This paragraph in your wonderful above substack is ALL IMPORTANT. Though I have spoken about this for years and am not a party to its results [having no SS#] , most do NOT UNDERSTAND THIS . I still cannot prove or discover IF there was ANY LAWFUL authority, or Constitutional provision or any lawful legislative power to do this . Was it complete fraud? Was it simply manipulated by bankers bribing "elected officials", was this never challenged up to SCOTUS LEVEL? Was this simply done because the CIVIL WAR ended the original REPUBLIC , AND THE EMERGENCY powers declared by Lincoln NEVER SUSPENDED? More questions as well . I have have yet to find a LEGAL EXPERT who could answer these questions. Who would know, Dershowitz, that perverted warped "expert" who believes everyone should be force vaxxed by gov .? Im hoping some legal genius here will comment. SK

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Excellent collection thanks for making it easy to email the exit the WHO.

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