Thanks for the share. I am halfway through watching the video now. It is very complicated. Even if you have been exposed to this content and terminology from researching and investing in crypto, regenerative, and permaculture methods. And all the rest she talks about. It is hard for me to recite it backward and forwards, inside and out, and explain it to myself, in my own everyday language, and thus write about it competently, to my standard, as I need to in order to justify the effort and not sell IRUUR1 short. I want to, but I have terrain problems.
I need to have touched the terrain a little to transact conceptually and every other way, in the medium. It doesn't take much. I can grasp AI easily because back in the day, I bought a Commodore 64 and learned Commodore Basic. Once I made a few pixels move around and some ABC option things happen with a few dirt simple strings of code, I understood how the 1s and 0s in computers have to work, including AI in order to function. I have done organic gardening and dug a well so that terrain is covered. Done alright in Ethereum and other crypto so I've traversed that terrain., safely enough not to hurt myself too badly. But there is a missing piece. of terrain.
Perhaps I need a job at a bank or an experience like that. I need to be able to see all these layers, of financial incentives from open-source code, different investors in smart contracts forming large investment pools affecting the price and functionality, different crypto tied to regenerative farming, and so on in motion. If I had a puny assignment job doing research for a bank or finance company that made buying and selling decisions for different crypto assets, and blockchain strategies, where I could simply ask questions about the decisions the firm makes relative to the broader market Blackrock and the central banks, and witness at some level results of our firm's collaboration with the crypto blockchain designers, I would see enough to write about it inside and out, on a basic, scalable, conceptual level in a couple of months.
Can You Help Me? LOL
Since I don't see a finance job opening for me at present, the next best thing is physical contact, conversations shared activities with someone in banking, who would talk shop. The second half of the video may help. I'll begin to approach the CBDC mechanisms like I do peer review studies and reports on them, till I start to see the patterns of terms with applications. Eventually I'll get it.
Thanks for the very thought provoking response, Alison is deep dive mind for sure , I keep it simple , anything these devious minds come up with is more of the same, because their intention and sociopathic, psychopathic, natures have not changed, no matter how techy they want to dress it up, the system is bankrupt because they have looted it and designed it to implode after doing so, then they want to sell us on their "new scam" in a panic , as if they are going to save us.
here is your answer of what they are really up to
Thanks for the share. I am halfway through watching the video now. It is very complicated. Even if you have been exposed to this content and terminology from researching and investing in crypto, regenerative, and permaculture methods. And all the rest she talks about. It is hard for me to recite it backward and forwards, inside and out, and explain it to myself, in my own everyday language, and thus write about it competently, to my standard, as I need to in order to justify the effort and not sell IRUUR1 short. I want to, but I have terrain problems.
I need to have touched the terrain a little to transact conceptually and every other way, in the medium. It doesn't take much. I can grasp AI easily because back in the day, I bought a Commodore 64 and learned Commodore Basic. Once I made a few pixels move around and some ABC option things happen with a few dirt simple strings of code, I understood how the 1s and 0s in computers have to work, including AI in order to function. I have done organic gardening and dug a well so that terrain is covered. Done alright in Ethereum and other crypto so I've traversed that terrain., safely enough not to hurt myself too badly. But there is a missing piece. of terrain.
Perhaps I need a job at a bank or an experience like that. I need to be able to see all these layers, of financial incentives from open-source code, different investors in smart contracts forming large investment pools affecting the price and functionality, different crypto tied to regenerative farming, and so on in motion. If I had a puny assignment job doing research for a bank or finance company that made buying and selling decisions for different crypto assets, and blockchain strategies, where I could simply ask questions about the decisions the firm makes relative to the broader market Blackrock and the central banks, and witness at some level results of our firm's collaboration with the crypto blockchain designers, I would see enough to write about it inside and out, on a basic, scalable, conceptual level in a couple of months.
Can You Help Me? LOL
Since I don't see a finance job opening for me at present, the next best thing is physical contact, conversations shared activities with someone in banking, who would talk shop. The second half of the video may help. I'll begin to approach the CBDC mechanisms like I do peer review studies and reports on them, till I start to see the patterns of terms with applications. Eventually I'll get it.
Thanks for the very thought provoking response, Alison is deep dive mind for sure , I keep it simple , anything these devious minds come up with is more of the same, because their intention and sociopathic, psychopathic, natures have not changed, no matter how techy they want to dress it up, the system is bankrupt because they have looted it and designed it to implode after doing so, then they want to sell us on their "new scam" in a panic , as if they are going to save us.