the system, at a time of their choosing to their advantage.
A human resource environment targetable weapons system, based on the laws of energy, and energy forcing.
The central banking system is the main component of a weapons system, described in this manual, Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905
We last discussed this in
Basic Weapons Energy System Model
Here is a graphic from the manual.
This is the diagram of the basic system principle
Explanation in the manual, of the central banks as an energy inductor.
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905
The only conspiracy theory about the manual is from deniers who believe somehow that it does not exist and is not in use. And that it was not funded in 1954. And has been in continued use and development since then being used continually and targeted at the public for 70 years. the facts demonstrate otherwise.
When Doug and Stacey from Off The Grid, generated renewed interest in this manual, IRUUR1 looked at it and understood that the document was based on accurate science and likely completely authentic. The manual is a confirmation of our publishing because it validates our editorial foundation and reason for publishing this newsletter.
Our reports on the geomagnetic excursion and the corresponding social transition, document the laws of energy governing our environment personal lives, our, weather, politics, economics, evolution as a species, and everything else in our lives experience. These laws are based on the electromagnetic spectrum which governs molecular formation. To our knowledge, IRUUR1 is the first publication to report on current events, based on the laws of electromagnetic energy and environmental energy systems. We publish in the interest of increasing our greater ability to understand the real laws governing events, and better interact with our natural and conscious, energy environment.
Why the Weapon
This silent weapons system manual was initially funded in 1954, based on the foundational premise, that the laws of energy govern everything and can be weaponized economically. The goal of the 1%, necessitating this weapons invention, was the need to protect the elite status and privilege of the 1%. rom the 99%. In 1954. that privilege was threatened by the emerging computer technology of the mid-20th century. This technology would make the laws of energy, and the means of production cheaply available to the 99% starting in the mid 1900s.
Education had to be weaponized. The laws of energy wealth creation and the principles of energy development in society were systematically excluded from the general academic curricula education system and green science media/corporate agenda, at various levels or entry points. The silent weapon’s strategic purpose is
Reduction of the public’s awareness of reality, to the level of cattle, relative to the 1%.
The slow breakdown of the family unit as the social model, so that humanity can be socially, and culturally re-modeled, into a computer-managed, patentable, and govt./corp. managed, human, bio-resource energy system bred for efficient human resource management by the state.
Right now the Junior referred to above is playing war games on video. But as groundwork for a draft system reactivation begins and nations arm themselves at historic levels, junior may yet end up on the front lines, unless the public wakes up.
Silent Weapons Authenticity and Current Operations
As we have further researched the manual for authenticity, we have relied on other, well-founded publishers, to confirm it is real as released and continuing to be in use now.
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905
In 2011, The Lawful Path,, published the document and did a check for authenticity.
They write.
Regarding the training manual, you may have detected that we had to block out the marginal notes made by the selectee at the C.I.A. Training Center, but I can assure you that the manual is authentic, and was printed for the purpose of introducing the selectee to the conspiracy. It has been authenticated by four different technical writers for Military Intelligence, one just recently retired who wants very much to have this manual distributed throughout the world, and one who is still employed as an Electronics Engineer by the Federal Government, and has access to the entire series of Training Manuals. One was stationed in Hawaii, and held the highest security clearance in the Naval Intelligence, and another who is now teaching at a university, and has been working with the Central Intelligence Agency for a number of years, and wants out before the axe falls on the conspirators.
Self-Defense Systems Using The Laws Of Energy
What we have been looking for in our publishing is public awareness of the laws of energy, active in the economy, politics, and everyday life. Our articles are written to provide us with the analysis necessary for our ability in a sense, to develop our own manuals, to use the laws of energy to develop our own strategies and defend our chosen way of life, self-reliantly, and interdependently, harmlessly, according to our desires. What could go wrong?
Plenty, if we don’t increase awareness of this manual, relative to the laws of energy. People need to formulate strategies based on real events and plans. Evaluate and if convinced make the information available for everyone to understand and use now. Now that it is clear this is a silent war, with an operational weapon targeting system, the wealth and awareness forcing, used against the 99%, can be powered down.
Great Reset, Or Great Reckoning
If a majority of Americans, whether or not they were subjected to the mRNA experiment, were aware that an updated version of this system is what is increasingly rendering their lives beyond their real control, a lot of things would begin to make sense. Their confusion was due only to their designed ignorance of the system If people had the proof of the mechanism producing their problems the system mechanism would cease to function as it does now. As the manual states, it relies on human energy to power it. It does not produce energy. It takes human resource energy through induction in the form of debt.
The 1% would face a reckoning, exacted by a majority of the 99% globally, in short order, once the weapon was powered down, and human resource energy was no longer fed into the system by an awakened majority.
If this manual’s authentic outline applying the laws of energy economically, is not the flare we send up to illuminate the battlefield, in order to reveal the present situation to the public and organize intelligent resistance in a war against us, what is a better tactic at this point? This weapon is the predicate of all other issues connected to the problems in the system, alarming the public. It presents a realistic framework to gauge current events, individual actions, opportunities, and decisions, now necessitated.
Let It Be Known
Letting it be known involves a fact-check first for yourself and then a war against the official fact-check media machine. Publications like The Lawful Path will need to reestablish their facts and sources for the public to re-examine. If those in the 99%, having verified it sufficiently for themselves simply print the full document and credit The Lawful Path or another credible source, then share it on the net or in print, it will overwhelm the normal fact-check sites, hit piece tactics, and attack points strategy.
I believe everyone should wrap their heads around this, and once they get it, get it out there.
Fun On Fox and the Silent Weapons System
Let’s switch gears and repurpose for the fun of it. I could have picked geoengineering, the W.H.O., or a lot of other topics to illustrate a modern use of the silent weapon. But I went pop.
Britney Spears
Without question, she is a highly trained dancer. Likely the subject of early DARPA human gestation and prenatal development experimentation. With all the characteristics of someone engineered to dance while in the womb. Perhaps secretly developed and then contracted by the government to the Disney Corporation, based on a private ultrasound audition, of her movement in the womb to the song, We Are The Merry Mouseketeers. Nonetheless, she became a pop feature and a Disney creation of the late 20th century. No matter what else you might say about her career in Disney Corp., she was produced.
Knife And Sword
Knife dances are an old tradition. Dancers who create and perform dances with knives, swords, etc., even if unsharpened as props, and do them well are considered to have a special talent. So, she is doing a pop culture iteration. She was groomed to be a dancing, elite agenda icon, singing and dancing to disrupt the traditional culture for her supper. Now that she is off-message, only performing, pleasing, and profiting for herself and entertaining her fans, she has become, disturbing.
Britney Spears gets police welfare check after disturbing knife video
'Crossroads' star Britney Spears filmed herself dancing with knives on Instagram
I think a clearer headline would read;
Knife Dance Prompts Investigation By Authorities. JUGGLERS WORRY THEY MAY BE NEXT
Disney has been stealth-developing, its successful model for grooming children and the youth as an entertainment product to now imagine a new magic kingdom world of adventure, never before possible for so many. A county in Florida heard about some of their secret pilot projects. Oops. Stealth no more.
Hundreds busted in human trafficking operation — including Disney employees
I guess these stories are designed to captivate the systematically dumbed-down. These two stories are MSM distractions and manufactured weaponized reactions. Distributed for the manipulation of information and intelligence, as energy. The media monitors for and identifies mass emotional reactions and then induces them into visceral attention vectors. to distract the public from the real events occurring.
What is really occurring is. The investigation will never bring down the 1%, and cannot be allowed to. The media is the human energy inductor. Messaging the arrests induces the public to believe the system is working for them. The knife story is really meant to induce speculation about what happens to outliers.
Action, Reaction
The limited power of investigation and prosecution exercised in Florida was authorized at the county level. As knowledge of the ongoing use of the silent weapons system on the public increases, more people in more counties in America will have the basis to demand implementation of their county’s authority, Constitutionally available, both in use and currently dormant, to investigate and round up suspected criminals, for actionable prosecution and sentencing. Participation in the use of this silent weapon system has never been approved by vote through the Constitutional process and is a crime.
If you can refute Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. An introductory programming manual. OPERATICS RESEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL. TM-577905, please, do us all a favor and enlighten us. If this is a fool’s errand let us know how it is. Otherwise, if you get what’s going on, then get it out to everyone you can, and let it be known.